My Toy Story


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But then, just as I was beginning to think she would torture me forever, she placed the tip of the vibrator at my entrance and pushed hard, thrusting it right inside me and then holding it there with her palm flat across the base. I'd never felt that before, the sensation of a sex toy vibrating inside my body, and my reaction was immediate. I came, for the second time that day and the just second time in my whole life if you discount masturbation, I climaxed.

It was that same powerful feeling, the same intense sensation of warmth and pressure that kept on growing until it overflowed to send torrents of sheer ecstasy washing along my nervous system. I couldn't help it, I reacted in just the same way as before, calling out my pleasure, my body jolting and juddering as my nerves overloaded, and then finally collapsing back in my seat, shaking as if naked in a snowstorm and grinning like a mad woman.

'See, told you that you could,' Karen laughed at her own success.

'Okay.' I gasped. 'You were right. But I couldn't take another like that for a while.'

She giggled again, the same musical giggle that I'd heard earlier. 'I wouldn't expect you to. Just relax for a bit.'

She leaned over for the wine bottle, her gorgeous breasts dangling temptingly as she topped up our glasses on the table beside me, emptying the bottle. We sat drinking our wine, completely naked, and as Karen showed no signs of wanting to cover up, then neither did I.

'I enjoyed seeing you come.' She said abruptly, making me blush.

'I enjoyed it too.' It was true, I had. But I suppose with never having orgasmed that way before, it was such a mind-blower that any circumstances would have been enjoyable

'Would you like to see me come?'

That was out of the blue, something I'd really not expected, and it took me a few seconds before I could answer, and even then I answered before I'd thought it through. I should have understood what it entailed, but I didn't.

'I'd love to.'

'Here you are then.' She handed me the vibrator and opened her legs. 'Will you help me out? Doing it to you has got me so bloody hot I've just got to get off.'

My mouth opened to object, but my hand closed around the vibrator and I felt the most amazing surge of excitement, and so I closed it again. It was way outside of my comfort zone to use a vibrator on another woman, but I discovered abruptly that I wanted to do it. In any case, after what she'd done for me by helping me it was a small price to pay even if I'd found it distasteful, which I didn't. I twisted the base of the vibe, turning it on as I had seen her do, and leaned over to use it on her.

'No, kneel in front of me, it'll be easier.'

I did as I was told, crouching before her rather then kneeling, with one hand on her thigh to steady myself. At first I just looked at her pussy. It was different to mine, not that I'd ever seen mine from this angle and so close up. For one thing her pubic hair was sandy coloured and relatively sparse compared with my own dark bush, and for another her inner labia were longer, making a sort of delta shape around a relatively prominent clitoris. Fleetingly I remembered I'd once been told that the bigger a girl's clitoris, the bigger her climax, and for a split second I felt almost jealous, until I realised that a climax bigger than the two I'd just had would be too much anyway. Her outer labia were quite large too, although I think a lot of it was puffiness from her arousal, and she was certainly aroused because her vagina was visibly open and very wet from her juices.

I raised the vibrator and rather gingerly placed the tip onto her clit, feeling her jerk as the vibrations hit her. It was nice to get such a positive reaction, because I was more than a little bit apprehensive about using it on her, unsure of exactly what to do.

'Yes, that's nice.' She whispered, smiling down, her hands closing over her own breasts. 'Just play with me with it.'

I did then as she had done earlier, running it up and down her slit, from her vagina to her clitoris and back, probing under her clitoral hood with the tip, feeling her jump from the sensation, then using it to investigate her folds and run around the entrance to her hole. I was unexpectedly enjoying myself, using the sex toy on her, and I loved hearing her pleasure sounds, the little gasps and grunts that she made as I traced her slit. I felt almost superior when I could tell that she was getting hotter and hotter as a result of my actions.

In my mind was the memory of her slamming it right inside me when I was on the verge of coming, and I had every intention of doing exactly the same thing, and so I was taking notice of the intensity of her responses. It wasn't as easy as it sounds, for she was reacting much more blatantly than I had and I was finding it difficult to tell how close she was. I mean, I was inexperienced in almost all things orgasmic and so watching her gripping hard hold of her own nipples and twisting them made me believe that she must be close. But she wasn't, she just liked the pain, and soon her pelvis was giving little jerks and thrusts, sometimes hard enough to almost dislodge the vibe. I just hoped I could time it right, because I really, really wanted to give her the same incredible pleasure that I had enjoyed.

