Mrs. J Ch. 02


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Stunned, Jason watched as Lauren walked back inside. He could see his thick white cream trailing down her inner thigh. When she was gone, he looked down at his spent member lying in a puddle of their juices, marveling at what just happened. He shook his head and laughed, and went inside to clean up.


Two days later, Jason collapsed on his bed, more tired than he'd ever felt before. The hot shower had failed ease the ache of his muscles, and all he could do was lie on his stomach and wait for the ibuprofen to kick in.

"Tough day at the office?" Lauren teased from the doorway.

He groaned. "I can't believe how everything hurts."


"Almost everything," he admitted. "Honestly, though, I won't be any good to you this way. I need a day off."

The past forty eight hours had been a blur of sexual frenzy. Every chance they got they groped, licked, and fucked. Lauren had even come to his room in the middle of the night, riding him to orgasm after orgasm while her parents slept two doors down. She was as insatiable as he, always ready to go again. He had never met anyone like her.

Her only flaw was that she wasn't her mother.

"Poor baby," Lauren sympathized. "How about I give you a massage?"

Jason grunted his assent. Lauren returned a few minutes later, her lithe legs straddling his buttocks. With some difficulty he pulled off his shirt. Lauren drizzled oil on his back and went to work. Her small hands kneaded the knotted muscles, coaxing them to relax. Jason sank deeper into the bed under her touch.

Finished with his back and neck, Lauren moved down to work his legs. Her able hands worked their magic on his calves and thighs. He groaned when her fingers kneaded his sore hamstrings. She concentrated there, spending a lot of time working them over. Her hands rose higher up the backs of his thighs and under his shorts.

"That sore, too?"

He nodded. Before he could protest, Lauren pulled off his shorts and was kneading his bare ass. Jason wouldn't have admitted it earlier but his buttocks were the sorest parts of his body. He sighed and relaxed even more, falling into a trance as the ache was driven from his body.

He heard Lauren squirt more oil into her hands and felt fingers glide over his sac. His hips rose automatically, offering her access. A well oiled hand caressed his balls and Jason moaned with pleasure. Lauren thoroughly massaged his ass and balls until he felt he was going to burst. She stood up and indicated for him to roll over.

She was naked now, her hands glistening, as she straddled him. Her pubic hair brushed along his shaft as she massaged his chest and arms. Soon his cock was slick with her juices and the tip caught at her opening. Lauren sat down a bit, allowing just the head to enter her. She kept him like that while she continued to rub him down.

Once her hands reached his waist she dismounted and moved down to his legs. Her touch was purposeful yet sensual, and soon all thoughts of exhaustion were driven from his mind. His legs finished, she moved up to his waiting cock. It bobbed with each beat of his heart. Lauren made a show of slowly squeezing more oil into her palm.

She took him in both her hands, one on each side and rubbed his length. Jason moaned again. A hand closed on his shaft and pumped up and down. At the top of each stroke she twisted her hand around the head making Jason flinch in pleasure. The skin of his cock was taut and strained when she lowered her mouth on him. His eyes rolled back in his head when the tip touched her throat. Jason struggled to not come, wanting this feeling to last. He succeeded until Lauren slipped a well oiled finger in his ass.


"Fuck me! Harder! Harder!" Lauren commanded as Jason knelt behind her. "This might be the last time you get to fuck me, so make it good!"

Jason stopped. "What do you mean?"

"I'm getting my period in a couple of days."

"You sure?" His hips resumed moving.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm on the pill so it's like clockwork. Unfortunately you'll have to put with two bitchy women for a few days."


"Yeah," she grunted, taking Jason even deeper. "Ever since I went on the pill I became the alpha female of the house. My mom's cycle matches mine, now - something to do with pheromones or something."

Lauren continued talking but Jason didn't hear her. A plan was forming in his mind and it wasn't until Lauren screamed in ecstasy did he remember he was fucking her. Her pussy gripped his cock and he came in a shuddering spasm.


Once again Kathy was pinned under Jason, her hands behind her back as he rode her. She had been able to avoid him the past couple of days but today he had come home just after Lauren had left. When he gazed at her with that lustful look on his face, Kathy silently cursed the wetness spreading between her legs. The desire for his cock to be in her was too much to bear at times.

