My Sweet, My Dear, My Darling

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A story of what we are willing to do for those we love.
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I know what my Darling likes. It isn't something I completely understood or shared a fetish for, but for my Darling, I would do anything. His happiness is my only concern, not backwards social conventions.

We arrived at the party a little late and our friends had started the revelry without us. As well they should. It had been quite a while since we'd all gotten together. Not everyone at the party was a swinger, so it wasn't quite that type of party. But our group was very open minded. It wasn't uncommon for a bunch of us to sit on the couch and cuddle, or more. It was all fine, for the most part, as long as no one asked too many questions.

The evening wore on and the drink continued to flow. As the wine began to take hold of my senses, I set my plan into motion. With a knowing look, I left my Darling, walking across the room. I shook my ass as best I could to draw his attention. When I was confident he was looking, I tapped a beautiful little brunette on the shoulder. Smiling, I put a hand around her waist.

"May I?"

Before waiting for an answer, I kissed her long and deep. She was delicious, cherry sweet as her tongue darted to mine. It wasn't a secret she'd had a crush on me for a while now, and the passion of her kiss only confirmed that. A quick glance to my Darling told me everything I'd done had worked according to plan. Now, for the fun part. When I knew I had her on the hook, I broke the kiss, whispering in her ear.

"Join me upstairs in five minutes."

She nodded hungrily as I walked towards my Darling, passed him, and up the stairs. He followed, of course. I made sure my ass was in good view of him, shaking it a little, just in case.

On the landing, away from prying eyes, I turned and pounced. My prey was helpless as I wrapped him in a deep and hungry kiss. Hugging his neck, I pulled him to speak low and hot into his ear.

"Do you like the way your sister tastes?"

He responded just as I knew he would. I do know my Darling, so.

A needy growl escaped his lips as he kissed me even deeper, scooping me up, forcing me backwards into the bedroom. The waiting bed creaked and groaned as I landed upon it. But now was not the time. Not yet, anyway.

"Patience, love. Give it time."

I looked to the door as I heard soft foot steps. Pointing to the waiting chair, I directed my Darling to it. As he sat, his gorgeous sister entered with her boyfriend, still flush. God, did I have an effect on that girl. Posturing myself on the bed, I gave my best 'come hither' look to my Darling's delectable sister.

"Come here, my Sweet. Come play with me."

Her eyes darted to the chair where her brother sat, half obscured by the dark, which was probably a good thing. Knowing him, he was probably sweating already and more than a little hard. I could see his hands rubbing his thighs nervously.

"Don't mind him, dear. Your big brother's just here to keep us safe. Isn't that right, love?"

He nodded deeply. Even through the dark, I could just make out his teeth sunk into his lower lip. That was all the encouragement I needed. Her boyfriend nodded in approval, pressing a small kiss to her temple before joining my Darling in a darkened chair.

I took my Sweet gently into my arms. A small kiss was all it took for her to melt completely. A squirming puddle of nerves, she fumbled at the buttons on my sweater, nearly tearing it from me. A gentle touch and calming words began to steady her hands, making her motions smooth and purposeful.

She moaned into my mouth as my hands found her warm belly. I looked down as I lifted her shirt from her. The tan of my flesh looked so much darker against the pale of hers. White, like newly fallen snow. I called a squeak from her lips when I found her small, firm breasts.

Our tongues continued to play as I lay her down, her beautiful dark hair cascading across the light bed spread. My lips began their journey from hers, down the slender neck, passed the strong collarbones, between the light pink tits, along the heaving ribcage, stopping at the soft belly.

My eyes again darted to my Darling. His fingertips were now buried into the softness of his thighs, trying to stop himself from becoming too aroused. His actions were not unnoticed by his sister's boyfriend. He shot him a lustful smile. He knew very well my Darling's feelings and desires. In fact, the only person who didn't seem to know was currently growing wetter and wetter at my touch.

My hands found the snap on her jeans. They slipped easily from her tiny hips as she bucked up. She had such a small frame, so easy to command. My, I was going to enjoy her.

