Mermaid's Peril

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A mermaid finds herself prey to a tentacled predator...
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Mermaid's Peril

Raeh knew she shouldn't have been here. She'd been warned numerous times, that danger lurked around this reef. But the mermaid couldn't ignore the corals that were here; for a place said to be dangerous -- and indeed, the grim, rocky crags did not look inviting even when lit with the glimmering sunlight as the water distorted the rays, and could have sheltered any number of perils -- she could not quite believe the occasional outcropping of corals that grew here; branching growths of such vibrant colours, spots of wonder within the hostile reef, some sporting waving tendrils that she knew lit up when the darkness fell, and when the moon shone, even from a distance, the dancing light of the moon and the waving of the luminescent tendrils created a truly spectacular view. And of course, there was the greatest of all, clams with shells that glittered with a pearlescent rainbow hue, to say nothing of the pearls that may have laid within.

She only wanted to take a few of these corals back, carefully transplant them near her home. She would receive a scolding, certainly, but in time the beauty would be well worth it.

She knew where she was going, but still she opted to go slow and avoid the deep crevices between the rocky crags. She could not blend in during the day, the skin of her humanoid torso pale, and her fish-like tail covered in blue gleaming scales, whilst turquoise hair waved in the currents, noticeable to any who might've been watching. Of course, she was watching too, her blue-green eyes sharp and focused on her surroundings, and her pointed ears, webbed membranes spanning halfway along them to just above her jawline, reminiscent of fins, twitched, listening for sound waves in the water that could've preceded danger.

She had modest breasts, not too big, not too small, but taut muscles kept them shapely, and streamlined for swimming. Along her neck she sported slits, beneath which one could see pink, fleshy tissue, similar slits apparent just below her armpits, along the side of her body between her ribs. Simple gills to help the mermaid breathe underwater, though not quite the same as what mundane fish sported. They could also close tightly when needed, leaving only subtle grooves to indicate their presence, particularly if one went above the waterline. Still, it wasn't something to be seen on humans, one of the few ways, along with their ears, for humans to tell mermaids apart from their own kind if the mermaids' tails weren't visible.

That and beautiful women tended not to go swimming nude in the sea, and mermaids were known for their beauty.

Raeh clutched the point of a rocky outcropping, and in the distance, spied the red and pink branches of a particularly beautiful coral specimen, standing out amongst the bleak, stony expanse of unwelcoming reef.

It was just one of the examples she wanted to procure, but she knew better than to be greedy and try and acquire more than one at a time. She approached from another angle another day, and hopefully come across different types without risking too much open crossing.

Slowly, she moved from crag to crag, looking down occasionally to make sure there were no crevices beneath her from which something could ambush her; even if there were no so-called 'magical' or 'mythical' -- as the humans seemed to say -- threats, the mundane risks were still certainly present; eels or small sharks, or any number of aggressive creature.

Though, she rarely ever saw fish in these parts, as though they avoided this dreadful place...

She neared the coral, and she found it harder to look away, to her surroundings; the closer she got, the more details she could make out, and it was truly exquisite, the branches seemingly adorned with 'thorns', hard formations of a silvery hue that glinted subtly in the sunlight, along with purple 'veins' that traced along the coral branches like royal trim.

It would be a delicate task to remove and transplant it, something so beautiful and fragile, especially given the risk presented to her own being.

Still, being so close, it was a shame to leave something so beautiful in such a grim, unwelcoming place where few dared to venture.

Raeh was soon upon the coral, and she marvelled at its structure, its colours, its uniqueness among corals found elsewhere, in more hospitable reefs. She wondered why this barren reef, of all places, had such wondrous examples of natural beauty.

So enthralled, she failed to notice movement just behind her, until she felt something slimy and flexible coil around her tail, slick suckers cupping to her scales.

She yelped and whipped around to spot a purple-black tentacle grasping her lower half, others starting to slither up behind an outcropping.

Raeh struggled and squirmed, panicking as the tendrils neared her. She whipped herself around and flicked her body, clawing at a nearby jag of rock, and pulling.

She managed to free herself, and her body was an undulating dart as she attempted to flee, but a dark shape followed her at speed, the tentacles trailing behind it.

She went this way, and that, slipping precariously between gaps in the reef's crags, daring more ambush by delving into narrow crevices, and rising high, and dipping low, in an effort to shake off her pursuer.