She buried her head in the mattress to muffle her cries as she came. He always made her come, even when she didn't want to. His tempo slowed, his thrusts became deeper and her body shook uncontrollably. She was having a sustained orgasm, something that had happened for the first time the previous week. When he fucked her like this she felt as if every one of her molecules would detonate and fly apart.

Her cries became more distant as she receded farther into her orgasm. The world didn't exist; Jason didn't exist; she didn't exist. There was simply white hot lust burning in the void of space.

The universe dimmed and she was back on the bed. Jason stood next to her looking down at her body.

"Beautiful," he murmured. He was looking at her sex.

Kathy sat up quickly and looked down. Her pussy lips were red and swollen from the abuse. White fluid seeped from her slit - Jason had come in her.

"God damn it! Why didn't you pull out?" she demanded. She flopped back onto the bed frustrated.

"I didn't want to and I didn't need to," he said calmly, his eyes never leaving her vagina. "Your period starts in a couple of days so you're not fertile."

Stunned, Kathy stared at him. She could feel his seed ooze slowly across her anus, tickling her. "How did you -"

He cut her off quickly. "I figured it out. I can count, you know."

Reaching forward he dipped his fingers into her, spreading his cum over her sex. Kathy slapped his hand away.

"Get out!" she whispered. "Get the fuck out!"

Jason licked his fingers, winked at her and walked from the room. Kathy hurried to the shower and stood under the spray for a long time.


"Happy Birthday, Daddy!" Lauren yelled as she walked in with a cake.

Jason looked up, surprised. "I didn't know it was your birthday, Mr. J. I would have gotten you a gift."

"No worries, Jason. I've had plenty of birthdays and plenty of gifts. I don't need anything," Steve said after blowing out the candles.

"Where's your gift, Mom?"

Mrs. J. gave a strained smile. "I'm taking your dad out to dinner and then to a show tomorrow night."

"Cool," said Lauren casually. "Shoot, I forgot forks and ice cream. Jason, can you give me hand?"

Jason rose to follow Lauren and as he left the room he heard Mr. J. say to Mrs. J.: "Actually, I'm looking forward to your gift tonight."


Hands caressed her body through the nightgown. When one moved between her legs, Kathy gently pushed it away and sat up. Steve looked at her confused.

"Something wrong?"

"No," was her answer. Kathy gave her best performance and gave him her most seductive look. "It's your birthday and I want you to have something special, something I haven't given you in a long time."

Intrigued, Steve lay back. "Such as?"

"You just lie there and watch," was her answer.

Kathy kissed down his hairy chest, her hands flitting over his stomach. She could feel his hardness through his boxers. She tugged them down revealing his white cock amid a sea of dark pubic hair. She fondled and stroked him, teasing him with licks and wet kisses. Steve was so worked up that when she finally took him in her mouth he came immediately. She swallowed every drop and laid her head on his stomach. He stroked her hair gently.

"Sorry about that. I got a little over excited."

Kathy thought it was the understatement of the year. Instead she said, "Don't apologize. I love it that I can get you so worked up." She ran her fingers absently over his stomach. "Remember our first time?"

"How could I forget? I was so embarrassed. I still am," he confessed.

"Don't be," Kathy admonished. "Besides, you recovered pretty quickly, if memory serves, and we did it three more times that night."

Steve laughed. "Yeah, well, those days are long gone, I'm afraid."

"Are they?" she asked, looking up at him.

Her hand moved down, pulling and stroking. To his amazement, he grew harder. When he was almost fully erect, she took him in her mouth and lovingly sucked until he came again.

"Happy Birthday," she whispered, licking the cum from her lips.


"In here," she said, pulling Jason by his cock.

He stopped at the doorway. "This is your parents' room."

"Yeah, but they have a king size bed. I'm tired of screwing on a small bed. Think of the possibilities."

Jason stepped closer, taking Lauren in his arms. "What did you have in mind?"


"Damn it!" she swore again.

"It's ok, honey," soothed Steve. "We have plenty of time to get the tickets and make the show." He swung the car around and sped back towards their house.

The strain was getting to her and her mind was starting to crack. She was forgetful. She laughed too loud and too easily when she was with other people. She sobbed uncontrollably when she was alone. During dinner Kathy had to stifle the urge to confess everything. She choked it down with plenty of white wine.

