Melody - A Second Ending

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An alternate ending to BigGuy33's tale.
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One of my favorite authors here is BigGuy33, who has written many great stories. He has an open invitation to write an alternate ending to any of his stories -- my problem with that has always been I thought they ended just as they should.

One story finally tempted me. Melody. If you've not read it, I strongly suggest you do so. It is well written and great fun. In addition to the author's blanket invitation, I requested (and received) his express permission to write this alternative ending.

The premise of the story is the protagonist, Henry overhears his wife on the phone. She is telling someone his children are not his. Henry finds out an accident when he was young caused him to be sterile. His mother knew, but never told him.

After Henry was married and both he and his wife were disappointed in not having children, Henry's mother approached his wife with the idea that Henry's younger cousin could father the children. Henry and the cousin looked enough alike that no one would ever find out Henry was not the father.

An accident involving Henry's oldest son reveals the secret.

Henry cannot abide that his mother, his wife, and his cousin all betrayed him. He takes a leave of absence from his job, buys a motorcycle, dresses like a biker, and heads for parts unknown.

Henry is traveling when he meets Melody. The original story is from Henry's point of view. This tale from Melody's. The six days of Henry's and Melody's meeting are chronicled in the original story.

The six days accounts, which follow are nearly identical to the original story. The tag-lines are changed because my story is from Melody's perspective, instead of Henry's.

DAY 1 - Saturday

Paul and I were sitting in our usual spot at The Dirty Dog. Paul is my brother; my name is Melody. The Dirty Dog is the hang out for us -- free spirits and bikers, who work in the area. We are here, most nights, doing what we do.

I smiled at Paul, "Nice day today."

"Wow, Mel, you always were the talker."

"Oh, up yours." I laughed, truth was there was not much to talk about, but that didn't matter, this wasn't a debate club, it was a bar. The same crowd eating and drinking the same things, night after night. Steady. We loved it.

"Oh, Yo! Look at this!" I looked up and Paul was pointing toward the door.

I hadn't seen anyone like him, maybe ever. He was dressed like a biker and looked like man used to an office and regular hours. He nervously scanned the room, found a table and sat down. He was new scenery and might be worth watching, so I did. Every so often he looked our way but was too polite to stare back at me.

I was ready for him. I had my hair down; it goes almost to my waist. I was wearing skinny jeans, boots, a black T-shirt, and denim vest. He might not fit in here, but I did. "Isn't he cute! Just tryin' to blend in." I tried not to giggle as I said it.

Paul was having fun with his appearance, too, "Oh, he's fucking adorable. I wonder if he's in one of the bigger gangs?"

Have you ever seen anyone trying to act nonchalant? His look was like he'd farted and was pretending it wasn't him. I told Paul, "I keep smiling at him and he can't look at me long enough to smile back. I guess I am going to have to introduce myself."

"Mel, leave the poor city boy alone. He ain't ready for you."

"I might be ready for him, though." I got up and walked to his table. He kept his eyes down until I was standing right in front of him. He looked up and finally smiled, so I sat down.

"Accountant?" I said.

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you an accountant?"


"Mmm. Dentist?"

"Nope, not a dentist," he answered, a smile slowly came to his lips. "Why the questions?"

"Well, you're sure as hell not a biker so I figure mid-life crisis, and those guys are usually accountants or dentists or something similar."

The smile left; he was no longer amused.

"Didn't pass the test, huh?"

"Not at all," I threw my head back and laughed.

He stood up.

"Thanks for the reality check," he said, and started for the door.

I grabbed his arm and turned him back toward me.

"Hey, wait. I wasn't trying to run you off."

"No, just trying to embarrass and humiliate me. Well done."

He pulled away from me yet tried to stealthily move toward the door. Sensitive! Somebody did him dirty not long ago. I guess I better undo my part of his woe. I caught him getting on his bike, helmet in hand.

He looked at me like I was offending him, "What are you doing?"

"Letting you take me for a ride."

Walking out I'd tied my hair back with a blue bandana. I figured for a guy like him, it was all the protection I needed.

"Helmet?" he asked

"You gonna crash?"

"Not planning to but..."

"Then let's go."

"I don't want any trouble from your boyfriend."

"No problem. Don't have one."

