My Friend's New Girl


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'I just hope we're doing this for us and not for someone else. But I have a bad feeling. You're ripping my heart apart. After all these years we're going to be a statistic. And what a mess for the kids.'

'Time for some research into our records, start moving things around a bit, and talk to an attorney.'

"Oh, he just wilted! But I can fix that. Tell you what. Get on top and we'll just stuff that limp thing in there and I'll hold it while you start moving. I may even cum before you're fully hard again...."


"Brad. You can't keep coming in here like this. Every time you leave I've dribbled some in my pants."

"Oh, bullshit. You want to hear it blow by blow, if you will. I didn't think her BJ could get any better, but after dinner we kissed and she let me, finally, start feeling her boobs and things and rub her down there. She stood me up, pulled my pants and shorts down and started licking, swirling and probing like the last time, but then pulled me to her and my cock went right down her throat! It was too the hilt. She kept swirling her tongue. God. She didn't even gag.

"Hell. I came in no time flat and she gave me another one of those kisses. Once I get to know her better, we're gonna knock that off. It's gross. Then back to the hospital before 11. It's weird."

'Way too many coincidences. Time to track her.' "What's her name, again?"


'How fucking stupid am I? Kimberly ANN Roberts.'

"What's her last name?"

"Shit. I don't know."

"How old is she? Where does she live? How old are her kids? When's her birthday? What kind of nurse is she? Where did she go to school?"

"Damn, John. You're right! I don't know any of that. That's fucking weird, isn't it. I'm in fucking love with a girl I know nothing about. She knows all about me, but I know nothing about her. Why the third degree?"

"I just don't want to see you get hurt, John. You're diving in head first without looking for what's under the surface.

"When's your next date?"

"Friday. We're going to the restaurant and then she's coming over she said. And I'm going to ask her a million questions. Thanks for the advice. I should have known more about my ex- before I got married."


"Kim. Are you doing alright. It seems like you're working a bunch of extra hours."

'Although your pay checks have not increased.'

"Maybe you should cut back a little. You seem distracted or troubled by something. Anything we have to talk about?"

"Why do you keep saying that? You're moping around here like a little pup that just got kicked. I'd have thought with all our new adventures upstairs, you would be thrilled."

'Surely he doesn't suspect anything. I've been so careful and it's easy to explain having to work extra hours or shifts. It's just a part of nursing. So how could he possibly know.'

'Shit. I'm doing all these new things with him....John should be on cloud nine. Instead of screwing things up for me. Unless.... No, he's never suspected a thing all the times I've done it before. The routine has always worked. I have to quit worrying about it but I will have to watch him for more signs.'

'But I probably need to cut things short with Brad. I'll give him his special reward Friday and then end it. That's a shame because I really like Brad. He's a great guy and really wants to make me happy it seems. Well, I'll give Brad a special treat on Friday and spend the night with him. Then end it Saturday. He'll have some great memories even if it hurts a little.'

'A good offense is the best defense so...'

"I'm fine! I'm getting tired of hearing about it. God with all the great new sex things we're doing....And you're bitching about stuff? I'm off today and tomorrow and will have a chance to rest up before the weekend. I'm fine, dammit!"

"OK, I'm sorry. Won't mention it again."

'But I'll start the paper work and verify what you're up to. You ass, Kim! You're having sex with my best friend. You're lying, cheating on me, and betraying your promises. Can't you see what you're doing to my heart, my soul? But I will say that I'm starting to get more pissed than heartbroken. And your response didn't help. You're trying out sex things on me to do on Brad. And I'm the asshole?'


"I'm sorry for being short yesterday. I've just had a bunch of real asshole patients and I'm dreading this weekend. Worse yet. I got a text from my Supervisor saying there is a mandatory refresher meeting this weekend. We have a group meeting on Friday. Then meetings all day Saturday. Then I can come home. Then work on Sunday. What a pain in the butt.

"Remember, John, I love you, I love our kids, and I love our life together."

'But you're still having an affair with my good friend. What's wrong with me? Why am I not enough?'

"I went to the gym today. And you know what that means?"

'Yup, and I went to the attorney's office to start the paper work, split our savings, transferred the car you use into your name, and oh so much more.'

