My Sister Made Me Ch. 20


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A few minutes later, Kelly seemed to regain control completely and laughed, her body randomly shaking. She shivered, then giggled, then shivered again.


Kelly seemed to go from being okay to being very "not okay" in the span of just a few seconds. Her body randomly shook and quivered, causing Sam to grin in pride.

"That was... holy... nngh..."

Kelly whimpered, closing her eyes and wincing as an aftershock hit her, sending her onto her back again and making her shake all over again.

Sam tried to get back to eating her pussy again, but Kelly stopped her immediately. "I c...c...can't. It's... it's t...t...too much. H...holy hell girl."

"I told you she was good," Duncan said.

"She's that good?" Kara asked, looking over at Sam and Kelly.

Kelly's body was still shaking even then. Sam smiled as she moved up the bed a bit, crawling under the covers and sighing happily as she relaxed.

Sam smiled, turning to fix a stare on Kara. Rather than be intimidated, Kara grinned and moved away from Duncan toward her.

"You sure you want to change our friendship like this?" she asked.

Sam kissed her without hesitation, pushing the redhead back in bed and starting to kiss down her body. In short order, she was down between Kara's legs and working her magic. Whimpers and moans gave way to cries of disbelief and exquisite, unfettered pleasure. Kara's orgasm slammed into her as hard as it had Kelly, and the gorgeous redhead seemed to actually pass out from the exquisite torment that Sam was inflicting upon her.

The whole while, Duncan watched Sam work, idly stroking his length and grinning.

Kara was left spasming and gurgling unintelligibly as Kelly smuggled her up close and tossed the sheets over them.

"Fuck her little blonde brains out," Kelly said, stroking Kara's red hair and smiling over at her husband.

"Grgggl," Kara said.

Duncan smirked, then slid off the bed and reached for Sam's hand. He looked at her with a confidence that she hadn't felt from very many other men, and she shivered in simmering arousal.

"Come on."

His voice was deep, like boulders tumbling deep into the ocean. His gaze was powerful, boring into her and making her feel helpless against it. He reached out, offering her his hand. She didn't feel scared though, only obedient, and very, very aroused.

She took his hand and slid off the bed immediately, ready to go wherever he wanted. Padding quietly through the house, Duncan led her to the living room where she'd been once before. He slid down to the couch and resumed stroking his cock as she stood in front of him, staring hungrily and silently begging him to give her a command.

"Would you like me to be on top, or do you prefer to be?" he asked. "Or... on your knees maybe?"

Sam didn't care. She just needed his cock inside her. This... this had to be it. This had to work for her. She knew deep down that she shouldn't be lusting after her own brother, no matter how much she yearned for his dick again.

But if Duncan could give her what she sought. Maybe... just maybe... she'd be able to quell the aching hunger.

Duncan had to be the answer.

Kneeling, she reached down and took hold of his cock, stroking for a moment before she moved closer. Starting to shake nervously from the anticipation of the moment, she took a deep breath, then felt his comforting touch on her arm.

"Here," he said, pulling her to him.

His cock slid behind her as she settled down on his lap, her smaller form dwarf by his as he pulled her to him and stared quietly at her.

"There," he said. "Not so scary anymore."

She didn't speak, didn't react, only staring at him, studying him. His handsome face seemed chiseled from stone; his beard perfectly manicured. She knew that he'd been having sex earlier that evening, and yet his cock was at full arousal.

She was helpless in his arms. He was free to do with her as he willed, and yet she felt safe. She was his to do with as he pleased in that moment.

Slowly, he began to lift her up, and she felt the immense organ slide forward to rest flat against him between the two of them. He let her ease back down, her pussy dragging agonizingly down his shaft and eliciting a low moan of approval.

"Just relax," he said. "We've got time."

She nodded, wanting to lean in to kiss him. She forced herself to be patient, determined to enjoy every second of this. He seemed to know what she craved, though, and pulled her down for a soft kiss that led to tongues sliding against each other and soft caresses.

After a few minutes of caressing and affectionate kissing, he spoke once again, his voice resonant, commanding.

"So... are you ready?"

She felt herself nodding, then felt him lifting her easily as he began to pull, his hand sliding between her legs and causing her to groan as he slid his fingers gently inside and back out again to spread her arousal around her hungry little pussy and across the head of his cock.

