Meeting the New Enemy Ch. 07

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Things come to an end, for some a sharp one.
3.5k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/07/2016
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Rafe woke everyone up as soon as the first light appeared in the sky. The little food that was left over from the evening was quickly divided among everyone and eaten. Tashee and K'Kess led the march again to the beach where the Eshe boat had probably landed while Naylee went forward to scout.

Some time later she returned with the news that she had found the boat. 'No sign of the kids, six men.' she said. 'Four medium sized tents, no defences. The kids are probably in one of those tents.'

Tashee looked at Rafe. 'Stop here, you and K'Kess take a look?' she said.

Rafe nodded. 'We'll see what K'Kess can tell about them.'

He and K'Kess hid and observed the group at the beach for a while.

'Kids in tent with two in front.' said K'Kess.

Rafe nodded. 'The rest are also at the front of the tents.' he said. 'Nobody seems to be at the back.'

'No attack at back.' said K'Kess. 'No need for, guard?'

'They think we'd only attack from the front?'

K'Kess nodded.

'Then that might just be the option we'll go for.' Rafe said. 'In the dark.'

'Agree.' said K'Kess and they went back to the rest.

'Will you two be all right?' Rafe asked K'Kess and Iloma when Tashee, Naylee, and he were getting ready at the onset of dusk to go to the beach.

'They move wrong, I show pain Menuik can give.' Iloma said eyeing the Eshe, especially Doma and Gardo. The two Eshe avoided her gaze and shifted uncomfortably.

'They know they better stay.' K'Kess said. 'You much better warriors here.'

He nodded. 'Good.' he said. 'We'll be back as soon as possible. If you hear shouting or fighting stay here. Keep your eye on them.'

K'Kess nodded and the three left quickly to reach the camp before total darkness set in.


'They're keeping close to the fire.' said Naylee. 'Looks like it's going to be easy.'

'Never think that.' said Rafe. 'Something can always go sideways and turn the mission upside down.'

Tashee nodded. 'Stay prepared.' she said. 'Looks like they're done eating. Let's go. They'll probably feel less alert now.'

Tashee and Naylee moved further down the beach before sneaking across it into the sea. Rafe moved through the jungle in the opposite side while counting to 600. He kept an eye on the Eshe and prepared to attack if they found out Tashee and Naylee had swam quietly behind them by now.

Naylee returned a nod from Tashee when she had counted to 600. They swam slow and silent towards the sand, keeping low in the water and pausing in the swash to make sure the Eshe at the fire were still facing away. Satisfied they weren't discovered they crawled low towards the back of the tent closest to the fire.

The Eshe didn't speak much and when they did it was with hushed voices. Naylee pulled out her knife and stuck it in the cloth at the bottom to make a hole big enough to peek through. She gave Tashee a thumbs up when she saw Mina and Nami inside.

Slow and in rhythm with the sound of the sea to mask possible sounds she cut the back of the tent in two, then slipped inside with Tashee behind her. The girls looked up slowly.

Tashee smelled their muzzles and gestured at Naylee they'd been drugged. Naylee nodded and cut the bonds that tied their wrists together while Tashee supported them.

Ragg clasped his mouth with his hand and heaved.

'What is it?' asked Ak'ka. 'Getting sick?'

'He might have gotten a disease from those creatures when they attacked him.' said Vash. 'Better keep away.'

Ragg hadn't heard him because he already shot up and darted towards the sea but lost it before he was able to reach it. He leaned on his knees and panted, then looked sideways when he saw movement in the corner of his eye. A bigger one of those infernal creatures stood frozen and stared at him, the creatures they had caught in its arms to support them stepping out of the tent.

'ENEMY!' Ragg shouted. He reached for his sword and lunged at them.

The creature moved away just in time for the blow of his sword to be caught by a knife. Another one of the creatures had appeared.

Rafe jumped up at the cry of the Eshe. He had held back in case Tashee and Naylee had already escaped with the girls but Ragg had caught them in the act.

'Come at me!' he shouted as he ran towards the fire. The Eshe at the fire were about to run to the tents but now turned back to face him. 'I'm here!'

Naylee didn't pause for a moment and stabbed her knife at Ragg who jumped back to avoid her. He swung his sword at her and she ducked and rolled away.

