Mothers and Daughters Ch. 03

Story Info
Lisa learns more from the Rev--lesbian sex; gang bang.
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Part 3 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/11/2020
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This is the third chapter in a series of postings about a young woman, Melissa, who returns from college with her new boyfriend, Jamie, for a visit to her home, a ranch in a remote corner of Southeastern Oregon, and discovers that her parents, Lisa and Luke, have drastically changed their sex lives. It will work better if you have read the prior Chapters.

Melissa and Lisa chatted aimlessly as they rode towards the Ranch. The trail ran along the top of the ridge that separated the Owyhee drainage to the east from the dry Alvord Desert that lay between the ridge they rode along and the eastern escarpment of Steens Mountain. Even though it was miles away the escarpment looked huge from this vantage. There were still cornices of snow along the top of the escarpment, and the salt flat that lay in its rain shadow was more of a mudflat. Melissa could not remember there ever having been a real lake there.

"Are you in love with Jamie," Lisa asked.

"No way to tell. I've only known him for a few weeks. We're more like roommates with privileges," she responded with a laugh. "Why? Do you want to try him for yourself?"

"No . . . I didn't mean . . ."

"Oh you didn't?" Melissa said interrupting. "I'm not so sure about that, given your and Dad's new lifestyle. I mean isn't that part of your deal with Dad. Each of you are free to have sex with others?" Melissa was having trouble keeping up her teasing with a straight face.

"No, no. No, that's not what I . . ." Lisa was having trouble coming up with the words she wanted as she realized that Jamie was exactly what she wanted, but hadn't quite admitted to herself until she had blurted the question out. Now she was trapped as her daughter teased her.

"Well, I can tell you Mom, you would be missing out if you turned him down. He really is a great lay. You know how those young guys are. They have staying power. Are you sure you wouldn't want to try him?"

Melissa, that's not what I meant at all," she said firmly. "He's yours and I wouldn't steal my daughter's lover."

"Oh and haven't there been other women's husbands you have slept with since you and Dad changed your life style? Well haven't there been, Mom?"

Lisa was blushing now. "Yes, but their wives were in on it. Most of the time they were screwing your father."

"And who were the wives fucking if they weren't screwing Dad?" This conversation was the most fun Melissa had had since she got home.

Lisa laughed, "Me."

"What? You do it with women too?" Melissa was beyond being shocked by her mother's revelations, but she didn't mind letting her think she was shocked. "And wait. How does that work? Were you in bed with both of them at once? The husband and the wife? And what was Dad doing?"

"My that's a lot of questions. Sometimes it was a three way or even all four. That can be kind of fun. And sometimes your dad was just watching. He likes to watch you know, although, sooner or later he has to get involved."

Melissa was silent as she tried to work out who was doing what to who in her mother's description.

Now it was Lisa's turn to chuckle as she said, "Don't knock it if you haven't tried it, daughter of mine." She paused for a moment. "You haven't, have you?"

"You mean being with a woman?" Melissa responded, a bit unclear about what kind of relationship her mother was asking about.


"No," Melissa responded feeling a little embarrassed to admit that there limits to her 20 year old's knowledge of sex.

"Oh, it can be really good," Lisa said, thinking of her introduction to lesbian sex in the Rev's play room and with other women, including her daughter-in-law Gina. And then of course there was Sally, but she wasn't sure she was ready to discuss Sally with Melissa yet. Sally was complicated.

"You should try it. That is if your boyfriend doesn't object." Now she was pulling Melissa's chain a little about Jamie.

"Mom, let's get something straight. Neither Jamie or I have made any commitments to each other. We really are just roommates with privileges. Jamie doesn't get a vote on who I have sex with and I don't get a vote on who he has sex with."

"I see."

"And if you want to screw him go right ahead. He's been lusting after your tits and ass since we got here."

"Really, an old broad like me?" Lisa felt a little shot of lust at the idea of Jamie's interest.


"I'll think about it."

"And so it was the Rev that introduced you to lesbian sex?"

"Yes it was. It was part of his training program. Are you curious about it?"

"Maybe. I don't know.

"Was Dad there?"


"And he didn't object?"

