Mortal Fantasies

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A writer is visited by an immortal.
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I awoke at 2am with images and text nagging me. It was a new story, new characters. The entire plot wasn't clear to me yet, and I knew it wouldn't be until I'd spent several days at my keyboard. That's how my muses usually delivered stories to me, in bits and pieces until suddenly it becomes clear. I'm their vessel of expression, a mere mortal slave to their captive creativity.

At least that's how my fantastical mind saw it. In reality, it was nothing more than electrical impulses traveling along neurotransmitters in my brain, at times causing me to wake up when I should be sleeping.

I pulled myself up to a sitting position. There was no use fighting it. I'd learned that much after seven novels and fifty short stories. I was a slave to my writing muses.

By the time I was finishing my cup of coffee, the general tone of the story was gripping me. It was to be a non-consent story. Judging from the intense scenes flashing in my mind, it was going to be fairly violent.Great, there goes any chance of publishing it. My muses were often unconcerned with publishing guidelines. They merely supplied the creative inspiration. Making it fit for general audience consumption was up to me.

I opened my word processor and began thinking about the characters. The protagonist was female this time. My most recent novel had been about a male protagonist, so this was a nice change. Starting with hair color, I mentally flipped through the options. Bleach blonde, dirty blonde, red, auburn, light brown, dark brown, black. It occurred to me that maybe I should make her ethnicity different than my own, but my impatient muse shot down that idea on the premise that it would take an inordinate amount of time to research other cultures enough to do the character justice.Okay, scratch that. Brown hair with auburn highlights came to mind. It was the color of my hair, and quite frankly, very common. I decided to go with that.

I started picturing her as a tall, willowy young woman of about 25 with perky little breasts. That image got swept away very quickly and replaced with a rather short, 5'2" woman of closer to 35. 36C breasts and curvy hips to match. Most of that description was again dangerously close to my real physical appearance but no one would know that. I wrote under an assumed ID, and besides, this wasn't going to be fit for publishing if I wrote it the way it was coming to me, anyway.

Strong personality, I decided. Confident, but fallible, too. Somewhat of a loner, an introvert; caught up in her own fantasies at times. Occupation ... I can't make her a writer. That is so overdone. Some job that allows her to be alone a lot... I decided on Computer Programmer. A freelancer or consultant, something like that. I didn't have to be exact at this point, and none of what I'd come up with so far would likely be described outwardly. I just had to have a clear picture of this person for the story.

In this case, that wasn't a difficult task, because aside from a few minor differences, she sounded a lot like me.

Onto the male image popped into my head instantly. Tall, maybe 6'2". Wide chest and bulging biceps, but not cut like a workout junkie. Nice amount of belly fat and thick, strong, hairy legs. His face was not overly handsome. He resembled Gerard Butler, but only mildly. Scruffy facial hair, not quite filled in. His eyes were a hazel color but it was hard to tell from the way they squinted. They were piercing, though. Looked right through you.

I felt chills beginning to form on my arms as I pictured him stalking the protagonist. Watching her patiently, tirelessly, with pinpoint focus. He was obsessed with her to a point that nothing else mattered to him.

My nipples tightened at the thought of being desired to the point of obsession. It was a heady fantasy of most women I knew, but most definitely one of my favorites. I could already feel the sexual tension coiling within me.

Sitting back in my chair, I took a deep breath.Okay, Dee, don't get carried away. Use this tension to drive your fingers to build this story. I didn't usually get this aroused from just the character building process. Ordinarily, it took me hours of writing to get me warmed up.Patience. Just relax.

I stared out into the darkness of early morning through the window next to my desk. A scene unfolded in my mind. Early morning, just like it was at the moment. The protagonist is at her desk, unable to keep her own creative code writing muse from waking her. He's out there. Watching her. My point of view shifts to his. Her face through the dimly lit window. She gazes into the darkness right at him but can't see him standing there.

A growl emits from his throat. His cock instantly hardens but he is too mesmerized by her angelic face to do anything about it. Soon the pressure of his tight jeans will be too painful to ignore. Soon he'll have to take matters into his own hands, wasting his seed on her lawn, like he'd done so many times before. He thinks to himself, Soon, little one, I'll fill you with my seed, gifting you with my child. His motivations are clear. It's about possession. Owning her, breeding her, inhabiting her very soul.

