My Sister Made Me Ch. 13


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Trailing a finger on his arm as she walked past, she winked and heard the others laughing and talking in Spanish as she left the room to go check the setup sheet. After getting set up, Sam went to her section and started to check on the guests and start her shift. After making a round, she saw Tracy talking with a sandy-haired new girl, wearing a green top and looking really excited to be there. Beckoning her over, Tracy introduced her.

"Samantha, this is Jessie Marks, she's working her first shift today," Tracy said.

"Nice to meet you," Sam said, shaking the girl's hand.

"You too!" Jessie said happily. "I'm so excited to get started!"

Sam immediately took a liking to the girl and her enthusiasm, but desperately hoped that it didn't get old. She had to admit that the girl was really pretty, and the perkiness of her attitude matched the perkiness of her top.

"If you wouldn't mind letting her shadow you for a couple of hours, I would appreciate it," Tracy said.

"Of course," Sam replied with a nod.

Jessie grinned widely, waving as Tracy turned to leave.

"Have you ever been a waitress before?" Sam asked.

The new girl shook her head.

"Not a big deal," Sam said. "I'm in this section over here."

She began to talk about the general duties that she performed, and the young woman listened intently. After making a round with Jessie standing close and watching, Sam went and stood by the waitress station for a minute.

"So, what did you do before this?" she asked.

The new girl looked at her pleasantly. "Oh, I worked in a law office as a temp. My boss was really nice and sweet but couldn't really afford to pay me anymore."

"And what brought you here?" Sam asked.

"Oh, well... honestly, it was the idea of being able to show off a bit," she said. "I'm a huge exhibitionist and I just... really love the feeling I get when people notice me."

Sam giggled. "Well, you'll fit in fine here," she said. "Did they tell you that your boyfriend won't be allowed to come in while you're working?"

Jessie nodded, frowning. "That's okay though," she said. "I get to see him a ton."

"Cool," Sam replied. "So, do you have any questions so far?"

"Yes!" she said. "I didn't really want to ask a manager and risk getting in trouble, but I've been curious about a few things."

Sam looked at her, her interest piqued. "Well, don't be shy," she said with a wink.

"Gosh, never," Jessie replied. "So, how handsy are we allowed to let the customers get?" she asked.

Laughing easily, Sam looked around to make sure none of the managers were around before answering.

"The company answer is none at all," she said. "But you're going to have folks taking liberties and grabbing things that they shouldn't," she said. "If you have a problem with it, you can let the managers know and they'll put a stop to it. As long as you're not allowing anything really inappropriate and it's just a grabbed boob or butt slap, it's not a big deal."

Jessie snapped her fingers as if she'd just remembered something. "Oh, and they also mentioned a topless section in the evening?"

Sam nodded. "There's a few girls that work it every night. After 6, we're allowed to sell the top for $50 for a half hour, or $100 for a full hour."

"Wow," Jessie replied. "People pay that?"

"God yes," Sam said. "It's a little ridiculous. I work the Friday and Saturday shifts in one of the rooms and there are some nights that I don't have a top on from 6 until closing."

Jessie grinned. "Oh, that sounds so awesome!"

Sam snickered. "Well, that's a good attitude to have about it."

"I hope they ask me to do it!" the enthusiastic newcomer bubbled.

"Well, you can always ask to be put on the list of girls that don't mind working it," Sam told her.

Jessie nodded. "That's awesome, I think I will!"

They then went about checking on their guests, and, after a couple of hours, Sam found that she really liked the new girl. Besides being ridiculously cute and funny, she was really sweet and endearing to boot. She almost began to feel a little pervy around her when she caught herself admiring the incredible body the new girl had.

Eventually, Tracy came around and fetched her, and Sam chuckled as Jessie came and hugged her.

"It was so good to meet you and thank you so much for showing me the ropes!" As Jessie hugged her, Sam was surprised at how affectionate the young woman was.

"You're welcome. I hope you enjoy it."

Jessie waved excitedly and turned, heading back with Tracy as Sam continued on with her day.

That evening, a familiar face came back, following Paris to a table in Sam's section. Taking a tray of drinks over to one of her tables, she saw Brandon from class coming in with a pretty girl at his side. Sam dropped the drinks off and made the rounds, ending up at the new table with him and his date.

"Hey guys," she said. "I'm Sam," she said, waving at the young woman.

