Mix and Match


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My responsibilities ended, I went back to raillng Allison. The cute blonde roiled under me as we rutted on the floor.

"You don't need my permission to cum," I told her.

"Good," she said with a grin. "Cause I've already gone, like, three times already."


"Just little ones," she said, with a shrug. "Don't worry, you're going you're gonna blow my top off soon enough. I can feel it. Building. Fuck, feels so good. Does my pussy feel good for you, Matt?"

"Oh fuck yes," I said.

"Is my little quim tight enough for you? Do you feel how hot, how wet, I am for you? I've never had a bare cock in me before. You're the first. Deeper... Oh so much deeper, too. Fuck, Matt. Is this what you dreamt of? Do I live up to your every fantasy?"

Allison was acting submissive. But I knew what she was really up to. This was a competition. And the cute blonde was doing everything she could to win.

"Better than I imagined," I told her. "Your body's so tight, so strong. Your tits. That pussy. Fuck Allison."

But she was already gone.

"Oh. So deep. Stabbing me. Stirring up my insides so good. Gonna cum again. Oh Matt, you're making me cum. Oh fuck. Oh ffffFUCK!"

That time I felt it for sure. The blonde woman coiled around me as her orgasm took hold. She bit my shoulder; I don't think she even realized she was doing it. Finally, she fell back panting. Every breath ragged and desperate.

Her eyes rolled back,and I realized she was peaking once again. Like I'd kicked on an engine, Allison was racing from one orgasm to the next. She squeezed my bicep. She closed her legs around my waist. Let out a long, rattling hiss as the ecstasy slithered through her in one long chain of cums.

She looked so beautiful like that. Tits trembling. Face tight in a rictus of pleasure. And the way she clung to me. How her pussy clamped down. It was all too much.

"Getting... close..." I warned her. Honestly, I'm not sure how I lasted so long in the first place.

Allison was too far gone to hear. Well past the ability to respond. Language lost to nothing but squeaks and gasps. And yet, the vulnerability of her brain was belied by the power of her grip to hold me in place.

The only thing I could do was thrust forward as I felt my end approach with the rapidity of a bullet train. The inevitability of one, too. Racing down the tracks. On top of me, before I even realized it had arrived.

I buried my cock deep into Allison's fertile depths. Plunged into her one last line of defense. And erupted in one joyous, endless burst of fertility. Now it was my turn to cry out.

"Oh FUCK!"

Years of lust for the blonde beneath me. Months of frustration from filling condoms. Weeks of buildup, waiting for that moment where I could finally be bare. Days of edging, holding off for this moment. Hours of being stimulated without release. All of it unleashed in one immeasurable torrent of bliss, blasting deep into Allison's unprotected pussy.

Allison felt that first explosion and, impossibly, gripped me tighter.

"OH!" she said, and for a second I worried that I might have incurred her wrath. "Oh YES!"

I burst inside my crush girl. Poured my pleasure into the woman I'd dreamt about for so long. Inseminated my Allison. It was more than my brain could bear.

Distant, I heard her cry out. "Oh! Filling me... So HOT. Yuh-your baby. Putting your baby in me. Feels so good."

All I could do was endure my own ecstasy. Every ejaculation a cry of bliss as I blasted through Allison's vulnerable cervix with my seed. Unloaded an army of sperm inside her. Every nerve ending exploding with endorphins. So hard and strong I felt nearly numb.

Allison and I collapsed into each other. She found my mouth with hers. I expected, I don't know? Guilt. Recrimination. All Allison gave me was affection.

"So good, so good, so good," she rambled. Like her brain was stuck in joyous neutral.

"Don't stop," Melissa said. I heard her voice so clear, like she was shouting it in my ear. Reality returned and now, all I could see was my own wife. Staring back at me, her eyes filled only with pleasure. "Please... So close."

"Again?" Kent asked, like an overworked parent. "God, Mel, you're so greedy once you get going."

"Fuck... It's so thick. Rubbing me in all the right -- uhn -- places. Fucking me so GOOD."

"You're going to want this again, aren't you?" Kent asked.

"Oh YES! Oh fuck yes."

"Tell me," Kent said, "Whenever I want. You'll be my little wifeslut. Take my dick in that perfect mouth. Let me cum on those awesome tits. Spread your legs and beg me for more."

"Oh--ohFuck. Oh fuck yes. Just like that. Please don't stop. I'm guh-getting there. Oh. OH."

"I'm going to cum in you," Kent said to her. "Knock you up. Right here in front of your best friend. Your husband."

