Milking Superman

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From Superhero to Superslave, he is milked of his superspunk
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Olga Strinofsky was very concerned. As CEO of Oil of Mandalay, she was a very rich and powerful woman her company raking in millions of dollars in profits for years. Her anti-aging cream for decades had been the standard "go-to" treatment for treating wrinkles, sunspots, cottage cheese thighs, crow's feet, laugh lines, cellulite and blemishes of all kinds that plague women who constantly fear the loss of their youthful beauty. Her Company, worth multi-billions in sales had lately however started to see a decline in sales recently and this trend worried her greatly.

Competition in the beauty products industry is fierce and recently some of the newer companies in the business had developed products that, to her great chagrin, worked even better than hers did. Oil of Mandalay was losing its edge, and Olga knew it and the knowledge was eating her alive. Despite spending millions in research and development, she was rapidly coming to the conclusion that they had finally hit the brick wall.

The field of anti-aging creme had reached the natural end of improvement, and now that all of her competitors had essentially broken the code on her product through reverse engineering, it was just going to be a slow erosion of market share and profits for years to come. Her face tightened as she realized that she was going to have to explain to her board that the days of 75% profit margins and endless demand for their brand was coming to an end, and she did not relish giving that news.

As she sat stewing over this development, reviewing the latest sales results and putting the final touches on her presentation to the board, her phone rang. It was her assistant announcing that Veronica Taylor was on the phone and that she wanted to have a meeting set up.

"Veronica Taylor? The supermodel? What would she want to meet with me about personally?" Olga asked her assistant.

"Perhaps she wants to endorse our brand? It certainly would be a boon for the image to get HER on board!" her assistant answered.

"You may be right, put her through" Olga answered, puzzled that Veronica, a multi-millionaire in her own right would be making these sort of pitches herself. Surely her agent usually would handle something like this.

As the line rang, Olga grinned with a twinge of excitement as she was very curious to hear what the elusive supermodel had to say. She did not take many calls as a rule as she was constantly barraged with people peddling something, but she decided to take this one and that was a very RARE event. No one ever got to talk to Olga Strinofsky on the first try unless they were an exceptionally important person.

Veronica Taylor however, fabulously successful for 20 years would be just that person. Painfully beautiful, she was stunning in the extreme was the highest paid most successful model in history. Perfect figure (especially for those who like women top heavy) she had the same 44-28-38 figure she had since she had been a teenager. Her Long shimmering black hair that shone in the light appeared to be made of pure spun silk. Especially interesting to Olga was her skin, as it was absolutely FLAWLESS! Not a sunspot, freckle or wrinkle appeared anywhere on her body she resembled a computer generated model, perfect in every way.

She commanded whatever price she wanted from any advertiser and, as one would expect, always had every multiple available billionaires, movie-stars or indiscreet politicians groveling for her affection. Every woman envied her and every man desired her and ironically she only grew more alluring as she grew older. The list of her former lovers was long and read like a who's who directory. It was even rumored that she was the secret girlfriend of the man of steel himself, Superman.

When Olga picked up the phone she listened intensely to Veronica and what she had to say but had more questions created by the conversation than were answered by it. She was extremely vague in what she was proposing, but what it was appeared to be was a joint venture, NOT an endorsement deal. Fearing that Veronica had gone daffy, she went along with her plans as you certainly would not want to piss HER off, especially if you were in the cosmetics industry.

She asked, and Olga agreed (simply because of Veronica's stature) that they should meet at Veronica's Penthouse Apartment that evening to discuss details, adding that she did not want anything said on the phone or put in writing as she did not want the exposure. The cynical CEO was intrigued when she said that what she was going to present would be worth multi-billions to both of them.

Hearing this Olga's eyebrows raised. Despite her suspicions she was intrigued even though she thought it was probably just the rantings of a beautiful yet silly supermodel. The hearing of the word billions though, was just enough to whet Olga's interest so at 7:00 PM that evening she found herself in the elevator to the Penthouse.

After some initial small talk and pleasantries, Olga asked the obvious question. What exactly was she proposing that could possibly make both of them multiple billions of dollars.

