Ms. Walker's Class Ch. 06


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He had been gritting his teeth, and holding back the flood for a few minutes already, waiting to see if slut Ashley wanted a facial, or loving Ashley wanted it inside her. Now that the decision was made, he was happy to pull the trigger. A few more strokes, and he emptied his balls, gushing way up inside her cunt, while she cooed and caressed his hair.

"Thank you, Michael," she sighed.

Thank you, Ash," he panted.


Michael stubbed his toe on the last step as he left Ashley's house, nearly doing a face plant in her driveway. His legs were a little wobbly, and he leaned against the fender of his car for a few seconds, getting his bearings. His head was a bit fuzzy, too. Both were residual effects of his day with Miranda's college friend.

She had really put him through the wringer today, a total of six times. It would have been a more manageable four, but she had pushed his buttons with great skill, hinting at the past she shared with Miranda. A shared past that included sharing a bed on several occasions.

Actually, she did a lot more than hint at it, giving him a very vivid, erotically descriptive rundown of a few of those sessions, timed to resurrect his exhausted penis. It had worked, as the images of his wife and her blonde friend engaged in various sapphic activities filled his head, leading to blood filling his cock, and that cock filling Ashley's cunt.

He started his car, and put the window down, inviting the cooler air of early evening in to clear his head. Feeling better, he put the car in gear, and slowly pulled out of Ashley's driveway.


Miranda was in her kitchen, watching Hiromi make most of tonight's dinner. Who better to learn the art of making sushi from than a native of Japan? Of course, that hadn't been the main reason for tonight's get together. When she had opened the door to invite her guest in, two hours ago, Miranda had been curious.

Now she was stunned. Her mind was turning over the pros and cons of Hiromi's request, and the accompanying offer. It had a definite appeal, but also a slight risk. She needed to think more, and talk to her husband about it.

Michael would be home soon, and then all the cards would be on the table, along with the delicious sushi Hiromi was fashioning.


As Michael pulled into his driveway, he saw the extra car parked in front of their house. He didn't recognize the vehicle, and assumed that one of Miranda's other friends might be visiting, and possibly joining them for dinner. He had no problem with that; he'd met several of his wife's friends, and never felt anything but acceptance.

Of course, not all of her friends knew about their former and current business together. Ashley did, but since he just left her nearly unconscious in bed a few minutes ago, he was certain she wasn't the mystery guest. He was prepared for a quiet dinner with no discussion of the day's events.

"Hi honey, I'm home," he called out in his normal fashion as he came through the door.

Miranda breezed out of the kitchen and greeted him with a kiss. She looked very good, tonight, well dressed and coiffed.

"Hi sweetie," she smiled.

"Company for dinner?" he asked, holding her close.

"Yes. A friend wanted to talk today, and she's making us dinner as well," Miranda nodded.

"Do I know this friend, or is this a new one?" he queried.

"Oh yeah. I think you could say you know her. In fact, you know her a lot better than I do," Miranda giggled.

The response made Michael turn, a confused frown on his face. He didn't see their 'guest' come out of the kitchen with the tray of sushi.

"Dinner is ready. Good evening, Michael," Hiromi smiled, placing the large platter in the centre of the table.

Michael nearly gave himself whiplash as his head went back and forth between the two women. The look on his face must have been something to see, and Miranda laughed.

"Relax sweetheart," she consoled. "You're not in trouble. Hiromi just wanted to bounce an idea off me... off us... and this seemed as good a time as any."

"Okay," he replied cautiously, still wondering where this was going. Romi hadn't mentioned anything on Friday.

"I suggest we eat first," Hiromi said softly, "then we can discuss my proposal."

"Yes," Miranda nodded, already taking her seat. "Come on, honey. It looks delicious. Hiromi is teaching me how to make it properly."

"Um, yeah, okay," Michael answered, still baffled. It didn't appear they were going to let him in on the secret yet, so he might as well eat. He joined the ladies at the table.

