Muscle Bimbo Ch. 11

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Ashe helps Alex regain her freedom and confront Winter.
5.6k words

Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/25/2019
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Lexi hummed an upbeat tune as her music played in her ears and her feet pounded the pavement, as she went for her afternoon jog. The exercise and the fresh air always invigorated her. Her body was thrumming with energy, and she wanted both to hit the gym and work herself until she was exhausted and to go home and finger-fuck her needy cunt until she passed out with a happy, post-orgasmic smile on her face. Lexi giggled. Life was easy. Life was simple. Life was good. She only had simple choices to make now. Work out, or masturbate? Who did she want to fuck today? Sometimes, that second one wasn't up to her, but that was OK too. Lexi giggled again, and felt her cheeks fill with heat. She loved being Sierra's whore. No matter what, everything was easy now. She should have fucked Professor Sinclair ages ago. Now, she was getting straight As without having to go to any of those boring classes she vaguely remembered once caring about, and she wasn't getting any of those obnoxious emails about her grades and her attendance. She could just enjoy being a nice, hot, dumb, slutty, muscular bimbo. Lexi couldn't imagine any better life. She was so happy.

"Excuse me."

At the same moment, Lexi heard someone trying to get her attention and felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, already licking her lips. Maybe it was someone looking to pick her up. She was always up for that. But when she turned around, she barely had time to take in the vaguely-familiar face in front of her before she felt a sharp blow to her head, and everything went black.


When Lexi awoke, her head felt like a ringing bell. It was twice as foggy as it had been before, and before she could shake off her confusion, a spot on one side of her head started throbbing so hard it made her groan. What the hell had happened?

"You're awake?" The feminine voice sounded strangely concerned. Lexi tried to open her eyes, but when she did the room span so much it made her nauseous.

"Wha..?" was all she could manage.

"I'm sorry about your head," said the voice, now tinged with contrition. "I hope it doesn't hurt too much. I was trying to be careful."

"W-who?" Lexi asked. The voice was familiar, just as the face had been, moments before she'd passed out. Lexi forced her eyes open, and saw a punk-looking girl with a sidecut looking down at her with a worried expression on her face.

"Wha?" Lexi repeatedly dumbly. She realized she was seated in a chair and tried to stand up, but then she realized she was bound to the chair with a complex series of ropes and knots. She pulled against them for moment. There was no give at all. There was no chance of her slipping free.

"I'm sorry!" the punk girl said again. She seemed strangely earnest, for a kidnapper. "It was just the only way. At least I think so... You'll understand! I hope..."

"Um," Lexi began uncertainly, the throbbing pain in her head beginning to subside. "Do I, like, know you?"

The punk looked sad for a moment, but then made herself smile ruefully. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised you don't remember me, after everything that's been done to you. I'm Ashe."

Lexi blinked, nonplussed.

"We met one time at the mall," Ashe supplied.

Lexi blinked again.

Ashe sighed. "We met again a few weeks ago when you were out jogging and we kinda... fucked."

"Oh!" Lexi giggled, and let out a happy sigh at the memory. "I remember now. You were good."

Ashe blushed. "Thanks," she said quietly.

"So. Um." Lexi looked pointedly down at the ropes binding her to the chair. "Is this, like, for fun? Cause I can, like, totally roll with that."

"No." Ashe suddenly turned dead serious. "Alex, I'm doing this to save you."

"Alex?" Wasn't that what Professor Sinclair had called her too? It sounded so silly, Lexi thought. It didn't suit her at all. "I'm Lexi!"

"Exactly." Ashe looked her dead in the eyes. "Alex, or Lexi or whatever, I know this situation is pretty fucked up but I really need you to listen to me right now: you're not supposed to be like this. This isn't you. You're not trashy and slutty and dumb. You're really smart! And, well, kind of a nerd, but in a cute way. This was all done to you by someone."

Lexi blinked and tilted her head, confused. She couldn't wrap her head around that idea. "What do you mean?"

"It's Winter," Ashe explained. "I've been... keeping an eye on you. When we met up before, I noticed something was wrong. You'd changed too much. I knew there had to be something weird going on. So, I started doing a little digging, and I found out about this girl called Winter. I know she's... taken an interest in you lately. Alex, that girl is seriously bad news. I don't know exactly how she does it, but she changes people. She's done it before, and she's done it to you. I don't know exactly what it is. Some kind of hypnosis, is my guess. She's been manipulating you, pulling your strings, ruining your life, and you don't even know it."

