Mummy is Very Fussy Pt. 03

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Sarah and I have to thank her mother after more punishment.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/11/2018
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After our caning by Sarah's mother, we went to Sarah's old bedroom and she produced a jar of cold cream which we massaged into each other's stinging buttocks. Sarah explained that she could not allow me alone be to be punished by her mother so she had shaved off all her pubic hair in the shower that morning and arranged to get a bare bottom spanking so that her mother would notice her lack of pubes and cane her as well. This had happened once before after she had got a Brazilian wax. Sarah's mother regarded any form of pubic hair grooming as unwomanly. She herself sported a large luxurious bush and she expected her daughter to do the same. In the event, Sarah had received rather more strokes of the cane than she bargained for on top of a hard spanking, but she was content with that. I moved from her swollen buttocks to her bald cunt and gently parted her puffy outer lips to allow my tongue access. The lack of hair was slightly strange but I persevered with my tongue on the smooth flesh and soon she was dribbling copiously and moaning with pleasure. She came with a loud climax and I could not prevent myself from sticking my tongue in her recently shaved arse. She squirmed a little but then quickly jumped up in a panic saying, "We must get dressed. Mummy will be expecting us for tea." She headed off for the bathroom and I began the painful process of pulling on my pants.

Sarah reappeared fully dressed and perfectly made-up. I had to admit that she looked as stunning as ever with her new short hairstyle, even though I joked that it looked like a pubic bush on her head. I really liked the shaved nape and sides. She looked very sophisticated. She, in turn, told me how much she loved my new ultra-short hair as she brushed non-existent dust from my jacket.

We made an impressive entrance to the sitting room where tea was served. Sarah's mother was also perfectly made-up and coiffed I let my gaze settle on her for rather too long and she said, "How lovely that you could both stay. You do look very smart, although could you please make sure you wear a tie in future, Benjamin."

As we sat and made polite conversation I struggled to believe that the woman opposite was thrashing my buttocks and then sucking my cock just a couple of hours before. I tried not to think about the magnificent hairy bush as I nibbled my smoked salmon sandwich but the scent of her cunt still lingered in my nostrils. I listened as Sarah and her mother discussed their plans for the coming week and tried to respond politely to her father's questions about cricket. It was surreal. Eventually, Sarah and I said that we had to go and polite farewells were exchanged on the doorstep. Mrs Hobbs said, "Thank you both for coming. I hope you have both learned your lessons." She hugged us both and kissed me warmly on the cheek.

"Thank you so much Mummy. We will see you in a couple of weeks," Sarah gushed as we left.

In the car, Sarah turned to me and said, "I cannot thank you enough with putting up with Mummy today. I have never had the courage to take any boyfriend home before, but she really likes you."

"She has got a funny way of showing it," I replied as I tried to adjust my sitting position to be more comfortable. When we arrived at Sarah's flat she presented me with two handfuls of severed hair from her bush which I buried my nose in and inhaled. She had obviously removed it before her shower. We retired to bed and discussed the events of the day.

"Have you ever caned anyone before," Sarah asked.

"No. Have you?" I replied.

"Never. I am more used to being on the receiving end."

"Me too. So it's lucky we have your mother."

"Yes she seems to enjoy it. Perhaps you should shave your pubes and see how she reacts."

"I doubt if that is necessary," I observed, "she seems fairly determined to keep me in order anyway, particularly now we have decided to move in together."

Sarah grabbed my cock and began to stroke it vigorously. I was soon erect and she said, "Would you mind fucking me from behind tonight. I'm not sure if I can lie on my bottom much more." She rolled onto her front and knelt in front of me on the edge of the bed. The twelve stripes on her buttocks looked even more angry and swollen than they had this afternoon. I knelt on the floor behind her and gingerly licked her shaven anus before probing it delicately with the tip of my tongue. Sarah winced slightly as I circled her rim and then she pushed back so that I could push my tongue right in. I had to admit that lack of hair was an improvement and I gently worked a finger underneath and into her wet cunt. She sighed and started to slowly gyrate so I pushed another finger into the tight dripping hole. Soon Sarah was begging to be fucked. I stood up and pushed my cock into her cunt but she let out a yelp of pain as I made contact with her inflamed buttocks.