The finality of his words like a chill through my body. Even though I'd just done the same. Like a jump scare in a horror movie -- I'd known the whole time it was coming, but that didn't stop me from reacting the same way.

"Y... you shouldn't. Cum in me. Not safe. I'm not protected," Melissa said.

"You want me to stop?"

"Oh FUCK no," Melissa said.

"Tell me you want it," Kent said, "Be a good little wifey and beg me for my seed."

"Oh fuck," Melissa said. She rolled her head, like trying to shake it loose. "I can't..."

"Say it, Mel," Kent said, "Let it out. I'm going to fill you up and you're going to burst like never before. So let go for me. You can do it. Cum like I know you can."

Kent kept plowing her, incessant. It was clear that no matter what my wife said, he was going to fill her. And she was going to let him. The inescapable nature of what was about to occur, clearly Melissa couldn't deny it anymore.

"Ohhhhh, oh God," Melissa said, "Cum. Cum in me. I want to -- ohfuck! -- feel it. Cum so DEEP!"

"Say it, Mel," Kent said. His voice cracked. His thrusts faltered. I swear I could see his body readying to deliver that final blow. "Give it up. Give it up for me."

"Yes, CUM! Cum in MEEEE! Oh, I'll be a good little wifeslut. Take your cum. Whenever... Whenever you want. Knock me up. Give it to me... PLEASE!!"

I don't know if Kent could have truly held back any longer. But Melissa's words came at just the right time. He let out a roar, a howl, like a triumphant warrior, and unloaded into my wife.

Melissa's face fell open. I watched in awe as the pleasure rippled through her. Her eyes riddled with the shock of her ecstasy as she felt another man fill her for the first time. Her expression one of absolute awe.

"Oh YES!" she cried out. "You're cumming! Feels so... AH!"

Melissa's body juddered with each ejaculation. A shockwave rolling over her with the violence of a bullet and the pleasure of a drug.

"Oh yes, cumming," Kent groaned. "Cumming in 'Liss. Knocking you up. So fucking hot..."

Finally, the both of them collapsed. Fell into a heap on the floor of the sauna. Gasping and rolling on the ground like they'd finished a marathon.

Another crack of thunder in the distance. Rain pelting the wood of our little shelter. Like the world, itself, was climaxing around us.


I woke up, disoriented. Desperately needing to pee. The fire had gone out, but the room was warm enough.

I stumbled as I stood. Flinching from the pain that was radiating everywhere. My knees and shoulders. Elbows and chest. Allison was snoozing like a kitty, all curled up in a ball. I saw Kent lying on the far side of the sauna. My own wife nowhere to be seen.

I had to piss so bad, I couldn't care. I threw open the door to the sauna and raced out. It was still pouring rain. The sky this weird light gray. I didn't have time to go far, and I quickly emptied myself out. The warmth of my stream mixing with the cold water.

I felt someone watching me as I finished, and I turned. Melissa, standing completely naked by a nearby pine tree. Her face wet with tears. A sorrowful little grin on her lips as she caught my eye.

We didn't say anything. I raced and wrapped myself around her. Freezing rain ran in rivulets over us. I pressed my wife back into the tree. Lifted her thighs around me.

In a moment, I was inside her. My hard cock spreading her around me. The only warm place in an icy universe.

There was no love in what we did. No affection. I slammed into Melissa with a passionate violience. Almost painful the way we grasped at each other. A moment later, I filled my wife with my seed. She keened as my sperm raced inside her.

Melissa kissed me, hard.

"OK?" I asked, when I finally had my breath back.

"OK," she said, nodding vigorously.

We staggered back, soaking, to the sauna.


The next morning, the four of us trudged to the cabin like a defeated army. The storm had finally ended, but everything was muddy and slick. We shared knowing glances with each other but said nothing more. Awkwardly familiar yet oddly comfortable all at once.

Once we got inside, Melissa and I went to our bedroom to change clothes. Meanwhile, Kent and Allison went to use the shower. I heard the two of them reconnecting as I walked by the closed doors. Allison's now-familiar gasps mixed with Kent's usual thumping thrusts.

Melissa and I stayed in silence while we worked to make breakfast. We both had so much to say, it was impossible to speak at all. It all should have felt tense, like walking on eggshells. Instead, we had this strange ease as we did everything. I thought I'd slain my marriage, but in many ways, it felt refreshed. Like seedlings sprouting through the mud after a storm..

Kent came downstairs first, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. A cocky grin on his face. Allison followed soon after, looking a bit shy. The both of them had clearly come to some kind of agreement. Again, I braced myself for the inevitable blow up. Again, nothing arrived.