Lexi just stared. That was so much for her to wrap her head around. Her? A nerd? It couldn't be. It sounded so fanciful. But wasn't that just what Professor Sinclair had said the other week? As absurd as it seemed, she couldn't quite dismiss it. But Winter, her friend Winter, being responsible? That seemed even more impossible. Winter was Lexi's friend. She trusted Winter implicitly. Winter had never done anything wrong to her. Lexi couldn't believe that her friend would manipulate her like that. And moreover, how the hell would that even be possible? Hypnosis? That was just silly. Still, Lexi could tell Ashe believed it wholeheartedly.

"So, I, like, dunno what you're talking about," Lexi responded eventually, "but I think you should let me go now."

"No!" Ashe cried. "Alex, please, just listen to me! Just try! Try to remember who you were!"

Lexi shifted awkwardly, as much as the ropes holding her would allow. "I, like, really dunno..."

"Come on, Alex!" Ashe bent over, leaning in close. "Focus! Can you really, honestly tell me you've always been this way? Do you really remember it clearly?"

"Um, I guess..." Truthfully, Lexi wasn't so sure. It was hard to remember. Everything was so foggy. Always so foggy.

"I can tell you don't really mean that," Ashe pressed. "You can remember it, can't you? Being smart? Being top of the class? Being a star student? Think about your grades. Think about all those hours spent in the library."

"I don't..." There was something. Lexi wasn't sure what it was, but it was something. Trying to think about it was making her head hurt.

"Think about your body," Ashe continued. "You weren't always blonde, remember? When I first met you, you had brown hair. And you were all skinny and mousy. Look at yourself now." Ashe gestured to Lexi's exposed arms and midriff, her gaze following the lines of her chiseled abs and sculpted biceps. "It doesn't feel right, does it? I'm sure you can remember, if you really try. You can remember being different. You can remember that this isn't natural for you. You can!"

"Stop!" Lexi cried out. The dissonant clash of memories she was experiencing was making her head hurt. She didn't want to think about this anymore. "Just stop! I don't know what the hell you're talking about, weirdo. Just let me go home." She started testing the ropes again, but even her strong, well-trained body wasn't capable of breaking them.

Ashe sighed. She looked wounded by Lexi's words. "OK, I guess you're too far gone for that. That's OK. I expected that. We can try something else."

"Or how about you just, like, let me go!" Lexi snapped. "If you wanna tie me up, you gotta at least show me a good time, jeez."

"Let's make a deal," Ashe said evenly. "You go along with what I wanna do for ten, maybe fifteen minutes, and then I'll let you go. I promise. I'll let you go, and you can leave and do whatever you want. Deal?"

Lexi pouted. "Fine. Just get it over with quickly."

Ashe turned her back to Lexi for a moment, picking something up off the table behind her. She turned back around, revealing it was a pocket watch. "We're going to do some hypnosis," the punk girl announced.

Lexi rolled her eyes. Hypnosis? That was obviously fake. But she knew it would be best to just play along, so she could get of there.

"I should probably admit that I, um, don't really know what I'm doing." Ashe's serious, confident demeanor cracked a little, letting her nervousness shine through. "I've never done this before. But I've been doing a lot of research, and I think I'll be able to get the hang of it and make it work."

"What do you need me to do?" Lexi asked flatly. She had no reason to hide her impatience.

"It's simple," Ashe explained, keeping a tight rein on her anxiety and irritation. She walked around behind Lexi, standing behind the chair until Lexi couldn't really see her, even when she craned her neck. "You just need to keep staring at this pocket watch, and listen to what I'm telling you. That's all."

Reaching over the top of her head, Ashe dangled her pocket watch in front of Lexi's face by a long chain. It was simple, bronze and un-ornamented. Lexi's eyes locked onto it instantly. It wasn't simply that she'd decided to go along with Ashe wanted her to do. Looking at the pocket watch felt almost instinctual, somehow. It was familiar. The steady rhythm of the watch hands ticking around the plain, white clock face made her mind feel calm and quiet. She still didn't believe in hypnosis, but she was struggling to feel quite as skeptical as she had done just a few moments ago. It was hard to deny that the simple sight of a pocket watch on a chain was having some kind of effect on her, and the effect grew stronger once Ashe started gently manipulating the chain in her hand to set the pocket watch slowly swinging back and forth before Lexi's eyes.

"Just watch," Ashe whispered, and the soft, gentle, melodic tone of voice she used made Lexi shiver, even though she sounded a little like she was reading from a script. "That's all you need to do for me. Just watch. Keep your eyes fixed on the center of my pocket watch, as it swings back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth."

"This is, like... dumb," Lexi murmured, but her voice was already sounding sleepy and slurred.