Last night had been another low point in her marriage, the lowest since that fateful night three months ago. Their tradition was that on their birthdays, no matter what else was going on in their lives, they would have wild, unabashed sex. But last night, she couldn't - her pussy was too raw from the fucking Jason had given her. And she couldn't let Steve go down on her either, and risk him tasting another man on her. Instead, she indulged Steve in multiple blowjobs, something she hadn't done before. When finished, Steve lay back with the most contented look on his face. Kathy's heart sank when she saw it. She knew she did was a lie. All of it was a lie.

She had become a lie.

The car turned into the driveway and Kathy jumped out, hurrying up the walk. The house was quiet when she entered. As it was a Friday night, Lauren and Jason were most likely out. Good, she didn't want Jason to see her - she was wearing the same dress she had worn to the prom. She hurried up the stairs, her mind so preoccupied she didn't hear the noises coming from the bedroom.

She opened the door and froze at what she saw.

Lauren was on top of Jason, her mouth around his cock, his head buried between her legs. They were both moaning loudly. Kathy saw Jason had a finger buried in her daughter's ass. Lauren opened her eyes and saw her mother, and she let Jason fall from her lips. Lauren rolled off and Jason sat up quickly -- he didn't even attempt to cover himself.

All three stared at each other. The earth had stopped spinning and all three felt the terrible lurch. Laruen waited for her mother start screaming at her and Jason. Instead, her mother stared at Jason, an expression of pain and sorrow on her face. Lauren glanced at Jason, who looked down at the floor guiltily.

Where was the anger? Where was the outrage? Lauren stared at her mother.

Kathy dropped her eyes to avoid Lauren's gaze. Guilt was now etched on her mother's face, too. Lauren looked from one to the other, the horror of realization dawning over her. She stood, and took a few unsteady steps forward.

"How could you?" she barely whispered.

Kathy looked up at Lauren and shook her head. "I never meant -." She stopped, the words choking her. "It just happened." Tears welled in her eyes.

Lauren stepped back shaking her head in disbelief. "You, you -" she stammered, shaking her head. Her worst fears had been realized.

"You fucked him!" she shrieked.

Steve stepped into the room, his face drawn and tight. "What the hell is going on?"


Kathy clipped the announcement from the paper. Lauren looked so beautiful, it must have been a wonderful wedding. Kathy, of course, was not invited. Over the past five years she had only spoken with Lauren a handful of times. With Steve, even less.

The divorce was swift and merciless, and completely befitting of the crime. Kathy did not contest a thing. What she had done was indefensible.

Her moment of weakness had cost her family. True, she saw the rest of her kids and grandkids from time to time but some bond had broken between her and the kids and they'd never be whole again. Worse, her moment of weakness had cost her best friend.

It wasn't until Steve had left her that Kathy fully realized how close they were. Sure, they were boring, unadventurous and dull. But they were together, two companions on their journey through life, living a safe and comfortable existence.

She heard Steve was seeing someone now. Kathy hoped she could make him happy.

For her own part, Kathy was still alone and she doubted she ever would find someone who could make her truly happy. Jason tried several times to see her but it wasn't the same. Whatever spell he'd had over her was broken when her marriage crumbled in ruins. In the intervening years, her encounters with men always left her feeling empty. It took a long time for her to realize Jason had hollowed out a space in her that no man could ever fill.

To walk the earth like an empty vessel that could never be filled: that was her punishment, those were her chains.

Kathy was sure she would wear them for the rest of her days.

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DadiesdreamsDadiesdreamsabout 2 months ago

I was really enjoying this until you started saying how the parents had to control their 18-year-old children from having sex, which is stupid because they’re adults. But more so I had to stop when the nice boy suddenly became a devious blackmailer to the woman he was supposed to love, then you jump ahead without any explanation to why he’s behaving this way to her, just openly fucking him non-stop. Also no question about the daughter, no mention at all of her relationship with him, even though they living together and no questioning by the mother to why Jason is behaving this way to her , completely lost all sense of reality or logic

Helen1899Helen1899about 1 year ago

I was drawn to it again, I hate it more that the monster got away Scot free, what an evil bastard, also the author for creating him.

uglyorangutanuglyorangutanover 1 year ago

Well written and tragic.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Well I don’t like a rapist, he was that and nothing about him was nice was it quite well put together but I just didn’t like it

roveroneroveronealmost 2 years ago

got agree w/dirty and Helen...

had to be retribution terribly unsatisfying ending

and silly me...thought Lauren knew and was OK with it

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