My Date with Shadowcat313 Ch. 02


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She laughed, but the sound was hollow, not in the least amused, "I love you Gary, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know that. I've known this since the first night."

"And I know you love me, too. It's like a damn neon sign in your mind, and I'd still know it even if you weren't always telling me, which you do."

I smiled a little; I guess I was pretty transparent, "And that's why I'm not afraid for my own life. I know you don't want to talk about this, you're always pretending that it's not a problem."

"Because I know it is one, or could become one. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want you to think that I'm..."

"A monster?" I smiled again, taking her hand, which, as always, was cold, "You know I don't think you're a monster. I think you've always known that, haven't you?"

"Damn it!" she whirled, walking away a few steps, her hands clenching at her sides.

I waited where I was a minute, and she spun around, "I'm worried that I might be more of a monster than I wanted. When I hunted, I used to Hunt. I used to kill. I'm a murderer! Whenever I was threatened, and I have been on several occasions, I've killed to protect my secret. If that happens again, I may have to kill again. Doesn't that bother you?"

"Maybe a little, but I think that if people ever knew about you, they'd kill you, right? And maybe you killed for food before, but you haven't since we met. You've changed who you are for me."

"I can't change what I am."

Nickie's words seemed to hang in the air between us. She stood where she was, and I wanted to be closer to her, but I didn't feel that she could deal with that just yet.

"I've seen people change," I insisted, "I know it can happen."

"But I can't!" she cried, "Maybe I could change my lifestyle, or my fondness for expensive things, or anything like that. But I can't change what I am. I can't stop feeding, because I'll die if I do. Maybe I can keep from killing people, that's not too difficult. But I've tasted your blood, and it calls to me. I don't know how long I can keep myself from taking more."

"How bad is it, exactly?"

"It's like... this thing inside me, just aching to get out, and it takes every damn ounce of willpower I have to resist it."

I sighed, "I wish I'd never tempted you with it. This would probably be a lot easier for you, wouldn't it?"

She hesitated, and then nodded, "It didn't help any."

"Shit," I mumbled, "It figures. I really screwed this all up."

We continued to walk, because there wasn't much else to do right that moment. We were both troubled, me with my stupid mistake, her with the thirst, and both of us with the consequences. Either we'd have to figure out a better solution for all of this, or we wouldn't be able to remain together. But, as I figured it, as we both seemed to, the chances didn't look good for us. We strolled the night, but the appeal, at least for the moment, was lost. We were lost in our own thoughts, quiet, and she appeared sullen. It wasn't fair for her to have to live with the constant fear of killing me in her mindless thirst. And it wasn't fair of me to expect her to, just because I couldn't be without her. This weighed heavily on my mind.

"Shut up," she sighed sadly, "And quit thinking about leaving me to save me. It's pretty apparent that neither of us can live with that. So consider it a closed option."

I couldn't help but think about it, and I told her this.

"Let me put it this way: if you ever try to leave with this notion that I'll be better off if you're not with me, I will find you. Don't forget our bond. You could run to the end of the earth, and I could use our bond to find you. That's another little bonus that tasting your blood has given me. No matter where you went, I can find you."

"Then what are we supposed to do? One of these days, it's just gonna be too much for you, and-"

"No!" she replied sharply, "Don't even say that! I'll never do that, never!"

"I've seen you when the thirst is on you, when your eyes go red. You're not much in control of yourself at that point."

She stamped her foot in frustration, and the path cracked under her, "Go back to the house. I need some time to calm down."

"Nickie-" I started.

"Please," she took my hand, pressing it to her face for a moment, and I could feel her frustration in the way she trembled, and in the intensity of her gaze, "Just go back to the house. I'll be there soon."

"Just don't do anything crazy, okay?"

"I promise I'll try to be on my best behavior," she smiled thinly, and then vanished.

I took a roundabout route back to Nickie's house, walking almost absently, but knowing just where I was in relation to her house. Apparently, she'd taken that out of my head on our first date, when she'd sent me away. But once it had become my home as well, not only had she left the location there in my head, but she had done something else to improve my sense of direction, which had once been iffy. I wondered what else in my head she could improve should she choose to.

"What the hell are you doing out so late?" someone spoke from behind me.

