Mother in the Dark


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While others would be overjoyed by this, I've always been content with my issue of premature ejaculation, but right now everything normal goes right out the window and it's not making me happy.

After all this work I lied down and actually fell asleep right away, only to wake up again at one o'clock in the morning. I know because I checked my phone in order to ensure I wasn't trapped in a surrealistic dream again.

But that's exactly the kind of mind games dreams are confronting you with.

Convinced that I'm actually awake and conscious, I sensed the feeling of hunger beginning to grow in my stomach, which is a rather common occurrence. And so is for me to actually go to the fridge taking something out to eat.

I checked the clock again, five past one, and I put my briefs on. I then walked to the door of my room, opened it and took a first step out into the hallway. When I was about to take a second step, as you normally do when you walk, all hell broke loose so to speak, but wrapping my brain around what had actually happened took quite some time. For both of us I think.

As I was trying to take this second step my foot caught something lying on the floor. At first I thought I could manage to keep standing without falling over, but since my hand let go off the door handle I lost my grip alongside my balance and in a forward motion fell down on the hallway floor.

That however is only half true, because my upper body was the only part of me that really hit the floor as my crotch came to rest on something both soft and hard.

The first thing I heard was a muzzled scream that originated from below my crotch. Slowly but unforgivingly every last bit of truth and reality began to settle in and formed a picture in my mind.

Turned out my mother went to bed really early and woke up around eleven o'clock in the night. She couldn't go back to sleep right away, so she got up, walked down the stairs and up to my room, where she listened first and then took a quick peak, if everything's alright with me. I was sound asleep.

She closed the door again, but instead of leaving she sat down on the floor beside the door and decided to keep watch a while longer, but before she knew it she fell asleep and inadvertently lied down on the floor.

When I got out two hours later, one of my feet stumbled over one of hers and after five, ten seconds of fighting against the laws of physics, I finally fell.

By then she was wide awake.

No lights were turned on, so it was dark enough to not see anything else than shapes and shadows, but when I hit the ground, or mom's face that is, the outlines of the pictures were as clear as in the light of day.

The briefs I put on were the ones I had on earlier when I was masturbating, so the fly was still unbuttoned, and therefore my cock landed right on my mother's face. She had her back turned to the side so it actually hit her cheek.

It took both of us a little while to fully comprehend what was going on, but once it did, we both wanted to get away from each other instantly.

Problem was of course, the more we put an effort into this, the more entangled we got.

Somehow both my feet got trapped in her nightgown and every time I lifted my upper body they wouldn't follow and I would fall back down again. And every time I did that, my cock made another contact with mom's face, which of course caused an initial reaction as I felt it harden more and more. That didn't happen all too fast though, because the whole situation prevented any conscious form or arousal.

When I finally got one foot free I thought it was done, but man was I mistaken.

The best course of action would have been for me to do all the work, that way we would have gotten lose a lot sooner, but since mom kept twisting and turning she only made things worse and all of a sudden I felt the tip of my cock part my mother's lips and then enter her mouth.

It was just half erect but due to all the movement I pushed it further down her throat.

Then, in a moment of utter synchronicity, we stopped to move, relaxed all of our tensed up muscles and let nature take over.

And just like that I rolled over to the side while my mother simultaneously pushed herself away from me.

I immediately tried to button up my fly but of course couldn't even begin to do so. So I got back up and a moment later we were both standing in front of each other. It was still dark and nothing to see really, but my mother knew exactly what to do and where to do it.


In my 19 years of life at home neither mom nor dad have ever hit me, they might have come close at times, but never actually did, until this very night that is. And my mother made sure to make it count. A slap in my face that almost knocked me out had the palm of her hand connected a little higher up.

But nevertheless it hurt, both emotionally and physically.

Still does, now, a couple hours later.

Additionally this incident, how accidental it might have been, may have forever changed or even destroyed the relationship between my mother and me.


It's ten o'clock in the morning, Monday, October 31st, Halloween is finally here.