"I'm sorry but this just won't work," I explained in exasperation, "My cock just isn't long enough to get in without touching your cheeks."

Sarah turned her head to look back at me and said, "I think you'll find something that helps in that drawer at the bottom of the wardrobe."

I opened the drawer and found that it was full of sex toys. I was amazed. I had no idea what a dirty little slut my prim and proper girlfriend was. I soon found what we needed. There was a ten inch long dildo attached to a strap-on harness. I quickly put the harness on over my cock and moved back behind Sarah. It probed deeply into her slick fanny but was so long that I was able to stop well before i slapped into her battered buttocks. It was not ideal, but it worked and she soon came noisily before collapsing on the bed. I removed the strap-on and considered finishing myself off, but Sarah was soon on the floor in front on me sucking my cock. Then she stopped and looked up with a wicked grin and said, "Now it's your turn to get fucked."

I hesitated, but Sarah quickly made me kneel on the bed with my arse in the air while she made some adjustments to the strap-on and coated it with lube. It was clearly my day for first time experiences. I was about to get fucked up the arse for the first time. Sarah slowly and gently pushed the dildo in a short way and waited for me to adjust. It was not as bad as I feared because although the dildo was long it was not very thick. Sarah soon set up a steady motion and it was obvious that she was well practiced. I moved my hand to my cock and matched the rhythm until I was on the verge of coming. At that point Sarah thrust hard in letting me have nearly all the length and I exploded in a fountain of creamy spunk.

I moved into Sarah's flat the next day and soon settled in. She was more fastidious than me but I did my best to raise my game on the cleaning and tidying front and she made allowances. Our injured bottoms soon healed and her pubic hair began to grow. I did not ask about the strap-on but remained curious about why she had the need of one. We drank from a deep well of sexual bliss and we were gloriously happy. Every two weeks Sarah would spend nearly all day Saturday at the hairdressers having her hair set and trimmed prior to visiting her parents on Sunday. Initially, I kept up, reporting to a barber shop that Sarah had picked out and subjecting myself to the severe haircut that her mother had prescribed. However, I soon began to miss a couple of visits due to pressure of work and the start of the football season. Eventually, Sarah returned one Sunday afternoon and informed me that her mother had demanded that I show up next time. I did not argue because I did want to discuss something with her father.

Two weeks later Sarah headed off to the hairdressers on Saturday as normal. I should have gone to the barbers as I had missed several weeks by now but I had tickets for a cup match. When we met in a restaurant later that evening, Sarah was unhappy.

I asked what was wrong and she burst into tears. "The hairdresser said that my hair needed to be permed again as it had grown out so much that it was difficult to set properly but they did not have time today and Mummy will be cross tomorrow. On top of that you are looking very shaggy and I am afraid that we will get punished again."

"Don't worry about that," I said, trying to reassure her. "I may have something to take her mind off those things."

She looked puzzled as I dropped to one knee, produced a small box and said "Sarah Hobbs, would you marry me?" She looked stunned and confused, then she took the box containing the ring and realised that I was serious. Her face exploded in a radiant smile and she whispered, "Yes.. Yes I certainly will."

We drank champagne and talked excitedly about the future. I explained that I intended to ask her father's permission before lunch the following day. Sunday followed the normal routine. Sarah spent longer than usual in the bathroom trying to coax her hair into place. She eventually gave in and emerged looking immaculate as usual but I could see that she was dissatisfied. I dragged on my suit and tie and tried to brush my hair into shape without much success and then we set off for church. We arrived slightly late due to traffic hold-ups but managed to sneak in the back as the service was starting. Afterwards, we met up with Sarah's parents and were greeted warmly. As usual, Sarah's mother looked her up and down critically but said nothing. She then turned her attention to me and gave me a quick head to toe appraisal. "How lovely to see you again Benjamin," she purred, "I thought you were trying to avoid us."

I did not rise to the bait and replied, "Lovely to see you too Mrs Hobbs."

Back at the house Sarah and her mother headed for the kitchen, but iI hung back and followed her father to the garden shed. He turned on the radio to catch the cricket score and then said, "Is there something on your mind, young Ben?"

"Well yes Sir, I suppose there is," I stammered. "I was wondering if you would mind if I asked Sarah to marry me."