I turned to find three white men waiting there, men about my age. The one who had spoken had shaved his head, but was currently sporting stubble, including on his pock-marked face. He looked angry, as if my being there were the cause of all his life's misfortune, which I was pretty sure it wasn't. Dressed in a wife-beater and grungy, dirty jeans, he exuded an air of volatility. The two men on either side were similar in appearance, having all the look of street thugs or gang members. There were plenty just like these guys in the city, prowling the streets, causing all kinds of trouble, and following various codes of conduct that didn't make a whole lot of sense.

I waited, not saying anything, trying to determine what these guys would want with me.

"You didn't answer my fucking question," the one in the middle sneered.

"I didn't realize there was a curfew," I replied mildly, appearing as nonthreatening as possible.

"Listen to this asshole!" the one on the right laughed. He had a nose ring, and his ears were gauged.

"You're on our turf," the one in the middle informed me, and he seemed like the leader, at least of his little group.

"I wasn't aware that it was your turf. When did that happen?"

"We took it back," the guy on the left chimed in, "And we don't like trespassers in our turf."

"Then I should probably go," I said, "I wouldn't want to be a trespasser."

"Oh, so you think you should just go," the leader scowled, "Without paying the price for trespassing?"

I sighed. I didn't need this right now. Weren't there enough problems in my life that I had to deal with this, too? But, after being with a woman who could rip me limb from limb if she so chose, a woman whose thirst for my blood was a rival for her love for me, three ordinary thugs failed to raise much fear in me.

"Give me your wallet," the leader pulled a butterfly knife from his back pocket, opening it with the skill no doubt obtained from a lot of practice, "And we'll consider letting you walk out of here."

"Well gee," I grinned, "I didn't realize the price was so low. My wallet's empty, anyways. How about a cheap watch or something?"

"I think this guy is being a smart-ass," the thug on the left bared his teeth, but his eyes never stayed on one thing for more than a second, and he couldn't seem to stand completely still, fidgeting, bouncing a little.

"Benny here says he thinks you're being a smart-ass," said the leader, "I think that maybe you're just looking to get your ass kicked."

The thug on the right stepped forward and grabbed the front of my shirt.

"Oh, goodie for me," said another voice in the darkness, somewhere to the right, and I recognized it as Nickie's, "I was looking for a way to blow off some steam."

"Ah shit," I shook my head, feigning sadness, but inwardly I was relieved for her appearance, "I was hoping we could settle this with words."

Nickie appeared at my side as if she'd just materialized. This threw the three thugs off a little. The one with the front of my shirt clenched in his fist let go and took a step back, surprised.

"Who the fuck is she?" the leader demanded, "And where the fuck did she come from?"

"Aren't you just full of questions?" Nickie cocked her head slightly, letting the thugs believe that she was as harmless as she looked, "Who are your new friends, Gary?"

"I don't know," I answered, "They haven't introduced themselves yet."

"See, I'm gone for five minutes, and you're out gallivanting with thugs..." she appraised the three, "Not very smart ones, at that."

"Okay, bitch," the leader fumed, "I'm gonna have some fun with you before I slit your throat."

"You should've just walked away," I warned them.

Before one heartbeat reached the next, she was between them, and she shoved Benny and the other thug, sending them flying into the darkness with startled cries. She grabbed the leader, wrenching his knife-hand and driving his arm up between his shoulder blade, forcing him to drop his knife, which clattered to the path between his boots. He screamed in pain.

"Little boys shouldn't play with knives," she said softly, with a smile, "I'll bet you're a constant disappointment to your mother."

"Let me go, you bitch!" the leader screamed.

"I'll also bet you're not much of a hit with the ladies... at least the smart ones. I could rip your arm and smack you around with it, if you'd like."

"Let me go!"

Nickie released him suddenly, and he whirled around with a wild punch.

"I'm gonna kill you, bitch!" the thug growled.

I chuckled, "Man, are you stupid!"

"And he's quite proud, isn't he?" she spoke from one side, "But this is just what I need to work off my frustrations. Thanks, Gary."

"Hey, this wasn't my idea. They found me."

"Benny!" the leader shouted, "Vic! Where the fuck are you?"

"I don't think you've got any backup," I noted.

"Shut the fuck up! I'll fucking stomp your head in!"

Nickie laughed, "Why don't you worry about me, instead? I'm the one you should be concerned about."

