Mothers and Daughters Ch. 08


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"As Sally worked one breast and then the other with her mouth and her hands, I began moving my hips, rubbing my now dripping sex against her thigh. I feared she might demand my continued passivity, a response I believed to be impossible. I was rapidly losing control. But she didn't, instead moving her thigh just a bit so as to enhance the friction against my pussy lips and clit. Then there was a nip, her teeth inflicting the lightest pain on my nipple. That pushed me into the first of many climaxes that afternoon. I stiffened and groaned as I felt a modest orgasm shoot through my body. It was far from the hardest climax I would have that afternoon, but she noticed and held me tight until it passed. Then throwing the covers off us and letting the growing warmth of the wood stove take their place, she looked down at me, sitting with her legs astride my hips. She leaned forward just a bit, her red hair hanging down and brushing my still sensitive nipples. Grinning she said, 'I made you cum girl. I made you cum, and we've barely started.'

" I took a deep breath and then pushed her hair back and looked deep into her green eyes as I said, "Oh wow. Yes. Is there more? Please tell me there is more.'

" 'Oh we've barely started,' she repeated and then returned to sucking on my nipples, more aggressively than before. I squealed and squirmed beneath her assault, but wishing nothing more than it continue. I threw my hands around her head, twisting her hair between my fingers to hold her to me. She tolerated that for a while, and then pushed me away. 'No, not yet,' she said. She was sitting on my hips, her back erect. Her tits looked delicious. When I started to reach for them she pushed my hands back over my head. 'Don't make me tie you up. Not yet. It's too early in our relationship for that.'

" 'Okay,' I said. I liked the feeling of my hands in that position. It left my upper body completely exposed. I lay back, squirming a bit with lust and said, 'Do what you will with me woman.'

"She smiled and pushed herself back so that she was on her knees between my legs. Oh even better, I thought as I pulled my knees up and back and spread them to the sides to wantonly expose myself. Now everything was exposed. I felt like a shameless slut begging her to take me. The feeling was delicious. Sally sat looking at me, sucking on a finger. 'Where to start?' she asked herself aloud. She reached her conclusion, pulling her finger from her mouth and then, leaning slightly forward, she used her wet finger to trace a sensuous line from the lower edge of my left breast to the beginning of my mound. I held my breath in anticipation of her beginning to assault my sex.

"But she wasn't nearly ready for that yet. She scooted further back and, sitting on her haunches, she picked up one of my feet from the bed and extended my leg to the side. 'I think you need a foot rub,' she said. For the next fifteen minutes or half an hour she sensuously rubbed each of my feet, my toes, and my arches. Normally when Luke tries to do anything like that it tickles, driving me to screams, laughter, and squirming efforts to escape. But something about the way she did it replaced Luke's tickling with sensuous skill. She finished her footwork by licking and sucking on the toes and licking the underside of my arch. It was unbelievably arousing, especially when she licked the sole of my foot.

"Then she moved from footwork to massaging and kissing my calves and the backs of my knees. Who knew the backs of knees were so erotically charged? As she moved further up to the inside of my thighs, I was becoming incredibly aroused. I wasn't on the edge of a climax yet, but I wanted to be, and I was sure I could be when she reached her goal between my legs.

"Eventually she reached my sex. She pushed my bush to the side, saying, 'If you're going to be my lover, you'll need to shave this.' The bedstead was the old fashioned kind with brass shafts running vertically to an ornate top. I grabbed one shaft with each hand. I was sure my outer lips were so swollen as to fully expose the tender flesh below. That was quickly confirmed when she blew softly on my sex. Oh god, what a sensation. No one had ever done that before. I could also feel it on my clit, already extended beyond its hood. I groaned in response.

"I felt her slide a finger into my opening. But then she quickly pulled it out. 'Oh don't leave,' I said. 'That felt so good.'

