My Mother's Best Friend

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He had no idea that she returned his feelings.
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A/N - Hello all. This is another new series of stories that I'm calling the 'Best Friend Series'. Like my 'Love Around the World' series of stories, this selection will see stories submitted to various categories. In addition to this story and perhaps a couple more in 'Mature', I plan on at least one story in 'First Time', quite a few in 'Romance', and at least one or two in 'Transgender'. Perhaps to some surprise, considering my extensive story list, there'll be no stories in the Incest category.

I generally write my 'Mature' stories more in line with my 'Romance' stories which means there probably won't be extensive sex scenes. There will be sex, this is an erotic literature site after all, but I'll be focusing more on the love and romance rather than an overly sexualised story.

Much like my 'Love Around the World' series, most of these stories will probably only be around 10k to 15k words. Well, that'll be the aim though they might go for longer, as long as the stories don't drone on unnecessarily!

Previous stories in this series:

My Father's Best Friend (Gay Male)

Australian / British standard English. There is a good chance of: lots of profanity, characters drinking, typos, mistakes, and bad grammar at times.

Proofreading and editing suggestions provided by OhDave1. Any mistakes are still mine.

Comments are appreciated.

Feedback by email is always welcome. Enjoy chatting with anyone who likes my work.


He had no idea that she returned his feelings.



Sitting on the deck with her best friend, she was glad that her green eyes were hidden by her sunglasses as she watched the young man nearby. He was busy tickling one of his little sisters before he easily lifted her up and the next sound was squealing before there was a splash of water. The young woman hit the water with a final squeal before there was only the sound of the young man laughing.

Hearing Katherine next to her laughing to herself was a relief as his other little sister quickly found herself easily picked up, John then leapt into the pool with his little sister still in his arms. The next sound was some very girlish giggles as Christine watched his two little sisters proceed to splash him constantly, hearing them continue to squeal as he gave as good as he got.

"How's he doing, Kath?" Christine finally asked, her eyes never glancing away from the young man in the pool. It was obvious to her eyes that his two little sisters absolutely worshipped their big brother.

Katherine Sommers was a forty-three-year-old woman. To Christine, Katherine, or Kath as she preferred to be known, was her best friend while also being her boss at work. Christine was only four years younger than Katherine but had been working as Katherine's personal assistant for well over a decade. What had started as a purely professional relationship had morphed into an incredibly close friendship. Both were the only child of their parents, and there was no doubt that they now thought of each other as friends and as close as sisters can be.

Katherine had given birth to John at the age of eighteen, managing to raise her son and keep a household running while also continuing her studies and eventually starting her career. She married his father when she was twenty-one. She didn't give birth to her other daughters until she was twenty-seven and then twenty-nine for her third and last. Her two daughters were still only teenagers to John's age of twenty-five.

"He's putting a brave face on things," Katherine finally replied, "Having his two little sisters around all the time at least keeps a smile on his face, even if it sometimes needs to be forced."

"At least he didn't marry the bitch," Christine suggested, "How long was she cheating on him for?"

"He didn't ask as he didn't want to know. It was bad enough walking in on her doing it on the bed they shared. Worst nightmare scenario." Katherine sipped at her wine before adding, "At least he could get away easy considering they only rented the place. He spoke to the landlord, and he agreed to break the contract. Meant they lost the deposit, but he didn't give a shit about that. He just wanted away from her as quickly as possible."

"It was her boss?"

Katherine grimaced. "Yeah. John suggested from the brief look he did get at the time that he must have been in his fifties. Big old gut on him. Grunting like he was out of breath. It was obvious his ex-girlfriend wasn't exactly enjoying herself. He was trying to insult my son, of course."

"John didn't touch him, did he?"

"Oh, he was tempted, and I know John would have loved wiping the floor with him. But he doesn't want anything on his record. No, he just cleared his throat, they stopped fucking... There was the usual bullshit afterwards. John wasn't going to listen to any of that. He packed his shit and was back home within a couple of days."