Then, his crown was at her entrance and his hands were on her hips, pushing down firmly, yet softly and slowly. Her mouth dropped open at the sheer, unbelievable size of him. If possible, he felt even bigger in her pussy than he ever did in her mouth or when she was just ogling it.

She gasped as he inched deeper and deeper, the spear inching inside until interminably, she felt the entire length burrowed snugly inside her tight, young pussy.

"Fuuuuuuuuck," she said weakly, shivering on him and wholly unable to do anything but sit there and just be an ornament on top of his cock.

He seemed to know exactly what need to happen though.

Gently, he began to rock her hips back and forth with his hands, slowly at first, the grinding motion causing his cock to thrust in and out ever-so-slightly and sending ripples of pleasure crashing through her.

She gasped, feeling her orgasm screaming closer, her mouth still hanging open in disbelief.

"Such a good... fucking... girl," he said, his hands still gently guiding her hips back and forth, then slowly, moving them up and down. Over and over, she ground back and forth on him, then gently up and down until she felt her body go numb. A moment later, she was lost in a sea of bliss, great waves of pleasure crashing down on her again and again. She was only barely aware of him sliding her higher and higher on his cock each time, her arms hanging uselessly behind her as he used her as his personal fuck toy.

She was spent, her body surrendering to the whims of his as he treated her like a cock sleeve. She began to imagine herself in that position until the end of time, ever sliding up and down on him until he was done with her. Her pussy was convulsing over and over as her head swam with pleasure chemicals. She felt everything and nothing, all at once. She seemed both aware and unaware of each little thing he did, his fingers on her nipples, his hand cradling her ass, his mouth on her skin.

Finally, she felt an impossible wave of pleasure wash over her, her body shaking uncontrollably as she collapsed into him. His cock burrowed snugly inside her, right up to the hilt as she weakly spasmed against his chest.

There he let her lay for as long as she had to. The powerful orgasm had caused her to lose consciousness, and she awoke feeling like it had been hours even though she'd felt the presence of his enormous cock buried up to the hilt inside her seemingly finally satisfied pussy.

She was still just an ornament on the great staff, her body just there to take his cum and be fucked.

Time seemed to slow and she closed her eyes, slowly opening them again before they closed once more.

"Come on," he said eventually, gently lifting her and carrying her somewhere warm, soft, and safe.

She felt covers being pulled over her, and as she no longer felt the presence of his cock inside her, she seemed to more keenly feel the absence of the organ. Warmth surrounded her, a soft feminine form sliding up behind her and cradling her to it, another hard, more muscular one protecting the other side.

Sleep, blissful and effortless, claimed her as surely as Duncan had.


The next morning, she awoke to find herself in Duncan and Kelly's bed. The other three were still there with her though and she shivered as she thought about the night before.

The movement seemed to stir Duncan, so she snuggled back down into position beside him, her nose nuzzling his chest affectionately.

He briefly opened his eyes and looked down at her, smiling as he recognized who she was. She moved up, kissing him softly on the lips and turning over as he began to slide on top. Her legs moved wide, urging him to slide between her thighs.

His cock was yet again hard, as it always seemed to be to her. It speared gingerly into her, quickly swelling to full hardness as he began to gently pump into her.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked.

"No," she assured him. "But you better cum this time."

He chuckled, nodding at her. "You first though."

She smiled, kissing him again. "I don't think that's going to be a problem."

True to her word, Duncan's rhythmic thrusting had her squirming quietly beneath him, another powerful orgasm causing her to nearly lose her mind. This time, though, she was able to coax him into finishing as well, his cock pumping again and again in her poor, tired pussy.

Though she'd thought for sure that the two of them had been silent, she turned and saw Kelly and Kara snuggled up together and watching the two of them fuck.

"Morning," Kara said. "You two look good like that."

Sam smiled, still catching her breath as Duncan slid off her and back into his spot on her other side.

"So... did that scratch your itch just right?" his wife asked.

Sam smiled, nodding as Duncan began to softly stroke her skin.

"Good," Kara said as she played with Kelly's hair. "After what you did to Kelly and I last night, you deserved as wonderful an orgasm as you gave the two us."

There was something in the way the two were laying that struck Sam as odd. Kelly was laying on Kara's stomach, her fingers gently caressing and stroking while Kara smiled happily and played with Kelly's crimson locks.