There was a brief pause, followed by a firm handshake and a booming response, "Absolutely not, dear boy. That would be marvellous. Congratulations. This calls for a drink," He scrabbled under a work bench and produced a hidden bottle of fine malt whisky which we drank from plastic cups. Suddenly he looked thoughtful and said, "Of course, you will need to ask the 'Memsaab'. She's in charge."

I knew exactly what he meant. it was never likely that he would object but ultimately he was not the final arbiter. I still had to tackle Sarah's mother. Her father swallowed the last of his whisky and took me by the arm saying, "Carpe diem, young Ben, carpe diem," as he guided me towards the kitchen. My anxiety was unnecessary. As we entered the kitchen, I noticed that Sarah was flaunting her engagement ring and her mother flung her arms around me.

"Benjamin, how wonderful that you two will no longer be living in sin. Welcome to our family. Albert fetch some champagne." I looked at Sarah and she radiated a beaming smile. All was well.

Lunch was punctuated with excited chatter about the wedding arrangements and it was soon clear that Sarah's mother would be in total charge. At one point her father leaned across to me conspiratorially and said, "Any thoughts about the stag night, old boy," which drew a sharp rebuke from his wife, along with firm instructions to go to the kitchen and make some coffee.

I looked at Sarah who was trying to suppress a giggle. The moment was short-lived because her mother then spoke sternly.

"Now, delighted as I am at your news, you would be wrong to think that I regard it as an excuse to let standards slip. Sarah, it is patently obvious dear that you are neglecting your appearances. Your hair is a disgrace and needs immediate attention."

"Yes Mummy," Sarah replied mournfully.

"And Benjamin, it is obvious that the reason you have been avoiding us is that you have allowed your hair to grow back into a dreadful mess."

"l'm sorry Mrs Hobbs, but I have been rather busy."

"Well so I hear," Mrs Hobbs continued sharply, "you have been overwhelmed by your football watching duties." I shot a glance at Sarah but she just continued to stare at the table. There was a long pause before Sarah's mother continued. "We are going to the country for a week of hill walking next Saturday and I would be pleased if you would both join us."

Sarah glanced at me and I shrugged- "Why not," I thought, "we have not had a holiday for a while and it could be fun."

"There is of course one condition," continued Mrs Hobbs. "You will both turn up looking respectable and presentable. I believe Benjamin that this constitutes what was known at your old school as a haircut chit. Sarah, I am going to visit Mavis on Friday and I am then taking your father to see Mr Taylor. You are both welcome to join us."

"But Mummy, I have such a busy week especially if I am taking the following week off," Sarah responded.

"Same goes for me Mrs Hobbs," I chimed.

"Oh, that's terribly sad," Sarah's mother said with no sympathy at all. "You both know the consequences of disobeying a haircut chit." She smiled coldly and looked into the distance. "Do make sure you pack everything we will need dear," she said cryptically to Sarah.

On the way home Sarah and I discussed our dilemma. There was simply no way that either of us could find time during the week to visit a hairdresser. The only alternative would be to do it ourselves but this was quickly rejected. Reluctantly we agreed that we would have to take the punishment. Hell, we would be on holiday. It couldn't be that bad.

So it was that we arrived at Sarah's parents house early the following Saturday morning. We were both critically appraised with a lingering up and down glance but nothing was said. After a four hour drive, we arrived at a picturesque cottage in a small village in Yorkshire. After unpacking we went for a walk into the village and I was pleased to see that the shops were closing, including the hairdressers and the barbershop which were next door to each other and appeared to be part of the same establishment. We had dinner in the local pub and Sarah's parents departed for an early night. Inevitably, conversation turned to the likelihood of our being punished by Sarah's mother.

"When do you think she will do it?" I asked.

"Probably after church tomorrow," Sarah replied.

"No chance of divine forgiveness then," I grumbled. Sarah shook her head and said, "None whatsoever. So we may as well sin some more tonight. The thought of being caned always makes me horny."