"Shh," Ashe soothed. "No talking now. Just breathe. Take a few nice deep breaths. That'll help relax you. Inhale, and let your lungs naturally fill to their fullest extent. Exhale, and let it all out, nice and slowly, nice and evenly."

Without consciously meaning too, Lexi found herself doing exactly what Ashe was telling her too. It felt so natural to obey. With her mind entirely focused on the swinging pocket watch in front of her, it was like Ashe's suggestions completely bypassed her conscious brain, controlling her body directly as if she was a puppet on strings. Lexi could feel herself weakening and relaxing. She could feel herself breathing deep in time with Ashe's words, and knew that she couldn't bring herself to stop even if she wanted to. She felt helpless. She could already feel her mind softening and melting, and her thoughts growing dim around the edges. Lexi knew she was just a dumb bimbo, but how could she be so weak to this? So susceptible?

"All you need to do is stare," Ashe continued. "You can do that, can't you? Just stare at the watch." Lexi found herself nodding slowly. "Focus on the center. Let your eyes be drawn into it. Let the ticking of the hands and the swinging of the chain keep all your attention on that one spot."

Lexi obeyed. She couldn't not obey. Everything was so rhythmic, so soothing. Ashe's voice, the tick of the watch, the way it was swinging. Lexi could sense herself being lured into rhythm with it all. Her breathing, her thinking, even her heartbeat seemed to be settling into it. She was being pulled into state where everything was numb and dull. It was irresistible.

"Count for me," Ashe urged. "Count the seconds as they tick, tock, tick, tock."

Lexi giggled, sounding even more air-headed than usual. Maths wasn't her strong suit. Even something as simple as basic counting - she just found it so easy to get distracted. All the same, when Ashe told her too, she started counting in time with each second that the swinging pocket watch tracked. "One... two... three... four... five... six..."

Lexi felt a fingertip stroke along her arm. The touch felt so gentle, so sensual, so intimate, it made her moan. "Ah!"

"Keep counting," Ashe insisted, her voice sounding even closer than before, like she was right by Lexi's ear. The possibility of disobedience didn't even occur to Lexi. She was long past that.

"S-seven. Eight." It took Lexi a moment to remember her place, and then she had to count quicker to catch up. "Nine... Ten..." Ashe's touch returned, this time stroking along her face. "E-eleven... twelve..." Lexi wanted to look round and see what Ashe was doing, but she couldn't. Her eyes were fixed on the watch. Only on the watch.

"Good, you're doing so well," Ashe murmured. Her hand moved down over Lexi's jawline and down her neck, caressing her collarbones and the top of her chest. Involuntarily, Lexi arched her back. Her mind was so quiet that each touch felt like a bolt of lighting. It was so powerful. So hard to think about counting. Lexi wanted more.

"Um... f-fifteen?" Lexi venture uncertainly, when she realized she'd stopped counting. She half-expected to be correcting, but the only response she got was a small, amused laugh from behind her. "Sixteen... seventeen... um..." Ashe's hand on her chest was so distracting. It kept venturing lower and lower, exploring the hem of her low-cut top and sliding down towards her cleavage. "E-eighteen... nineteen..."

"Good girl." Ashe's praise made Lexi blush. She remembered being praised like that before. Everything about this experience was so familiar. If only she could remember why. "How about... here?"

Suddenly, Ashe's hand was at Lexi's hip. The unexpected sensation made Lexi shiver, and caused her to emit another low moan. It was so hard for her to think. So hard to focus. Her mind was shrinking. She couldn't handle focusing on the watch and the way Ashe was touching her, not both at once. It was too much. But still, she had to try and count. She could hear the command echoing in her eyes and through her emptying mind. "Um... er... twenty... um... t-twenty... no... seventeen?"

"Not quite," Ashe said, sounding amused. "Twenty-three."

"Twenty-three," Lexi repeated, grateful for the assistance. "Twenty-four... twent-ah!" Ashe's hand was on her thigh now, exploring her, tracing the lines of her muscles. It was maddening. Lexi's body felt so distant, yet so hot. She was craving more, even as her mind was slipping away. Even something as simple as a hand stroking her thigh felt overwhelming. Thinking was overwhelming. "Twenty... um... twenty..."

"You've lost count?" Ashe asked. Lexi's beleaguered mind strained to remember which number she was supposed to be at, but her thoughts were so utterly scrambled by the way Ashe had been touching her. With hand still on her hip, Ashe put her other hand up Lexi's loose fitting top, feeling her way over each one of Lexi's abs. Lexi went limp. That was her limit. Along with the watch, two hands touching her so sensually was simply too much for her. Her brain short-circuited. She felt everything slipping away, her vision vanishing to the single point at the absolute center of the pocket watch. It was like she had fallen down a well. Lexi nodded, very slowly. She'd lost count.