I was even tempted at one point to lean forward and lick her slit, knowing instinctively that it would probably make her come, and then shocking myself at the thought. I restrained myself, mentally giving myself a slap on the wrists and wondering where that impulse had come from. It must be said though, she did look enticing. Fortunately, when she got closer to coming she began to let me know, perhaps realising I wasn't skilled enough to be sure by myself, and that returned my attention to what I was doing.

'I'm getting close.' She cautioned me.

I stopped sliding the vibe along her slut and concentrated instead on her clitoris, touching the tip of the vibe to the head of her button where it emerged from its hood. She liked that, I could tell she liked that because her movements became more erratic and her moans deeper.

'I'm going to come.'

I still kept the vibe against her clit, but I readied myself to move it and ram it into her vagina. We stayed like that for a couple more minutes and then she started to twitch and jerk, her breath becoming irregular and her fingers just digging themselves into the soft flesh of her breasts.

'I'm coming.' She gasped suddenly.

I hastily trailed the tip of the vibe down her slit until it reached her gaping entrance, and just rammed it home, holding it in with my palm just as she had done.

'God yes!'

Her hips lifted from the couch and she grabbed at my free hand, holding it onto her leg and biting into it with her nails, her other hand mauling at her breast. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung open, and her forehead lined with concentration as her orgasm flooded through her. I watched, bursting with pride at my achievement, holding the vibrator inside her until her pelvis came down and stopped twitching and her eyes finally reopened. Then I just turned it off without removing it and crouched there, still holding inside her pussy. Don't ask me why I did that, I still have no idea, unless it was that I just didn't want it to end at that point. It wasn't until she placed her hand on my wrist and gently pushed me away that I finally let it slip out of her hole.

'Well, there's one thing.' She exhaled noisily through pursed lips. 'You might not have tried one before, but you've very quickly learned just how good a little toy can be.'

Remembering the pleasure it had given me, I was thinking it was more the person using it that the toy itself, but I didn't say so. My bent legs were getting stiff and so I clambered to my feet and sat on the couch beside her before I answered.

'It's better than my last boyfriend, that's for sure.' I didn't mention that my last boyfriend had also been my first boyfriend.

'Oh, they're more reliable than any man.' She smiled. 'More variety too.'

'More variety?' I knew they came in different shaped and colours, but as far as I knew were all basically artificial penises. 'How many varieties of cock can there be?'

She giggled for a moment and then, after a short hesitation, she stood up, reaching for my hand to pull me to my feet too. 'Come on, I'll show you something.'

Feeling very exposed I looked to find my panties, but she shook her head, pulling me towards the door. 'You won't need your clothes yet.'

I followed her up the stairs, watching her shapely bottom move before me and feeling a completely inappropriate buzz of excitement at the thought that she might be taking me to her bedroom.

She was, and it was a lovely feminine room with pastel colours and soft furnishings, all set off with swags of pink material draped above the windows and over the double bed. I liked the room, especially the bed, with its lace trimmed pillows, duvet and valance. I couldn't help but notice that it was laid with two sets of pillows, however. So although Karen wasn't married, she obviously didn't always want to sleep alone. She led me across to an old cherry wood chest of drawers that stood beside the bed and pulled open the top one.

'Take a look.'

I looked, and my mouth dropped open with surprise. It was full of sex toys. As I might have expected, there were several vibrators of different size and colour, but that was not all by a long way. I didn't know the names of them then, but I saw a pair of chrome balls tethered together with a short string, an egg shaped one with a kind of long pink tail, one with twin shafts in parallel, a long purple one that looked as though it were made of a kind of jelly and seemed to have a cock head at each end, and more besides.

'You see?' She asked. 'There's quite a variety.'

'Yes, isn't there.' I gasped in wonder. 'I wouldn't know what to do with most of them.'

'Well, they're fairly self explanatory. This one for instance.' She picked up the twin one. 'This is if you happen to like both holes filled at the same time.'

When the penny dropped I gasped audibly at the thought.

'And the egg.' She went on. 'Which has a separate remote control around here somewhere? You put that inside you under your clothes, then either you or someone else can switch it on anytime, and nobody about you is any the wiser.'