"Aww, come on," I grinned, "I could take him."

"I know you could," she nodded, still laughing, "But I'm having so much fun."

So I shrugged and waited.

Nickie appeared right next to the thug, gave him a light slap, and danced back a step as he swung, missing her. She continued to dodge and weave, easily avoiding his clumsy fists, quite graceful to behold. As his punches missed her, she responded with little pokes, jabs, pinches, and slaps, obviously toying with him, further infuriating him, as he apparently wasn't used to being the victim.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you, you bitch!" the thug was completely out of control. He made a dive for his switchblade, but she deftly kicked it aside, and it flew off into the night.

"You're getting a little predictable," she let him know, "You're nothing but an uneducated, uncultured, little thug who gets off on hurting people weaker than you, and the world could use a lot less of your kind."

I stopped smiling as I heard her, but she flashed a bright smile my way before continuing, "How fortunate for you that I promised my man that I wouldn't kill anymore! You should count yourself lucky. So, how about you get out of here, quit pretending to be a man, and go give your mother a reason not to regret popping you out."

I expected the thug to take off running, considering the performance Nickie had given, but his pride kept him where he was. He leapt at Nickie, who dodged, grabbed him by the back of his neck and pushed him down. He was up quickly, quite stubborn, swinging away once more, and it would've been funnier if he weren't so serious about landing a punch.

"Dude," I suggested, "You've got to be getting tired by now. Can't you just go home like she said?"

"Fuck you!" the thug switched course and came after me.

I sidestepped and tripped him. Perhaps I might not have been quick enough if Nickie hadn't worn him out, but I could hear him wheezing for breath, could smell his rankness as he sweated, and he went down quickly. Just as quickly, he was up again, coming at me once more. I put out a fist even as he was starting to swing, and he ran right into it. He reeled back, his swing unfinished, a little dazed.

"Are you done yet?" I asked.

"Gonna fucking kill you," he wheezed, shaking his head, trying to clear it.

"Yeah," Nickie was beside me again, "You mentioned that. Really, if you're gonna be so repetitive, let's just cut this short, okay?"

The thug came at me once more, so I put more oomph in my counter punch as I sidestepped him a second time. He went down, out cold.

"Quite a hit," she rolled him onto his side with one foot.

"Well, thank you for tiring him out a little first. That made it much easier."

"I am feeling better, by the way. It's nice to blow off a little steam, now and then."

I rolled my eyes, "Maybe next time we'll just wade into a prison riot or something."

"Ooh, that would be pretty fun. You could make that my birthday present."

"You know I can't just schedule a prison riot whenever I want."

"But I'm sure you'll figure something out, all the same."

We began walking back to the house, feeling a little better. Sometimes finding solutions for the smaller problems gives one a little peace.

When we were hardly inside the door, Nickie rounded on me, held me tightly, and kissed me deeply. I returned the kiss with fervor, cupping her buttocks, which felt so perfect in my hands. Her legs went around my waist, and I carried her easily, always a wonderment considering her incredible strength, down the stairs into the basement, into her room, and onto the bed. There, I set her down on the bed.

"You really need to be more careful," she purred in my ear, "I'd really hate to lose you."

"I suppose I should be," I replied, kissing her neck.

"I mean it," she drew back, "If I hadn't been there, they might've really hurt you."

I looked into her eyes, "It wasn't my idea to get mugged. I swear I was on my way home."

"There are at least three other routes that would've gotten you here quicker."

"Yeah, I did take the scenic route. I'll try to be more careful, okay?"

"Good," she pulled my shirt off, "Now come here and make love to me."

I undressed her slowly, taking great enjoyment in each caress of her skin, each sigh I drew from her. Her skin was flawless, slightly less pale than usual, which meant that she had recently eaten, but even that didn't subtract from the mood. I wanted her, even more now than the first night, and any night since she'd come back into my life. There was an intensity between her and I that we could both feel, and the way she devoured me with her eyes sent a delicious chill right through me. Every touch of her lips to my skin, every swipe of her tongue as she teased tingled throughout my body. I could feel her in my head as well, telling me how much she loved me, how much I meant to her, and what delicious pleasures I gave her. I applied some oil to her, spreading it leisurely over her thighs, moving from outer to inner, feeling her almost thrumming with excitement, an excitement that she sent to me. I moved my hands between her legs, parting her inner labia, stroking the soft petals, giving her clitoris a few strokes before easing two liberally-oiled fingers inside her, feeling her tighten, whisper my name.

