Missy’s Family Experience Ch. 03

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A night alone with her brothers.
7.3k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/19/2023
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Slipping into a pair of white panties and gym clothes, Missy's nerves were anxiously jangling as she headed over to join her brothers in the other room.

"I thought you were the pizza." Frank seemed genuinely unhappily that she wasn't the food when he opened the door for her. Going over to the far bed, he plopped onto it with his back against the headboard and stuck his nose in his phone.

"I've got the movie queued up," Jason said from one of the chairs by the little table.

The pair's seeming disinterest in Missy was typical and she started to think her anxiety had been pointless. Joining Frank, she also leaned against the headboard and pulled out her own phone. Being the last to shower, Chris soon appeared and took a seat on the other bed. When the pizza arrived, they started the movie and spent the next couple of hours making comments and cracking jokes about it. With her brothers' continuing to act like they had during all their other hang-outs, Missy easily forgot about her earlier thoughts.

"What should we watch next?" Chris asked from where he laid prone on the one bed when the movie ended.

"I don't know if I wanna watch anything," Jason said, standing up and stretching. "Hey Missy, when was the last time you bought a new one of your costumes?"

"I don't know." She shrugged, the question surprising her. Although her family supported her anime cosplay, she knew they thought it silly. Especially since she spent a lot of the money she made working at the ice cream parlor on new outfits.

"Have you bought one that me and Chris haven't seen?" Jason pressed.

"Yes," she admitted, thinking about her new candy striper outfit.

"Then I know you brought it with you," Jason smiled. "Why don't you model it for us?"

"Yea. Let's see it," Chris chimed in, rolling onto his side.

"Um... Ok," she agreed, climbing off the bed.

Going back to her room, she wondered why the two wanted her to do this since neither of them had shown much interest in her hobby for the last couple of years. Deciding that they were either looking to just waste time or tease her, she stripped down to her white panties. In the bathroom she put her pink hair into pigtails. Despite her lack of faith in her brother's reasons, her big brown eyes still reflected the excited little smile on her slim lips that she always got when preparing to play dress-up.

Back out in the room, the air conditioning had her little pink nipples partially stiff and when she put on the bra that matched her panties, the cotton material brushed against them to make them tingle slightly. Pulling the outfit from her bag, she slipped into the white blouse. With the elastic in the puffy sleeves around her biceps, she did up all of the buttons so that the collar was closed around her throat. As she had gotten older, her focus on the outfits she bought had switched from being cute to being sexy. For that reason, the top strained slightly over her plump little breasts. Setting on the bed, she slid on a pair of white thigh-high nylons with pink ribbons laced through their elastic tops. The outfit's main part was a one-piece pink-and-white striped skirt with a square, overalls-style flap. Sliding her legs through the skirt portion, she reached behind her to zip it up. Hugging her slim waist and just snug enough to accentuate her tiny ass, the skirt's hem hung just below the nylon tops. Working the straps over her shoulders, she hooked them to the buckles so that the square flap conformed over the swells of her breasts. After putting on a pair of little black shoes with gold buckles, she went back into the bathroom to pin the boxy little hat in place.

Although she enjoyed playing dress-up, she always got nervous when showing off one of her outfits. Heading out the door, she took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself, then confidently strolled into her brothers' room.

"Holy crap, that's cute," Chris gasped from where he remained on the nearest bed.

"Adorable." Jason agreed from his new seat at the foot of the far bed.

"It really is," Frank chimed in, his enthusiasm a way of joining with their brothers.

"Come on. Give us the show." Jason insisted, indicating for her to stroll around the room.

Going into her prepared show, she strutted around the room, twirling to make the skirt flutter and striking practiced poses while her brothers cheered and showered her with compliments. Doing one last twirl, she ended the show in her practiced pose with her eyes staring down at her hands shyly clasped in front of her.

"You are so cute." Jason whispered from his seat an arm's length away.

Something in his tone made Missy lift her gaze and an uncertain, yet excited tingle ran done her spine with the way he was looking at her. Glancing at Chris and Frank, she saw they were looking at her in that same way. She had seen that look before, in the eyes of Ricky and the other boys that had tried to get her to do certain things. Things like what had happened in the car.