My point of view changes back, and I'm once again sitting at my desk. I've begun writing. The story begins there, no clear understanding of the characters yet, just an ominous tone. The dark side of his obsession.


"A rather strange request has come from a Heracleidae."

"One of Hyllus', I presume?"

"No, your supreme highness. In the broader term. An illegitimate son of one of Thespius' daughters, I believe."

"Mortal, then."

"Surprisingly, no, unless you grant his request."

"He wishes to become mortal? Who is this fool?"



I decided on the name "Nick" for the antagonist. It was a simple name, easy to type, and it began with "N", which was, for some reason, important to me at the time.

Five thousand words into the story and the antagonist's subtle redeeming qualities were beginning to take light. No one was perfectly evil or perfectly good. It was important that Nick not be perceived as a monster, even though what he was doing to Deanna was completely unacceptable. He would become, after all, her most cherished lover. That much was clear, although just exactly how that was going to happen was still a complete mystery. There were definite holes in the plot structure.

My aching bladder and rumbling stomach reminded me that it was time to step away from my desk. It was still morning, oddly enough, although the sun had been rising for several hours. It's just that when you start writing at around 3am, 10am feels more like afternoon.

I could clearly see a nap in my near future. I was going to need one if I expected to stay awake past 7 o'clock. I actually had a date that evening.

It was my third date with Perry. I met him at the offices of the magazine for which I sometimes wrote articles. He was an editor there. He was a nice guy. Meticulous. Clean. He didn't talk too much or have strong opinions about anything. There was nothing about him to dislike.

Our last date ended with a make-out session in his front seat of his car while sitting in my driveway. I couldn't seem to make myself invite him inside. I just knew where that would lead, and I wasn't ready. I was barely into the make-out session with him, although I was pretty sure that was due to my mind being on the migratory habits of barn swallows, the subject of a recent article I wrote on commission for the Audubon Society. That was the only reasonable explanation for my indifference. I am usually pretty willing to engage in sex. I write erotic novels, after all.

So, I was pretty certain that our date was going to lead to some sexual encounter. While I wasn't particularly excited about that with Perry, I hadn't actually had sex with another person in over a year, so I was due.

I plucked some leftover pizza from the refrigerator and popped it in the microwave. My mind drifted back to my geeky protagonist, Deanna. She was a smart cookie, and too rational to get easily spooked. It was how she was going to get taken by surprise. Nick, being a brute of a man, wasn't particularly quiet. Nor did he think he had to be, since in his mind, she already belonged to him.

As I stared at the pizza spinning round and round on the rotating plate, I imagined how easy it might be for Nick to approach. The buzzing microwave was quite loud. Deanna might vaguely recognize the sounds of footsteps but she wouldn't react, thinking it was her imagination.

The microwave timer went off and I immediately retrieved the slice.Yeah, but do I really want him to take her in the kitchen in broad daylight? It seems so limiting. And too many knives around for her to stab him. It didn't feel right. It was plausible to a point, but not necessarily a conducive environment for their first encounter. Besides, all those clothes to deal with. When staging a ravaging, you want the girl to have on as few clothes as possible.

I burnt the roof of my mouth with the first bite of pizza. "Ow! Fuck!" I hadn't been that stupid in quite a long time. "God, where has my patience gone today?"

I managed to pound out a few more paragraphs to end the first chapter and then started on the second. The two main characters hadn't met, yet. I was determined to make it a slow burn, despite the fact that I felt this inner nagging to get to the good parts.

Another thousand words later, I couldn't stop yawning. I'd hit my wall. Lack of sleep had finally caught up with me. I saved my file and ambled to the living room. Then I plopped down on the sofa and pulled the nearby throw blanket over me.

"I'm here, my lovely."

His hot, humid breath blanketed my ear. I tried to move but he had me thoroughly pinned beneath him.

"There is no point in trying to escape. Besides, isn't this what you secretly desire?"

I shook my head but couldn't seem to form the words. A hand slithered up my shirt to grasp my breast.

"Such luscious breasts."

He pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and began to slowly roll it back and forth. I felt my traitorous body respond to his ministrations.

"Yes. Your nipples tell the truth. They know that you are mine. That you've always belonged to me. Someday soon, they will nurse our progeny."

I shook my head violently in denial but still couldn't find my voice. I seemed to be paralyzed or something. Why can't I scream? Call for help?

His hand slid down my stomach and into my thin cotton shorts to caress my lower belly and hips.

"Such perfection, all for me. You are truly my gift from the gods. Not mortality. If only you could understand what I'm willing to sacrifice for you. I give my eternal life just to live one lifetime with you. You are everything to me."

I couldn't make sense of what he was saying but a calmness settled within me. He wasn't there to hurt me.

"Yes, my little goddess, you're beginning to comprehend. I understand you in ways that you cannot yet imagine. I have watched you from afar for so long and felt your hunger. Let me ease your wanton desires, fulfill every fantasy."

My insides heated with each confession and promise he made. Was he the one I'd been waiting for all these years? The only person with whom I could share all my darkest, twisted secrets.

"I am the one you seek."

I gasped as I realized that he could read my thoughts.

"I hear your thoughts clearly when they are focused on me. You've been summoning me for many moons."

Then why haven't you come?

"It is quite complicated to explain. I had to find a path to your world. To you. But I am here now, love. And I promise to never leave you again."

His fingertips worked their way into my panties and I held my breath. No.

He chuckled low, "Don't try to use your thoughts to lie to me about what you want."

His fingers caressed the top of my slit and I began to tremble with anticipation.

"You have obeyed me well by staying clean-shaven."

I've obeyed no one. I made the decision to shave. Years ago.

"Did you? Or was it because you imagined it was how your lover wanted your cunt? Bare, so that my tongue can explore your labia unhindered. So that I may delight in your juices glistening on your skin when you're aroused."

His finger pressed into my slit and stilled just above my clitoral hood.

"You have become wet just thinking about me, as I am eternally erect for you."

He shifted and I felt his hardness against my backside. It was enormous, with a definite heat radiating from it. A sense of uneasiness gripped me. He could hurt me with that thing.

"Yes. It will hurt at first. But you will not be harmed or mutilated permanently. It's what you crave, isn't it? To be stuffed full until you can feel the very pulse of my blood through the veins of my cock."

I shuddered beneath him. It was something I'd only fantasized might happen. I'd never experienced such a thing.

His finger began to slowly move in circles. He wasn't directly stimulating my clit, but the sensation was incredible. Just enough pressure to heat my core. It was unimaginable how well this man knew how to manipulate my body.

"Can you feel your cunt slickening? Your inner labial lips becoming engorged, and your clitoris swelling?"

I whimpered as I could most definitely feel all those things. I was beginning to want this man beyond reason.

"This is but the commencement of your journey."

Journey? I could hardly focus on what he was saying. His finger had my mind spinning with lust.

"Your complete surrender to me. So that your innermost desires may be fulfilled."

It was what I craved more than anything else. I rocked my hips against his finger, urging him to touch more of me. My climax was rapidly building.

"Patience, my lovely slut. You are not yet fertile."

I gasped in a mixture of shock and embarrassment. He knew about my impregnation fetish, too. I'd never told anyone about that, never written it into a story, or so much as googled it.

"I know all your secret fantasies, love. You need not hide or be ashamed. My interests are identical to yours. So, you understand that I must impregnate you when I first take you."

No, no, no. I can't...You can't do that.

"Your struggles, your reluctance, will only spur me on. Taking you by force will satisfy both of our needs."

I woke up suddenly, my heart racing in my chest. The phone rang and I quickly realized that was what had pulled me out of my dream. I stumbled to my cell phone charger and squinted at the caller ID. Perry.


"Hey, Dee. Did I wake you?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. But that's okay. I needed to get up, anyway."

"Are we still on for tonight?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, definitely."

"I was hoping we could get an early start, but if that's not going to work..."

"No, that'd be good." I was anxious for the date to start. "What time?"

"Is seven too early?"

I frowned and then craned my neck to see the clock on the microwave. Shit. I'd slept longer than I thought.

"We can make it later..."

"No, no, seven is fine."