After breakfast, we agreed to go down to the lake. But as the girls went ahead, Kent grabbed my shoulder. Gently, he pulled me over to the side of the wraparound porch. I couldn't read the look on his face. Upset that I'd inseminated his wife? Apologetic about what he'd done with Melissa? I couldn't tell if he was going to start by shouting or get straight to punching.

"Your wife is such a hot fuck, dude," Kent said, a smile playing on his lips. Well, I hadn't expected that at all. "Her body, her tits. That tight fucking pussy. Amazing, right?"

I was so surprised, I didn't know how to react. The wind was knocked out of me, as sure as he'd thumped me in the gut. He eyed me oddly, and I realized I needed to say something back.

"Um, Allison is also nice," I said, not sure what I could say that wouldn't get me in trouble. "You know. In that way."

"Fuck yeah she is!" Kent said. He gave me a fist bump, then headed down to the lake, a spring in his step.

When I got down to the dock, the women were already laying out in their swimsuits. Again, I thought maybe we'd all have a conversation, but instead we just rested in the sun. I was about to fall asleep, it had been a long night, when I felt a shadow over me. I looked up and saw Allison looking down at me.

I know, I should have had her out of my system. But instead, just looking at the cute blonde made me remember everything we'd done the night before. The feel of her body. The little noises she made. The curl of her lips as she came. The thought that my own sperm were currently racing through her in that moment. Laughing and shouting as they shot straight for that oh-so-anticipatory egg.

Allison was wearing a bikini again, a red one, and, like magic, I found myself stiffening. She must have seen it because she looked down at me and smiled. That lovely, wicked grin that got my heart going a million beats per minute.

Allison knelt beside me. Her lips teasing at my ear. "What do you think about going sailing this afternoon?" she asked. "Maybe after lunch?"

Of all the first things to say to each other, this was certainly odd. I didn't know how to react at all.

"I could ask the others," I said, "I'm sure that'll be fine."

"Actually, I was thinking just us," Allison said.

I blinked over at her, amazed. Allison responded by pulling at the top of her bikini, miming that it was flying off. Then she gave me a wink. Holy fuck.

Allison went back to her seat and all of us set to dozing. The night before had clearly taken a lot out of us. Eventually, I managed to get up and limp to the kitchen to start making lunch. Melissa joined me.

She sidled up to me while I sliced the sandwiches.

"So," she said. And now, finally, I knew we were about to talk about the night before. "Last night was super scary. Also kinda awesome though.

"Yes," I said, "Both those things."

"What do you think?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said, "We made some mistakes. Took a dumb risk. All of us."

"For sure," Melissa said, "But also, I'm not exactly upset about a lot of it, either?"

I nodded. I wanted to be, I dunno, angry. Upset. I got where my wife was going. But then, wasn't I headed to the same place? Every time I tried to get mad about her and Kent, I could only feel excitement over myself and Allison.

"As to the, um, the other thing. Well, we're fortunate that we live in a state that still has mifeprestone," Melissa said. She squeezed my arm, and I could tell she was being playful. "Though we have a few more days here before we can go get it. So why not enjoy it while we can?"

"Just for the week?" I asked.

"If you want to," Melissa said, but I knew she was playing coy. What I wanted was, well, it mattered. But only in what it allowed her to desire, too.

"Allison did mention that maybe she and I should go out on the Sunfish this afternoon," I said.

"Interesting," Melissa said, a hungry smile sneaking across her lips. Not unlike the one Allison was always giving me. "Well then, I guess I'll have to see about making things even."

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FoodtrunkFoodtrunk20 days ago

I loved this story, even with the abrupt ending. Spec writes interesting characters who have real motivations and the sex is always hot. Would love to read more about these couples.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Melissa clearly betrayed first, and it's sad that being so protective over the years she gave herself to a stranger man and let him fill her in. I feel sorry for Matt in this regards.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The end was sooo disappointing that I rated it 2 stars. I was looking to it being a complete swap with 2 divorces and 2 marriages. Otherwise it was just a bad decision to swap. Very disappointing.

Bill S.

CZOFTWCZOFTW7 months ago

You write the best wife-watching scenes ever. Trepidation, love, desire, guilt and lust. And then you pay it off so beautifully. There's something so hot about a wife becoming a sex object. Your stories should really be called Loving Husband.

Speechless2025Speechless20258 months ago

Another incredible artwork from this author. Would love a sequel to this...maybe a follow up to include the remaining days of the trip? Oh, BTW, Melissa is a fucking cheating liar!

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