No. We can't. I-I can't. A part of her whispered with the sudden realization that the night would not be like their usual hang-outs. A confused uncertainty washing over her, the next few moments passed in slow motion.

Reaching out, Jason snagged her hands in his and pulled her toward him. Her feet crossing the carpet, she let him guide her into sitting sideways in his lap. As his free arm wrapped around her back for support, its hand gripping her outside thigh through the skirt, she instinctively brought her legs together and delicately hooked her ankles. A warm tingle dancing along her nerves, she gazed down at his one hand holding hers in her lap. Then his hand let go of hers and came up, a pair of fingers lifting her chin and turning her face to his.

We shouldn't. Part of her insisted as she tried to find the strength to push him away, climb off his lap, and declare an end to all of this.

But... it felt so good. Another part whimpered with the memory of the previous night.

The two sides arguing, she watched Jason lean in to kiss her. Unable to stop herself, she closed her eyes and kissed him back. Their lips separating and reconnecting a few times, the warm tingle began to flow throughout her body. Trying to deny this, she let him guide her lips open and eagerly raised her tongue in greeting to his. The flowing warmth grew stronger as the two appendages swiped at one another.

We shouldn't be doing this. She thought, reminding herself that it was her brother's tongue in her mouth. Despite this, or because of it, she leaned into their kiss and brought her one hand up to his shoulder while her other reached around to his back. Her fingers lightly scratching at his t-shirt, she drove her tongue against his.

Dropping away from her chin, his hand landed atop her inside thigh just below the skirt's hem so that its heat radiated through the nylon, his fingertips caressing her flesh where her legs were pressed together. Her ankles unhooking on their own, a small gap appeared between her limbs. Taking advantage of this, his fingertips dipped down a little further.

I shouldn't be... This is wrong. Even as the thought formed, the flowing warmth caused her legs to slide a little further apart.

Slipping down into the wider gap, Jason's hand nudged her limbs open more so he could freely caress her entire inner thigh.

Ooh God, I-I shouldn't--. The warmth building, she leaned back into his arm, shifted her ass slightly in his lap. Ooh God. Her mind whimpered when she felt his stiffening thingy under her taut orbs, the memory of how it had felt inside her rushing back. The warmth turning into strong breezes, they fanned the embers within her loins into smoldering briquettes.

Sliding up her thigh, Jason's hand slipped under her skirt and his fingertips traced her flesh along the nylon's edge. Then they crept upward, drawing tiny circles on her flesh, the hand's heat mingling with that emanating from her special place.

Her body ignoring her one side's continued attempts to get her to stop this from happening, her hips rolled delicately in anticipation. Leaning back more, shifting again, her legs fell open, the outside one nearly falling off Jason's knee.

His fingertips reaching her panties, they slid in to rub at her through them. Slipping up and down, this way and that, they massaged her hidden special place.

Her hips twitching, her embers crackled and snapped into glowing red-orange orbs of desire within her loins and her juices started flowing. Missy knew she was rapidly approaching the point of no return and the one part again screamed that it was her brother touching her. That it was his tongue hers was dueling. That it was his thingy throbbing under her tiny ass. But again, in contrast with the thoughts' intentions, they only heightened her body's building desire.

Sitting in her brother's lap, French-kissing him and letting him rub at her through her panties, the warm breezes fanned her embers brighter and hotter with each passing moment. Her panties absorbing some of her juices, the softening material eventually allowed his fingertips to press between her labia and massage her slit. The feel of this, combined with her ricocheting thoughts, fueled her body's desire and her hips soon started rolling needily, her fingers grabbing at his shirt.

Breaking their kiss, Jason pulled back to gaze into her eyes with a look that meant stopping things at this point would not be easy. Reminiscent of the time she had finally given in to Ricky, that look stirred the same kind of nervous excitement in her. And, like that time, she realized that she didn't have any intention of trying to stop things. In fact, she was more excited than nervous this time. Despite not understanding why, she knew this was because of the added naughtiness of it being her brother.

