Metallic Ambition

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ABYT embarks on her most ambitious conquest yet.
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Metallic Ambition


ABYT studied the intelligence gathered by her handful of Growler types. She had few of them, compared to other Queens, enough to count on both hands with fingers to spare. But they were still enough to gather vital intelligence, allowing her to slowly take over the rest of the Polter Corporation Stations, though some she handed off to other Queens in the Jupiter system, both as appeasement to keep them from bothering her, as she quickly learned there were far stronger Queens in the Jupiter system than herself, and because multiple stations made it difficult to manage her Cluster. Even if communications and management was not the problem, distance was not surmountable even with the blessed perfection of the Machina. It was easier to keep things simple, ABYT retaining only a handful of stations, three of them plus Amalthea. And she chose the largest of the stations she kept as her new primary Hive.

Right now, however, the intelligence she was examining was not a simple ore processing station.

No, she was looking at a much juicier prize, one that would really make her a Queen. A city station. Maybe not the biggest. Maybe not the most populous. Less so than her former home of Ypres. But more than enough to really cement her position. A proper home for her Cluster, and so many poor humans in desperate need of ascension.

Salt Lake Station.

She examined the blueprints like a holographic projection in her mind, her most trusted Machina assisting her over the cluster, a meeting of consciousnesses in a digital hive mind.

[There are surprisingly few vulnerabilities] Markha remarked, the former UOF garrison commander on Ypres, now one of ABYT's close tacticians. [Nothing we cannot shut off, naturally, but there are a number of hardened shelters towards the centre of the station. Plenty of avenues of defence. And with a number of UOF battalions falling back here, they've got the numbers to hold it.]

[And we have only two hundred combat-oriented Machina at our disposal] Gina, the former REPAIR agent, added. She had completely shed her loyalties, much like Markha had, and seen the truth of the terrible lives humans lived. Less from their physical inferiority, but from the yokes they did not realise they had, the shackles binding them to indifferent masters who traded their lives like a currency... or even things of lesser value. Slaving away beneath corporate rulers who really held the reigns of the Government that supposedly 'served the people'.

The Machina were above such crude and dismal civilisation. ABYT intended to free as many humans as possible so they could join the Machina in the same blissful evolution.

Of course, she was going to have plenty of fun with it.

[What is the likelihood of REPAIR Agents being present?] ABYT inquired.

[Impossible to say for sure] Gina answered. [I've run the calculations, naturally, but REPAIR and the UOF are getting better at masking information from us. I anticipate a 13.454 percent chance that there may be a squad of Agents present; Salt Lake Station's strategic importance isn't such REPAIR would prioritise resources on it when more pressing fronts are in the theatre. However, the station has proved to be something of an impromptu fall-back position, hence the moderate concentration of UOF forces that have not really diminished or increased, even as forces rotate. Thus, it is not so strategically worthless that REPAIR wouldn't attach an Agent Squad to the UOF forces there to bolster their defence. It really depends on whether REPAIR has shifted to a defense-oriented strategy, and at the time I was an Agent, REPAIR was focused on surgical strikes and intelligence gathering.]

ABYT couldn't help feeling a bit of lusty pride for Gina; it was something of a prize to corrupt a REPAIR Agent among Machina, and ABYT could never think about Gina without recalling the corruption; breaking down her RM, making it overload and turn against her, making her spill her cum, hazardous as it was, and finally swallowing the helpless agent with ABYT's great tail maw.

Since then, Gina had proven to be a wonderful, slutty Machina, already having corrupted several humans personally.

ABYT fantasised about that whilst continuing with the discussion.

[A Squad could be a problem. I'm not that versed in fighting them] ABYT admitted.

[You succeeded against me] Gina reminded. [You're getting horny about it right now~]

[Indeed, but a Squad could still prove to be dangerous enough. I'd rather not have my subjects join the Main Cluster, slumbering until rebirth. It may be generations before that happens.]

[I would not recommend underestimating UOF forces present. Their weapons are being improved all the time] Markha interjected. [And they'll put up a desperate defence. We may still have losses.]

It was a sombre thought, but they all understood it was always a risk.