" 'That was just enough to get it wet,' she responded. And then I almost lost my mind as she stroked that newly moistened finger from one end of my crack to the other, letting it briefly caress my anus, dance around the opening to my leaking cunt, caress my already dripping lips and then to just, ever so briefly, ever so lightly, graze my clit. She kept that up for such a long time, dipping her finger into me every second or third time. I was so wet she hardly needed to do it. It was purely a tease. I was lost in my lust, hanging from the poles of the bedstead, my eyes closed, and my head thrashing as I groaned and cried out for more, 'Oh god yes. Yes, yes, yes. Oh fuck, Sally don't stop, don't stop. Oh fuck that's so good so fucking good.'

"And then she blew on me again, her warm breath searing my clit. I climaxed immediately arching my back and shoving my sex into her face. My legs clamped down on her head and held her there, her face pressed against my pussy. Again, it wasn't a long climax, but it was stronger than the prior one, causing me to cry out in surprise, "Fuck!"

"I came down quickly from this climax letting my hips fall away from her, but she followed me down and began to stroke my pussy with long slow strokes of her tongue while she put her hands on my breasts and began massaging them as she had earlier. Usually when I have just climaxed I am too sensitive for Luke or anyone else to begin touching me again. But this was different. Her tongue was so soft and slow, her fingers on my breasts the same. I was totally relaxed, just lying there loving the sensations her tongue and fingers were creating.

"She kept working me for a long time. Once my body recovered from its climax she pushed me to new heights of arousal, moving her fingers to my areola and then to my nipples, softly at first and then pinching and pulling creating a pain that felt so, so good. Her tongue began to lightly flick my clit. Not on every stroke. It was almost random, leaving me hanging each time anticipating the next. Each touch pushed my arousal higher. I was flying with no thoughts beyond my joy in the arousal she was creating in me. There was a storm raging outside, but not for me. I had a husband, back in Boise by now. Luke? Luke who? I had a daughter and a son. Not at that moment. All I had was a rapidly escalating desire to reach yet another sexual climax.

"Then her tongue, that long devilish tongue of hers, invaded my cunt, driving me to a yet higher level. How could she get it so far into me? I screamed, "Oh god yes Sally. Fuck me, just fuck me."

She moved to her knees, leaning forward, her fingers replacing her tongue in my cunt. I was spreading my legs to the side, feeling as slutty as I had ever felt as I let this red haired devil fuck me with two and then three fingers while her tongue began to stroke and caress my clit. I could feel an orgasm coming now, and this was going to be a big one. I wanted it. I wanted that big screaming orgasm as bad as I had ever wanted anything. And she knew it. She could feel my hips rising to meet her as she plunged three fingers into my cunt, again, again, and again, and continued lashing my clit with her tongue. 'Oh god yes. Make me cum. Yes, yes, yes, make me cum.'

"And then, as I hung on the edge of what I was sure would be the biggest climax of my life, she backed off. She pulled her face away from my crotch and sat back on her heels, leaving only a single finger wiggling slowly in my cunt.

" 'What? Oh god, don't stop. How could you stop? No not now. I need it. You have to make me cum.'

"She was sitting back and smiling at me. 'Oh? Are you enjoying this?' she said, an evil smile on her face. 'Lisa is this fun? Is this as good as Luke? Do you really want more or are you ready to go back to Luke and the ranch?' She continued to finger fuck me with a single digit as she tormented me.

" 'You bitch!' I screamed. 'You can't stop now. How can you do that to me.' I had reached down and grabbed her hand, holding it against my sex, while I squeezed with my thighs, but that one finger was nothing.

" 'All right Lisa. Put your hands back on the bedstead and spread your legs.'