Pulling his hand from under her skirt, Jason's arm slipped under her legs. Standing, he lifted her with him and turned around to kneel on the bed. As he laid her down near its center, her arms fell out to her sides and her legs fell partially open, her knees bent slightly and the skirt's hem draped across her thighs near the nylon tops.

Noticing that the room was much darker than when they had started kissing, she glanced around. The main light had been turned off and now only a single, dimmed nightstand lamp provided the limited illumination. Maybe it was the kissing that had let her basically forget about Chris and Frank, or the extra room her and Jason had compared to the confines of the car's backseat. Either way, she now saw them sitting on the edge of the other bed, naked. And the sight of their hard members sent a new rush of impish excitement through her.

Drawing her attention back to him, Jason joined her on the bed. Straddling one of her legs on his knees, he unhooked the buckles to her outfit's top and pulled the square portion down. An ache of anticipation pulsing within her titties, she lifted her chin when he reached for the blouse's top most button. Undoing it, then the next and the next, he worked his way down. With each one, the white blouse fell open a little more, offering an ever-growing glimpse of her simple white bra underneath. The pulsing ache making her fingers scratch at the bedspread, she wiggled slightly to help him tug the bottom of the blouse from inside the skirt. Undoing the last button, he threw the top's flaps aside. As cool air swirled over her torso and across the exposed tops of her titties, her semi-hard nipples poked at the bra for a brief moment before he shoved the bra up off the pert mounds.

"Mmm." Missy quietly mewled as the air now swirled over her pink nipples, causing them to stiffen more.

A hand covering each of her plump little breasts, Jason flattened those stiffening nipples under his palms and squeezed.

"Ooh." Sighing, her eyes closing, she arched her back slightly in offering as the ache went from anticipation to satisfaction.

That ache grew to pulse throughout her entire body over the next moments as Jason fondled her breasts; his palms rubbing her nipples and making them spark with electricity. Switching tactics, he tweaked the swollen buds between thumb and forefinger, making the electricity zing through them. The attentions turning the warm breezes into tropical gusts, Missy laid there, her shallow breaths carrying quiet mewls past her delicate lips. Her embers being fanned, they burst into a dancing little fire and her legs began to scissor slightly upon the bed.

Opening her eyes when he pulled his hands away, she watched him move down the bed and lift his one knee out from between her legs. Resting his hands on her nylons, their heat simmering through their thin material, he slid them up to pile the skirt at her waist.

Although the foreplay had been limited so far, Missy could sense the dampness of her special place. She knew that some of her juices had been absorbed by her panties and that the softened material was molding itself to the delicate folds there. After hungrily gazing at this image for a second, Jason hooked the panties' side straps. Lifting her ass, Missy brought her legs together so he could pull them down. Drawing the panties along her legs, he moved down the bed with them and climbed off it as he pulled them over her shoes.

Missy laid there, watching him strip out of his cloths. Her legs had fallen open, the white nylons running up them to where the elastic and pink ribbons cuffed her thighs. Between her spread legs, her special place with its bright pink labia glistened wetly, her juices sparkling dew-like among the tuft of blond hairs surrounding it. Above where the majority of her outfit was piled at her waist, her abs delicately quivered. Her arms were thrown out to her sides and at their ends her fingers flexed atop the bedspread. With the flaps of her white blouse thrown open and her simple bra shoved up, her swollen pink nipples rested nicely atop her plump little breast as they rose and fell with the shallow breaths escaping her slim lips. Her head rested on a pillow, the boxy little hat a bit askew and her pink ponytails flung out to the sides, her face flush and her features lax.

With thoughts and emotions cascading through her, her big brown eyes bounced between the stripping Jason and her other brothers with their already freed members. Although she knew there was no backing out now, even if she wanted to, she continued struggling with the idea that all of this was forbidden and wrong. That brothers and sisters weren't supposed to do these things... that they weren't supposed to want to do them.

Yet, here the four of them were.


Then all three of her brothers were climbing onto the bed.