But the thing was fast, and she could not break line of sight.

And worse, it knew this place better than her. Her undoing came when she attempted to round a corner between a ridge and a jutting crag hard, hoping to throw off her hunter... but the thing came through a concealed crevice that headed her off.

Raeh soon found herself tangled in writhing tentacles that slithered and coiled all over her, fighting against her struggles as the predator moved to fully ensnare its prey. She screamed, cried out, whipped herself around and tried to claw the slimy appendages off her, but it was no good; the limbs were surprisingly resilient for being so squishy, and unyielding in their strength, so her nails could not scratch them.

She whimpered as they slipped all over her, wrapping around her like the caught prey she was, finding her arms wrapped up in the slippery but unbreakable grip of the tentacles.

Then, she saw their owner loom up before her, Raeh's eyes narrowing in distress, briefly going still.

It was a cecaelia, the infamous 'sea witches', half human and half octopus, and noted for their aggression and feared for their apparent sadism.

Her upper half was humanoid, but her skin was ashen grey, large breasts capped with charcoal areolae and nipples. She was not petite like Raeh was, though she still had a somewhat slender frame, albeit one accentuated with a curvaceous physique. Long, dark red hair, reminiscent of some seaweeds, flowed in wavy locks behind her from the current, shadowing her face a little. It did little to hide the predatory, hungry expression on her face though, devious and gleefully dangerous. Her lips were a darker shade compared to her skin, but her eyes were a bright yellow, save for the obsidian pupils, horizontal like an octopuses. Both lips and eyes were twisted with that treacherous desire, the woman grinning wickedly.

Down by her hips, her human skin gave way to a mottled, slimy octopus body, purple-black in colour, at least the part beneath the head of a mundane octopus, fanning out like an umbrella, membranous skin stretched out between the roots of eight tentacles, all now tightly wrapped around the helpless mermaid, who still continued to struggle, though her efforts were now much meeker, fear and helplessness setting in.

Raeh said nothing, but she did not need to, the cecaelia speaking first.

"It is not often one of your kind trespasses in the territory of I, Elimsa, where so few go..."

To any creature not of the sea, it would've been hopeless gibberish, but the mermaid understood her perfectly.

Raeh tried to plead with her captor.

"I did not know it belonged to anyone," she insisted, fear terribly evident in her shaky voice.

Elimsa laughed.

"Of course not... I do not advertise it, precisely so some wayward morsel such as yourself found their way into my midst~" the devious witch mused, grinning as she leaned in close.

Raeh whimpered in fear, recoiling from the encroaching head of the cecaelia.

Elimsa's hands reached out and brushed across Raeh's body, her palms smooth to the touch... and grazing across certain places, one roaming across her 'rump', fat and flesh in a shape not unlike a buttocks, though the scaled mound did not serve the same purpose.

The other hand gently gripped one of the mermaid's breasts, prompting her to whine.

This seemed to please the cecaelia.

"My, looking at you... a pleasing specimen you are... just what I was hoping for after my last catch~"

Elimsa leaned in closer, and brushed her face against Raeh's, prompting the mermaid to flinch and whine.

"What is your name~?" Elimsa demanded with a husky tone, moving up to gently catch one of Raeh's ears between her teeth, nibbling deviously.

Raeh knew she shouldn't have answered, but part of her hoped cooperation would see her spared.

"R-Raeh... please, I mean you no harm..." she tried again.

"Of course not, and that's exactly why I have you here now, helpless in my embrace~"

The tentacles were still exploring Raeh's body, and it made her shiver. They were just as bad as Elimsa's hands, if not worse, wrapping around soft parts of her, tugging against her whenever she twitched or struggled, but there was a sense of leniency... as if Elimsa was allowing Raeh to struggle, just a little, for her amusement.

It was a treacherous thing, but it seemed in vogue for the devious witch.

Slowly, however, Raeh was starting to suspect Elimsa had other plans for her catch... the way her hands roamed, the way her tentacles slithered invasively across Raeh's petite form, lifting off and sticking back down with small worm-like undulations, the suckers letting go and adhering once again like dozens, if not hundreds of small but firm and relentless kisses.

The way one of the limbs wrapped around one of Raeh's breasts, a sucker taking her nipple into its concave depression, only made her flinch.

Elimsa began to peck her lips down Raeh's cheek, running that tongue firmly across her skin.