Hiromi had been a very generous chef, providing a quite ample selection of tasty rolls, nigiri and even sashimi. Tuna, salmon, ebi and mackerel... as well as a few that Michael didn't recognize... were stacked on the tray. He was famished after his day with Ashley, and wasted no time, immediately diving in, chopsticks flying.

He gorged himself, while the girls ate at a more dignified and feminine pace, chatting between themselves about the food, and how it was made. Eventually, they stopped depleting the selection, and left him to finish off the balance. It went down so easily, he hardly noticed the full feeling sneaking up on him. As he plucked the last piece from the vacant platter, he caught Miranda and Hiromi sharing a knowing glance and a smile.

"Oh, god, that was so good," he groaned, dropping his chopsticks on the plate and rubbing his belly. "I'm stuffed. I hope this 'proposal' doesn't require me to do more than listen, because I can barely move."

"I don't doubt it," Miranda giggled. "You ate enough for a small army! Why don't you waddle into the living room and rest, while we clear up. We'll join you in a few minutes."

More stall tactics, he thought, as he slowly walked over to the couch and dropped heavily onto it. They're trying to drive me nuts. He sat, tipped his head back, and closed his eyes.

Miranda and Hiromi walked in and took their seats in the recliners opposite the couch. Michael was still sitting with his eyes closed, so Miranda cleared her throat. He opened one eye.

"Yes?" he asked.

"You probably want to know what's going on?" Miranda suggested.

"Hadn't given it a second thought," he grinned. "Romi? What's up?"

Hiromi sat with her hands clasped around the knee of her crossed left leg, trying to appear calm while the flock of butterflies in her stomach flew in formation. Even though she had already talked to Miranda about it, she was nervous about suggesting it to Michael. Oh well. No turning back now.

"Michael..." Hiromi began, then paused.

"Just tell me, Romi. I can't take much more suspense," he begged.

"Right," she smiled. "I won't beat around the bush." One more deep breath, and she laid it out. "Michael, I want a baby, and I'd like you to be the father of my child. I don't expect you to have a child with me and not be part of that child's life, but I would never consider coming between you and Miranda. With that in mind, I suggest that both of you come to live with me, on a permanent basis. You have seen my house; It's far too big for me by myself, and more than big enough for all of us."

Michael sat in silence for several seconds, looking from Hiromi to Miranda and back. His wife looked happy, and his 'girlfriend' looked hopeful.

"Alright, let me be sure I've got this right," he finally said. "In exchange for getting you pregnant, you are offering us a free place to live?"

"Yes," Hiromi nodded.

"We could sell this house and invest the proceeds," Miranda added, "or just rent it and bank the income."

"Correct," Hiromi confirmed.

"Sounds a little one-sided, in our favour," Michael opined. "You get a baby, and...?"

"And greater access to you, my love," Miranda finished. "It seems you have more than one woman in love with you."

Michael looked over at Hiromi, who appeared on the verge of tears. This was her only shot, and she desperately wanted it to work.

He weighed the options. Three day weekends, reduced expenses, increased standard of living, increased money to invest for their future. Getting to fuck Romi more often. Having to fuck Romi more often. Having a child. Essentially having not only two wives, but two incredible wives. He really didn't see a downside, but it wasn't only his decision to make.

Miranda had given it a lot of thought, and she couldn't see a problem either. She saw him looking across at her, a question in his eyes. The only question he could possibly be asking; yes or no? She nodded, almost imperceptibly.

Michael stood, and walked across to Hiromi. She looked up at him hopefully, and her eyes followed him as he knelt next to her chair. He took her hand, feeling the tension inside her. A gentle kiss on her lips opened the gates, and his one word answer unleashed the flood.

"Yes," he whispered.

"Oh, thank you, Michael!" she gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck. He remained the sole beneficiary of her gratitude for several seconds, until she remembered she had another to thank. She stood, and faced his wife.