The lace of her panties barely concealed the thin strip of dark hair leading to her pussy. A few more hot kisses pressed to her skin and my mouth was just north of the soft fabric. Her body practically sang as it reacted, begging to be set free.

Another look to my Darling. He was now openly rubbing at his crotch. Poor boy, looked as though he was close to bursting already. I gave a look to my Sweet's boyfriend. A wide grin was plastered across his face as he leaned forward, elbows on knees. I smiled over at the man allowing me to share his girlfriend.

"Do you mind, my Dear? I so wish to taste her."

"Please do," he replied, turning to face my Darling. "What's mine is yours. And yours, mine." The comment was most definitely not directed to me.

My Sweet was still breathing heavily beneath me, her pale skin beginning to flush a deep scarlet. I laughed softly as her thighs rubbed and moved together, trying desperately to satisfy the need between them. Of course, I was more than happy to oblige. Two fingers carefully pushed aside the pink lace as I bent over. Her other lips tasted just as good as the ones I had already kissed, if not better. Her moan turned into a throaty prayer as my tongue found her little clit. What a delicious little treat, all that squirming and groaning. How I love to please others, and, oh my, was I pleasing my love's little sister, so.

My hands slowly traveled to her inner thighs, spreading them to allow me better access. She was more than willing to permit me, opening up so wide I thought she may do a full split right there on my face. Her hands began to tangle into my thick, dark hair, begging me faster, wetter, deeper. I could have stayed in that delectable heaven all day, but there was work to be done.

The work of my tongue alone was enough to elicit a small crest from my Sweet. Not enough to fully cum, but certainly enough to lust for more. Coming up for air, the eyes of my Darling caught mine. He was nearly gone, simply from watching us, but I couldn't have that, now, could I? Not after all my hard work. No, he needed to be able to see my plan through to the end, even though he didn't know what the end game was. Though, I'm sure he hoped.

"My Dear, would you take over for a moment? I believe my Darling needs some... special attention."

My Sweet's boyfriend sprung from his seat without a second thought. As his hands found her dripping center, I left the two lovers to find my own. He must have been rubbing himself raw through the fabric of his jeans. My hands stilled his, looking him deeply in the eyes, pressing a sweet chaste kiss to his lips.

"You must calm, my Darling. Our fun is just beginning."

A fit of lust overtook him, causing him to grab me, pulling me into a forceful kiss. His tongue licked every last bit of his sister from me. I giggled at his efforts, pushing away from him ever so slightly. Another prayer to God could be heard behind me as his sister rose to ecstasy again. A sly smile crossed my lips.

"I know you're eager. I know you're wanting. But you. Have. To. Be. Patient."

Each word was accentuated by a light kiss to his nose and cheeks. A growl grew in his throat and was released into my mouth as he kissed me with all the passion he could muster. His voice was low and a little crazed as he whispered.

"Thank you, my Lovely. You are so wonderful for doing this for me."

My hands stroked him gently through his jeans, making his eyes roll at my touch.

"Anything for you, my Darling. Anything."

I turned to once more continue my work on the beautiful woman now underneath her short, but very attractive, boyfriend.

I say 'short.' In reality, he is of average height. But, to me, everyone is short compared to my six foot five Darling. I always feel like a small, delicate doll in his arms, instead of the tall, average built, strong woman that I actually am. He makes me feel younger and a little helpless. Both things I love feeling.

But right now, I was the one in control. The one directing the action. Not my favorite role to play, but necessary in this instance. A guiding hand to help along what nature forbids.

My Sweet was now more than a little gone from my Dear's tongue and lips. Always fun, those lips of his. He saw me approaching and backed off just far enough to allow me access. His mouth found mine and we shared in her Sweetness as he undressed me. Before I knew it, I was slipping free of my jeans, his expert hands working more quickly than I had anticipated.

A low growl was finally heard from the shadows as I bent over to fully free myself from the crumpled fabric. For good measure, I shook my little ass one more time. That did the trick. The chair made a horrible dragging noise as my Darling launched himself from it. My breath caught in my throat as he pressed behind me, wrapping me in those arms and pulling me upright. The heat of his girth begged release from his jeans as he spoke hot and low in my ear.

"You're a damn tease, you know that?"