Being adapted to living beneath the water meant every sensation was quite easily felt, and no matter how hard Raeh tried, no matter how distressed she was, the cecaelia's touches were starting to affect her body.

"Please... don't kill me..." she begged, a tear filtering into the water around Raeh.

Elimsa laughed.

"Kill you~? Oh, such a heartless accusation... I don't kill morsels like you~ No, I have much grander plans~" Elimsa warned, her voice dropping to a whisper as she trailed a series of kisses along Raeh's jawline. And then, without warning, she grabbed the back of the mermaid's head and forced her into a kiss.

Elimsa's lips meshed firmly, aggressively, with Raeh's, the cecaelia twisting her head to get a better seal as she stole a forceful kiss from the mermaid.

Raeh tried to struggle, but she was as helpless as ever, straining against the tentacles that continued to explore her body, groping and touching her in every conceivable place, one even sliding across the tightly sealed slit situated upon the juncture where her humanoid torso met her aquatic tail, her pussy sealed away from the seawater, though positioned upon her hips close to where a human's would be.

It would not open to such a touch, but the deliberate probing made Raeh whine and struggle, realising well enough what Elimsa's plans were now.

What she didn't realise was Elimsa was many moves ahead of her.

The mermaid's eyes widened when she felt a long, slick tongue enter her mouth to tangle with hers, prehensile and lengthy like a tentacle in its own right.

It thoroughly dominated Raeh's tongue, coiling about the muscle as she tried to wrench it free from the obscene grip, like it was itself a fish ensnared by a predatory octopus. It was hopeless, and things only got worse as Elimsa's tongue made for Raeh's throat, slithering this way and that, the saliva that coated it even slimier than Raeh's own, a trait of aquatic humanoids.

As it slowly meandered down into the mermaid's throat, prompting Raeh to clench her eyes shut in a grimace at the invasive, depraved act, Elimsa's hands and tentacles only further tormented the bound mermaid, though one hand remained on the back of Raeh's head to keep her locked into the aggressive kiss.

She felt her 'buttocks' groped, and both her breasts squeezed, their nipples teased and 'suckled' on by the suckers of the tentacles.

It made Raeh continuously jerk and jump, which seemed to only delight the sadistic cecaelia, Elimsa even laughing into Raeh's mouth.

Raeh herself could only whine, even as the tongue in her throat swirled and explored, bulging out her neck, distorting her sounds of distress into gurgles, though she had no issue breathing, it took a lot to choke a mermaid.

Perhaps Elimsa was exploiting that for her own perverse enjoyment.

Suddenly, Raeh felt a prick deep in her throat, where the tip of Elimsa's tongue had dabbed firmly to the slick flesh of Raeh's gullet.

Her eyes widened; the pain was mild, but it made her panic, starting to thrash in another desperate bid to escape the sea witch's snare... but the thrashing soon turned to chaotic spasms and twitches.

Something was spreading through her body from where the prick happened. At first Raeh thought with despair that it was some paralytic, especially with how her muscles seemed to respond so poorly. But it was followed by a warmth, and a tingling throughout her body. Her skin seemed to grow receptive to every touch made by the tentacles relentlessly exploring her, more than before. A fire was ignited in her loins, and the terror in her mind was diluted with a stimulated haze. Her nipples hardened more than the tentacles had already managed, and her vaginal slit opened to reveal puffy labia, swelling with arousal, clit erecting beneath its hood.

She arched her back in the bondage of the tentacles, an involuntary moan loosed into Elimsa's mouth as Raeh failed to contain the arousal that now afflicted her entire body, sapping the strength to struggle from her and dulling the negative feelings in her mind with a cloud of need.

Elimsa, after probing and violating Raeh's throat with her tongue for a little bit longer, finally broke the kiss with a wet gasp, that long tongue trailing out across the mermaid's lips and curling in the water in front of Raeh's face for her to see. She spied a small, minute dimple at the very tip of Elimsa's tongue just before it sagged and draped across the cecaelia's own breasts, and Raeh surmised that it must have been where some sort of needle-like protrusion was secreted away, until it was ready to inject Elimsa's prey with this accursed poison, what seemed like an aphrodisiac now overwhelming Raeh's body.