She took some oil and rubbed it in the sensitive skin of my member, stroking me with a slow, firm hand. She pushed me back, climbed upon me, and impaled herself upon me, moaning as I filled her. She began moving, rubbing what remained of the oil on her fingers onto my chest, and gazed into my eyes. They were still a deep, mysterious violet, not one faint trace of red, and I gazed right back into them. I teased my fingertips upon the skin of her breasts, around and around the areolas, and then around her stiff nipples. The scent of coconuts stayed in my nose, and I had the feeling that the mere scent of coconuts, in the future, would alone be enough to get me aroused. I moved within her, her vaginal muscles milking me, her breasts heaving in my hands. She rode me slowly, taking her time, keeping part of herself in my mind to make sure that she was always touching me in the right ways to give me the most pleasure. We connected in a way that I'd never known before her, a way that was impossible to describe. At the same time, she guided me to ensure that I gave her as much pleasure as I could.

I groaned as she climbed off me, but she only positioned herself on her hands and knees, her round, gorgeous buttocks thrust up in the air.

She wiggled a little enticingly, "You gonna just sit there staring, or are you gonna come and make love to me?"

I jumped up, positioned myself behind her, and thrust into her.

"Oh! If you never stopped doing that, it would be too soon for me!"

She pushed back with each thrust I made, crying out, and I was in awe of her beauty, and unsurprised at the level of arousal I felt every time she looked back over her shoulder, urging me on. Unfortunately, such a high level of arousal ensured that my endurance suffered. I was already teetering on the edge of an orgasm, but, luckily, so was she.

"Don't you dare stop!" she cried, "Give it all, I want to feel it inside me! Oooohhhh!"

At this point, I was beyond the ability to stave off my orgasm. I thrust harder, not stopping even as my seed spilled inside her, continuing to thrust even as I finished, and she cried out, tightening as she reached her own climax. She bucked back against me, shivering, gasping, and she climaxed again even as she was finishing the first. Finally, she fell forward, still shivering, onto her stomach. I fell to my side next to her, trying to get my breath back.

Even after such intensely satisfying lovemaking, I was aroused again in only a few minutes, and then Nickie was under me, her legs wrapped around me, her ankles and feet resting on the backs of my thighs. She murmured in my ear, her fingers lightly stroking my back as I moved within her. We continued on for another ten minutes, but, after that, she insisted that I give it all once more. I began moving faster, thrusting deeper, pushing harder. Her legs tightened around me, her hands pulling at me. She arched her backs and thrust her hips forward, matching my rhythm. There was no use in even trying for endurance this time, so perfect did she feel. Within only a few minutes, I was over the edge, and she followed quickly after, almost screaming with the ecstasy. We shuddered to a standstill, unmoving as we recovered, with her holding me inside her until my erection had completely subsided. Even then, she held me atop her, clutching me tightly, kissing me.

Soon, after we had both calmed, she eased out from under me, and we luxuriated in that afterglow of such powerful passion. I lay on my side, unable to take my eyes off of her, feeling slightly sore, but satiated.

"I ruined my sheets," she informed me, "I clawed them to shreds."

I looked at her sheets, and saw that she had indeed slashed them up in two different places, and the mattress underneath as well.

"We're gonna need a stronger mattress," I noted.

"That was so wonderful, I don't even care," she leaned back on her elbows, bending one knee.

"I only wish I had more in me right now."

"I'm glad you don't. Even I need a break every now and then, my love."

Morning would soon be here, and Nickie proclaimed that she needed to take a shower, so we kissed deeply for a moment, I gathered up my clothes, and then I went upstairs to the first floor, closed and locked the door that we'd left open in our haste to get to her room, and went into the kitchen to get a drink. Prior to my moving in, Nickie hadn't had any appliances in her kitchen. Why would she need them, after all? She had a stove, fridge, microwave, coffee pot, and toaster delivered and set up within a few days, and I had gone grocery shopping soon after. I had wondered where she would get all the money she seemed to have spent, between that and my bed, especially when I had quit my job, but she only told me that money wasn't a concern.