"Do you want me to pick you up, or would you rather meet me?"

That was Perry's subtle way of asking if there was a possibility of sex. "I'd prefer it if you picked me up." And that was my subtle way of saying, 'yes'.

"Okay. I'll be there in an hour."

"Great. Can't wait."

"Me, too."

"I'll see you soon. Bye."


Perry didn't quite possess the confidence of the man in my dreams, but he would do for now. My nap had left me horny as hell and no time to do anything about it before Perry arrived.

He was going to benefit from a very hot dream.


"Nephus is requesting an audience with you to plead his case, your highness."

"Refresh my memory."

"Nephus, son of Praxithea and Heracles, is pleading to become mortal."

"Ah, yes. I remember. Can you recall ever receiving such a foolish request?"

"Not in the last millennia, no. Will you grant him a meeting?"

"I suppose so. If for no other purpose that to hear his reasoning."

"I will relay your acceptance."


The date was moving along fine. We'd hardly had a chance to talk since the restaurant he'd chosen was both busy and loud, and we'd gone straight to the movie afterward, barely catching the 9 o'clock showing.

As Perry was pulling into my driveway, lustful thoughts began seeping into my mind. I could almost hear his voice again, feel his hot breath on my ear, the tip of his finger moving in maddening circles.

"You want to come in?"

Perry's eyes widened. "Sure."

I practically darted to my front door. I could only just picture poor Perry scrambling up the front lawn behind me. Once inside, I threw my arms about his neck and began kissing him wildly.


I realized that I'd caught him off guard. To him, I was probably acting like a crazed lunatic. I stopped kissing him to look him in the eye. "Is this okay with you?"

"Yeah ... Just ... Slow down a little."

I heaved a sigh and managed a smile. "Okay. You want something to drink?"

"What do you have?"

"Wine. Beer."

"A beer would be great."

"Okay. Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable."

I walked to the kitchen, a little out of breath from my brief loss of self-control. The burning inside me had subsided a great deal.Where are you when I need you, my imaginary man? I tried to picture him clearly in my mind. I was already losing parts of my dream. His warmth was being replaced by a cold, almost angry feeling.

I returned to the living room to find Perry half undressed on the sofa. This time it was my turn to be shocked.


"You said to make myself comfortable. This is what you want, right?"

My immediate gut reaction was No, but saying that out loud would give definite mixed signals. After all, wasn't my tongue just down his throat a mere five minutes earlier?

Okay, just go with it. Maybe you'll get into it more once things heat up a bit.

"I did say that, didn't I?"

I set our beers down on the coffee table and reached out to touch his now bare chest. He flinched at the contact, and I realized that my hands were cold.


I moved my hands to his sides to warm them up before moving them back to more sensitive areas. In my mind I pictured my impatient lover grasping my wrists and guiding my hands to his nether regions, completely unaffected by the coolness, anxious for my touch.

I peered up at Perry as my fingertips traced tiny circles around his nipples. I couldn't tell if he liked it or not. "Does that feel good?"

Perry nodded. I waited for him to make a move to remove my shirt, but he just stayed where he was, almost frozen in place.

"Would you like for me to take off my shirt?"

Perry nodded again. I wasn't sure what to make of his silence. I wasn't asking him to talk dirty or anything, although I was quite sure that it would turn me on if he did.

I sat more upright and pulled my tee over my head in one movement then searched Perry's face for approval. I'd chosen a white lacy bra and was wearing matching panties in anticipation of having sex with him. He gazed at my bra, appearing a little more amazed, than pleased. It was a minor letdown. In my fantasies, my lover is expecting me to wear nice things for him. There would be no amazement, just an appreciation of my compliance.

Reaching around my back, I unclasped my bra and allowed it to slide down my arms onto my lap. Arching my back, I presented him with the goods.

A tiny smile tugged at his lips as his tongue snaked out briefly to wet his bottom lip. It was the first sign he'd given me of his desire. If I'd blinked, I would've missed it.

"You can touch them if you want."

Perry's hands slowly approached my breasts until he was cupping them gently in his palms. The warm contact of skin on skin felt amazing. I closed my eyes to concentrate on his touch. His fingers caressed my skin, careful not to squeeze too hard.