"Hey Sam," he said, tossing her a wave. "This is my girlfriend, Zoey."

"Hey," Zoey said, looking over at her. The young woman had an odd expression on her face.

Sam nodded and saw that Zoey was staring a little too long. It dawned on her then, that the pretty young woman was attracted to her.

"It's nice to meet you," Sam said.

"Oh, yes, it is!" Zoey replied.

She turned a little red when it registered that she'd been staring, which Sam couldn't help but find endearing.

"So, did Brandon tell you that I'm in a class with him?" she asked.

Zoey nodded quickly. "Yes, I mean... I know... I knew that... already."

Sam giggled, finding the young woman adorable. She was small and mousy, with light-brown, shoulder-length hair and a slight frame, with an absolutely gorgeous pair of green eyes.

"Brandon, you have an absolutely delightful girlfriend," she said, looking over at her. "I can't believe that you're dating someone as adorable as she is."

"Hey..." he said, grinning. "I told you before, the dimples are what gets the girls."

Sam rolled her eyes. "Okay... so... what can I get you guys to drink?"

Zoey, still staring a little longer than she realized, then blushed and said, "Oh! Right, drinks."

Sam giggled. "I can come back in a second if you like," she said, amused.

"No!" she replied a little too quickly, but then blushed even more.

"That might be a good idea," Brandon said, looking at his girlfriend in confusion. "Thanks, Samantha."

"Sam," she corrected, winking at the two of them. "Alright guys, I'll be back around in a bit," she told the two.

Turning, Sam stopped at the next table, but overheard Brandon ask her, "What the hell is the matter with you?"

All she heard of Zoey's response was, "... can't help it... she's hot!"

Snickering to herself, she went about her business and made another round, then came back to the two. This time, the couple had their drink and food order, and Sam took them, still getting the adorable stares from the young woman as she wrote everything down.

"Alright," she said, gathering up the menus. "I'll get this put in and be right back with your drinks!"

A few minutes later, she went back and dropped off their sodas, then surprised Zoey by sliding down into the seat next to her.

"So, I'm just curious, but do you know that your boyfriend likes to flirt?" she asked, leaning in close to Zoey and looking at her while she spoke.

The young woman looked at her shyly, but nodded. "He's pretty incorrigible," she said, finally seeming to be able to form coherent sentences. "I'm sorry I was so... blah, earlier," the young woman said, twirling her fingers around her head and making the sign for crazy. "You're just... so pretty."

"Oh, thank you so much," Sam said as the cutie laughed nervously. "You are definitely too cute for this dork."

"Thank you," Zoey said, giggling adorably, but still nervous and blushing. "He told me that there was a knockout in one of his classes, but he didn't really do you justice. You are.... so gorgeous."

"Gosh, you're so adorable," Sam said. "I might just steal you from him and his stupid dimples."

Zoey grinned, and the two turned to laugh at his expense. Sam wasn't surprised to see him grinning widely.

"What are you so happy about?" she asked.

"My plan is coming together nicely is all," he said, shrugging.

"Plan?" she asked, looking back at Zoey.

The young woman blushed and leaned in close, cupping her hand to Sam's ear and whispered, "He wants to have... well... me... and you..."

Sam laughed out loud, then turned and sighed at him. "Oh... that. Boys," she said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes at Zoey. The young woman giggled, nodding. "What makes you think I'd be into that?"

Brandon rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he said. "She knows about this morning, Sam. Even if you aren't into girls, I had to take a chance for someone as gorgeous as you with someone as gorgeous as my girlfriend!"

Sam's expression didn't change as she stared at him, ignoring the comment that was built to win her to his side.

"Oh, that's right," she said, turning to look at the adorable young woman. "Brandon told me that you really liked that video."

Zoey turned even more red and lowered her gaze in embarrassment, but Sam couldn't help but find it even more adorable.

"Don't be embarrassed by that," she said.

Zoey took a deep breath and then had another drink of her soda. Sam snickered, then scooted out of the seat.

"Wait..." Zoey said, "Are you... coming back?" she stammered and looking up at her.

Sam snickered. "I'll be back sugar, don't worry."

Zoey grinned and then turned the same grin to Brandon, who was looking at her like she was insane.

"Shut up," she said, pointing at him.

"You tell him," Sam added. "I'll be back."