"I did as she requested and she leaned forward. Soon there were three fingers in my cunt fucking me hard. Her mouth went back to my clit, wrapping her lips around it and beginning to suck. My arousal ratcheted almost instantly back up the cliff I had been on before her tease, even higher. I was humping my hips again to meet her thrusts and I was gripping the bedstead bars with all the force my hands could muster while I cried out and thrashed my head from side to side. Then she went for it. Her finger fucking stopped, but her fingers remained in my cunt,

pressing hard on my G-spot. She put her teeth on my clit and nipped it, just sharply enough to trip me into a screaming orgasm. My legs clamped around her and held her face in place against my sex while I gushed liquid from my cunt. I don't think my thighs had ever gripped a running cutting horse harder. And I screamed, a long howling scream that seemed to go on forever. Later my throat was parched and pained."

Lisa paused in her recount, overcome with emotion from the recollection of her first real sex with Sally. "Wow, I guess I got a little carried away there. I never had sex like that before."

Melissa was silent. Finally she asked, "Was there more?"

"Oh god yes. After that big climax, it was my turn to do Sally. I did my best to replicate everything she had done to me. By the time I finished with her, it was 10:00 o'clock—too late to walk down town for dinner, so we sat wrapped in blankets in the living room eating a quart of ice cream we found in her freezer. It was Tillamook Peaches and Cream. There is no better post sex ice cream." Lisa smiled. "Then we went back to bed, alternating between more sex and sleeping."

"Is that when you fell in love with Sally?"

"I don't know. It's certainly when I fell in lust. We stayed there for three more days. It was a big storm and we both called home and said we didn't want to drive out in it. It was a lie and I could tell Luke knew it was, but he knew I was not going to be home quickly when Sally told him she was taking me to Lincoln City."

"Wow. Four days in bed with a new lover on the Oregon coast. What did you tell Dad when you got home?"

"That the ice cream was great and we had to get some."


Lisa laughed. "I told him everything, but not until we were in bed and he was screwing me. Then I told him all the details. He wasn't shocked. He understood Sally's libido. After all he had been screwing her for several years. Of course he didn't know about all the lesbian techniques. Those were not in the bag of tricks Sally had used on him. He was fascinated with the idea of lesbian tribbing."

"What's that?"

"Oh just a little lesbian trick Sally showed me. A little hard to describe though. A picture works better. You and your partner kind of scissor your legs so each of you have your hot wet pussy planted firmly against the other's. Then you rub your pussies together until you both cum, which doesn't really take too long. It works better with some foreplay. Unlike normal oral sex, you can both look each other in the eye the whole time. It's fun, especially if you talk dirty while you're doing it."

"Okay Mom, so you were with Sally over on the Oregon coast for four days. Did you tell dad you were in love with her when you got back?"

"No. I didn't know then if it was love or just lust. But it certainly was intense. Your Dad took a couple of days off and we came up here. It was late October and although the storm that hit the Oregon coast had dumped some early snow here, we could still get in. We spent a week up here buttoning the place up for winter and talking about it. About Sally. About sex. We screwed a lot too. And we ate a lot of our new favorite ice cream.

"We both agreed that our respective feelings for Sally weren't anything like the temporary lust we had for people we met through the Rev. We had both had sex multiple times with the Rev's wife Julia and neither of us felt anything for her beyond lust. It was just sex with Julia. Fun but just sex.

"Not to denigrate casual sex," Mom said with a laugh. "Luke and I both enjoy getting laid by a stranger from time to time. But we both felt our respective sex with Sally had an emotional content that was way beyond what we experienced with the Rev's friends."

"So do you feel about Sally the same way you feel about Dad," Melissa asked with a vague uneasiness.

"Oh no, no. My love for your father is way deeper and more intense than anything I can feel for Sally. Sometimes when your father and I make passionate love I break down in tears afterward. I don't do that with Sally and I sure as hell don't do it with Julia. Julia's nice and all, but, how do I put this? She's just a good fuck. Sally's more than that, and Luke is way more than that. As I said earlier, the Rev's bright line distinction between love and lust is too simple for your father and I when it comes to our relationship with Sally."

Melissa laughed and shook her head. "My god, how you've changed. If you had told me all this when I was 16, I would have gone into shock."