"No, why would he? The whole point of the Rev's training program was to get us comfortable with our spouses having sex with others and with participating, either by watching or more directly. At first the Rev and your father were just watching . . . Lisa paused while remembering that first encounter and then continued, while Julia sat between them stroking their cocks."

The mention of someone stroking her father's cock made Melissa's pussy clench. "We have half an hour more to ride Mom. Tell me more."


"It was our second visit to the Rev's house for training. We had no idea what to expect, but after the prior week's mutual masturbation we expected something we would have thought extreme six months earlier. We had talked about backing out, but neither of us could come up with a real objection to the prior week's experience. We had both enjoyed it. To relax ourselves a bit, we each chewed up a THC gummy an hour or so before we were due at the Rev's place. They're legal in Oregon now, but I suppose they aren't in Idaho. We keep our stash in Oregon."

Melissa shook her head. Another change.

"By the time we got to the Rev's house, I was feeling very relaxed. Not giggling stoned. Just relaxed and unconcerned about whatever might happen tonight. Per the Rev's instructions, we were dressed commando style. I had taken it a step further, abandoning not only my panties, but also my bra. It's pretty obvious when I don't wear a bra and I was enjoying it. I was already feeling a bit . . .she paused searching for words . . . a little horny and a little stoned, great way to start an evening with the Rev.

"The door was opened by the tall slim young woman who had served dinner the prior week and been introduced to us as Kat. 'So glad you could make it,' she said. Kat was tall and lean, with narrow pear-shaped hips and smallish breasts—a fashion model's build. Her eyes were green or hazel. I've never been sure if there is a difference. Her long blonde hair hung down to well below her shoulders. She wore light colored shorts that clung tightly to her hips, barely covering them, and a T-shirt that outlined her braless tits beautifully. She kissed me on each cheek and as I stepped past her I felt her hand caress my ass through the light weight skirt I was wearing. I looked back over my shoulder and saw her doing the same thing to your father's cock, which was already about half engorged. Just a slow, soft stroke, hinting at what was to come. Maybe it was the gummy, but I felt no jealousy, just arousal.

"As we stepped into the living room, the Rev and Julia rose from their chairs to greet us. Julia stepped up to Luke and greeted him with the same boob smashing hug she had given him the prior week. This time she had one hand around his neck pulling his head down for a long French kiss, while her remaining hand was fondling his ass. She then turned to me and did essentially the same thing. It was the first time I had ever kissed a woman beyond the traditional European kiss-kiss on each cheek. The kiss was marvelous. Her lips were soft and her tongue probed gently and tenderly into my mouth. She reached down and gripped one of my hands and put it on her breast, keeping her hand atop mine to encourage me to fondle her braless boob. The encouragement was totally unnecessary. This was also the first time I had fondled a woman's breast. I found it exciting.

"The Rev shook hands with Luke, but he greeted me with a hug that mashed my boobs against his chest while he let a hand slide down and caress my ass. Very sexy.

"Dinner was Paella, a Spanish rice dish with chicken, seafood, chorizo sausage ,and a variety of seasonings including importantly saffron. It had been prepared by Iturri, a friend of the Rev's who normally worked as a chef at a restaurant in Boise's Basque Block, but was taking a night or two off. Most of the Basque immigrants to the US and their descendants reside in the high desert country of Southwest Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Nevada. Iturri was a short stocky fellow, with dark hair and a swarthy complexion, typical of the many Basques I had known. The Paella was delicious. Perhaps the dope helped a little, but I had eaten a lot of Paella in Jordan Valley, down in Winnemucca, and on various ranches in between, and this was really good.

"As before, I sat next to the Rev and Luke sat next to Julia. Kat and Iturri sat side by side at the end of the table. Just like on our first visit, the action above the table was a great deal more restrained than what was going on under the table.

"Above the table Luke and I talked with the Rev about the exercises he had assigned us for the week. They had consisted of me wearing alluring and revealing clothing around the house and when we had gone out, my dispensing with under garments. We had been in Portland early in the week on business, so dinners out, unencumbered by undergarments, had been great fun, and the sex had been great. I actually had to go out and find some tasteless garments to wear in the hotel room. My standard jeans and work shirt weren't going to do the job. I felt so naughty shopping, but it was Portland where nobody knew me, so it was great fun.