'Someone else?' I couldn't quite get my head around that.

'Yes, if you've got the nerve. Give it to whoever you're with and then they can turn it on, and turn you on, wherever you are. Even at the supermarket checkout if they're mischievous enough. It can be quite exhilarating.'

'My God.' I was certainly getting an education.

She paused, as if weighing something up. 'Did you notice this one?' She pulled out what looked like a vibrator in a tangle of straps. I hadn't noticed it, but now I watched while she sorted the straps out and then held it in front of her pubes. 'This one is for one girl to use on another.'

She stopped at that point as if waiting for me to say something, but I was just standing staring at her and it while all the bits fell heavily into place. I looked again at the layout of the bed, and then I looked at the strap-on dildo, and my mind's eye saw again the double ended toy, one end for each of two girls I suddenly realised, and I put it all together. Suddenly I knew what she was, and shockingly, I recognized what I was - and still am. No wonder sex with boys didn't hold any charms for me.

'You...' I began, stuttering. 'You... You're into girls, aren't you?'

'Yes.' She smiled at my confusion. 'I thought you'd understood. And so are you, aren't you?'

'I'm not sure.' I was pretty sure, but the discovery was so sudden that I just didn't want to say it out loud. 'Maybe.'

'And Tia?' I asked abruptly, hurting as understanding came. 'She's not just your housemate, is she?'

'No.' Karen shook her head. 'She's not just my housemate. She's my lover.'

I fell silent, just standing trying to take it all in, wondering about myself more than anything. I knew Karen was right, and it was making sense to me that I had lesbian inclinations, I'd looked at other women and found the attractive often enough, and I'd even been eying Karen's breasts up only a short while before, so why hadn't I acknowledged the truth? It had taken a sudden pang of jealousy about Karen and Tia to bring it home to me. I guess being gay was difficult to admit to myself when I'd ducked the truth all this time.

Karen stood and looked at me, obviously wanting me to accept what had happened but not knowing quite what I was thinking, and then getting completely the wrong end of the stick.

'Don't worry.' She said finally. 'We're not exclusive to each other; we have an open relationship. She knows that you're calling around this evening and she knows what I hoped would happen.'

That made it all the worse. Karen had seen my gay tendencies before I had, and that just made me feel ridiculous. Why hadn't I known it myself? I didn't mind what I was, in fact the knowledge of it made me feel more relaxed about things that had been bothering me for years. I had known, I just hadn't let myself admit it, and now I felt so stupid for hiding it from myself when it was so obvious to other people. I felt my eyes prickle and suddenly tears were streaming down my face.

'Oh baby.' Karen dropped the dildo and moved forward, her arms outstretched. 'Don't cry.'

I'm not sure that she understood what I was crying about, and for that matter at that moment I'm not absolutely sure I was either, but I found myself stumbling into her embrace and sobbing into her shoulder. When I thought about it later I realised I was crying from the shock of self discovery, the sudden revelation of what I'd been hiding from myself and supposedly from the world, and the absolute relief of bringing it into the open, and silly as it may sound, from the sudden understanding that I could have a normal physical relationship, albeit with someone of my own sex.

My crying jag didn't last long, but whilst it did Karen stood there and held me close, murmuring meaningless comforting noises into my ear and stroking my hair until it subsided and I stood there, snuffling and feeling foolish.

'I'm being silly, aren't I?' I whispered finally.

'Not if it helps, no.' She reassured me, one hand running quietly up and down my back.

We stood together embracing silently, the contact reminding me, now that I was noticing things again, that we were both still naked. I could feel her breasts against mine, firm nipples pressing into my skin, and the soft swell of her belly touching my own. I could even feel the light touch of her pubic hair. It felt good, reassuring and right. I began to stroke her back, feeling her soft skin under my hands, and she responded by doing the same. I pulled my head back and looked at her, seeing her eyes full of warmth and concern. She leaned hesitantly towards me, unsure of what my response might be, but I had been thinking the same and my mouth came forward to meet hers.

That kiss lit the fuse. That's the only way of putting it. It unleashed the need in her that she had held back all evening and the hunger in me that I'd suppressed for so very much longer. It was a bruising, all consuming kiss. Our lips mashed together, mouths were open, tongues probing, dancing, merging and fencing. We pushed ourselves hard into each other, our hands roaming over backs, legs thrust between legs and our torsos squirming in an effort to get even closer. The bed was behind us and it was inevitable that we would fall onto it. I landed on my back and she half on top and half beside me. I spread my legs and pulled her over me, wanting to feel her body pressing me into the bed, wanting to envelop her between my thighs, wanting, I suppose, to unashamedly fuck her.