Spending a bit of time away so that Zoey could calm down, Sam went and checked on her other customers and make sure they were good and taken care of. When she was moving around the room, she saw the young woman repeatedly looking over in her direction.

"Good grief," she whispered to herself, amused at the attention she was being shown.

She had to admit that it felt really, really good to have someone that enamored with her. Still, she didn't want to cause any more drama in her life than she already had. But she couldn't deny that there was something about the young woman that she really liked.

Besides all of that, Brandon was ridiculously cute, and she wouldn't mind fooling around with him. She owed him a blowjob, didn't she? Sighing to herself, she finally made her way back over and saw that their food had been delivered. Quickly getting them some refills, she came back and sat down next to Zoey again.

"Sorry about being "timid Zoey", earlier," she said, sighing and shaking her head. "I get really nervous and flustered sometimes and..."

"It's really cute," Sam said, winking at her. "I like you too."

Zoey blushed again, causing Sam to laugh.

"Why don't you sit next to me?" Brandon suggested. "My girlfriend might lose her damn mind."

Zoey flipped him off in response and Sam laughed, turning to look at him. "Oh, I like her!" she said. "Plus, if I wanted to get groped, I'd work at a strip club," she said.

Brandon chuckled and sighed in resignation, the shook his head.

Sitting with them for a couple of minutes, conversation turned to school and normal things, and Sam looked over at Zoey more than a few times. At one point, she reached over and took Sam's hand, giggling shyly as she looked at her in amused surprise but didn't take her hand away.

Eventually, she had to leave the two alone, but Brandon made sure to ask her about getting a photo before she left.

"You know this has to stay clothed, right?" Sam asked, grinning at him.

He frowned but then grinned again. "No, I want you two in on it," he said, waving Zoey's hands away as she moved over to grab his phone.

"Oh, okay," she said, moving to stand beside Sam.

Adopting the signature pose, Sam put on her "I'm so happy" face and put an arm around the shorter girl, then surprised her by reaching down and grabbing her hand, then moving it up and placing it on her breast.

"Oh!" Zoey said, suddenly, just as Brandon snapped the picture. He grinned, looking at it a second later and showed the two.

Samantha was posed seductively, one hand holding one of Zoey's, and both atop her breast. Zoey's expression was the funniest, though, and showed a look of pure surprise on her face.

"That's perfect!" Brandon said, laughing.

Sam grinned, then winked at Zoey and went to make another round.

"So, what time do you get off?" Zoey asked, looking hopefully at her. "Maybe we could hang out some time?"

"I usually get out of here 10:30 or 11:00," Sam said, frowning. "I'm usually disgusting and sweaty, though."

The young woman frowned in kind.

"We'll just have to "hangout" after class one day," Sam said. "Maybe a day that Brandon is busy, and we aren't?"

Zoey grinned, nodding and turning her head in time with Sam to stare at him.

"Yeah, yeah," he said.

"Bye Sam," Zoey said, jamming a piece of paper into her hand. "It was great to meet you."

"You too, Zoey," she said, giggling and pocketing it.

"Call me," Zoey mouthed, winking and turning back to her widely grinning boyfriend.

"Stop jerking off to the video," Sam said, pointing at him as she mouthed the words and spoke quietly.

"I did, tell her to now!" he said, pointing at Zoey.

His girlfriend turned and looked at him in open-mouthed shock and smacked him on the arm as they left. Sam sighed, shaking her head in amusement, then went back to work.



Saturday night

After she drove off, Alex went home and didn't go to check and see if her parents were there. Hoping that she didn't find out anything, she crawled in bed and went to sleep, wanting the morning to be there so she could go and hang out with Kenny.

The next morning, she rose early and went for a run to work out some of the sexual energy that was building up. When she got back, she took a quick shower to rinse herself off and clean up a bit, making sure to wash everything, and then texted him to see what was up.

"You up?" she asked after seeing the time was a little after 10.

"Heck yeah, bring that ass," he replied quickly. "It's just me though. Did you tell Eric and Bear?"

"No, but you can if you want."

"Nah," he said. "I want you all to myself today."

She grinned, more than okay with that. "Aww... on my way," she sent. "Get that dick hard."

As she got up and got dressed, she got a text message, and quickly went to see if plans had changed

with Kenny. Checking her phone, she saw that the message was from Beck.

"Good morning! I hope you're doing okay. The guys want to know if you'll be free to hang out today."