"Should I be afraid?"

"Oh, Honey! You should be fearful of dying from delight. Come on, my love. The brats are asleep and it's just you and me time."

"Oh, John! This has been great. Now lay on your back and let me climb on top. Now get in there, Dear One. Now a little forward and back. And then some up and down. Which one do you like best?"

"They're both great. Can you do both at once?"

"Jerk! No, I can't do both. So what do you think?"

"I get most excited when you get are getting excited. So which ever you like, at any speed you want, but at some point I'll likely grab you and start doing it hard. Make sense?"

"Yup. I'll start and then you take over when you're ready. Got it? Here we go...." She started moving back and forth on him, sliding back far enough so his cock rubbed her clit. Both were building towards another orgasm and he grabbed her, lifted her slightly and started driving up into her. Harder, faster, slamming pelvis to pelvis. He spasmed, lost his beat and slowed. He ejaculated, but was running low. She groaned, "Fuck, John! Oh, shit! Ohhhhh!" She slowly rocked back and forth and then collapsed.

"Damn, John! What a night. I think you deserve another reward. Now let me work on him and get him hard again." She slid off and started sucking him to hardness then straddled him again. She grabbed some lube and coated him.

"What's that for, Kim?"

"You'll see. I'm getting a little raw." She lubed her vagina and her anal opening, shoving a little inside. "OK. Ready for some more? Say 'yes' John." He nodded. She slid his cock into her vagina and started moving again, slid it out and moved it to her little pucker.

"Now, I'm going to lower myself onto you. Let me do it and control it. OK? I'll tell you what to do and when to do it, alright? If it hurts too much I may abort the mission. So here goes...." Grabbing his cock, she steered to the opening and pushed down on it. Lots of resistance, slow progress, then the head suddenly popped past the sphincter and his cock slid in easily after that.

"Oh, God, John. Not what I expected. It's not bad at all. I'm going to start moving. You just sit there. But damn! It's so exciting having you in there. We never did it before." Slowly rising, then falling. Again and again. Then let him come completely out and pushed to slide him back in. Much easier now. She started moving faster, butt to pubis.

"John! Play with my clit and put a finger in me. That's it. Can you feel it moving in my butt?"

"Yes, Kim."

"OK. Add another finger and start doing it faster, harder and I'll match it. We may have to do this with my vibrator next time. But...Ohhhhhh! It's starting to get good. Oh, John! I'm cumming again! Are you close? Arrrrgh! Oh, shit, John! Errrrrrrr!" She shook, tightened and collapsed.

"That's it! I quit, John. I can't do it...Hell! I can't do anything. I'm done. Well? What'd you think?"

"It was great! I've wanted to do it all along. What's the special occasion?"

'You fucking, cheating bitch. You did this for Brad, right? Well, I have quite a surprise for you next time you two get together. Dammit, Brad. I tried to warn you. Well, she's all yours now, Brad'


Walking in the door to the restaurant. "Excuse me, Miss."

"I'm well past the miss stage, sir. I'm more like in the M'am stage. Hey are you, OK? Let me get you a tissue. What's wrong? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm sorry. I thought I would have it more under control. I wonder if you could do me a favor? I was going to do it myself, but I'm afraid I might lose it if I do."

"Sure. What can I do to help?"

"See that beautiful blonde over there in the end booth? Well, that's my wife. And the guy she's with is my best friend."

"That asshole! How could he do that to you? Or her either? You seem like a great guy."

"Well, truth is, he doesn't know. He doesn't think she's married and he's in love with her. And she doesn't know he's my best friend at work. They met at the gym."

"Oh my God! That's... That's.... Hell, it's like some kinda romance novel. So what do you want me to do?"

"I have a card and an envelope. Wait 'til I've been gone 15 minutes then give him the card and her the envelope. Tell him to read the card first."

"That's a pretty formal looking envelope. Is it what I think it is?"

"Yes, plus more. Now she may just open it and do nothing or she may dash up here. If she does, stop her and tell her that there is no sense rushing home. I have the kids and we're going on vacation for a week. Nothing to talk about so don't call. Read the card and check the bottom of the envelope. Got it"

"And here's $100 bill for dragging you into this."