Veronica looked around the room nervously as though she was afraid someone would overhear what she was about to say. Olga herself was getting a little uncomfortable at this paranoia since Veronica was in her OWN APARTMENT and surely should not be THIS nervous.

"Well Olga" the beautiful supermodel began. "You know that I have some pretty famous boyfriends." Olga nodded as that certainly was not a secret.

"Well, I have discovered something about one of them that, if we do this right, will make us both the richest women on earth, but, is kind of on the er shall we say, illegal side."

Olga grinned nervously but nodded, definitely intrigued at what Veronica was going to propose and anxious for her to get on with it.

Veronica continued now, getting more comfortable and more open as she talked.

"Superman has been my boyfriend for about 5 years now, and, well, he plays a part in this."

Olga was frustrated now, so far she had not heard anything that seemed to be a way to make money or was anything that everyone on earth didn't already know. Her dalliance with the Man of Steel was hardly a secret, and pictures of them were constantly showing up on TMZ, Entertainment Tonight or any number of BRAVO shows. Finally, in frustration Olga yelled out "Just say it!!!!" and caught herself before she lost her cool.

For the next hour Veronica laid out her plan in surprising detail, her intelligence only surpassed by her beauty. She explained how she met Superman and how they eventually became intimate and blushed as she started to have to become more graphic about the details. Olga was most curious about this as she, like every other woman on the planet, had consistent erotic fantasies about Superman and often wondered just exactly what kind of lover he would be, especially in light of his nickname "The Man of Steel".

And from what Veronica described, that was an accurate moniker. Of the more interesting tidbits about the sex life of Superman Olga learned was the fact that Veronica only could give him a hand-job; no blowjob or allowing him to shoot inside her could ever be possible.

Veronica described how the first time he shot his load at her home it blew out the side of her penthouse apartment and completely destroyed a neighboring apartment building, the force of his ejaculation having the same force of a tidal wave. It was clear, Superman has super spunk!!!

Olga also learned from Veronica that, despite being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, Superman was also a man, and like most men he had a kinky side. The Superhero was completely pussy whipped by the most gorgeous supermodel in the world and she had him wrapped around her little finger like a spring. It turns out that Superman had a bit of a submissive side, definitely fitting the stereotype of a wolf in the streets but a lamb in the sheets type.

Veronica giggled as she described the first time that Superman made one of his kinkier requests and asked her to tie him up and dominate him. Now, you can imagine that most of these scenes played out in real life are fantasies, but with Superman how exactly could you "tie him up?" Veronica then relayed the secret. Superman, secret perve that he was, had stored away a little kryptonite. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to restrain him.

"Olga, I can't describe to you the power it was having him all strapped down in those Kryptonite chains and riding his MAN OF STEEL!. Jesus, you can't imagine how hard he was and I tormented him all night, teasing him, having him lick and suck my toes, riding his face (and boy does he have a super tongue!). You can use your imagination on what it feels like to have your man be able to vibrate his tongue over your clit at the speed of sound. Pure heaven! When I finally got off of him and gave him a hand-job he literally blew out half of my apartment with his sperm. It got EVERYWHERE and it cost almost 100,000 dollars to repair the damage to my walls."

Laughing at the memory she continued. "Superman was a super-sweetie about it though and repaid me, but that is when I discovered something which is why I am talking to you today."

"After he left and I was surveying the damage, some of his "emissions" that he had dripped on the floor when I was teasing him got on my hand. Instantly it began to tingle and glow and within a few minutes it was like my hand had gotten 10 years younger. You may not realize this, but I am almost 40 years old, and rapidly coming to the end of my money making days as a supermodel. I have gotten quite fond of this lifestyle I live, so, I thought maybe there was something here I could work with."

Olga grew wet hearing this story, either from the image of the man of steel tied up and teased all night or from hearing of the healing power of his super-spooge, but for either reason she was gushing.