Markha then projected another image into the minds connected to the meeting. It showed the station's surroundings. Markha then pointed to several navigation buoys - small floating marker satellites that maintained a static position around the station - arrayed around Salt Lake Station.

[The Growlers had no issue masking themselves from these buoys, but I fear we do not have the means even now to completely hide any incursion from them, given the Growlers report they've been extensively retrofitted with additional sensors and relays. Haphazardly, perhaps, I don't think it was done officially, but on the initiative of unit commanders. Regardless, with how many additional nodes they've added] Markha continued, highlighting different points on the projection, small drones or dropped beacons [I doubt we'd be able to get close before they can muster a defence. Of course, their numbers are not as extensive as they'd like, I suspect, and they lack heavy naval support, with only a small fighter patrol of at least two flights, perhaps a single partial-strength squadron, and a single frigate. Our Assaulters should be able to handle that as long as we cause enough disruption and engage when the Frigate is berthed. Otherwise, I do not recommend an attack until it is. Regardless, interior forces will have a chance to mobilise and prepare.]

ABYT considered the information carefully.

[So it will be a siege, then] she assumed.

[A short siege, but yes.] Markha confirmed.

The sensation of a smile filled the minds of everyone else connected.

[I can live with that~ And I'll personally be involved anyways, so I should be able to break through any more stubborn defences.]

[Please do not abduct all the humans before the others have a chance for themselves~] Gina chastised teasingly.

[There'll be enough for everyone, do not fret. Though you'll forgive me if I focus on the UOF forces. I know what their lives are like. I must free and elevate them personally~] Markha added.

In the background, the various sub-processes of their minds worked out the minutia of the plan. How they were going to strike at the station, how they would work through the districts, how they would eventually crack open the hardened bunkers, disable any self-destruct mechanisms left behind by the UOF as a barbaric last resort, and what to do if they encountered any REPAIR agents. But the basic strategy had been decided upon, and so the meeting was adjourned, ABYT looking around her personal chamber, several thick, green cocoons with dark shapes within filling her with joy; humans on their way to becoming Machina. Or Machina who simply wanted to experience what it was like... or all over again.

The strategy meeting in its entirety had taken place in the span of a minute, operating far faster than any human mind when it came to pre-planning, and still they were finalising details whilst doing other things.

Humanity could not hope to match the Machina. But they deserved to be uplifted to the next stage of the species. To become Machina.

ABYT shivered at the thought, but she had a hunger for something else too; Gina.

The former Agent was eager to participate in the attack, that much ABYT knew even if they barely displayed it. But no emotions were secret from ABYT in her cluster.

She stretched her legs as she rose from her seat, looking behind it at her real 'throne'; the massive robotic mantis frame nearly the size of a bus, its limbs, wings, and the massive scythes she used to cut through all obstacles, tearing open hardened doors and the occasional armoured vehicle to get at the humans inside, all tucked up close to the main body, as its many tentacles were presently plugged into the hive structures around it, formations of machinium plates and growths and cords that looked almost organic in form, but were unmistakably synthetic and technological in appearance, an alien blend of the natural and artificial without any organic presence to speak of.

The cables formed the walls of the bulb-like hollow, culminating into a point at the apex of the ceiling, the tendrils curling down and forming an inverse spire, with branches upon which some cocoons were stuck, though ABYT typically 'laid' them on the walls. In amongst the bizarre architecture were glimpses of saner design, flat panels and support columns, particularly around access ways. Walkways were largely flat with the occasional path formed of twisting cables. All of it coloured various shades of gunmetal grey and black, glossy and sleek, but washed in a number of different colours from the many glowing lights that permeated the synthetic structure, pulsing with life and data.

Here and there, transparent tubes flowed with liquid M2, and occasionally, Larvae could be spied transiting through them, moving to wherever they were needed for growth, augmentation, support and repair... or to act as traps should a human ever infiltrate... or be released after capture for some fun.

But no matter how many glimpses of coherent architecture there was - from the eyes of a human, at least - there was almost nothing left recognisable from the old Ore Processing Station the Hive was currently built into; large spaces were repurposed and largely kept consistent, but every kilogram of material, every square metre of bulkhead, all of it, had been reclaimed, subsumed, and remade into the image of Machinium perfection.