I'm standing on the Mariahilfer Straße, a shopping mile I told you about in the beginning, where I'm meeting all three of my friends who I'm gonna be watching horror movies with in the evening.

Yesterday, while making further plans via WhatsApp, we realized that we want to watch the Blu-ray versions, so we decided to go shopping on Monday, and here I am.

The rest of Sunday turned out be really uneventful as I, once breakfast was finished, kept to my room the whole day, even excusing myself from lunch. Since dad hadn't paid me a visit the whole day, I assumed he was so caught up in his cars, he didn't even notice that something was terribly awry between mother and son.

Our paths crossed again this morning and given mom's bloodshot eyes she may have cried a lot yesterday, which made me sick to my stomach. But since she showed no sign of wanting to talk to me, I let it go as well and quietly left the house an hour later.

Oh, I can see the first one of my friends arrive. All that will hopefully take my mind off all the other things going on right now.


Fuck yes!

It's a quarter past ten in the evening and we just finished Mondo Cannibale, a 1972 splatter/exploitation movie that in good consciousness must be called a classic of said genre.

We have already watched the first Halloween movie, another classic, followed by the 1968's Night Of The Living Dead.

All in all not too original but it's certainly doing the trick.

One of our mobiles rings.

"What?" I then hear one of my friends say.

When I turn around I can see that it's actually the one we're staying at right now, the one whose parents were invited to mom's Halloween party.

'I hope she can really enjoy it" I think to myself, before our friend gives us an update on what this phone call was about.

"My dad is being rushed to the hospital, he obviously suffered alcohol intoxication and they got to pump his stomach."

After the first shock has settled I remember him once telling me that his dad is one to have a glass of beer or wine too many, and that he comes home drunk all the time. So no big surprise there, but our movie watching Halloween evening has still come to an end as he ushers us out the door in order to drive to the hospital. One never knows what's about to happen.

My two other friends and I decide to split as well, so I'm on my way home, which takes a ten minute tramway ride and another five minutes on foot.

I'm not sure however I really want to go home. I haven't heard from either dad or mom, so I don't even know what's going on there, if the party is still in full swing or if everyone has left the building, like our group just did.

Weighing my options I can already feel the laziness set in and decide to go back home and not to care whatever the party or the mother situation is.


As I turn around the last corner I can already see that our house is resting in darkness. Not one light is turned on.

I'm quite relieved, because that means neither party nor parents.

I look at my phone to check the time and since I wasn't hurrying home the clock just turned from ten fifty-nine to eleven.

I open and close the iron gate outside, do the same with our front door, slip out of my sneakers, take off my jacket and hang it on a coat hook.

On the off chance that one of my parents, mostly my mother, is still awake, I proceed cautiously and as I silently as I possibly can.

Just as I'm about to pass by the living room I hear a muffled noise coming from in there.

I'm stopping in my tracks, standing still as if I just turned into a stone column. I try to listen closely, but I can hear nothing. Due to the angle I cannot see every corner of the living room and I'm pondering if I shall go in there and have a look or not.

This time misanthropy would have come in handy, but as I told you, I'm a good guy actually, so I cannot help myself and therefore I tiptoe into the living room. I let my eyes scan the darkness in front of me and it takes a while until I finally see her.

My mother is sitting in the comfortable chair on the other side of the room still wearing that Elivra dress, no wig, with her knees on one side and her feet on the other. Her head is buried in her hands and now I can hear it, the gentle sounds of sadness.

At first she doesn't seem to notice that I'm there, so I still have got a chance to get back out unseen, but as if she's reading my mind she suddenly looks up and right at me as I'm standing there, holding my breath and trying to avoid the glance of her eyes.

"Mom" I finally am bold enough to break this unbearable silence. "I... I'm... about..."

"No! Don't!"

Even though it's dark I can clearly see all the anger, disappointment and fear in her eyes.

I'm at a loss for words. Not that I'm a smooth talker in general, but I'm about to give up. In flashes before my eyes I can already see my life once I move out of here and never talk to my mother again.