"Next time he came over and I had him all restrained and teased, I placed a little plate under him and collected his leaking pre-cum to test out later. His actual sperm that he generates when he shoots is TOO powerful, and is actually like lava when it shoots out and is kind of dangerous. Pre-cum however is different and can be handled safely. After he left I couldn't wait to run into the bathroom and try it out. I spread it over my just forming crow's feet and even on my little spare tire I was beginning to form. Olga darling, it worked like a charm."

Leaning in close, Victoria showed her skin, which looked as flawless as ever, appearing no older than 22, 23 tops. Continuing she spoke. "The crow's feet instantly disappeared and cleared up and my skin looked like a 20-year old's again. Even better, once I applied it to my spare tire, it burned a little, but within 5 minutes the small amount of fat had burned away. It was like doing 1000 sit ups a day for a year in 10 minutes!!!"

Olga's mind raced with the possibilities. Marketing a product like this would make her billions, and not just single billions, it could be hundreds of billions. With this product she could have Bill Gates as her butler and Warren Buffet as her cook she would be so rich. Her mouth literally salivating at the thought of those billions of dollars just waiting to be harvested she began to openly drool. Veronica could see that Olga was intrigued so got to the point.

"So my dear, my proposal is this, I need your engineers to come up with a milking machine, one that can keep him on the edge of cumming but not take him over. The force of his sperm shooting is so strong it will destroy any machine or bonds he is trapped in, so it will have to be calibrated very carefully. I will get Superman all hot, bothered and restrained, and once he is in a position where he is helpless, I will call you and you can pick him up."

Olga listened intently, but had many many questions. Besides the obvious danger of trapping Superman and the grief he could wield on her and her company if he ever got loose, a few dribbles here and there wouldn't be enough to do anything. When she expressed this concern to Veronica, she was shocked by her reply.

"Oh Olga, you don't realize, but since you haven't had sex with Superman you couldn't know. His metabolism is completely different than normal men. He "dribbles", as you say, pre-cum at a rate of 15 gallons an hour. When he actually SHOOTS, it kind of is like a firehouse getting loose in your house, quite erotic but a total mess. What you don't grasp is, he is really different than normal men and will never wear out or empty. He will just drain and drain pre-cum for as long as we have him restrained. Additionally, since his body is impervious to pain or damage (other than Kryptonite) he never sleeps, eats or you know, those OTHER eliminations. He can be set up to just go on and on and on for as long as we want; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, pumping out pure sperm gold for us to grow incredibly rich harvesting."

Olga interrupted. "You sure he can't get loose from those bonds. You have tested them?"

Veronica winked. "Oh I tested them alright. I gave him a blowjob on and off for 4 hours the other night and he was definitely struggling and squirming desperately to get away. I am SURE if he could have burst out of those bonds he would have grabbed that big old super dick and hosed down the whole neighborhood with a cum deluge that would have to be classified as a category 5 he was so worked up."

"Well Then" Olga grinned. "You have me almost convinced, but there is just one last concern. Won't people get suspicious when the most famous man on the planet goes missing? Won't people look for him."

Veronica grinned again having thought this out too. "Would it REALLY be that weird if some Alien life force, with the strength of a God, who has only been on this planet for 30 years or so suddenly decided to go home? I think that is what most people will think. They will think he returned to his home planet and won't look for him. No one would suspect him being kidnapped, since, Who could "kidnap" Superman anyway?"

Olga's grin got bigger and bigger as she imagined the money she would make from this. This would be the one process that NO one could copy and since it would be her company and hers alone that would have the "secret" sales would never decline as there would be no competition. Her mouth forming into a big grin, she vowed that if they could pull this off she was going to be sure that her little super-secret was going to be locked up, and milked constantly, FOREVER.

The last question Veronica fully anticipated, the price. Saying she would deliver Superman, completely bound in Kryptonite, naked and helpless for eternal milking for 50 percent of the profits.

Olga had to admit it was fair, although she hated giving up that much money. But, she thought, 50 percent of 300 billion is still 150 billion so it was certainly worth making this deal. They agreed that after 3 weeks, the gorgeous supermodel would work her wiles and get Superman bound up and ready for delivery.