"The Rev insisted that I describe it in detail, emphasizing how revealing it had been. I described my garments and their scandalous nature with enthusiasm. After all the purpose of conversation at this dinner party was to talk about sex.

"The Rev had also told us that for the last two days prior to tonight's session we were to refrain from doing anything that would cause Luke to climax. He wanted Luke full up for whatever exercise he was planning for us. Luke restrained himself, but I did not refrain from dressing to tease him. I was driving the poor guy insane with lust. Great fun.

"Under the table was a bit different than the prior week. I had expected, since I was instructed to dress in commando mode, that the Rev would be molesting me as he had the prior week. Instead, as soon as we begin to eat, he drew my left hand down and wrapped it around his half-engorged cock. He whispered in my ear, "Keep it hard, but don't make me cum." I learned later that Julia had turned the tables on Luke in the same way. He spent most of the dinner hour with a couple of fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. Kat and Iturri were sitting at the other end of the table. They were quite cozy looking, but it was difficult to tell what they were doing to each other under the table.

"As dinner finished and Iturri and Kat cleared the table, I turned to the Rev and asked, 'So, Rev, what's on our lesson agenda for tonight?' It must have been the marijuana talking. Otherwise I would never have been so bold as to ask in front five people how I was going to have sex that evening.

"The Rev looked at me and then spoke, 'My, my Lisa, you appear to be coming along well. I think the exercises you and Luke did since last week have loosened you up considerably.'

"I was feeling rather stoned and very horny. I responded with a lewd smile, 'That was the objective wasn't it?'

"Luke was watching me with a look on his face that said, 'Oh my god, what is she getting us into?'

"The Rev, after a moment of silence as though deciding what form of debauchery to lead me into, said, 'Lisa, have you ever had sex with a woman?'

"I felt my stomach flip over. 'Ah . . . No.'

" 'Well, I think it's time you did. I think you should have sex with Kat tonight.'

" 'With Kat?'

" 'Yes, with Kat. She's very good at it, isn't she Julia?' he said looking at his wife.

"Julia smiled and nodded her head in response.

"I was intimidated. I had never had sex with a woman before. I occasionally saw women who I found to be sexy. I had seen several while we were in Portland the prior week and I even spent some time imagining what fun it would be to play with their boobs (I was pretty focused on sex that week). But I never had seriously thought of having sex with them.That was something good women just didn't do. My mother had told me so. But then again, I thought, I'm not here to be a good girl. Oh, and later on I learned my mother hadn't been a good girl at all."

"Grandma?" Melissa asked thinking of the old lady who baked cookies for her on the rare occasions she visited her Mother's family in Virginia.

"That's another story, Lisa responded. Let me continue:

" 'Okay, sure. I'll do it,' I said. 'But what about Luke. Will he be participating?'

" 'Don't worry about Luke, responded the Rev. "Julia will be taking good care of him. Let's move to the Play Room, but first Lisa, you and Kat should leave your clothes here. After all the two of you will be the star performers tonight.'

"Then he turned away from me and said, 'Iturri, please bring glasses and another bottle of wine down for us. No, better make it two bottles. After that you can leave for the evening, unless of course you would like to watch.'

" 'You won't mind will you Lisa, if Iturri watches you and Kat?'

"I shook my head to clear the THC fog just a bit and thought, sure, why not? The more the merrier. 'Fine with me,' I said.

"Kat stood and walked to my end of the table, she was looking at me like she had just discovered a delicious meal for the evening, which I guess she had. 'Stand up Lisa, and let me undress you.'

"I stood, and when she reached me she put her arms around me and kissed me, a long erotic kiss with lots of tongue. Her hands had sunk to my ass and were pulling my loose-fitting skirt up. It's amazingly erotic to feel a woman's fingers pawing your ass as she pulls your skirt up to your waist while several other people are watching. By the time we finished the kiss she had the skirt bunched around my waist and was massaging my naked ass. Everyone else sat where they were, staring as Kat molested me. The Rev was right, we were the stars of the show. Even Iturri had paused, half way through the swinging door into the kitchen, to stand and watch.

"I looked over at Luke and he gave me a thumbs up sign. That was all I needed.

