My Name is Barney, Barney Fife

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The perfect life wasn't so perfect when revealed.
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My Name is Barney, Barney Fife

By Buster2U


Cuck Shit // Cuck Shit // Cuck Shit // Cuck Shit // Cuck Shit

This Story is only to be published ONLY on Literotica. All sex is by adults over 18 years old. This Story is for adults only to read. Purposely OTT


My name is Barney, Barney Fife. This is the story of Melinda and myself. We met at City College when we were both fresh out of High School, without any marketable skills. I signed up to study H-Vac and Melinda was studying Bookkeeping when we met our freshman year.

We happened to meet for the first time in the Student Union, not long after the semester started. When one day Melinda just sat down across from me.

We were both just 18 when we met, and I was stunned that she was so pretty and friendly.

No one ever told me that City College was known for young folks "hooking up" so I was not expecting any attractive young woman there to be so friendly. I decided to watch for her the next time I was there at the student union.

Learning about H-Vac systems was interesting for me, and I was determined to get a good job I focused on my studies as hard as I could. I wanted to really learn something so that I could make a good living in the real world.

Melinda was back in the student union again, the next time I was there. She was visiting with some other guys when I came in, so I just ignored her and sat by myself. But I sure was surprised when Melinda got up and joined me where I was sitting.

We started dating after that. I figured that she must have felt something like I did, when we first met. We kept seeing each other, I was surprised that I might be falling in love and it wasn't long before we agreed to be exclusive. Life was good, and getting better every day, since Melinda came into my life.

By the time we graduated with our 2-year associate degrees, we were engaged and planning on being married as soon as we both had jobs to support ourselves, after graduation.

Two weeks before the wedding I had my bachelor party. My best man wanted to hire a stripper to perform but, I nixed that idea completely. I didn't want to take a chance of doing something when I was drunk, that would upset our wonderful future life together.

However, that "word" never got to the women, and they had three male strippers at Melinda's bachelorette party. I only found out about the three strippers being at my fiancée's party by accident years later. Had I known then, what I know now about them, I would have certainly canceled the whole wedding.

Life went on, and we had a typical married life. It was so good, and we were so happy. We have three children and eventually a 4 bedroom home in a working-class neighborhood. It wasn't long before I took up golf at the urging of several neighbors and then started spending several Sundays each month playing golf with them.

Melinda is an excellent mother and always encourages the children to enjoy all the after-school activities that the children desire. She was always good at getting all the children to all their games or activities, picking them all up, or dropping them all off at the appropriate times. I don't know how she keeps track of everything she needs to do, but she is very good at it.

Then, one night just as Melinda and I were getting settled into bed, Melinda cuddled up to me, grasped my manhood, and said:

"Barney, my boss, Mr. Sherwood, needs to go to NYC on a business meeting and he wants me to go along to take notes. We would be gone for 3 or 4 days. It sounds like a lot of fun, but is that going to be 'ok' with you?" Melinda asks.

"Well, Honey, if you want to go. As long as you have separate rooms, I don't see a problem. Just don't let him feed you a bunch of drinks until you forget that you are married, please." I said through gritted teeth, showing only a forced smile.

"Oh, are you worried that my boss, would want this old Mom Bod, and try to seduce me? Hooooneeey, I am too old, and fat, for any man to desire this old Mom body." Melinda teased and kidded me.

Regardless of Melinda's quirks, I love her with my entire heart, and my entire being. She is perfect for me in every way. She is so pretty, so sweet, so gentle, and just so very feminine for me. It is so hard to understand how very much I love and need this woman in my life.

"Hardly Melinda, You are as hot as you have ever been. Your breasts are big, firm, and perky. The majority of your pregnancy weight you have lost. You still look very good to me, so don't be thinking that kind of stuff. You are more desirable than ever, to me. Now that you are 30, you are even hotter than you were when I met you at 18." I explained.

"So what are you worried that I might do? That I might do this, to my boss?" says Melinda, as she slides down under the covers and put her sweet mouth on my cock head, making my cock hard. She then after twirling her tongue, returns, to come back up face to face with me again, still stroking my cock.