It is a decision I can no longer postpone, so there's nothing left for me to say or do. I turn around and solemnly, unceremoniously begin to walk away. Not just from this scenery, but walk away from my mother, my family, my life.

It is the end of everything as I know it.


It's uttered so faintly I almost didn't hear it, but I did.

Again I stop in my tracks but I do not turn around.

"I'm sorry!"

Almost muted.

I keep standing there for another while, then without turning around, without saying anything in return I leave the room.

All of a sudden my mother's crying turns so loud it freezes my every move. It's not just the sheer loudness of it, it's the way it... I don't know, it sends shivers of pain and anguish down my spine.

I really was about to leave her behind, but somehow I can't. So I turn around and walk back to the living room, and the moment I lay eyes on her again she starts talking.

"Honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, but... I... I don't know... something happened a couple days ago."

As I sit down on the couch a couple meters away from her, she starts talking again.

"I'm not sure if I want to tell you, but I think, I have to, at least that's what I'm thinking right now. Could be that in a minute I have changed my mind again."

As every so often the last couple days I don't understand a thing and I don't know if I shall say anything. I don't know if have something to say.

"I had a dream" she continued and the moment she utters those words the whole world starts to spin.

The panic, the fear, the coldness, the fiery breath of ecstasy come back to me, all at once, all accompanied by the thunderous exaltation of truth.

"I was..." she continues. Pauses. Continues again. "You were... I... I'm sorry... I can't... I can't say it."

"I was presenting you with my seed of life and you were drinking it."

What follows is a yell so sharp, so strident, forever burned into my ears.

A yell that tells epic tales of hate, of love and knowledge.

A yell that delivers lore of Ancient Gods, of abysmal divinity and wars of the world.

A yell that unveils the truth of light against darkness and good versus evil.

As I am sitting there, deafened by my mother's immaculate cry and I can sense her eyes on me. I look up and I can feel how time is slowing down, eventually coming to a halt and ceasing to exist.

"Filius meus veni ad me!"

My limbs won't move, my body suspended in time that doesn't exist any longer.

"Filius meus veni ad me!"

I try to speak, I try to hear, I try not to see.

"Filius meus veni ad me!"

I try to conjure my number in pleading with Marduk the god of all gods who lies in the sands of the endless Abyss.

I try not to speak, I try not to hear, I try to see.

As my mother gets up from her seat the blackened garment falls off of her body revealing her womanly flesh. She is the perfection of man: raven black hair, bloody red lips and marble white skin.

"Spirit of the Great Planet, remember!"

I speak in Sumerian tongues, in the shivering voice of a ghost.

"Marduk, God of victory over the Dark Angels, remember!

Marduk, Lord of all the lands, remember!

Marduk, Son of Enki, Master of Magicians, remember!

Marduk, Vanquisher of the Ancient Ones, remember!

Marduk, who gives the Stars their powers, remember!

Marduk, who assigns the Wanderers their Places, remember!

Lord of the Worlds, and the Spaces Between, remember!

First among the Astral Gods, hearken and remember!

In the Name of the Covenant sworn between Thee and the Race of Man, I call to thee, hearken and remember!

From the Gate of the mighty Nergal, the Sphere of the Red Planet, I call to thee, hearken and remember!

Marduk, Lord of the Fifty Powers, open thy gates to me!

Marduk, lord of the Fifty Names, open thy gates to thy servant!

By the name which I was given on the Sphere of Nergal, I call to thee to open!

Gate of the Great God, open!

Gate of the God of the Double-Headed Axe, open!

Gate of the Lord of the World between the Worlds, open!

Gate of the Conqueror of the Monsters from the Sea, open!

Gate of the Golden City of Sagalla, open!

Ia Dag! Ia Gat! Ia Margolqbabbonesh! Ia Marrutukku! Ia Tuku! Suhrim Suhgurim! Zahrim Zahgurim! Axxanngabannaxaxagannababillukuku!"

My incantation is complete.