"You can't think anymore, can you?"

Lexi shook her head.

"You're hypnotized right now," Ashe stated.

Lexi didn't react. She just kept staring blankly at the swinging pocket watch. She was numb to Ashe's touch now. She was hypnotized.

"You've been hypnotized like this before, haven't you?"

Lexi nodded. She didn't know how she knew that. She couldn't think. She couldn't remember. But she knew the answer.

"Good." Ashe let out a sigh of relief. "OK. Listen carefully. I want you to close your eyes." Lexi obeyed. "I want you to imagine your mind. I know that sounds complicated, but it's not. It's very simple. Just imagine your mind as big, round ball, floating in an empty, peaceful space."

Lexi did as Ashe said. She formed the mental image of a ball. It was pink. It was her mind.

"Now, I want you to imagine everything everyone's ever said to you while you were hypnotized. Every command, every suggestion. Imagine each one as a rope, tied around that ball that is your mind in a tight knot.

Unthinkingly, Lexi obeyed. The imagine in her mind changed in accordance with Ashe's instructions. Her mind-ball was covered in ropes. Lexi wasn't surprised. In trance, she wasn't capable of being surprised.

"When I snap my fingers," Ashe continued, "you will imagine me cutting those ropes for you. You'll imagine those knots unraveling, those ropes falling away, leaving your mind as it once was, unaltered. Are you ready?"

Lexi just nodded.

Ashe snapped her fingers. Lexi shuddered as, in an instant, all the ropes, all the suggestions and commands and brainwashing, fell away. Her mind was her own again. New memories, new realizations, new conclusions flooded her mind. It was impossible to believe. It was horrifying. It was just as overwhelming as what Ashe had done moments ago. She didn't know how to process it. The light of her new knowledge blazed like the sun, so bright that it dazzled her completely. She couldn't handle it. Her mind recoiled at the knowledge of what had been done to her. Drowned by the light, she blacked out.


By the time she awoke, her back and neck had grown stiff from the way she was slumped in the chair. She opened her eyes blearily. She half-forgot where she was, but the ropes that still bound her in place were a swift reminder.

"Alex?" came Ashe's concerned voice. "Are you OK?"

Alex... that was her name. Wasn't it? Why did it sound so unfamiliar? Then, everything that had happened, everything that had been done to her, came back to her all at once. Alex's eyes shot wide open. Winter. Sierra. The sorority girls. Professor Sinclair. The gym. School. Her hair. She remembered it all, and she understood. She started trembling.

"Are you... you again?" Ashe asked.

Alex didn't know how to answer that. "I think so," she said. Her mouth was dry.

"Oh, thank god!" Ashe clasped her hands to her face. "I was so worried I'd messed it all up. Let me get you free." Ashe produced a small flick knife, and quickly cut through the ropes holding Alex in place. Once they fell away, Alex was grateful for the ability to move again. She tried to stand, but her legs were so much weaker than she'd expected. "Careful!" Ashe said.

After a few more moments, using the hand-rest of the chair to support herself, Alex was able to make it to her feet. Once she was stable, she surged forwards, and threw herself into Ashe's arms. The punk girl's eyes went wide with surprise, but she threw her arms open and accepted Alex into her embrace. "Thank you," Alex whispered. "Thank you."

"I... of course," Ashe replied, flustered. "You're welcome."

It was a long time before either of them pulled away. Alex just wanted to be held, and the feeling of the warmth of another person helped stave off the dark thoughts she was having about her situation. But she couldn't put it off forever, she knew that.

"How are you feeling?" Ashe asked her. The punk girl was blushing.

"I don't even know how to begin answering that," Alex admitted. She looked down at herself. Her body felt totally alien to her. It wasn't the soft, shapeless, nondescript body she remembered. She was muscular. Toned. Powerful. She had to run her hand over her abs to convince herself they were real. She remembered all those hours spent in the gym well enough, though. How could she have done all that? She'd always wanted to get into working out, to improve her body, but she'd never been able to muster the willpower. Admiring her new body gave her a whole host of mixed feelings to deal with. It felt wrong, it felt like a violation, but in a way, it was what she'd always wanted. Not the muscles perhaps, but she was thin and fit and hot in a way she'd never thought possible. Would she lose this amazing body, now that it was all over? She didn't know how to feel about that, and she didn't want to admit to herself how much regret the prospect filled her with.