She looked on helplessly as Elimsa hung her tongue between her breasts, an impossible length that the cecaelia provocatively curled beneath her mounds, one and then the other, undulating erotically before the devious sea witch dragged it up between Raeh's own bust before finally recoiling the muscle into her mouth with a smack of her lips.

"Wh-what did you do to me..." Raeh whined, unable to suppress a moan when Elimsa's hand slipped down from the back of her head to slide across her cheek, slipping a thumb into Raeh's mouth in a dominant move.

"I have simply prepped your body, my morsel~ Or at least, started to... I have more preparation to complete~"

She laughed lowly, wickedly, and somehow Raeh believed that 'preparation' was more Elimsa's own personal satisfaction.

But she couldn't do a thing about it now, the cecaelia had her completely weakened with stimulation and lusty venom. All that awaited her was debauched torment, and Elimsa began in earnest, leaning in close to kiss and lick at Raeh's neck, teeth gently scraping along her skin. The mermaid's neck gills reflexively sealed shut, allowing the cecaelia to run her lips and tongue freely across Raeh's neck.

Elimsa trailed further downwards, craning her body and showing her torso was quite flexible, bending more easily than Raeh could manage. She felt that slimy tongue and those soft, expert lips leaving a trail of lecherous kisses and obscene licks down her upper chest, to her sternum, and between Raeh's petite breasts, before sliding up the side of one, a tentacle retreating to allow Elimsa access to the pale salmon-coloured peak. The cecaelia traced her dark tongue across the nipple, then circled the areola with a slow, precise motion, and flicked the teat itself a few times, before clasping her lips about the nub and suckling the cap into her mouth.

Raeh let out a meek squeal, Elimsa suckling as though the mermaid had milk to give. Elimsa tugged firmly, greedily, her tongue relentlessly swirling about the nipple and the sensitive disc surrounding it.

Naturally, Elimsa's assault on Raeh's breast did not mean her focus was solely upon it; her tentacles continued to probe the mermaid's form, and Elimsa's hands were not idle, one groping the mermaid's other breast, the other firmly gripping onto one of Raeh's shoulders for leverage.

The tentacles seemingly had minds of her own, constantly shifting, coiling, slithering, and endlessly subjecting Raeh's body to the kiss-like sensation of the hundreds of suckers as they released and stuck to her skin and scales over and over again, the sensation incredibly pleasurable now that Elimsa's aphrodisiac venom was coursing through Raeh's system. To say nothing of the sensitive parts they toyed with and the dominance they exerted over Raeh's helpless form. One of the tendrils began toying with her clitoris, eliciting a pitched squeal from the mermaid, whilst another loosely wrapped around her throat, the tip curling up and around Raeh's jawline, to rest on her cheek. She felt one entwined around her lower fins, squeezing them carefully, but domineeringly. Two were across her 'buttocks', groping and kneading the fatty, scale-covered mounds, whilst the rest maintained their coiled grip on her, a tentacle each wrapped around her arms, their tips slithering between Raeh's fingers.

Raeh couldn't drown out the wet smacking of Elimsa's feasting attention on her breast, especially not when the sea witch moved to the other, switching up the positions of her hands, though now the one that had been groping the previously orally unattended globe now held onto the other shoulder, the hand that been braced on the opposite shoulder now drifting down to join the tentacles that were groping Raeh's 'glutes', the fingers kneading the smooth, scaled flesh.

Soon though, Elimsa grew either tired or satisfied with Raeh's breasts, which were slightly reddened from how vigorously the cecaelia had suckled them. She once more resumed her trail of lecherous kisses and slow, long licks, that tongue unfurling quite far to taste Elimsa's prize.

She lingered at Raeh's navel, suckling and licking at the dimple, making the sensitised mermaid flinch quite vigorously. Even after being afflicted by the venom, Raeh still sometimes attempted to struggle, and sometimes her spasms were quite forceful. But again, Elimsa seemed pleased by the vain writhing, chuckling wickedly every time Raeh wrenched herself particularly forcefully, requiring an equally forceful check from the tentacles that bound the mermaid.

Elimsa practically worshipped Raeh's smooth but toned stomach, leaving the navel to plant kisses and licks everywhere, leaving a film of the slimy saliva behind, blending with the subtle film that always coated the skin of a mermaid.

However, Raeh had guessed Elimsa's true intentions, and sure enough, the cecaelia left the poor mermaid's sensitive gut, to position her head before Raeh's aroused pussy.