"Oh. I thought the guy you were sitting with..."

"That's my brother."

"That might be worse."

"It'll be fine. Let's go."

He started the engine and I wrapped my arms around him, I held tight driving "the unbridled girls" into his back. I felt him stiffen, well maybe not like you think, I guess he probably stiffened there, too. But his back got more rigid; he was fun to torment. We just started riding.

I thought I'd show him the town, so I shouted turning directions, now and then. That was boring so I started directing him to my house.

"Who lives here?" he asked.

I had gotten off the bike. I sighed, turned, and looked back at him, shaking my head. "I do. C'mon in."

We walked into the house, and I offered him a drink. He settled for water. I handed him a glass and we sat down on the couch.

"You're not nervous, inviting a guy you just met into your house?"

I had to suppress an outright laugh, "No offense but I'm pretty sure I can take you,"He is just too precious."What's your name?"

"Henry. You?"

"Melody. Everyone calls me Mel."

"Okay Melody." He smiled. "So why are we here?"

"To talk. I obviously hit a sore spot and now, I don't think you're having a mid-life crisis, at least not a traditional one. I thought you might wanna talk about it."

I guess I must have hit a nerve. He launched into this tale of his wife, his mother, and some cousin, who looked like him conspired to have his children fathered for him. I didn't say much, an occasional nod or uh-huh, but it was hard to wrap my head around.

Of course, my crowd is almost exclusively single. The men are all such macho ass holes, they would never admit to being unable to father children. The women, on the other hand, were most often caught with a pregnancy, whose originator they didn't know, or for other practical reasons would never take to term. Life is cruel, married people wanting kids they can't have and single people with pregnancies they don't want. He was finally ranting about this cousin fucking his wife and I asked, "Do you believe that it was solely to get pregnant?"

"I think so. I've been angry and lashing out, but I don't think they were ever really 'lovers' in that sense of the word. But that doesn't change how I was deceived and manipulated."

"I agree. I'm just trying to pinpoint the real problem. Any chance you'll be able to forgive her?" My agreement was more an acknowledgement of how he felt. The whole thing didn't add up, to me. Why didn't his mother tell him he was sterile? How did she talk the wife into the scheme? This is not the time to ask, he's too mad.

"Part of me wants to, to get back to where we were. We were happy, right up until Nate getting hurt. But even then, we came together as a family. But I can't un-know this and it's tainting everything she says and does or has ever done. Every time I think about my kids, I think about what she's done."

"Did you notice you called them 'my kids'?" Curiouser and curiouser.

"Because they are, Melody. What she did doesn't change that, at least not in the practical sense. I've been there every day of their lives and will continue to be. This isn't about them; it's about her."

I cocked my head, like I didn't understand -- well, not like I didn't understand -- in fact, I didn't. He is going to continue to be there every day of their lives, but not hers? Why is he here? But I didn't want to push, now. I sat and listened. He kept talking. Finally, he looked at his watch, like it was later than he thought and started to stand up. He was going to leave!

"It's kind of late, Henry. Are you sure you're not too tired to ride?" Poor guy is definitely cut from different cloth than my usual companions.

"I am kind of tired, but I think I'll be okay. It's not far."

"Why not just crash here?" Is it going to take dinner and flowers? He's not been in too many biker-girl's homes, lately. I guess it would be sweet if we weren't biological creatures. This is what they do in fairy tales; I always suspected those people were not anatomically correct.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't think this couch is gonna be big enough for me."

I'd seen him peek into the second bedroom I used mostly as my exercise room; a stationary bike and no bed. "That's not really what I had in mind," I said and smiled.

"Look, Melody..."

"Henry, don't get the wrong idea. It's been a while since I woke up next to someone. Even those times when I... got my needs taken care of, either I sent them home or left wherever we were and came home. I had no interest in sleeping next to them, and more importantly had no interest in repeating the night before."

"Then why'd you do it the first time," he looked like he didn't know.

Help me, he is going to go to Paul and ask permission to "court" his sister. He said his home was only a couple hours away. That didn't explain the Puritanical-morals-shift in between. Maybe blunt will work. "Hey, I got needs just like anyone, and toys only go so far, so I do what I have to do," I laughed, to take the sting out. "So, what do you say? I'll even wear clothes."