"Keep it. I hate cheaters. My Ex- cheated on me. But here's what you could do. I've never done this before, but.... My name is Gretchen. Here's my number. If you need to talk to anyone, call me. If you go ahead with the divorce, and let me tell you, you should. I forgave my husband the first time and he kept cheating. If you go ahead with it, maybe you would give me a call and we could help each other get over the cheaters in our life.

"Now get out of here before they see you and have a great trip. How many kids?"

"Three. 9,7, and 5."

"I have two about the same ages. Go for custody. She'll be a shitty Mom. Now be gone!"

Walking down the aisle. "Excuse me, Sir. A man came in and left a card for you. He said to read it first and then M'am, he said you should read your card and open the envelope. Thank you. Sorry to interrupt your dinner."

"That's weird. Know anything about this, Ann?

"No, not at all." 'But I'm getting a bad feeling.'

Ripping open the envelope. He read out loud. "It's a congratulation card!


Congratulations! If you play your cards right, the beautiful woman across table from you is going to screw your brains out tonight and give you her ass. You'll love it.

She's all yours. But as I warned you, be careful. You don't know anything about her.


...and, Brad, this is all on her. I don't and won't ever blame you for it. You didn't know."

"Ann, what the hell is this about?"

With eyes wide and shock on her face. "No, no, no. This can't be! It can't be! How could this have happened? How could he have found out? I should have stopped. I...I have to leave! I have to find him! I have to explain! Make things right!"

She got up and ran up to the hostess. Sobbing. Having a hard time catching her breath. Make up already running and starting to make her clown like in appearance. "Where is he? Where is he?"

"He left a while back and told me to tell you that you should read your card before you leave. And that he and the kids were going on vacation for a week so there was no reason to rush home."

She ripped open her envelope. A condolence card.


Sorry that you have a bad case of SAD, seasonal affection disorder. It appears that every January and February for at least the past few years you have had an affair. You forgot that you were married to a man with an accounting degree. Every year you worked extra shifts and had meetings in those months, but your salary never changed. Oops.

We'll be gone a week and then we can start sorting things out. There's nothing to work out. A one off with Brad might be forgiven over time. But to try things on me the day before you do them to Brad....really?

No sense calling, texting, etc. I won't answer.

And take it easy on Brad. He hasn't dated anyone since his divorce two years ago. His wife cheated on him. Sound familiar?

Please read over the enclosed carefully and store the item at the bottom wherever yours is stored right now. I won't be wearing it again.

I will skip all the fancy metaphors of what you have done to my heart, my soul, and my ability to ever trust anyone again. I can only hope that this will give you a sampling of the pain you have caused me.


"Ann? What the hell is this all about? Shit! You're name is Kim?"

"Oh, no, Oh, no. Oh, no. It can't be happening! I've been such a fool! What have I done?"

"Who is John, Brad?"

"I guess it's John Roberts. He's my best friend at work. Why. What's going on?"

"I am Kimberly Ann Roberts. And he's right. I was going to," speaking in gasps between sobs, "I was going to do all that stuff with you tonight, but then I was going to breakup with you since he was acting so weird. I hated to do it since you're such a great guy, but I love John so much I couldn't risk him finding out. But he already knew. He already knew....He knew because you guys discussed it at work, right?"

"Yup. I'm sorry,, Kim. I didn't know."

"What are the odds! I could have picked anyone else on the planet, but I pick his best friend? I've been such a fool. But I know he loves me so maybe there's still a chance." Looking at the papers inside she gasped, "No, he's serious." And reaching into the bottom she felt it.

"His wedding ring!" Her eyes rolled up and she limply collapsed. Brad caught her and eased her to the floor.

"Holy crap! What do we do? Should we call 911?"

"No, Brad. I think she just passed out. Her breathing and pulse are fine. Let's move her in the back and get her legs up.

"OK, folks," trying to disperse the crowd of spectators. "Please go back to your tables and a free drink is on the house. Sorry for the confusion."

Later, driving back to the city, "Are you OK, Ann? Do we need to go to the ER or anything?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Should I take you to the hospital to get your car or take you home?"

"Home, please. I don't think I can drive."

Arriving home, "Brad, would you come in for a minute? I don't think I can stand being alone tonight and I need someone to be with and to talk to. And maybe hold me..."