She was right. Our sex life was always more intense in the period before these domination events. We made our way back to the cottage and I slipped into Sarah's bedroom. I started by laying her on the bed and pushing her legs apart and back towards her shoulders so that I had full access to both holes. I ran my tongue from her arse hole to her clitoris and back again several times, feeling the new growth of pubic hair which was already over half an inch long. Soon the whole area was wet with saliva and cunt juice. I was just deciding which hole to plough first when Sarah reached for the drawer in her bedside table and produced a large vibrating butt plug. Again I was a little surprised but I soon had it coated in lube and pressed it gently into her rear end. I positioned my cock over her cunt and switched on the butt plug before invading Sarah's wet vagina. She purred with delight as the deep vibrations pervaded the whole area making my cock quiver.

"Bzzz," she said running her hands through my hair, "It sounds just like hair clippers."

I could tell that she was getting turned on by the thought of another haircut and a caning. We soon both climaxed but did our best to ride our crashing orgasms quietly due to the proximity of her mother. Even so, as I returned to my room, I was sure I detected her mother's gimlet eye observing me.

We got up early the next day and got ready for church. At breakfast, Sarah's father informed us that her mother would not be joining us because she had a migraine. I detected a look of relief on Sarah's face, or maybe it was disappointment. The rest of the day passed very pleasantly. After church we hiked across the moors to the nearby village where we had a good pub lunch and plenty of ale and wine. Sarah's father was in fine form and even treated us to some impressions of her mother, causing fits of giggles. Sarah prepared supper later in the evening and her mother joined us briefly before returning to her bed. Sarah and I both joked about how our buttocks had won a stay of execution and we made the most of it in bed that night. The next morning, Sarah's mother was dressed seated at the table when we both came down for breakfast. She looked disapprovingly at Sarah and then at me.

"I trust you both slept well," she said, with more than a hint of irony. She had obviously recovered. Halfway through breakfast she said, "Right! Let's get going. We have a lot to do. Sarah, go and fix your make-up properly. We may be on holiday but we mustn't let standards slip. Then we are going straight to the hairdresser to get your hair done properly. Benjamin, you can come too and after Sarah is done, you can get tidied up at the barbers. Albert, clear away the breakfast things and then go to the grocery to get provisions for lunch. I have made a list. And don't you dare go to the pub to watch cricket."

It was like a whirlwind. In no time at all the three of us were heading towards the village leaving Sarah's father to do the housework. Mrs Hobbs strode out in her tweed walking clothes. Sarah, dressed in a pretty summer dress, had to trot to keep up with her and I brought up the rear wearing an old pair of her fathers walking shorts with a checked shirt, long socks and hiking boots. It took me back to my youth. Sarah's mother ushered us into the hairdressing salon and again I was assaulted by the pungent mix of smells. I was sent to a waiting chair and Sarah was quickly covered in a frilly pink gown. She said nothing as her mother gave instructions to the elderly lady hairdresser with vibrant blue rinsed hair. All I could make out was the repeated command that it should be a good deal shorter on the sides and at the back and tightly permed. Sarah's head was soon covered in hair curlers that to my untrained eye appeared quite a bit smaller than those which had been used before. As she sat under the old wheezing hairdryer reading an ancient magazine, I noticed that there was a connecting door into the barber shop next door through which I could see a thin elderly man with a well-trimmed moustache wielding scissors over a small boy's head. He did not look like he did light trims.

After nearly an hour, Sarah was released from the hairdryer and soon found herself in front of the old hairdresser with a her head covered in very tight small curls. I thought of a poodle. After teasing them out, backcombing and snipping away the excess with scissors, the old woman turned to Mrs Hobbs and said, "Should I shave the sides and back?"

"Yes. Of course," she replied sharply. An ancient set of electric clippers sprang to life and all the curls on the back of Sarah's head were consigned to the floor, followed by those on both sides of her head. An open razor was dragged high above her ears and high up her neck leaving just the tight cap of curls on her head and almost bare skin everywhere else. After long burst of industrial strength hairspray she was released, looking completely shell-shocked and with a small tear in her eye. Her mother gushed, "That looks much better dear. Benjamin pay the lady."

I jumped up, forgetting that I had a burgeoning erection and retrieved my wallet. By the time I had finished, Sarah and her mother were waiting outside the barbershop next door. Marjorie Hobbs was tapping her foot and had her arms folded. "Come along, Benjamin. We haven't got all day"