Memoirs of a Lady Ch. 10


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As I lay there, getting my rhythm back, my breathing slowing into lungfulls again, I remembered another time just like this. The sound of rain gave way to the sound of waves. The coolness of the day, gave way to the heat of the night. On the rocks in Baja Sur, Enrique, my young inexperienced lover had made love to me like this…hot, passionate, like an animal. Tears came to my eyes and I started to cry. Sam caressed my back and kissed my hair. A blanket folded over us for warmth and I wallowed in my memory. We lay like that for some time, I, in the nook of his shoulder and he, with his arms around me, keeping me safe. After a while, I felt him rise and leave. I snuggled in the blanket peacefully.

The rain outside lightly drummed against the roof. It was lighter outside; perhaps the storm was finally leaving. Lady came to her door and looked down at me. Her huge nostrils working away, sniffing at the "bug in a rug" at her feet. I chuckled at her. She snorted and left.

Clomp, clomp, clomp…something big was headed my way. I rolled to my side to see, but nothing could prepare me for what I saw. I grabbed the blanket and stood, pulling it tightly around me. Sam rode towards me on a huge horse, the largest I've ever seen. He was swinging a rope over his head, wearing some kind of big wooly leggings and nothing else. Even in the saddle, he looked very silly. I laughed.

"What are you doing?" My eyes bugged out as I tried to take this in.

"Erica…meet Big Boy," he said by way of introduction, "Big Boy…meet Erica." Big Boy gave me the once over and shook his head.

"He likes you. That's good, he doesn't like everybody." Sam stood in the stirrups and brushed Big Boy's neck.

"He's beautiful, but the biggest damn horse, I've ever seen." I stepped left, then right, trying to get a good look.

"Eighteen hands at the shoulder. His father was big, too…jumped in the Olympics when he was just three years old. Big Boy's gonna be quite a jumper some day, but he's just not mature enough yet. We've had him in some local competitions to wet his whistle, but he has a lot to learn about nerves and crowds," he said, patting the giant behind the ears.

Sam threw the rope over me and pulled it, tightening it around my shoulders. He jumped down and walked over to me, his cock bobbing between the fur of the leggings. He looked fairly ridiculous; I couldn't help but giggle.

"What are those things?"

"These? Chaps." He modeled, turning around for me. "You use 'em when ridin' to keep the cactus-thorns and sticker-burrs off ya. These wooly ones are mostly for show, but come in handy when it gets cold in the winter time." The leggings came right up to his butt in the back, but both cheeks were exposed above the leather. In the front, straps came up to a belt over his hips, but his cock and balls hung freely.

"Well, cowboy, that's quite an outfit you got," I said in my best Texan accent. He kissed me, pushing the blanket aside. He kissed my mouth, then my neck, then my breasts. I lolled back, closing my eyes, enjoying the sensation.

"I wore these for you, Erica. Earlier, you seemed very sad." He held me to him. "I wanted to make you laugh. I like it when you laugh."

I looked in his eyes. The sincerity of his face made little tears swell at the bottom of mine. I brushed them away quickly and rested my head on his chest.

"Thank you, Sam. You're a very sweet, caring man." We stood there like that for a few moments. I listened to the steady beating of his heart and smelled the richness of his scent and the stables around us. He backed away and took my hand, leading me towards Big Boy.

"He's a Red Rhone. They are very gentle-natured, but powerful horses. In ancient times, they were a hard-working breed, hauling wagons, pulling stumps and grinding wheat. But Big Boy, here is gentle as a lamb. Go on…pet him. Here, let me you get a stool." Sam got a little wooden ladder and opened it for me. "Go on, now."

I tiptoed up the ladder next to Big Boy. He stood still as I did. On the second rung, I was even with his nose. I stroked my hand down his neck, then raised it up to his nose. Big Boy looked out from under his lock of hair at me. I felt as though I was looking in the eyes of an old friend. As I rubbed his nose, he pressed his face close to me. I smiled as this gentle giant let me kiss him and hold him close.

"See? I told you. He's just a big puppy. Want to go for a ride?"

I looked at Sam, then back to Big Boy. I could've sworn the horse smiled back. I bit my lip, thinking. "Sam, I've had some trouble with horses…uhm, in my past. I'm not sure that this is such a good…"

"You know, Erica. Horses are like people. They're all different. That horse that gave you trouble…well, that was a different horse." I listened, watching him, trying to decide. I looked at Big Boy again.

"Okay, let's try it." I wasn't certain.

"Great! Here let me go first." Sam climbed up into the saddle. Then, he scooted back in the saddle, leaving room for me. He reached down. "Put your foot in the stirrup…yeah, right there and come on up."

I dropped the blanket and stooped to retrieve it. "Leave it. I like you better like that anyway," teased Sam. I took his hand and he hauled me up, throwing my right leg over. The stirrups were a little low for me; I could just reach them with my tiptoes on top of Sam's feet. As I settled on the front of the saddle, Sam pressed up against me from behind, my legs resting on top of his furry-covered ones. He reached around me and grabbed the reins.