"No. I can't. I have to leave. I don't think I can look myself in the mirror as it is. Sorry, Kim.

"He tried to warn me. He reminded me over and over that I knew nothing about you and that I should be careful. But I didn't listen. Now I don't know how I can ever look him in the face again. Why didn't he just tell me?

"And worse yet, I kept telling him about our dates and that I felt a special connection with you and I thought I was falling for you. I know it sounds stupid. We've just haven't spent that much time together. So now I have to deal with that pain as well. Good night, Kim."

He walked down the steps and towards his car. "Brad! Brad! Wait a minute. OK. You were honest with me. So let me be honest with you.

"I love John more than anything in this world. More than my kids, my job. Hell, more than life itself. I cannot imagine a life without him and I am going to do everything I can to try to get him to take me back. Whether I'm divorced or not.

"But, Brad, I live in a gray world. Most of the time nothing is absolutely right or wrong, this way or that way. As you know, John is a numbers guy. It is either right or wrong. It either balances or it doesn't. I don't think I have a prayer of staying with him.

"Yes, Brad. I am fucked up. Every winter I get a toy. A plaything to entertain me and take away the ugliness of winter and the humdrum of being a wife and mother. You were supposed to be this year's toy. I don't think John ever knew about the others, but this time I think he knew since our second date. He started whining around like a little puppy, but instead of paying attention, I gave him shit about it. Why didn't I listen? Why was I so entitled? It was bullshit.

"I can guarantee you that if I ever get another chance with him or with someone else, I will be the best wife ever. I will never, ever even think about cheating again. What I am losing hurts way too much," she said with tears running down her cheeks. "I can only imagine what I did to him. It's awful! Too horrible to even think about."

"So, I was going to end it with you tomorrow. But, Brad. I'm not sure I would have been able to do it. I felt the same connection. You were different than all the others and it scared the hell out of me.

"But now I've lost you too. I am so, so sorry, Brad. I hope that some day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. Good night, Brad."

She went into her house and laid on the couch clutching herself for comfort, but it didn't help. "Oh, John, I am so sorry. So, so sorry."

She got out her phone and texted John:

>Dear John

You were right. When I found your ring the dagger pierced my heart and my soul was ripped from my body. I don't think I will ever get over the pain of that moment. I can only imagine the pain and anguish I caused you. I am sorry.

I have no excuses. I don't know why I felt it was OK to do it. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I have managed to destroy your life, my life, the kids' lives, and even Brad's. And for what? I've lost everything I love.

And yes, John. Although my actions don't show it, I love you more than anything in this world and I cannot imagine a life without you. I know that there is no way you can forget the things I have done or forgive me, but please, please don't hate me. And please don't let my actions prevent you from future happiness.

I beg you to forgive me and take me back. To give me another chance. I promise that I would never even look at another guy, but if you won't, I will be happy to take any small part of you that I can.

She hit send.

>And, John. You can have primary custody. As I look back, I have been a crappy mother and you have done 90% of the work. I'm sorry. You can keep the house and split the assets however you feel is fair. I will agree to anything. I will get an apartment nearby so I can see the kids as much as possible and will move my stuff out by the time you return.

I still hope you will forgive me and let me move back in, even if we're divorced, but.....

With all my love, always


She hoped and waited for an answer, but it never came.

And from his car:

>John. I am so sorry for what I have done to you. You warned me. You tried to clue me in, but I was too infatuated with this incredible woman who seemed to like me. I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I hope you know that if I even suspected she was married I would never have spent any time with her. Whether she were your wife or someone else's. Not after what my wife did to me.

I hope you can forgive me. I don't think I can even look you in the eye when you get back.


Almost immediately:


There is nothing to forgive. This is all on Kim. There's no way you could have known.

The divorce is going through. In fact, my lawyer has already filed it with the courts. She just sent a text. I don't think she'll fight it.

So. No way will I forgive or take her back. Too much has happened.

So if you still have feelings for her and if she has feelings for you, which I suspect she does. Have at it. She's all yours. With what has already happened, there is no reason to wait until the divorce. Remember, in this state even with an uncontested divorce it takes a year for the courts to issue final decree. It's O.K. Got it?