"Guessing his sisters love having him back home?" she asked, hearing another shriek as John tickled his youngest sister again, doing her best to swim away from him, his other sister clinging onto his back, arms looped around his neck. He was far too broad and strong for either of them to get away from him.

"His mother loves having him back home. It's nice having a man in the house again."

"When did he last see his father?"

That question made Katherine snort. "It's been over ten years since they last saw each other, and they haven't spoken since he was nineteen. Words were exchanged and a couple of things were said that meant the rift couldn't be healed without an enormous apology. John is like his mother in a way. Stubborn. And the only apology would need to come from his father. As far as John is concerned, he has nothing to apologise for. He simply gave his father some harsh truths."

They fell silent as John lifted himself out of the pool. Christine was again glad for the sunglasses as she glanced up and down his toned physique. He wasn't overly muscular though it was obvious he looked after himself at the gym and no doubt had a good diet thanks to his mother. After rubbing his hair dry, he walked over towards his mother, leaning down to kiss her cheek. Christine smiled to herself as John had never been shy in showing his love and affection for his mother and his sisters.

When he stepped over towards her, Christine tried not to blush when he leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Looking mighty fine, Miss Taylor," he stated, "Rocking that bikini. Not bad for a woman of..."

"Don't you say it," she warned though was unable to stop the smile from forming.

"It's your birthday soon, isn't it?"

The question made her smile. John was the sort of bloke who always remembered birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates to those important to him. And she was aware enough that she was important to him.

"Next month," she replied.

"Any plans?" he asked.

"I was going to talk to your mother about it."

"I'm getting a beer. You girls want anything?" he asked as he stepped back, eyes moving between his mother and herself.

"I'm nursing this glass of wine," she replied.

"I'd love a top-up, sweetie," Katherine said, holding out her wine glass.

"You girls want anything?" he asked his sisters.

They were both out of the pool quickly as they joined their brother in walking back into the house. Christine glanced back as they disappeared before she laughed to herself. "Joined at the hip," she stated.

"Every evening when he arrives home from work, they sprint from the bedrooms to give him a cuddle. Those two girls worship their big brother," Katherine said. John returned with a glass of wine for his mother before he disappeared inside again. Given it was on the verge of summer, he was probably going to watch some cricket, a sport that bored Christine to tears.

"What was it like turning forty?" she finally had to ask her friend.

"My libido went through the fucking roof," Katherine replied, laughing to herself, "But given that I've been single for years, and I frankly have no time for men anyway, I just wore out the batteries of my vibrator and invested in a number of sex toys to take the edge off."

"Still not interested in anything with anyone?"

"Nope. There's my ex-husband, who is a complete wanker, then two ex-boyfriends who, quite frankly, turned me off the male side of the species for good. The only decent men in my life are my son and my father. I only tolerate the men at the office at best, and more than one has made a pass at me in recent months. They quickly found themselves reported to HR. I'm not putting up with sexist, misogynistic dinosaurs. I got to where I am through hard fucking work, not lying back and spreading my legs."

"Never thought of crossing the border?"

"What, you mean try things with a woman? Hell no. Men can be pieces of shit, but there are far too many women out there who are just batshit crazy and insane. Anyway, what about you, Christy?"

She sighed before sipping at her wine. "I'm nearly forty and I just feel like life is passing me by. Guess I'm like you in one regard. After what happened with Dave, I just can't put myself out there again."

"I'll make sure you enjoy your birthday. You made my fortieth such a wonderful event. I definitely need to pay you back."

Christine finished her glass before she started to fidget as there was one thing on her mind. "Katherine..."

"Shit. My full name. Going to be serious," Katherine stated with a hint of humour, "Lay it on me, Christy."

"I haven't been on a date in three years... I'm nearly forty and I'm already... You know, I can feel my body changing. My desire increasing. And there is one man who I think is interested in me, but..."