"You lean forward and take a handful of his mane. It's okay, it won't hurt him." As I did, I could feel Sam's cock moving against my vulva. I was fully exposed to him. Interesting possibilities, this riding stuff.

"Are you ready?" Now or never, I thought. I nodded. Sam made a little clicking sound with his mouth and Big Boy started forward. With every step I rocked and bounced against the little swell in the saddle, leading up to the pommel in front of me. Sam turned Big Boy around and we headed down the corridor. My breasts bounced and rocked as though I was jogging. I tried to hold them into place with my upper arms, but it didn't help. We rounded a corner and the corridor opened up into a huge round room, two or three stories high. On the left, a big door opened to the outside and to front of us, another corridor of stables began.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the cone-shaped ceiling.

"This is the exercise room. When we have cold or bad weather, we use this room to give the horses a good run. They're made to run and need to do it every day. Here, let me show you." Sam clicked again and kicked with his legs against Big Boy's sides. The steady amble became a trot. Sam guided Big Boy around the room. My breasts bounced more fiercely now.

"Wait…wait…my breasts…this hurts." I let go with one hand and tried to hold them, but it was useless.

Sam stopped Big Boy. "Here, lean forward and hold onto his neck. You'll be more comfortable."

I did as he told me. I put my right ear against Big Boy's neck and I was becoming all too aware of what the saddle was doing to my clit. I hugged the horse against my breasts, feeling the heat radiate from him and the rush of blood under the skin. We started forward again in a walk, then when we kicked into the trot I felt very steady. As my butt rose and fell against Sam's lap, I felt his cock harden until it was sticking up between the cleft of my ass.

"This feels great, I can feel him moving…the muscles flexing beneath me."

"I can feel a lot more than that." I reached back for him with one hand and pulled Sam close to me. He held the reins low along the sides of Big Boy. I could feel his cock slide south until it was level with my pussy.

"Can we go faster?"

"Sure." With a click-click of his tongue and another gentle kick with his feet, Big Boy's gait change from a trot to a canter running around the indoor room. On the first footfall, Sam's cock slipped inside me and began rocking in-and-out with a steady rhythm. The sudden entry took my breath away. The wind rushed over my body. The heat of the animal below us rose, making my breasts sweat against him.

"Oh, Jesus!" was all I heard out of Sam as he tried to concentrate on the reins. We ran by the open door a dozen or more times before I realized how lost I was to the experience. The saddle pushed against my clit, driving all other thoughts from my senses as Sam's cock thrust along my G-spot from behind.

"I can't hold out much longer." Sam half-yelled, half-panted into my ear.

"Can we go faster still?" This felt good, too good to stop now.

"Not indoors." Then suddenly; we were outside, running across an open field. Cool rain fell on us from above. Another kick and click and Big Boy leaned into a full gallop. We were flying through the rain. Fence posts came up from the left and then smeared into a staccato blur. My hips rose and fell with each pounding thrust of the horses' hooves into the black dirt below us. An orgasm swept through me as Sam's cock now pummeled my pussy from behind, his breath hot against my ear. My mind was oblivious to anything but the extreme pleasure being generated between my legs.

Sam yelled behind me as he came, filling me with his hot sperm and still his cock pounded. The horse galloped across the field, the green grass blurring beneath us, the rain soaking my hair until it plastered against my face and back. My breasts rubbed up and down the red fur of the hot animal beneath me, ravaging my nipples, sending little electric currents straight to what Sam's impossibly hard cock was doing to me. The sex was transcending the moment; I was having orgasm upon orgasm. My breath rasped in my throat. I thought my heart would surely burst, but I didn't want this to stop. My head tilted back into the wind as the tension built inside of me. And then, I felt a calmness grow from within…a slow relaxation urged me to let go, lean back and be free.

A big one swept through me. I screamed. I yelled. Drool ran from my mouth. The climax rocketed through my brain like shock therapy. My body convulsed several times until mild tremors ran through me and I hung limp against Big Boy. I tried to catch my breath. I had let go of his mane. Big Boy slowed to a slower gait, back to a trot then a walk. He came to a stop, breathing heavily. Then Sam yelled. He came again.

"Oh my God!" He groaned and I felt his body jump, but my pussy felt numb. I couldn't feel anything down there. It was as though I'd been beaten. I felt that familiar tingling sensation that you get when your foot goes to sleep, but little else. I felt Sam withdraw, but only as a familiar fullness goes away. I was pretty certain that I would not be able to stand. My thighs just quivered. My head spun when I opened my eyes. Wet green plants were all around us, brushing at my legs and my hands. A light from the horizon made my eyes squint. I closed them and tried to steady my breathing. Tingling darkness clutched at the edge of my awareness.

Out of the depths, my eyes eased open some time later. The plastered ceiling looked down at me. Soft pillows corralled my face. A comforter caressed my body. I rolled to my left. What time was it? What day was it? Where was Sam? I sat up and looked around the room. I was back in the guestroom upstairs. My carry-on was next to the bed where I'd left it. The fluffy robe was lying across the bed and my hair was wet. A dream? I pushed the covers off of me and sat up. Ouch! The ache from my hips told me that it wasn't a dream. I rolled to the side of the bed and placing my hands against my thighs, I stood up shakily. I walked little baby steps to the robe and put it on. Carefully, I stepped down off the pedestal around the bed and made my way to the bath. My God, I hadn't felt like this since the first time I had sex and even then I could kind of fake a real walk so that my parents wouldn't notice.