Lips curling into an evil smile, I turned to face him, my hands starting work on his zipper.

"Then take me, my Darling. Show me how much my teasing has worked."

My Darling had me close to the edge within moments. He could always get me there quickly and keep me right at the edge for long periods of time. One of his many talents. His sister and her boyfriend paused for a moment, taking in our spectacle.

My God, he could go deep within me. As I moaned his name, and he mine, I could feel him building to burst. But I wasn't the focus this time around. Reluctantly, I pushed to stop his wonderful hips from moving. I didn't want to, but it was necessary. We'd come this far. We had to see it through.

Looking over to the other lovers, I saw they had started their motions once again. My Sweet began to sit up, her pleasure coming to a peak once more. Her boyfriend had many talents, too, it would seem. I desperately wanted to explore them. But, again, not today. I moved behind her, propping her up, my naked breasts pressed against her now sweating back. Straddling her, my hands wrapped their way around her body, finding her breasts, teasing and playing.

Her lover continued his work between her legs as my Darling moved behind me. For a moment, the thought crossed my mind that I was the only thing grounding him. The only thing helping him to remember that this was, in fact, real.

Pressed hard against me, I felt the full strength of his arousal, still damp with my juices. A deep moan escaped me as his fingertips traveled slowly from my knees, across my thighs, up my sides and back down again. It did not escape my attention that with each pass, more of his fingers were tracing the length of his sister, and less on me. His breath began to hitch as he felt the softness of her pale, flushed skin.

Another rise to ecstasy was heard from my Sweet (my, he was good!). I seized my opportunity as she crested. Forcefully, I took my Darling's hands and dragged them to his sister's flesh; one on her belly, the other to her small, high breast. His gasp was covered by a lustful shriek from his sister. She no longer knew whose hands were whose. And I seriously doubt she cared.

My Darling's hands were hesitant at first, but a little coaching from me got them kneading and rubbing and tweaking in all the right places. My Dear looked up, noticing the hands on his lover had changed. We exchanged a knowing grin as my Dear's fingers found purchase in her hot, wet hole.

My Sweet's eyes were shut tight against the burning desire rising in her chest. She didn't notice when her boyfriend took her brother's hand in his, leading it down to where his fingers played. A physical shutter wracked my Darling's body as he made contact with her pulsing sex. I was very surprised he didn't burst right then against my back.

I did my best to slip discreetly from between the taboo lovers, not wanting to break their connection. We stepped back to watch the show, her lover and I. We watched for quite some time before retiring to a chair to take care of our own needs. I sat quietly riding him as we looked on at the sinful pairing.

For the briefest moment, I thought all was lost. She had opened her eyes, looking back at the owner of the hands affording her so much pleasure. As their eyes met, a small spark of fear shot through my Darling. Would she reject him? Scream in disgust and horror? I breathed a sigh of relief when she reached up to lovingly stroke his cheek. I didn't know what thoughts were passing through that pretty little head of hers. Perhaps she was too engrossed in pleasure to care. Perhaps she'd had the same desires, and fears of telling him so. Whatever the thoughts, they must have been good ones. The display that followed was by far the hottest thing I had ever witnessed.

She pushed herself back against his hand, a throaty moan of pure animal lust tearing at her lips as she continued to gaze at her brother. There was no hesitation in her eyes. Only lust, uncaring and in need of fulfilment. She turned towards him slowly taking my Darling's cock into a shy, shaking hand.

As she began to pump and tug about his arousal, her eyes closed, leaning in. Her mouth was so close to his now. She whispered something I couldn't hear. He whispered back before grabbing her, lifting her, and suddenly kissing her with a passion not even I had been subjected to. She pressed her firm, small tits against his chest, her hands begging at my Darling's strong back.

Moaning into the kiss, his beautiful sister shifted her hips, lightly brushing her pussy lips against his tip. The look on her face was one of begging and lust. She bit hard into her own lip as her pleasure began to build.

Over the mixed sounds of heavy breathing and wet friction, I heard her speak low and hot.

"Say it, brother. Tell me what you want."

His groan was animal as he took her hips. My Darling pulled her against his arousal as I rode my Dear even slower, intent to witness that which I knew to be coming.