"Hey," she sent. "I'll have to see. I'm going over to a friend's house for a bit, but I guess I should be free after that."

"Girl talk time?" Beck sent back quickly.

She rolled her eyes at the assumption. "Idiot," she said to the empty room. She'd even told him the last time she'd seen him that she was only friends with guys.

"Something like that," she replied, a little miffed at his assumption. "I'll text you when I'm done."

"Cool! Have fun!" Beck sent back.

Sighing and rolling her eyes, she set her phone down, but then sighed again when it buzzed a second time. Her attitude changed quickly though when she saw that it was Bryce.

"Yo, it's Bryce. Tell me that you're coming over today," he said. "If you aren't, I'm gonna come and stalk your ass all day."

"How did you get this number, creeper?"

"Stole if from Beck's phone," he said. "Don't you know how stalking works?"

She giggled, realizing that she was really glad to hear from him, even if it was terrible timing.

"Aww, my own special pervert," she sent. "What are you going to do, hide in the bushes?"

"I'd like to be hiding in your bush, but that depends on if I see you," he sent.

"Clever, but you know damn well I trim my bushes," she replied, not willing to be outwitted.

"Ha! Yeah, that's right, you do!" he replied. "Come on, Alex," he said. "I need to see my girl."

"Since when did we say I was your girl? Don't you want me to stay with Beck? Plus, you just said you were stalking me. I'm getting mixes signals here."

"I think we both know that you're really coming over to see me," he replied.

"Not true. Marvin, Travis, and Vince are all pretty cute. I've yet to see all of their dicks, but we'll get to that eventually."

"Are you trying to say that you don't want to be impaled on my throbbing love-spear?" he asked.

She burst out laughing at the descriptive title he'd given and shook her head. Suddenly feeling less playful and more agreeable, she paused for a moment. She felt that part of her wanted to submit to him again, and she had a flashback of how she felt when he'd slid his cock inside her at his own whims, without asking for her permission. A shiver of arousal raced through her, and she had to pause before responding.

"I never said that..." she sent. "I just know that there are alternatives available."

"That's all good with me," he said. "You'll just have to spend more time over here to work it all in."

She groaned, hearing only that he was open to the idea of sharing her. Sighing hard, she willed her pussy to behave itself for just a little longer.

"You know I'd love to head right over and let you force yourself on me," she said. "I just have other obligations to tend to at the moment."

"Business or pleasure," he asked.

She wondered if she should be honest with him, but then reasoned that if he was going to be okay with it, then she might as well give it a shot.

"Definitely pleasure," she said. "I'm heading over to my best friend's house."

"That one of the nerd friends you mentioned?" he asked.

There was no emotion in the response, so she couldn't judge if he was jealous or just being inquisitive. Still, she was happy that he'd actually been paying attention to what she was saying about her friends.

"Yep, Kenny," she said. "I usually go over there on Sundays and hang out. Kenny, Eric, and Bear usually take care of my needs and I take care of theirs."

"So, would you say these needs are of a gaming nature, or sexual?" he asked.

"Oh, both really," she sent, realizing that this was the moment that she was letting him know who she really was. A shiver of trepidation and excitement raced through her, and she bit her lip to see his response.

"So, you got a booty call from one of your boys and you're racing over to tend to his needs?" he asked.

She could feel the bravado and confidence of his presence in the message, but knew that it was his way of flirting.

"No, baby, I texted him before work yesterday, so I knew I was going to go and fuck him even when we spoke last night. You were so sweet and vulnerable; I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"Jesus Christ," he sent. "That might be the hottest... sluttiest thing I've ever read."

She smirked, wondering if her radar had been off about how he was reacting.

"Don't worry, though," she sent. "I'm sure I'll be able to handle taking on you jokers," she replied.

"God damn," he replied. "You sure are ruthless today. I can't believe you're going to go and fuck your three friends and then come and see your boyfriend and his roommate, Beck."

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head in amusement. "Jealous?" she asked.

"Insanely. Don't let those fools ruin that pussy too much," he replied. "I plan on making use of it at some point. Maybe."

She giggled but was still concerned that he wasn't buying it.

"Bryce," she sent. "I was serious when I said that being with me is going to be hard."

She didn't think she'd said that exactly, but the sentiment was the same.

"Aww, shit," he replied. "My girl is worried that her real boyfriend is going to be jealous and not give her any of that good dick!"