"I reached behind myself and released the catch on my skirt and tugged at the zipper. 'Turn around whispered Kat.' When I did, she finished releasing the zipper and my skirt fell to my feet, leaving me standing nude from the waist down before everyone. I supposed I should have blushed, but I didn't. All I felt was incredibly turned on at the idea of standing half-naked before a group of people all of whom were fully dressed. What was it about them being fully dressed and me half-naked that was such a turn on? I couldn't explain it, but it was real and I was enjoying it.

"Luke stared at me and licked his lips. Julia had one hand rubbing Luke through his trousers and the other doing the same thing for the Rev, who had moved to a chair alongside Julia. All of them were silent. I looked to my left at Iturri who remained standing in the door to the kitchen. He had a hand rubbing an obvious bulge in his pants.

"Kat reached around me with both hands and cupped my braless tits through my blouse. I pushed my ass against her and she responded by humping me softly. 'Release the buttons on your blouse,' she whispered to me. I did so, but very slowly. I was immensely enjoying everyone's attention. As I released the buttons, Kat used her fingers to press my breasts together while she slowly parted the blouse to expose a great deal of cleavage. When she took her hands off the blouse, I released the last button and my big tits spilled out for everyone to see. Kat fondled them briefly and then stepped back from me pulling the blouse off my shoulders so I was now standing naked before everyone.

"There was a long silence as everyone stared at me. Eventually the Rev spoke, 'Very nice. Very nice indeed. Now Lisa, you do Kat.'

I turned and pulled her into me for another kiss. It was long and very wet and sloppy. Lots of tongue from both of us. Kat was massaging my breasts as we kissed. When she finally pushed me away, she was flushed. She took a deep breath and whispered, 'Take my clothes off. I want to fuck you.' I felt a rush at hearing her words. I'd never had sex with a woman before.

"She held her arms up and I pulled the T-shirt over her head. The nipples on her smallish tits were swollen and like hard little pebbles. I flicked each one of them with a thumb. She sucked in a gasp of air each time. Then, as she had done with me, I stepped behind her. Reaching around her I slowly released the buttons on her shorts. I eased them down over her hips, taking my time until I reached her knees and letting them fall from there. She wore no panties.I ran the fingers of one hand up the inside of a lean thigh until I reached her cleanly shaved pussy, stroking it so very lightly. At the same time Kat was using her hands to twist and pull on her own nipples.

"The Rev. began to slowly clap his hands. 'Very nice ladies. But I'm sure there is more you would like to show us and more you would like to do. Let's adjourn to the basement.' He stood, his engorged cock making an obvious tent in his pants.

"Iturri was still standing in the kitchen door rubbing his cock through his trousers.

"A few minutes later we were all in the Play Room. The Rev, Luke, Julia and Iturri were all sitting on one couch sipping wine. Kat and I were opposite them on the other couch. It still seemed a little weird that they were all fully dressed and Kat and I were naked, but with Kat's first kiss I quickly forgot about that. As her kisses descended into nibbles and kisses on my ears and neck and then to my breasts, I really forgot about everything else. Her caresses were so soft and tender that I was just lost. When she fondled my tits and pinched my nipples I groaned, not so much in pain (oh yes, it hurt just a little), but really it was just the beginning of the ecstasy that was to follow. When I started to reciprocate, she pushed me back and said, 'No later. You will do me later.'

"Eventually she tired of driving me insane with her titty play and let her hands trail softly and tantalizingly down to my sex. She slid down off the couch and positioned herself between my legs. At first, she was just kissing my inner thighs. But soon her fingers were pushing my hair aside and beginning to softly massage my pussy lips. I was in heaven, or at least I thought I was. It got even better when she pushed my legs further apart and began to use her tongue. She used her thumbs to spread my outer lips giving her tongue access to my inflamed inner lips. Long slow strokes from bottom to top, stopping just short of my clit. I was laying back slumped against the couch with my eyes closed, throwing my head back and forth and groaning as she ate me.

"Kat ratcheted up her assault further by sliding two fingers into my dripping cunt. She rotated them about, pressing lightly on the inner tissue of my cunt until she found my G-spot. When I gasped, she backed away from it and begin to aggressively finger fuck me, all the while maintaining her assault on my pussy lips with her tongue.