Sam frowned as she watched the two, Kelly turning and kissing Kara's stomach a few times, then returning to caressing it with her fingers. She looked up to see Kara smiling, even glowing.

"Wait..." she thought, beginning to piece it together.

Sam sat up and looked at the two directly, pointing at them as the question began to form on her lips.

"Kara's pregnant," Kelly revealed before she could even ask, then turned and kissed Kara's stomach again before turning back and smiling widely.

"What!" Sam cried happily, smiling widely and covering her mouth. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Thanks," Kara said, smiling as Kelly came up and kissed her on the lips. "We're beside ourselves."

"God, you guys must be so excited!"

She leaned over and hugged the two, even taking a moment to caress Kara's stomach with her own hand before moving back to lay against Duncan once again.

"I didn't know you were trying," she said. "Or was this an accident?"

"No, we've been trying," Kara said. "I've only been having sex with Duncan for a long, long time now, and since we've been a 'throuple', it's been something that we've been considering."

Kelly grinned happily. "I'm not able to bear children, so it wasn't something that Duncan and I had ever counted on. But Kara doesn't have that problem, so we all decided recently to start trying. They surprised me with the news on Monday."

"I'm so, so happy for you guys," Sam said, sliding over and kissing both of them again. "Truly."

"Thank you so much," Kara said. "Like I said, we're besides ourselves. I still can't believe it."

Sam smiled, seeing now that the beautiful look she'd seen on her friend the night before had been the glow of happiness and new life growing inside.

"What about you, honey?" Kelly went on. "You really seemed out of sorts last night. Is everything okay?"

Sam sighed deeply but nodded.

"You guys know most of the story already. I don't want to rehash old drama, but what I can say is that I had a very incredible sexual experience with someone, and I haven't been able to repeat the experience. Like, I keep having these sexual encounters, and while they are all pretty amazing, none of them are quelling this aching inside for more and more."

Behind her, she could feel Duncan's substantial erection as he pulled up close behind her, though she could tell that it had gotten softer. His strong, warm hands plied her flesh easily, and she found herself aroused again at his mere touch.

"I had sex with a friend recently, and it was so good that I basically passed out! But like clockwork, the same gnawing hunger appeared barely an hour later. I mean, my mother said that the women in our family have a very high sex drive, but neither of my sisters seem to be this controlled by it."

She glanced back, one hand moving up to caress Duncan's beard.

"And I'm not discounting what happened last night either. I don't know that I've ever had a more powerful orgasm in my life, and I can easily say that that was the best sex I've ever had. But even know I still feel like I need more. I just... can't get that one time out of my mind."

"Well, you can't talk to the guy that gave that experience to you?" Kara asked.

Sam hesitated, almost thinking about just admitting it, but then decided not to. "He's with someone, and there are complications there that I really shouldn't talk about. He's been avoiding me because of those complications. I don't think its going to be something that ever happens again."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Duncan kissed her shoulder as he spoke, his warmth seeping into her and making her feel very warm and safe. "So, is this 'hunger' why you like being in the box at The Mess Around?"

Sam nodded immediately. "It's usually enough fun for me to stave off the hunger inside long enough to last a few days, besides that fact I just love doing it. Part of me really wants to just come out sometimes and join the fun. God..." She sighed, closing her eyes and imagining being used by the whole group for the entire evening instead of just random spurts.

"But you still want to maintain your anonymity?"

She nodded at Duncan. "I guess. I don't know anymore, honestly. I mean, mom and dad are okay with me working at Double D's, and they seem to be pretty accepting of things around the house."

She began to realize how spoiled she sounded and sighed, laying back on the bed.

"I know how this sounds. I get to have sex all the time with lots of wonderful people. I even get to go up and take care of Dr. Sanderson at his office."

"Oh, you go up and fool around with Ed? That must be what Marie was talking about," Kelly said.

"I do," Sam admitted. "I really like being with him, too. There's just something about him that's arousing for me. I know that some girls don't like older guys, but that's not really a hang-up for me."

"Ed's a wonderful man," Kara said, still caressing Kelly's head. "It's easy to see why you enjoy being with him."

"I know I do," Kelly agreed. "He's a wonderful, caring lover."