The big night arrived and Veronica got the go ahead from Olga and her team that the machine was ready. Everything was prepared so she texted Superman on his private number, and literally within seconds he was at her door. She had been playing especially hard to get over the past week knowing this would only drive the man of steel wilder with desire and make her plan that much easier to execute. When he flew onto her balcony, his eyes almost bugged out of his head when he laid eyes on her.

Veronica, always beautiful, was spectacular tonight as she had spent days planning her trap. She wore an outfit perfectly aligned to push every pervy button in his Krypton head, both his big and little one. She wore a leather teddy with black fishnet stockings that connected through gold chain to garters. Seeing the woman of his dreams so deliciously arrayed, he could feel his cock already tenting vividly in his familiar red shorts. Veronica just glared at him with the exact right amount of lust and disdain that she KNEW drove him wild.

From behind her back she held a riding crop and placed it under Superman's chin.

"STRIP SLAVE! and show respect to your Goddess" she commanded. In a flash he was completely naked and on his knees before her. When she lifted her foot out to him and he gently took it in his hand and began to lightly kiss the top of her foot and suck her toes through her fishnet hose, she could not help but gush and with surprising gentleness she ran her fingers through his hair as he worshiped her.

Ordering him into her bedroom even the man of steel's eyes bugged out as he saw the amazing contraption. The kryptonite shackles they had played with before were now all attached to a chair and appeared to be part of an overall machine. Normally he would have been far more suspicious but horniess got the better of him as she whispered in his ear. Running her hands down his firm tight chest as she stood behind him she purred. "You like Superslave?"

He just grunted his approval as she continued.

"I had this designed just for you. I want to FUCK you Superslut, I want to feel that hard amazing cock in my body. I am going to ride you and ride you over and over until you literally weep in frustration, because I am NOT going to get you off easy. You will worship every inch of my body until I am fully satisfied, and once in this machine you will be TOTALLY under my control!"

As she spoke she continuously ran her hands all over his body. She had to admit, he was sexy, in fact the sexiest man on earth. PERFECT body, long thick cock, full swollen (and now throbbing) balls, tight dimpled ass; he was the one man on earth that could get her motor going instantly and he was all hers. Seeing his reflection in the mirror as he closed his eyes she knew he was falling hard into her trap.

He was helpless before her beauty as she grabbed him by his erect and steel hard cock and led him to the shackles. Foolishly closing his eyes in bliss, he sighed as he felt the kryptonite manacles applied to his wrists and then his legs were raised and also attached to the same shackle, thus spreading him in a humiliating completely open position. In this position he was completely exposed and helpless, his amazing super package dangling right out in the open for Veronica to torment at will with his anus also completely unprotected and widely exposed.

Standing back to admire, Veronica smiled, and felt herself flood her leather teddy with her honey. This was the hottest thing she had ever seen. His whole body was perfectly displayed to her gaze, every inch of him exposed to her. The man of steel was obviously enjoying this "role-play" and shook with desire as she glared at him. Feeling his eyes boring into her with unbridled and untamable passion, she winked as she unhooked the straps to her Teddy and began to slowly strip.

Superman was moaning now as Veronica slowly revealed her astonishing body to him. Despite wanting to be bound, he could not help but struggle against the Kryptonite shackles as he wanted to take her and fuck her into the void.

Seeing him struggle, she giggled. "Well now, it seems like you are superfrustrated! You definitely want to get out of those shackles don't you?"

He could only moan and nod as she dropped her leather teddy to the floor and sat down on the bed. God she was gorgeous, her full perfect large and perky breasts begging to have his aching tongue worship her hard nipples. He groaned as he saw her stomach and thighs, wanting to lick and kiss each inch of her forever. When she arched her foot and began to slowly unroll her stockings down her perfect legs his struggles began again.

Seeing his reaction gave Veronica the charge of her life. She was very turned on by his body, but even more by the fact that here before her, bound perfectly was the most powerful force on earth and he wanted only her. Reaching out with her perfectly polished right toe she began to tickle and tease his left ball as she watched him moan and began to leak.