"Is that what you are afraid of Honey? Or, are you more afraid that I might do this?" she says, as she throws the covers back and she climbs up on top of me, inserting my hard cock deeply in her juicy hot pussy.

"Oh Mel, I love what you do to me. Don't stop Honey, that feels so good. You are so sexy, I love only you, Mel. You make me glad to be a man when you do this. Please don't EVER give this away to another man. I could not take that kind of heartache, Sweetheart. Mel, You are everything to me." I whispered.

"I love you too Barney, You have nothing to fear. I am a happy wife, I won't ever cheat on you and I won't ever leave you, Barney. You and the kids are my whole world, and everything that matters to me." Melinda solemnly promises so sincerely and of course, I completely believe her.

"That feels so good Mel, just like that, lean forward so that I can hold your breasts, the only breasts that I have ever touched. Your DDs are perfect for me. I love you and only you with all my heart." I whispered to Melinda as we made love.

"I love you with all my heart, as well Barney. I promise I won't ever let another man touch me. I desire, need, and want only you. So never worry Sweetheart. I am yours and only yours, forever." Whispered Melinda to me.

We made love so wonderfully once again. We never make love enough for me, since the kids came along and we have to be so quiet, but I take it as often as I can get it with my lovely wife.

Friday morning I kissed my wife goodbye and left for work, realizing that I probably wouldn't see her for almost a week. My heart was saddened and I felt a little depressed.

I was tempted to hire a PI to keep an eye on her since she was going out of town with her boss. But I heard they were expensive and I had faith in Melinda to keep her panties on.

Saturday I worked in the yard as usual, and out of the blue, one of Melinda's oldest girlfriends stopped by, just before lunchtime, to check on things.

"bing bong, bing bong" goes the doorbell.

I heard someone at the front door and was surprised to see Judy Canova, one of Melinda's oldest and best friends.

"Hey Judy, what's up? How can I help you?" I smiled at Judy as I opened the front door for her, to let her come on in.

"Melinda, wanted me to stop by today, to make sure that the kids weren't too much for you. Can I come in? I brought some KFC for lunch if that is alright." Judy said, with a big smile.

"Sure, come on in. We all love KFC." I said as I opened the front door, and welcomed her inside.

Judy takes the food into the kitchen, sets it on the kitchen table, and starts putting out plates for everyone to eat. I call the kids in from the backyard to wash up for lunch.

Judy seems more flirty than usual to me. This surprises me, she comes over all the time, but she NEVER flirts with me like it seems like she is doing now. She keeps accidentally brushing up against me, rubbing her ass gently across my crotch slowly, by accident or not, it is kind of exciting.

The kids all smile and eat some chicken for lunch. After lunch, we shoo them upstairs to take a nap. This leaves Judy alone with me to clean up the kitchen, and I repay her for the cost of our KFC lunch.

"Barney, Honey. Do you mind if we have a drink? I need to talk to you about something and I need a little liquid courage to tell you what I need to say." Judy whispers to me.

"Sure Judy, Red or White Wine? Or something stronger?" I ask quietly.

"White wine will be fine, thanks," Judy says softly.

I get her wine, grab myself a Bud Light and we go sit across from each other in the family room for a little privacy. Judy takes a big drink and starts with her story.

"Barney, I feel like I have known you forever and I know you are a good man and a great husband. I want you to know that I respect you and care a lot about you. That is why I have got to tell you what I know." Judy began.


"First of all, I was NEVER going to say anything to you about Melinda's bachelorette party, I figured that it was just that one time, so it wouldn't matter in the long run. But she has continued with her cheating ways, all this time. I am so sorry Barney, I am so very very sorry, but I have to tell you." Judy whispers.

"What? Cheating?" I sat there stunned. I sincerely thought that things were good with us, so this was a very big shock to me, as my whole world collapsed.

"Yes, I am so very sorry Barney. This weekend that she is gone, she told me that she is just planning on fucking her boss the whole weekend and that they probably won't even leave their hotel room. On top of that, they didn't even leave town, they are just staying at the Ramada Inn on First Street." Judy confides to me.

"Oh, my Lord." I gasped, completely stunned.