I drew a hot bath, threw in some salts and slowly…ever so slowly, sank my ass into the healing waters. Oh my, that was a relief. I lay back, letting the water run, when a knock came at the door.

"Come in."

Sam entered, carrying a small tray with a pot of hot tea, surrounded by crackers, fruit and goat cheese. I noticed he wasn't walking all that easy either as he sat down gingerly next to the tub.

"Well, Sam, that was quite the experience. Can't say I've ever thought of doing that."

He smiled, handing me a strawberry. "Me neither. And I know I won't be attempting anything that athletic anytime again soon. I'm so sore. My balls're swollen to the size of oranges."

"My ass will never be the same, but you know what they say…," I teased, "'What doesn't kill you…'"

"'…will make you stronger.'" I laughed at my partner in crime. He laughed back at me.

"I called. You're on the next KLM flight to Mexico City this evening at six." He lost his smile and poured some hot tea into a cup.

"Really? What time is it now? In fact, what day is it?" I was suddenly worried about the court deadline again.

"You've got six hours before you need to be there. You slept the sleep of death last night and I think your internal clock is beginning to adjust. It's Wednesday morning now." He looked at me with big puppy dog eyes, handing the cup to me in the tub. I put it down and kissed him, pulling his head to me gently. I kissed him thanks. I kissed him passion. I kissed him love.

Two days with Sam I had spent at his ranch. It's amazing to me how fate steps in your path sometimes when you least expect it. Here was a man that I probably wouldn't look at twice if I passed him in the street near home. And yet, the short time I'd spent with him had created an unforgettable bond between the two of us.

Later that day, Sam and I said our good-byes at the airport. He promised to write and even look me up the next time he was in Europe. I knew he would. Sam was nothing, if not a man of his word. The rain was gone. Big white fluffy clouds filled the horizons as the plane took off for Mexico City.

When I finally got to Cabo San Lucas, the attorney, Señor Alamondro brought me up to date. He and the detective had investigated the incident and found witnesses besides myself who were willing to give public testimony. Apparently, some of the other hotel guests and hotel workers had overheard the incident and one, a maid for that wing, had seen me being threatened and beaten. When Enrique came to my rescue, she saw everything.

I gave my testimony in court the next morning. That along with the mountain of new evidence presented persuaded the Court of Appeals to re-open the case for Enrique, provided that he could be found and attend. A date was set for the following fall. I spoke with Padre Ramirez face-to-face for the first time. He was an extremely slow and gentle man with the patience of a saint. I rambled on for an hour about Enrique and the new court date before he said anything.

"I knew that you would come, my child. I prayed that God would watch over you and guide you here for Enrique." He happily patted my hand and told me he had to get back to God's work, a real "steady Eddie" that one.

Back at the hotel, I called Dr. L's house in Amsterdam and got Suzette. Everything was going well and Dr. L understood my sudden departure to help a friend. I asked her about my schedule for the next several weeks and she said there were a few things, but that most of them could be put off. I told her that I needed time away. Time to put my life in perspective, get a real handle on where I was and where I needed to go. She promised to clear my next month. As we talked, I realized that Suzette had been a part of my life for a very long time, but we were always doing this, talking from different parts of the world to one another, never sharing life together. I made plans to get to the East Coast in the States to enjoy the late summer weather there and visit a favorite city of mine. Then I told her.

"Since I am taking time off, you will, too. Please, Suzette, say you'll join me in Boston." Well, I think at first she thought I was joking with her, but when I assured her of my sincerity, she was beside herself with questions. What clothes should I wear? What will we do? What should we see? I understand the kind of dreaming that a new voyage brings and I understand the joys of planning, but this time I encouraged her to let the trip plan itself.

"Just pack a few things in an overnight bag and we'll follow our noses. It'll be fun, okay?" She agreed and booked a flight for her to join me. She has always been my assistant and I, her employer, but now we would embark on an adventure together as equals. Who knows what might happen for the two of us?

Later that evening, as I handed my ticket to the woman at the gate in Dallas once again, I thought back over the past few days when a stranger had rescued me from this place. His bravery, his gentle manner, his taste for adventure and his kindness had touched me in ways I hadn't felt for years. The journey he and I will take together was just beginning. I was happy that he had made me hang on to one thing.

"Keep the robe," he'd told me as I'd packed. A white, fluffy cotton robe like one of those fairly inexpensive ones that you could find most anywhere, but now it held a special significance for me. I wear it on rainy mornings like this one around the house as I wait for the teapot to boil. And when I sniff closely, I can just catch a bit of oats, hay and wet grass from a horse ranch in Texas.

Thanks and a flick of the quill to Killermuffin, Ulyssa, and WhisperSecret for their unerring guidance and inspiration.

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