"You don't normally?"


Now he's staring at me imagining what I look like. I could flash my tits; I like to do that when riding. "Stop imagining me naked. Are you staying or not?"

He said he would, got up to get some stuff off his bike, and I went to my exercise room. I found a clean T-shirt and shorts and decided this would be my nun's wear for the night. I got in the shower and washed the day off. As I came out of the bathroom, he was sitting in the same spot he'd spent the evening, holding some clothes. I flashed a big smile, "Fully dressed as promised. Your turn."

He went into the bathroom, the shower started, and I got into bed. I opened the book I was reading on my phone. He nervously climbed into bed, next to me. "This is the first time I have shared a bed with a woman other than my wife in years."

"You okay?" I asked. Maybe he isn't sterile, maybe his wife went to the cousin because the guy is too shy to ask.

"Yeah, fine. You know, we spent so much time talking about me that I never asked about you. What do you do?"

"I'm a nurse."


"Yep. I work at the Scott and White across town. I'm off tomorrow but it's back to work on Monday."

"That's incredible. Do you like it?"

"I love it. I can't imagine doing anything else. And I like the freedom it gives me in that a nurse can always find a job wherever I go."

I looked at him, he could not be in bed and farther away unless we sawed it in half. I leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek. Not how I thought the night would end, but it was nice to have a bed-warmer, if not a person, to share the chilly night with.

DAY 2 -- Sunday

I woke cuddled, my arm across his back and my left leg bent at the knee and resting across the back of his legs. His breathing told me he was awake, as I stretched, he slid off the bed and made it to the bathroom.He's been waiting a while for that. If he stays here in town, he could always teach manners to the guys. I laughed out loud at that mental image.

As he came out of the bathroom, I sat up, and asked, "Taking me out to breakfast this morning, big boy?"

"You bet."

I was still not fully awake and without thinking just pulled my T-shirt off.

"No bra?"

"Sorry, hun. I was sleeping, you know, your wife doesn't... Nah, I am not going there. I wonder if he thinks my chastity belt is under these shorts? I decided to add, "Haven't worn a bra outside of work in 15 years and I'm not about to start now."

"Why not?"

"Don't like them and don't really think I need one. Besides, I'm a biker chick and it makes it hard to flash my tits."

"You've done that?"

"Hundreds of times, usually alongside my friends and Paul's wife. To be honest, doing it turns me on," I winked as I said it.

We dressed and went to the diner. I had a chocolate-chip pancake, orange juice, and coffee. He went all out. He had enough fried food that his arteries had to make a mid-meal correction. I'll admit, the food is great, but I'm a nurse, after all.

We spent the day riding. He'd made me dig around and find my helmet. I'd been with him on the bike for a bit now; a helmet wasn't an outlandish notion. Mostly, I just let him find his way, it is a pretty area. Occasionally, I'd give him a direction or two, so we didn't miss something I wanted him to see.

We stopped for lunch at a deli. I ordered roast beef and he got a Reuben. He commented he appreciated that I actually ate real food.

Yesterday, we'd talked about him. He wanted to know about me. I told him about my childhood growing up as part of the counterculture. I am 37 and never been married. I added I'd been in love, and it hadn't worked out; fact was - I was why it didn't work out. My parents were bikers, too. They died about 10 years ago when a car ran a red light and crashed into their car, ironically. Paul is my only family. At least the financial settlement from my parents' death to allowed me to buy my house.

We spent the rest of the afternoon riding, stopping a couple of times for an ice cream cone or just to relax for a few minutes. He was getting more comfortable. He even kissed me a couple of times.

After dinner at the local steakhouse, we went back home to shower and change with plans to go to The Dirty Dog again. I told him my friends and I spend probably 5-6 nights a week there, and tonight was to be no exception.

We pulled into the parking lot and walked into the bar. As soon as we walked in Paul saw us and headed in our direction. Were I to describe Paul in one word it would be playful. Henry, on the other hand, looked like he was walking to the gallows.

"You nail my sister last night?" he said with intensity, getting right in Henry's face.

"No... no. We just talked. That's all. I swear."

Paul just continued glaring for about a minute and I could see Henry shrinking. Suddenly, Paul broke into a wide smile and clapped his meaty paw on Henry's shoulder.