Flawlessly, as if suspended in air, my mother has come to me and abiding the whole of the law I stand up. She is stripping me naked, fully exposing my fleshly pillar that holds my ever flowing seed of life.

Three times three times three.

While she is doing this I am still waiting for Him to open the gate, for Him to lay waste on my thoughts, Marduk, the first one of the Fifty Names.

Light follows dakness.

In an act of bilingual despair the lips of my mother press onto mine, her slithering tongue parting the gates to enter my cavernous organ of speech.

Our muscles of taste begin to engage in a dance of forbidden lust spawned by the embers of lugubrious fire.

I am completely taken away as Marduk has failed me again.

Our kissing intensifies as we continue to probe and pry while pressing our lips intensely against each other as our warmest breath is exchanged.

My cock now fully erect, my mother's left hand wanders down to its base as her right palm pushes me further into her nurturing mouth. Her grip around my shaft is loving but tight, so as to say she will never let go, now finally claiming what has always been hers.

For now the final kiss on my mouth has blown its goodbye as she's drowning my neck and my chest in motherly love. As her caressing lips move further down south her left hand has started its way to the glistening end of my rod which oozes first droplets of cum.

Marduk has failed me and for that I will thank you oh god of the gods.

The lips which were just kissing mine now open up so that the tip of my cock may enter my mother's warm and welcoming mouth. Her tongue now probing and prying in search for the smallest of holes, and once she has found this origin of my purest white, she consumes it from the fountain head.

I look down into her eyes and dwell in the glimmer of undying love.

Then she begins to bring her head even closer as the tip of my spear enters deeper and deeper until it's pushed to a halt in her throat.

My first eruption has already begun to build up sending jolts of incestuous depravity through my body and brain. I push harder into my mother who still has room for an inch more of my cock.

Her burbles of lust become louder while she is milking my cock with her throat. Not even trying to hold out any longer the first rope of consciousness shoots right down her throat. Many more follow until the ever flowing stream subsides for the moment.

My rod is still plated with steel when my mother guides it towards the womb where I once began to take form. The place of my origin is the ultimate objective in life and now it is mine, forever to hold in my heart, not only as a distant memory but a refuge come day and come night.

I lie down on my back, my pillar pointing to the skies up above, my mother sits down right on top and lets it slide into her Venus like body.

The warmth is comforting, the moisture divine, and soon she starts to get up and then hammer down on my pelvis as in trance to make music with the cheeks of her ass. My hands lift her upper body a little and pull her to me, so that I can relive all those breast-feeding moments when she gave me all of her white to enjoy.

Countless moments of incestuous lust are cherished and once again the herald of a new explosion sings to me.

When, for a second time, I begin to sow my seeds of life into the woman who brought me forth unto this world, I can also feel her floodgates open as she unloads her womanly juices all over me.

My still hardened sword of the illicit truth remains sheathed inside my mother's womb right where it belongs.

With my hands on her back I press her gently into me as our lips and tongues begin to dance again.

After what feels like as if a thousand moons have passed she dismounts and crawls on all four like an animal.

"Boy, I want you to plow my anal cavity and besmear me like the Satan's whore!"

"I will always obey you mother!" I tell her as I get on my knees and gently push the spearhead into the opening of her rosette flower.

A sigh of unbridled lust escapes from where no man has gone before and slowly I embark on impaling her from the behind.

My first thrusts are slow yet deep, but as her flower opens up my animal instinct begins to take over and soon I do as I'm told and plow my mother's anus as hard as I can. The fear of breaking her in two subsides when I feel her behind move back into me.

Another thousand moons have passed when our momentary journey comes to an end and my seed starts to sow for the third and final time.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

Someone needs to put the kid out of his misery!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Well... seems like this is some kind of ancients gods coupling...the old gods demand this mother son sacrifice.... unsure but seems like it... not altogether bad but unusual

calibammacalibammaover 6 years ago

Weird one indeed

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Lol well

This was long as fuck, so long in fact, that by the time I reached the "action", my boner had gone away ☹️

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


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