"Miranda... I don't know what to say," she bowed. "Thank you doesn't seem enough."

"Of course it is. We are all going to benefit," Miranda reminded her. "But I'll still take a kiss, if you are willing."

Hiromi smiled and nodded, stepping into Miranda's embrace. The two women cast a glance at Michael, who was watching intently, a huge smile on his face. Satisfied their audience was paying attention, they pressed their lips together; Hiromi's bright red, bee-stung beauties contrasting Miranda's plump, dark pillows. Their tongues reached out, tangling wetly for his eyes.

"This is going to be fun," he whispered.


Friday afternoon brought about a change in routine.

While it had begun as every other Friday had, with Michael arriving at Romi's door in the morning, it had departed from the norm when Miranda left work in the afternoon and headed in that direction too. She used the key she had been given, and entered the house quietly.

Ignoring the obvious sounds of sex coming from down the hallway, she had a quick look around.

"So this is my new home?" she giggled. "Wow."

It really was a beautiful house, so open and airy, yet warm, with all the rich wood tones and natural materials.

Acoustically, it was... well, she could no longer ignore those sounds. She recognized Michael's grunts and huffing breaths. The squeals, squeaks and gasps, certainly female, had to be from Hiromi. As she crept down the hallway toward the bedroom, she felt her pulse racing, and a sudden dampness between her thighs.

She obviously knew that her husband had sex with women other than herself... the proof was in their bank account... and she had heard the stories from his own lips. She had never actually seen him in action, though. That was about to change. The shoji leading to the bed chamber was ajar, letting Miranda peek in, and what she saw took her breath away.

Hiromi was on her back, legs splayed wide, while Michael pounded her mercilessly. That was hardly a surprise, as she had been on the receiving end of similar treatment many times. The surprise was how incredibly arousing it was to watch him; muscular shoulders and back flexing as he held himself in place above Hiromi, while his ass and thighs clenched with each furious stroke. Far better than any porn she had ever seen, it compelled her to open the door.

"Working hard, I see," she smiled, causing both Michael and Hiromi to turn their heads her way. They both smiled, and he went back to his task.

"Just ful-fill-ing my end of the con-tract," he grunted, in time with his thrusts.

"Mind if I watch?" she asked.

"Not at all," he grinned. "Ro-mi?"

"Cer-tain-ly... Please do!" Hiromi squeaked.

Miranda smiled, and took a seat on the chair next to the bed. No question about it... Her husband can really fuck! The sight was causing a definite tingle between her legs, one that couldn't be denied.

She hiked up her skirt, and tore a huge hole in the crotch of her pantyhose, sacrificing them in the name of expediency. Her fingers went to work quickly, circling her clit, and plunging into her juicy cunt eagerly. She noticed that her husband had slowed his pace, allowing them to watch her, while she watched them.

In contrast to the method used on her pantyhose, Miranda carefully unbuttoned her blouse. Well, it was one of her favourites, and she didn't want to ruin it, even if she was desperately horny. Once it was open, she dragged her bra cups down, giving her access to her nipples, which were already stiff and tall. Now able to get at both primary erogenous zones, she settled into her seat, propped one foot up on the edge of the bed, spread her legs wide, and resumed her self pleasure.

"Fuck her, Michael," she growled. "Fuck her hard. It's so hot watching you two like this. Do it!"

Michael grinned again, and returned his attention to the woman under him, resuming his former rhythm of long strokes into Hiromi's receptive cunt.

For her part, Romi's focus was divided. She wanted to make her usual eye contact with Michael as her shafted her so divinely, but Miranda's pussy was a huge distraction, and a very exciting one. It was stoking her fires to previously unknown levels. Add the stimulation of being watched for the first time, and it's no surprise she felt an orgasm rapidly approaching. Her cute little squeaks of bliss began to escalate.

"Aiye, aiye, aiye, oh, my, fuck-ing god! Fuck me, darling... I'm cumming!" she screeched.