"I also know that she has been screwing him in your bed, every time you go play golf on Sundays. I am so so sorry Barney. It breaks my heart to see her cheat on a good man like you. I just had to tell you." Judy whispers through her tears.

I am completely shocked at this revelation.

"How, how, how long have you known all this? I stammered as I sat stunned.

"I guess, Melinda, has to confer with someone, apparently it is me. She seems to tell me everything. I was there at the bachelorette party when your wife 'to-be', fucked all three black strippers at the same time, over and over all night long." Judy explained slowly.

"Wow," I whispered.

"Melinda wouldn't even let anyone else get some of that Big Black Cock. She said she deserved it all for being loyal and faithful to you for the whole year you had been going steady and engaged." Judy admitted softly.

"What?" I was more stunned than ever, hearing this I was completely shocked!

"I was just glad that she didn't get pregnant from the strippers because all three were black and she wasn't on any birth control at the time, if you remember. Her boss, is black also, if you haven't met him." Judy explained.

"No, I have not met him," I whispered.

"She seems to prefer big black cock, the most. I am so very sorry Barney, but I had to tell you this. Barney, I know that your marriage probably is over now. But please don't let Melinda know that it was me who snitched her out." Judy quietly pleaded.

"Whoa, not just my marriage is over. My whole life and my marriage is over." I cried.

"Barney, I am so very sorry to have to tell you all this. I just couldn't live with all the cheating that she has been doing. I know you are a good man. I've known you for over 10 years now, and I know in my heart that you would never cheat on Melinda. I just can't stand her constantly cheating on you." Judy softly explained.

"Judy, I sure appreciate you telling me the truth. I just don't know what to do now. Maybe I should go down to the Ramada Inn and get something to eat at the restaurant. That way I could 'bust' her when they came in there, today!" I said.

"Barney, before you do anything, I think you should consult with a divorce attorney if that is what you are thinking. You could get a P.I. to go down there and get evidence meanwhile. But, I really don't know what you should do." Judy whispered.

"Yes, I am going to do that right now. Hold on for a moment, while I check the yellow pages." I whispered.

"My ex-husband's attorney was pretty good, far better than mine was. I will get his name and number for you if you want. If there is anything that I can do for you, you can count on me. You are even, welcome to stay with me if you need to, tho Melinda probably wouldn't like that, at all." Judy said, smiling.

I got up, found the Yellow Pages, checked several P.I.s then called the first one that looked interesting. It was expensive but I had to know. They said they could start today if I got down there with a $2500 deposit today before 4pm.

I had to get the evidence. Oh, how I don't want my marriage to be over. I love Melinda so much, she is my whole life. The kids, my family, I love her with my whole soul, but this is killing me. Tears flooded my eyes an overwhelming weight that was completely crushing me.

Judy watched the kids as I drove downtown. The address I was seeking was near the old Greyhound bus station that I had been to a long time ago. I really had mixed emotions about this. I couldn't stand a cheating wife, and I couldn't lose her. What shall I do? First, get the facts, I guess.

The office was small and nondescript. Hardly noticeable at all. "Stanley Investigations" is all a small sign said when I finally found it. We chatted for awhile and I gave him some information and pictures of my beautiful wife, a $2500 check, and then I signed a contract.

He said he knew the manager there, so it wouldn't be any problem to gain access to their room, to place a hidden camera, if they left it at any time. That he would contact me when he got any information that I could use. He shook my hand and I left.

I drove back home and the kids were up and already back outside. We played some games with Judy for a while. Then Judy said she had to leave and would call me later with the lawyer's name and number.

It was getting close to dinner time when Judy called with the lawyer info, I suggested that she go with us to dinner unless she had a date. She didn't, so we got ready to go out while we waited for Judy to return.

We all went to 'Bullwinkle's Pizza' and the kids all loved the show. Robot puppets of Rocky and Bullwinkle, and all the others from that old show sang, told stories, and jokes, and played on the small stage that was on a wall.

I insisted that the kids eat a couple of slices of pizza before they got up to check out the game room. Under these conditions, we had a pretty good time. I still had no idea what I was going to do if everything Judy said was true.