Sam smiled sheepishly at them for a moment. "I know that I said I only got to have the two dicks last night, but I might have seduced him before everyone else got there."

The other three laughed along with her at that revelation.

She was about to give more details when she heard movement in the hallway, soft footsteps padding closer. She turned to look at the doorway.

"Danielle," Kara explained. "She's one of the single girls of the group. She lives with us, though she and Kelly are about to head to California for a few weeks."

"California?" Sam asked.

Kelly nodded. "It's complicated. We'll be back though. They surprised me with the news of the baby, and we decided to delay the trip a week or two."

"Morning Mommy, Daddy, Mommy!"

"Jesus," Duncan groaned as Kelly and Kara laughed.

A naked, skinny, long-haired blonde dashed into the room and knelt at the end of the bed, smiling happily as she looked at the four on the bed.

"This is a friend of mine from work," Kara said.

"Hi!" The girl was pretty, ebullient, and didn't seem to have any problem with being naked in front of strangers.

She immediately reminded Sam of Jessie, the bubbly, excitable new girl at work that everyone seemed to love, including Sam herself. She didn't know what the Daddy and Mommy things were, but given her recent sexual misadventures with her brother, she definitely wasn't in any position to judge.

"You guys having fun without me?" she asked, then pouted at them.

"Danielle has taken to calling us Mommy and Daddy for some reason," Duncan explained. "We're not though, as that would be really weird. I still don't get why she does it either."

Sam laughed easily.

"Can I please suck your cock, Daddy?" the bubble blonde asked, still pouting fiercely and apparently ignoring his explanation of her continuing to refer to him as 'Daddy'.

"I just finished having sex, silly girl."

Danielle frowned. "Well, can I clean you up?"

"Is she always so excited?" Sam asked, looking over at Kara and Kelly.

"Yes," both said in unison.

Sam suddenly felt the blanket yanked away from her and saw that Danielle had mischievously freed the four of them from it.

"Danielle..." Duncan sighed as the blonde climbed up on the bed and began to crawl toward the two of them.

Sam laughed at the sight of this seemingly spoiled brat doing whatever the hell she wanted and not listening to a single protest from Duncan.

"Danielle!" he said again, more sternly as the blonde began to try and wedge her head between Sam's thigh and his hips, presumably to get at his cock.

Danielle sat back up, her prominent frown back but with her arms crossed this time.

"You never let me do what I want!" she said. "I'm leaving soon, and you won't have a little fuck slut that wants to lick you clean."

"Yeah," Kara said, Kelly echoing the words a second later.

Sam giggled at the two, then turned and looked at him. "Yeah, Duncan. She just wants to lick you clean."

"You don't know how she can get," he protested.

Danielle grinned starting to lean forward again, but the must have spied the remnants of Duncan's cum oozing slowly from Sam's pussy. Her eyes locked on Sam's pussy, and she grinned widely.

"There you are!" she cried and pushed Sam's thigh back against Duncan, then moved right down between her legs.

"Oh... what..." Sam stammered, her eyes going wide as Danielle's lips and tongue latched onto her pussy and began to noisily suck and slurp.

"Mmmm!" the blonde moaned. "Yummy!"

Kelly and Kara both burst out laughing, Duncan joining them a second later as Sam stared down in disbelief. Danielle slid down flat to the mattress, her hands going up under Sam's thighs and helping to pull herself closer. Her lips pushed against Sam's pubic bone, her tongue driving through the trough of her pussy as she noisily slurped and swallowed. She was undoubtedly talented, that was a fact.

"What... the... fffffuck..." Sam groaned, reaching down and grabbing a handful of Danielle's hair.

"I told you," Duncan said. "Do I need to make her stop?"

Sam hesitated but then shook her head, relaxing and deciding to just go with it. She even spread her legs a little, yelping in surprise as she felt the ebullient young woman's tongue probing against her asshole while a finger slid inside her pussy.

"Ho... my... God..." Sam whined, clutching at Kara's arm with her free hand.

"Your friend tastes yummy!" Danielle cried, taking a brief moment from devouring Sam's cleft.

She was relentless, her lips and tongue never slowing until Sam's head was swimming, her orgasm peaking just as the blonde minx switched tactics. Her finger pushed gingerly into Sam's ass, her tongue sliding back up through Sam's pussy as her orgasm thundered into her.