"I want you, sister. I want inside of you."

With a small squeak of desire, his sister lowered herself onto his wanting cock. I knew the moan of passion that came from her lips all too well. Just the thought of what she was feeling deep within her walls made mine ache that much more.

I sped my pace as she started hers. Slow and purposeful. She wanted to feel every pulse, every throb, every thrust. She wanted to remember every moment, and I didn't blame her. My Dear was becoming just as aroused as I was, his fingers finding my clit and beginning to play. My Sweet and I began to sing together in our pleasures.

If the act of love making blurs the lines of where one partner begins and the other ends, then they threw them out altogether. My Darling rested back, allowing his loving sister to adjust herself physically and mentally to his intrusion into her body. Her back arched as she sunk completely around him, hips resting on hips. My Darling was never one to turn down a gift, and now was no different.

With her perky little breasts thrust forward, she began to ride him slowly and beautifully. The look on her face was one of being complete for the first time in her life. As her pace quickened, she began to praise God. Then her brother. His name fell from her lips like a long awaited prayer.

As she got ever closer to the edge, she fell forward, catching herself on her outstretched arms just before his mouth. Her perfect little tits begged to be sucked as they heaved with pleasure. He gladly obliged.

I moaned at the thought of what I knew my Darling's tongue could do. I leaned back, colliding with my Dear's chest. With a pant and a whimper, I whispered into his ear. "How perfect they are, don't you think?"

The look of bliss on my lover's face was enough to push me to the edge. I rocked and moaned, my hands finding my clit as I rode wave after wave. I felt a pair of hands massaging my perky tits as a mouth nibbled my ear. "The hottest thing I've ever seen."

The two continued to move, a taboo art of love and lust, long forbidden and denied. Four hands eagerly sought the other's body, squeezing, petting, pulling, and loving within the same breath. Her moans grew louder, and lower, as she plunged herself further down the path of her unlikely lover's pleasure, my Darling's sounds speaking it's own tale of need and lust.

He pulled her head down suddenly, the sweetest lips I've ever tasted pushed against her ear in a secret plea. An almost imperceptible nod of her head, and suddenly the cries of the now doubly bound lovers raised in song as they moved with an eagerness which I knew all too well, especially with my Darling. His hips raised her taut body as his name sang from her lips in a new song, sweeter than before as she rode not only the waves of the bliss brought to her by her brother, but the waves of pleasure which he shared with her. The two moved as one orgasmic creature, need and satisfaction paired as they were together in spasmodic bliss.

As the loving siblings reached their peaks, so did we, increasing our speed to match theirs. The look on my Darling's face was enough to send me over the edge. So much love. So much unanswered need. Finally realized. It was nothing short of perfection.

I know what my Darling likes. It isn't something I completely understand or share a fetish for. But in that moment, the look of pure ecstasy on my lover's face was all worth it.

We righted ourselves, returning to the party below, a little worse for wear. Our friends knew we'd been up to something. Exactly what didn't need to be shared. It was our business and our business alone. I did observe, however, that the two siblings had never seemed closer or more loving towards one another.

On the ride home, my Darling was very quiet save for two small words spoken under his breath and barely audible over the sound of the highway.

"Thank you."

My reply was simple and heartfelt.

"For you, my Darling. Anything."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I for one don't like the idea of sharing my woman or her sharing me. So I don't like the points of this story...

goldponygoldponyabout 8 years ago

Oh, to be pulled into the depths of love, and not screaming and yelling, but blissfully

pulled into the hot and fiery emotions of sharing, doing, and lust. My darling in a VERY lucky man. My sweet is the both giver and receiver of the unspoken love that was shared. My dear was both shared and transported along with a loving "happening" that he helped create. You can almost feel the shared bliss on and over the edge their shared. Question is........will they continue the road less traveled? A following chapter could be helpful, and dazzling. Hmmmmmm....GP

JustrexJustrexabout 8 years ago
Forbidden bliss


Always such a powerful way with words, love.

Such a perfect giving soul I know you would give such a gift

if it were deeply desired and within your power.

As he said, so do I.

Thank you.


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