If what Judy said was verified by the P.I. that my beautiful sexy wife was giving her beautiful body to other men, what could I do? How could I ever live with that? She seemed to sincerely love me, but if she did, how could she just give away my treasure, her beautiful body?

If she is giving her body to other men, that would seem to indicate that I am not enough for her and that she doesn't really love me. But what if she can't help it? What if I don't understand something? I don't want to ever let her down. She is the whole world to me.

Melinda is supposed to be back Tuesday, after work. Here it is Saturday night. My whole world is in turmoil and is teetering on the edge of destruction. I couldn't live without my kids, I don't want to live without my wife. I love her and need her so much. How can I face her when she does return?

Sunday, I realize that Melinda is going to be back soon. I have to get my act together for whatever I am going to do. I called my boss at home and explained the situation and he agreed to let me have some time off, as much as I needed.

Monday morning, I started seeking some counselors. Someone to help me get a handle on what I should do.

I found a woman psychotherapist, who does some marriage counseling, who seemed very sympathetic to my plight. So I made an appointment for later that day. When I got there I was nervous but she welcomed me warmly into her office and we sat down to chat for an hour.

She requested that I bring my wife in to talk to her as soon as possible. So I set up an appointment for Tuesday evening after Melinda gets home from her secret fuckfest at the Ramada Inn.


Tuesday my P.I. called my cell and let me know he had all the evidence I need for the divorce. Saturday evening they went downstairs to the restaurant for dinner. Then to the Lounge for a drink and dancing. That was all the opportunity my P.I. needed.

My Investigator had time to put several cameras in their room and has all the video that I need. I thanked him for the quick service and agreed to pick up the video on Wednesday and settle any extra charges.

Tuesday evening comes and Melinda arrives home after her "trip" to New York City, or in reality just the Ramada Inn hotel, here in town. She is trying to act like she is tired from traveling. I tell her we are going out to dinner since she is too tired to cook and since I can't cook, and had already taken the kids over to my folks.

We go north on Lawrence Expressway to the "El Camino Real" toward downtown Santa Clara to "Andy's" bar-b-que. They had moved from their original location in Campbell, under the old railroad bridge, on Campbell Avenue, but the food is greater than ever.

Melinda wanted to see the kids. I explained that I just figured that with all her traveling, she needed a rest and that we could either pick them up later or tomorrow.

We ate some big delicious steaks and then took the scenic way home and then detoured some and ended up downtown outside the therapist's office. The whole ride I was so affectionate and let her know that I was glad that she was back home with me.

I guess I just found it hard to believe that she was really cheating, I just wanted to deny it until I actually saw her doing it. I was trying to pretend that my beautiful sexy wife was completely innocent in every way because I just couldn't accept that Melinda would have sex with another man.

Melinda was very hesitant until I explained that I needed help with a problem and that she would probably understand me better after she listened to my new therapist, for a moment.

I was amazed that I was able to get Melinda in the door and in front of the therapist, I didn't ever think or expect that I was going to be able to accomplish that!

"Honey, this is Doctor Taylor. Doctor Taylor, this is my wife Melinda, the love of my life." I said introducing them.

"Thank You, Barney. It's nice to meet you, Melinda. Barney is having some serious issues and he has come to me for help. Barney, I think that this might be better if YOU just wait outside in the waiting room, while we girls just have a little chat. Is that 'OK' with you, Barney?" The Doctor said.

"Of course, whatever you say, Doctor," I replied as I got up and went into the waiting room, closing the door behind me.

"Melinda, Barney has a serious problem, that caused him to come to me for help. I want to do my best to help him, it is a very serious problem and I hope that I can get your cooperation to help me, help him. Can I count on you for that?" asked Doctor Taylor.

"Of course, Doctor Taylor. I will cooperate in every way that I can. I love my husband with my all heart, I would do anything to help him." Melinda says softly.

"Really, Melinda?" (sounding incredulous) "Do you love your husband enough to stop fucking other men, outside your marriage? Do you love Barney enough to stay faithful to him for a change, to stop being such an unfaithful slut, to NOT drop your panties EVERY chance you get to fuck other men?"