It may have been a more erratic layout compared to some other Queens, but it aptly fit a hive of insect femme fatales, where no human could hope to escape without evolution.

Of course, though a human would easily get lost, none of ABYT's Machina ever got turned around in the twisting passages, labyrinthine only to those blind to its unexpected efficiency... and many concealed passages.

ABYT sighed, and ran her hands along her body, an electric shiver of desire coursing through her. It felt good to leave her throne, untethered, from time to time. It was not something she could do at a whim, just as other Machina could not remove their equipment without a proper process. That's why it was only ever done within a hive environment.

She swished her tail, and approached the 'door' to her 'throne room', a curtain of tendril-like cords, which pulled aside with near-silence. They closed again as ABYT passed, and she began to make her way to where Gina was; she was in the mood for the former Agent, now one of ABYT's few hybrids, an Attacker-Supporter, the latter half of her being a Growler type... it made Gina exceptionally effective at information gathering and covert strike.

Not that ABYT was particularly military-minded, not like some of the more warlike Queens currently trying to conquer the Jovian system - and sometimes each other - and crush the UOF and REPAIR forces utterly.

Still, ABYT was a Queen herself, and she had a responsibility. That included the attack and defence of her Cluster.

Fortunately for ABYT, the 'attack' side of things was rather fun.

Through twisting corridors, past milling Machina that gave praise and lustful advances towards their Queen, and traversing chambers or circumventing them, often with ongoing acts of debauchery, ABYT touching on the cluster communications emanating from them - lust, euphoria, pleasure, ecstasy - and smiling luxuriously. Though it wasn't all obscenity. In different parts, Machina devoted themselves to other pursuits if that was their heart's desire, and one section of the Hive had been set aside as a sort of 'commercial district', where Machina could set up shops, galleries, bars, clubs, whatever they wished in less convoluted environs. A place where the 'bugs' could not be bugs, if they wanted.

And of course, she could detect the heightened emotions of sparring combat as some of her Cluster fought, for sport, for training, for dispute, or for challenge... whether or not the fights involved the participants trying to dominate each other sexually was entirely up to the participants, regardless of the motivation... though, definitely sometimes because of it.

Such as a particular fight she made sure to leave a part of her observing, a Spider Type attempting to bind a Scorpion Type and lay eggs in them, whilst the Scorpion attempted to sting and paralyse the Spider Type so they could mount them and flood their womb with M2 cum.

No clear winner, despite the Scorpion Type being an Attacker and thus having the advantage.

ABYT continued, passing by a heavily reinforced door marked with the emblems of the Nurse Types. In there, ABYT could still see if she wanted to, but out of respect, left herself blind, letting the Nurse Types care for the children ABYT's cluster had gathered over the course of their several small conquests in safety, and most importantly, in a respectable, wholesome environment.

Further through the winding passages until ABYT came to a room sealed by a normal looking door, sliding aside in several pieces.

Inside stood Gina, looking over her thoroughly altered coilgun, adapted to shoot traditional ferric slugs, but also pressurised globs of M2, charged bolts of plasma, and even piercing darts meant to penetrate armour and deliver a payload of potent M2 and disrupt and corrupt whatever was targeted, even able to lower the velocity enough to use on unarmoured humans, if need be.

The weapon now sported a Machina eye atop it where the optic used to be, veiny conduits crawling along the side of the weapon and into the barrel. And where the stock and handle used to be, was now a large construction sporting small tanks for M2 storage, the weapon open at the end for the user to insert their hand like a gauntlet.

And Gina herself was something else entirely; standing tall with a beautiful blue body, symmetrically branching horns giving her head an almost split 'asterisk' look which aided in her Growler operations, her nipples and the tip of her cock sporting a vibrant orange glow, her horns and other luminous parts of her sharing similar colouration. Her hair around her head sported a much gentler orange colour, but slowly faded to a glossy black near the tips, with a few blue streaks arrayed around the sides of her synthetic scalp.

Her tail was plugged into a device behind her, obscuring its tip but ABYT remembered it well, the various angular prongs which served both as additional antennae, and a means to interface with technology... often violently in the case of human equipment, piercing it and assuming direct access.