Katherine met her eyes, or that's what she thought as they looked at each other, Katherine's blue eyes also hidden by her sunglasses. "Christine, you're my best friend and I love you to bits. And to be honest, I can't think of anyone better. I'm just not sure he's even ready to dip his toe in the water. And considering who you are to me, I'm not sure he'd agree anyway."

"He's known me for over a decade, at least," she said softly, "And I was never blind to the little crush he had on me as a teenager."

"It's not something I can talk to my son about, Christy," Katherine finally said after draining her wine glass, "I'm not going to warn you off either. I trust you more than anyone except my three kids and my parents. I also know that John would do his level best to never break your heart. There isn't a bad bone in my son's body."

"I'm aware of that. He's such an upstanding young man." She paused before adding, "Hot too."

"I know he's my son, but yes, he's incredibly handsome. Probably another reason there are two young women in this household who are so devoted to him. The crushes they quite clearly have are just too cute and adorable. I just hope it doesn't get out of hand."

"Doubtful. It's obvious how much he dotes on those two as much as they just love being in his presence again."

"I love having him home with me again too. He was a mature young man anyway but had to take on a lot of responsibility after I kicked his father out. And he was equally as wary of any boyfriend I had. Thankfully, I didn't get serious enough with them that I invited them to move in."

Heading inside as the sun was disappearing over the horizon, the warmth of the day diminishing rather quickly, the pair of women grabbed their towels and wandered inside. John was sitting on the couch, his youngest sister snuggled into his side, almost fast asleep. John put a finger to his lips and smiled. Christine could see how happy she was as his arm was wrapped protectively around her.

"Where's Anna?" Katherine asked.

"In her bedroom, probably having a little nap like her little sister here with me," John replied.

"Can Christine use your bedroom to get changed?"

"Of course," John replied, his blue eyes moving to glance at Christine, and he wasn't shy in looking her up and down, "Are you staying for dinner?"

"Kath?" she had to ask.

"You know you're always welcome to stay," Katherine replied.

Grabbing her bag, she walked through the house to John's bedroom. It was a place she'd rarely been to visit before. Once or twice at most to say hello to him when arriving to visit Katherine. She had no idea what his bedroom might have looked like when he was a teenager, but it was certainly the bedroom of a mature young man. Neutral-coloured paint on the wall. The queen-sized bed was made. The floor was spotless. There was a desk upon which rested a laptop and very little else. The built-in wardrobe had a mirror so she could stand in front of it when getting changed.

Taking off her bikini, she took a quick look at her naked body. "Not bad for thirty-nine," she murmured. Katherine had three children and had always complained about not being able to shift some of the weight she'd gained when pregnant. Christine would admit that it had given Katherine a fantastic set of tits, and she had some curves that many women would probably kill for.

Christine had a pair of C-cup breasts that were still rather perky, even when approaching forty at a fast rate of knots. Gym work kept her body somewhat toned though she focused more on a good diet to keep any sort of middle-aged spread at bay. She thought her legs were good for a woman of her height, barely hitting around five-four, Katherine being three inches taller than her.

"I do wonder what John would think if he saw me naked," she whispered, running her hands over her breasts and down her body towards her pussy. She'd never been one to shave off her pubic hair though generally kept the area around her pussy mostly smooth.

The fact he was nearly fifteen years younger didn't bother her, and she was left thinking he probably wouldn't be bothered that she was older. Given what happened with his ex-girlfriend, who was two years younger than he was, she was even hoping that he'd consider dating an older woman next time.

After putting on a bra, panties, then a t-shirt and pair of shorts that finished well above her knees, she slid her feet into her sandals, quickly brushed her hair, and gave herself a once over. Walking out to join Katherine and her family, John rose from his position on the couch and passed by her, whispering he was going to get changed as well.

"You don't have to put on a t-shirt for me, John," Christine teased.

Christine loved spending time with Katherine and her family. Although she still wanted children of her own, the two young women in the household treated Christine like a favourite aunt or a much older sister. Anna, the oldest of the two young women, had approached her more than once about certain issues she simply didn't feel comfortable talking to her mother about. Christine enjoyed being that sort of confidant.