In the corner of his eye, he saw his wife's body stiffen as she had a climax of her own, fingers furiously throttling her pussy. Her groans of pleasure added to Hiromi's screams, filling the room with the sounds of lust.

The scent of it, as well. His nose registered the familiar smell of his wife's aroused pussy, mingling for the first time with that of his Japanese lover. It was a potent perfume, and urged him into another gear.

Miranda saw him pick up the pace, and knew he was going to soon be pumping Hiromi full of his warm seed. That thought and sight spurred her fingers to plunge deeper. She had four of them in her cunt now, and two from the other hand threatening to start a fire on her clit. She needed a third hand to tug her nipples, but would have to settle for the two she had for now.

Romi was beside herself. Michael's cock was normally enough to make her cum, but the added stimulus had her in a near orgasmic coma. She didn't feel it cumming again, because it never really stopped. Her body hung limp under him, bouncing between his hips and the mattress, and her voice was nearly gone from screaming.

Miranda watched her husband's balls pull up tight, and the thick shaft flexed as he spurted a huge load into Hiromi. It was the final straw, pushing her over the top again, and she screamed her own harmony as both Michael and Romi vocalized their orgasms.

The room suddenly fell still and silent, other than the sound of tortured breathing. Miranda wilted in her chair, Hiromi was a damp rag, and Michael was resting his body as gently as possible atop her tiny frame.

It was Michael that stirred first, carefully rolling off Hiromi's body, and staggering toward the bathroom.

"Romi? You alive?" Miranda giggled. She was greeted with a weak groan.

"No," Romi sighed. "Must be in heaven."

Miranda rose slowly, and stepped over to Hiromi's virtually lifeless body. She bent, and kissed her new co-wife on the lips. Another moan of exhaustion, before Miranda peeked at the other woman's ravaged pussy, where Michael's gooey deposit was slowly dripping out. It was more than she could resist, and she quickly took a place between Romi's thighs, cleaning up with her tongue. Michael's semen mixed with Romi's musky juices to create a delicious gravy.

Romi moaned, and squirmed, before grabbing a handful of Miranda's dark tresses. She ground her sloppy cunt against Miranda's face, and gasped at the feeling of another woman's tongue twirling around her clit. She was astonished how good it felt. Michael was very talented with his mouth on her pussy, but Miranda left him in the dust. Romi hadn't planned on this new arrangement including threesomes with her, but it was looking like a pleasant bonus.

Michael returned from the bathroom to find his wife's face buried in Romi's pussy, slurping away happily. She gobbled his residue from Romi's gaping hole.

"Um, honey?" he said gently, leaning against the door frame. "I'm trying to get her pregnant. It's going to be difficult if you keep sucking my cum out of her every time."

Miranda lifted her head, and wiped her chin. A wry grin crossed her lips.

"Sorry, baby," she shrugged. "Too good to resist. You'll just have to fuck her again... and again... and again."

The things he had to do for his wife. Jeez.


Thanks for taking the time to read this one. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to send me some feedback or comments, and please, please, please... Click those stars.

I think I hear Dan and Karen calling.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great writing, although the plentiful sex scenes would be richer if supported by a somewhat more detailed and credible plot. I mean, two women who hardly know each other agree to become co-wives over the course of dinner? Seriously? And the husband and wife dive into this as part of whay seems to basically be a business venture? Come on. We seen your writing. We know you can do better than that!

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 7 years ago
Awesome Story!!

I can't wait to hear more about Michael and Miranda! And Hiromi too!! This has been one of the best reads on this site. Love your style! Thanks for writing.

wyldnloose69wyldnloose69almost 8 years ago

That was an amazing series of stories. Very loving and erotic can't wait to read more..

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 8 years ago

So very good! I'm happy to read stories that lead to loving and happiness! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
WOW! Says enough

You bring out the best in the characters. They are smoking HOT!

Keep it up.....

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