She didn't land quite how I expected her to, but then that's probably because she knew more than I did. She ended up on top of me with one of her legs between mine and one of mine between hers. A little wriggle and she had us each with thigh pressed against pussy. Her lips found mine again and as we kissed she started to thrust, deliberately rubbing her pussy on my thigh and at the same time rubbing her leg against my pussy. I soon became aware of wet juices on my thigh where her pussy was rubbing back and forth; telling me how much she was enjoying what we were doing. It was getting to me too, the thrill of what we were doing, so new to me, made me gasp into her mouth with the sheer joy of it. Very soon I felt the signs of yet another orgasm growing inside me, but this one would be my first from making love with another girl, and I could tell it was going to be a strong one.

In the end it happened to her before me. She came hard, gasping loudly into my ear, pushing herself so forcefully onto my leg that I had to push back as much as I could just to stop her pressing it down. But I didn't mind, in fact it gave me a buzz to know that she'd been able to use me to reach a climax, and so I just held tightly on to her as she went through it, feeling my own building in the background.

Happily she didn't just collapse on top of me, or roll away from me, when her orgasm finally subsided. She must have known I was getting close, because she purposely held her leg tight up against my pussy to let me rub myself off on it. She held me just as tight as I'd held her, so that I could feel her body on mine, firm breasts and hard nipples pressing against my skin, warm belly touching mine and sliding on it as we thrust against each other. She kept her hands hooked under my shoulders to keep me close and then, as her breathing returned to normal, she began to whisper encouragement in my ear, telling me how nice I was, how lovely my legs felt, and how glad she was that I was there.

'Me too.' I managed to answer that one.

'Are you going to come?'

'Yes.' I gasped. She knew I was, she only asked to make me say so.


'Very soon?' I nodded beneath her, staring up into eyes gazing back like bright emeralds in her face.

She smiled, parting her lips and then licking them sensuously as I rubbed myself faster and harder on her leg.

'I'm coming.' I told her, feeling the pleasure about to spill over into my long awaited climax.

She didn't say anything, she simply fastened her mouth over mine, forcing her tongue between my lips, knowing that I would have to come as she kissed me. I did come, as hard as ever, gasping and moaning into her mouth, gulping for air around her lips, and jerking and shuddering beneath her. The sensations were so powerful, so overwhelming, that I almost expected Karen to be feeling them as well. As it was, she must have felt my nails raking her back and even the roughness of my pubes scraping back and forth over the tender skin of her thigh. But she didn't complain, she simply held me and kissed me until it was over and I subsided, panting for breath and trembling like a leaf. Then she rolled to one side so that we lay next to each other, gazing tenderly at each other with her hand finding mine.

We lay like that for a few minutes and then, as if by some signal, we turned and wrapped our arms around each other.

'Was it worth calling for that coffee?' She asked with a smile. 'You know - the one you never got.'

'Was it ever.' I told her in all seriousness. 'You have no idea how good this has been for me, no idea at all.'

She didn't have, she couldn't have, any idea what the evening had meant for me. How could she have known that I had been able to be myself, to relax and enjoy my sexuality for the first time in my life? It had been a shock, an eye-opener, and it had been emotionally draining, but it marked a turning point after which I no longer had to deny myself to anyone, not even myself. A lot of things have happened since that night, both with Karen and with others, but I will never forget my first lesbian session with that beautiful redhead.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I'mreally sorry.....

That can't rate this higher than a five. :-)

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uover 9 years ago

My Toy Story is more like "My Coming Out Story." What a lovely way for a "baby-lez" (just 18) to be awaken to her sexuality. Thanks Otazel, this was a good read

J-StrokeJ-Strokeover 9 years ago
A very pleasant read.

From the start I found this a very well crafted story my only complaint being I wish the build up could have been a bit longer. Perhaps a little deeper character developement before the beginning of their evening together. The sex was very intense, each scene well written. I enjoyed how her inner thoughts were often in conflict what she allowed to come out of her mouth. Nice story hope for more.

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