Katherine ordered in some food for the five of them to share. Katherine sat in an armchair, John on the couch with Anna to one side and Christine sat to his other. Alicia was on the floor sitting between the legs of her brother and sister. Conversation flowed easily as always, the girls talking about their life at school, John chatting away about what he was doing at work.

Christine didn't want to overstay her welcome, even though Katherine was happy for her to spend the night on a weekend. After saying goodbye to her daughters, she hugged Katherine tightly as always, John escorting her outside to her car as it was dark, and it was the gentlemanly thing he'd always done. Turning to face him, she could barely see his eyes in the darkness before she simply took a deep breath and crashed into his chest.

Feeling his arms wrap around her, she sighed happily as she rested her head against him. "John... You'll come to my birthday?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Even though I'm turning forty and I'm therefore old to someone your age?"

The question made him snort in humour. "Please. You're better looking than most of the girls around my age."

That statement made her pause. "You mean that?" she asked softly.

"Christine... I know shit hasn't been easy for either of us lately. I know Dave was a colossal prick."

"Understatement of the year," she muttered, "I know you've been hurt badly as well."

"Yeah. And considering relationships before her were not all sunshine and roses. I'm definitely considering a change in my dating prospects going forward."

Leaning back, the streetlight barely provided enough illumination to see more than the outline of his face. "Oh, and what would you think about changing?"

"Hmmm. I'll probably avoid women younger or the same age as me. Once bitter, twice shy. I think I need a woman with a little more maturity. More settled in their life. Less likely to play bullshit games with me."

Christine felt her heart beat a little bit faster as she was left wondering if he meant possibly dating herself. Katherine had pretty much given her the green light to date her son, but she didn't feel confident enough to ask him out first. She wanted him to take the first step. She was at least somewhat traditional when it came to aspects of dating.

"I'd better go," she finally stated though made no move to actually let him go, sighing again as his fingers were gently caressing her back.

"Don't have to go on my account," he said softly, feeling his other arm tighten around her, "I know Mum loves having you around all the time, and the girls adore you."

"And you, John? What do you think?"

"Well, my mother is a beautiful woman. My little sisters are coming into their own. I dread them turning eighteen, to be honest. But then there is my mother's best friend... Well, she's certainly breathtaking in her own right."

"You just like seeing me in a bikini!"

"I'm a young, red-blooded young man, Christine. I see a gorgeous woman rocking a bikini, I'm going to at least have more than one look."

"I don't mind you looking whenever I'm visiting and by the pool."

Finally extricating herself from his arms, he leaned down and kissed her cheek one final time before he opened the car door for her before she slid behind the wheel. Closing the door, she made sure the window was down before he could lean down, leaning in to kiss her cheek again. Wishing each other goodnight, she pulled away and glanced in the side mirror to see him waving and smiling. She beeped the horn before he disappeared from view after she'd turned the corner.

Arriving home a little later, she had bought herself a small two-bedroom townhouse a few years earlier. She thought it was tastefully decorated, able to afford some nice furniture for the living room, and a modern kitchen. Her bedroom included a very comfortable mattress, making sure the guest bedroom also provided comfort for visitors.

After showering and pottering around the house for a couple of hours, she finally headed to bed, knowing Sunday was going to be a day of housework and chores. Sliding into bed naked after locking up the house, she needed to do something to take the edge off, closing her eyes and finding herself thinking about John. He'd been a masturbation fantasy of hers for a number of years.

Walking into work on Monday morning, she'd spent most of Sunday relaxing around the house, making herself blush at the fact she'd also been naked half the day and even surprised herself by how aroused she'd felt nearly the entire day. The closer she got to forty, the higher her libido seemed to be. Not that she hadn't enjoyed sex from the moment she'd lost her virginity, but her sexual desire and need to be filled was now on her mind far more often.

"Morning, Kath," she stated, walking into the office of her boss with a mug of coffee for Katherine, and a mug of tea for herself.