"Too bad. I hear she's a hell'uva fuck."

He and his friends burst out in laughter while color slowly returned to Henry's face.

"C'mon city boy, we got first game at the table tonight. Duke, a beer for my man here on my tab."

The gang was still laughing good-naturedly as they headed for the pool table located on the side of the room while Henry tried to catch his breath and stop shaking.

I went over and stood in front of him, taking his hands in mine. "Are you okay?"

"I will be. Did you know he was gonna do that?"

"Not specifically, but Paul's kind of a prankster so I'm not surprised he did something. I'm really sorry," as I tried to stifle laughter.

He shook his head and wandered toward the pool table.

DAY 3 - Monday

Last evening had ended better than it began, but he was pissed for Paul's prank. I decided it was another shirt and shorts night and I awoke with him spooning into my back. At could tell at least his equipment worked. Maybe we'd get around to using it. Apparently, he woke up because he jerked himself back.

"I was using that," I said when he drew back.

"Using...?" he questioned.

"Your body heat, what else?" I gave him my most insincere smirk, surely if he saw my relaxed attitude, he'd get over his Puritanical ways.

"What time do you work today?"

"Seven to Seven, Monday through Friday."

"That's a pretty long day. Sixty hours a week."

"We get two 1-hour breaks a day, though it's still 50 hours. But it pays well and at least I get evenings and weekends off now. Seniority is a beautiful thing. What're you gonna do today?"

"Think, I guess."

"Are you gonna be here when I get home?"

"Here or at The Dog. I won't leave for good without telling you. Melody, I really owe you a lot for what you've done. Thank you."

I gave him a hug went into the shower to get ready for work. I headed into the kitchen, and he had made fried eggs and toast for breakfast and poured me a cup of coffee into a travel mug.

"I've never had a man around to take care of me. I like it."

We chatted about nothing in particular while we ate, and I gave him a kiss, which he made just a quick peck on the lips and headed for work. He was going to spend the day thinking! What is there to think about? Life is not that complicated. Well, my life is not that complicated, maybe his is.

I've always been a free spirit. I like my life. I like it uncomplicated. I will admit, it is nice to have someone care about me. Never had that before.

I get he is not all here yet. He has kids. He is haunted by his wife and mother and what they did. Well, shit! He's got me thinking about it now. Why isn't he like the other guys? Never met a man who the short-term solution wasn't a good fuck. Really doesn't even matter what the problem is, the solution is fucking.

I got to work. I love what I do and was quickly lost in my day. I use my break periods to nap so I can enjoy my evenings at The Dog. Twelve hours later, I was back to normal.

Henry was home when I got there. I said I was going to take a shower and smiled at him, he just smiled back. I showered, alone, and then we went to The Dog.

We walked in and Paul met us a few feet inside the door. He looked both of us in the eye for several seconds before giving us a hearty greeting. Paul conned Henry into another game of pool. Henry looked like he was trying, but he either never played pool or played so far in the past he has forgotten what he knew.

About an hour later Rhonda walked in and headed toward Henry. Rhonda is every bit the kidder Paul is which I suspect is a part of the reason they've been together so long. She is impossible to miss: deeply tanned; a silicone-enhanced bust-line; a mane of blonde hair; and beautiful face. As always, she was greeted warmly and returned the various greetings. Then she walked toward the pool table...and right for Henry. I couldn't help but grin, here we go, again.

"So, you're the guy I keep hearing about," she said, with a bit of a smirk on her face.

Before he could respond, she grabbed both sides of his head and pulled him into a blazing hot kiss. Poor Henry, I'll bet as he spent his day thinking, he wasn't anticipating Rhonda. True to form, she grabbed his hand and put it right on one of her massive tits, pressing it down firmly.

"And to answer your question, these babies are all me."

Henry looked like a twelve-year-old caught stealing candy. He looked at me, as though I would be anything but amused. He's too precious.

"I'm sorry about that," he stammered.

"Sorry for what? Letting my sister-in-law force you to feel her up?" I tried to look like what I'd witnessed was not anything out of the ordinary. Come to think of it, it wasn't.

"That's your sister-in-law?"

I glanced back at Paul and saw he and Rhonda clenched together in an even hotter kiss than she had laid him.