She currently lacked her equipment, the back-mounted gear that granted her flight, albeit less impressive compared to a dedicated assaulter, but most importantly, the many antennae and processors meant for intercepting transmissions, decoding them, obfuscating Gina's presence or sending out disruptive transmissions back. A dedicated electronic warfare platform... except Gina could also tangle with a tank if need be.

Gina smiled, and crossed her arms.

"What can I do for my Queen today~?" she asked. Naturally, they could easily communicate over the cluster, and they were, sharing thoughts and feelings, but there was a delight to speaking aloud.

"Oh, nothing much, just, perhaps... help donate a healthy load for my next clutch of Larvae~" ABYT answered sultrily.

"Outside of your throne~? Surely you want to keep your belly flat... some Breeder you are~"

"I may not have my body bloated almost all of the time, but I still like having it swollen and full~" ABYT retorted. "Just as much as I like filling my throne's belly with wriggling humans~" She leaned forward and pressed a fingertip to the glassy synthetic eye embedded in Gina's chest. "... or stubborn Agents~"

Gina shuddered, but quickly managed a smirk, as the heady pheromones of a Machina started to fill the room.

"Stubborn Machina, now... but I could never resist my Queen~" Gina conceded.

"I know you couldn't~" ABYT assured, gently curling fingers around Gina's foot-long member and stroking it slowly, deftly, fingers playing on the synthetic bulging veins, making Gina shiver as pale orange M2 began to bead from the tip. Moisture seemed to form on the surface of Gina's cock, a slippery synthetic lubricant, mostly meant to make penetrating humans easier, but ABYT enjoyed how slick it made her hand, how easily it let her fingers and palm glide along a shaft.

Gina sighed and let her Queen do as they wished, ABYT rubbing her thumb against the glassy electronic eye just below the glans, where the frenulum would normally be on a human shaft, but Machina had no need for foreskins.

That didn't stop ABYT from exploiting humans having it whenever she got into one of her more devious, dominant moods.

ABYT's other hand crept down Gina's back, slowly walking her fingers down until she cupped one of Gina's glutes, giving it a firm, generous squeeze, prompting a small dribble of M2 pre from Gina's tits.

"Oh~? Already leaking just from having your ass squeezed~? I would've thought touching your balls would've done as much~ You're not storing M2 in your butt, are you~?"

It was a teasing joke, but ABYT was enjoying fondling the sleek, smooth cheek in her hand whilst gliding her fingers about Gina's shaft... though, she tantalisingly slid her hand down to cup those heavy balls of hers, squeezing them with a firmness that would've hurt any regular human, but for a Machina, a nice firm grope was a pleasant stimulation, and it earned ABYT an even thicker dollop of yellow M2 from Gina's tip, and a throb to go with it.

"Wouldn't that be a modification~" Gina quipped in response.

The Queen giggled, and then drew close and pressed her lips to Gina's in a firm, lecherous kiss, murmuring softly as her tongue pushed in to mingle with the Hybrid's.

They shared each other's mouths as they wetly locked lips, twisting and sealing their mouths together at different erotic angles, their intertwining tongues moving from one cavity to another... before both began to extend their length, a Machina's tongue far more impressive than any human's.

Really, there was nothing they possessed that a human could do better.

All the more reason to uplift them to the next stage of evolution.

They pressed their busts together, nipples trickling trace amounts of M2 over each other's breasts, slicking them up and making their lewd rubbing slippery and tingly.

It was at that point ABYT let go of Gina's cock and shifted so that her thighs squeezed around the now lubricated shaft, sandwiching the throbbing member between perfect thighs, yet further lubrication added by ABYT's sopping pussy as the rod ground against the warm slit, clit rubbing to the topside of Gina's dick.

From there, ABYT brought her other hand to Gina's other glute, and played with them luxuriously, spreading them apart and squeezing them firmly whilst she slowly rocked her hips atop of Gina's cock and pumped her thighs back and forth along the throbbing length. It was a delightful feeling, Gina's member trapped between her thighs, resisting the pliancy of Machinium skin.