The mattress shifting under her, Missy's mind echoed with the lewdness of what was happening. But instead of silencing the desire pulsing through her body, the thought fueled it. Seconds later it was fueled even more as the trio's hands and mouths converged on her body in near unison.

Each taking one of her breasts in hand, Frank and Chris squeezed the plaint mounds, their fingers communicating different hungers and experience. Folding their bodies and lowering their mouths onto her swollen pink nipples, they suckled and licked them with different intensities. Lying between her spread legs, Jason wrapped his arms around her upper thighs and brought his face close enough to her special place for his breath to swirl over it.

"Mmm," she mewled, a blast of tropical heat causing her entire body to shudder.

Then Jason's tongue pressed between her labia and swiped up through her slit, nearly brushing her clit.

"Ooh," her eyes closing, her head lulled back.

While Ricky had licked her there once, her eldest brother's technique proved to be more patient and less awkward. Slipping up and down through her slit insistently, his tongue absently brushed against her clit then past her opening again and again, making the nerve-endings of both points spark with unique anticipation.

Meanwhile, the differences in Frank's and Chris' squeezing fingers caused the ache within her pert breasts to pulse distinctively. Their different suckling techniques made her nipples crackle with individual jolts of electricity. Neither was bad, nor superior to the other. They were just different. And mutually exciting. Quietly mewling, Missy brought her hands to the backs of their heads and twined her fingers into their hair.

For a few moments she laid there, her body reveling in the sensations created by her three brothers' attentions, the tropical breezes fanning the fires within her loins, making them dance.

Proving himself the least patient, Frank grabbed her hand and guided it down under him to his crotch. Unable to shut off the thoughts of how improper this all was, her fingers wrapped themselves around his rigid thingy as best they could. And as she began stroking it, the thoughts again only served to send surges of naughty excitement through her, feeding her fires and making her lithe, young body simmer. Her face lulling from side-to-side, heavy breaths slipping past her delicate lips, she also thought how much more wicked it would be to be stroking Chris' thingy as well.

But before she could act on this thought, Frank pulled his mouth from her nipple and rose up onto his knees. Moving closer, making the mattress shift under her, his free hand bumped the hat pinned to her hair as he cuffed the back of her head and made her lift it.

Opening her eyes, Missy stared at his rigid thingy within her own grasp. While her fear lingered, it had been lessened by Chris the night before. Besides, even without the worry of their father catching them, she didn't think she had any choice. Resigning herself to whatever her twin's intentions might be, she adjusted her fingers to where she thought she would want them and guided the head of his thingy toward her lips. Where Chris had let her lick his pre-cum from the tip, Frank continued forcing her mouth toward him well past the point where she could do this and pressed the tip of his thingy against her lips. Fighting against her fear, she let her lips slide over the head then lock around his thick shaft, tasting him and his fluid as one. Continuing to push on the back of her head, Frank shoved her lips down along his shaft and crammed them against her fingers. Then, holding her there, his hips started rocking back and forth, pumping himself in and out of her mouth. As his rigid shaft slid along her lips, caressing their nerve-endings, Missy realized that he was fucking her mouth... using it for his pleasure.

The thought made her feel dirty...

Caused her fires to flare...

To dance and sway...

To sear her loins...

Frank's use of her mouth caused his other hand to lose some of its focus on her titty, but he continued fondling it, fueling the mound's ache. Meanwhile Chris' attention remained steady, his fingers squeezing her other plaint breast, his suckling mouth making electricity sing through its nipple. All while Jason's tongue slithered through her wetness, sliding past her entrance and brushing near her clit.

The tropical gusts strengthening and her fires growing, Missy's hips rolled and lifted herself against Jason's tongue. As if on cue, the appendage suddenly slid purposely upward and rapidly swiped against her clit, making it scream with electricity. Her hips jerking, her feet skidded a few inches across the bedspread before kicking down into the mattress and lifting herself even higher.

With his arms wrapped around her thighs. Jason maintained his tongue's contact with her clit, swiping at it several times before retreating down through her slit. Returning to its previous actions for the next few minutes, it brushed past her entrance and near her clit several times.

Up and down the tongue slid...



Brushing past her opening...