Lisa smiled. "Yeah, I suppose so. I'm not the same woman I was then. She paused and then said, "You know I think I need another beer, how about you."

Melissa said, "Sure," hopped to her feet and retrieved two more beers from the six pack Lisa had set chilling in the pond.

Both women were now sitting up, hugging their knees to their chest. "What about Sally? Is she in love with both of you?" Melissa asked.

"Well I'm not as clear on that. Like I told you, it's obvious she is in love with Luke. But me? Not quite so clear. I think the first time we made love, the four days in Lincoln city, she was just enjoying the sex. Closer to the Rev's lust category. But now? I've spent a lot of time with Sally. Not just in bed but also just talking, walking on the beach, sitting in the cottage in Lincoln City listening to storms blow by or the groan of the fog horns, and we've gotten to know each other a lot better. We both understand how the other feels about Luke, also. And we accept that. We're willing to share him . . . Lisa laughed, and your horn dog father thinks that is just fine."

Lisa drank off the last of her beer and then turned to look at her daughter, "Does all of this make any sense to you, or do you just think your mother is a horrible person."

"Oh god no. It all sounds fine to me. I think you and Dad and Sally have something very few people seem to manage. If anything, I guess I'm envious."

"Oh, is there someone you want to share Jamie with?"

"You mean beyond, you . . . and Gina? Melissa shot back. Then she laughed at her tease. "You know I told you we were just roommates with privileges. There's none of the emotional attachment you have been describing. To use your language, he's just a good fuck."

"Well he is that," Lisa responded. "But we'll see how you two feel about each other after you spend the summer together up here. Now finish your beer and let's get down the hill. We need to fix some dinner. Do you think the guys will put up with leftover lamb stew, ala` Iturri?"

Melissa laughed as she stood up, "Yeah so long as they don't have to listen to us compare notes on the joy of sex with Iturri."

"Uh, one more thing Mom," Melissa said, as Lisa started to rise. "Did you bring those two vibrators along that you brought the last time we were here?"

"Oh, so my lewd story got to you again, did it?"

"Oh god yes."

"Unfortunately, no. We were hurrying to leave this morning and I forgot."

"Oh," Melissa said, sounding disappointed.

"You're not the only one you know," Lisa said.

"Oh you too."

There was a long silence. Finally Melissa spoke up, "Well, maybe you could show me how that, what was it you called it, tribbing, works?"

Lisa was silent, but there was a gleam in her eye as she looked at her daughter. "That would be kind of incestuous, wouldn't it."

"Kind of." Melissa had the same gleam in her eyes now as her mother.

"Well the Rev says incest was really intended to prevent interbreeding, like the Hapsburg dynasty in European history, but if there is no chance of pregnancy, then, in his view, it can't be incest."

"Oh, and do you and Dad agree with that."

"Not sure. We haven't gone any further than in-laws. Gina loves to screw your father, but Sam and I stay clear of each other."

"I see," said Lisa sounding disappointed.

"But then if no one ever had to know?" said Lisa. "Then maybe . . . but it would have to be just our little secret."

Two days later, Melissa and Jamie were grinding their way across the Central Oregon desert in a somewhat battered looking F-250 pickup with AA Ranch stenciled on the side.

Melissa was curled up leaning against the passenger side door as Jamie drove.

"Well, what did you think of your first visit to my family?"

"It was quite a weekend. Not at all what you advertised when you talked me into coming with you."

"Who knew that I would come home to find out that my family had become sexual deviants—nudists, swingers, members of a ménage a trois, and all that other stuff."

"Well," Jamie said, "It's going to be an interesting summer."

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sexysue12sexysue12over 3 years ago
Good story

This became a good series.

Will this be the ending. There seems to be more possible storylines that could be followed but it does make a good place if you want to more to something else.


kiwianne12kiwianne12over 3 years ago

I have loved this series.

So free and natural with their sex.

Separating love and lust is an interesting concept too.


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