The Eshe facing Rafe stood ready for him. He grabbed the long branch he had cut earlier into a spear and dragged behind him with two hands now and swung it at their feet. The sharp point was flexible enough to bend while it hit two in their shins and brought them down on their knees as they cried out in pain. He glanced quickly at the tents to see Naylee engage Ragg while Tashee ran as fast as she could with Mina and Nami.

Naylee heard running behind her and knew the guards in front of the tent were coming for her. She jumped back at another swing of Ragg, grabbed a handful of sand and threw it in his face, then ducked as she turned around and tackled the first Eshe to come round the tent into the second one before running after Tashee.

Rafe swung his spear around to fend off the other three Eshe. One threw his knife but he turned fast enough to have it only cut a flesh wound on his shoulder. He swung his spear once more around and aimed for the nearest Eshe who dived down onto the sand.

Rafe saw Naylee running away with a glance and turned his attention to his opponents with some relief until he saw the arrow pointed at him. Once more he turned and dove away. Graga anticipated his move and fired. Rafe stumbled and cried out when the arrow struck him.

Tashee reached the edge of the jungle before taking a quick look back. Naylee was coming her way and it seemed no Eshe were following her at first glance. The cry from Rafe pulled her gaze to the fire and her heart stopped when she saw him go down.

Naylee saw it too. She caught Tashee's gaze. 'Get them to safety.' she said and darted towards the fire where the Eshe stormed at Rafe.

Tashee clenched her jaw and had to trust things would turn out all right in the end. Her first concern were their daughters. She spotted a rocky outcropping and headed for it remembering there had been a small cave in it from an earlier time exploring the beach.

She found it soon enough and laid Mina and Nami inside who were beginning to wake up.

'Mom?' Nami whispered and blinked her eyes.

'Stay here.' Tashee said. 'The enemy is near so keep quiet, got it?' Nami gave a weak nod and Tashee gave her and Mina a kiss on their foreheads. 'I'll be back soon.'

She dashed through the edge of the jungle before going onto the sand, hoping she would be in time to help Naylee and Rafe escape.

Naylee's heart raced mostly out of fear for Rafe's life as she ran to the Eshe. She saw one of them fall to the sand after a hit from Rafe and saw he had been shot in his thigh with an arrow. She growled out loud. Some of the Eshe pulled away from their struggle with Rafe and stood up to face her. She was outnumbered, but she'd be damned if she left Rafe on his own. She had faced multiple enemies before.

She rolled just before she reached the first Eshe and tripped him. Jumping up high she caught a second one under his jaw, then jabbed an elbow into the stomach of a third one.

Rafe punched another one off of him before another Eshe dropped himself hard on him. The wind got knocked out of him and his vision turned dark.

Graga shouted at Naylee and aimed an arrow at Rafe's neck. She clenched her teeth and froze. Tashee saw Naylee put up her hands and stopped running. At the shout from one of the Eshe another bow was aimed at Tashee. He gestured for her to come closer or Rafe would get shot. For a moment she contemplated escaping but she didn't dare risk Naylee and Rafe's lives.

Mina rubbed her eyes. The groggy feeling in her mind was slowly fading away. In the dark she could see Nami's outline. 'Where are we?' she asked.

Nami took Mina's hand in hers. 'Mom brought us here for safety.' she said. 'She said the enemy was near and she'd be back soon.'

Mina stretched her legs. 'We're free now?'

Nami nodded.

'How long has mom been gone?'

'I don't know for sure.' Nami said and sniffed the air. 'I think we're still close to where they landed the boat.'

Mina crawled to the mouth of the cave. 'I can't smell them.' she said. 'Wind is coming from the back.'

'Yeah.' said Nami and sat back. 'I hope they're okay.'

Mina sat down next to her and leaned against her. 'You know moms and dad.' she said. 'They're strong.'

'I just wish they were back already.'

'If they're not back soon we'll have a look when I feel awake again.' Mina said and rubbed her face.

'Okay.' said Nami and stretched her legs, digging her heels into the sand. She felt something not sand or rock. She leaned forward and wiped sand away to find a bag made of a cloth she hadn't seen before.

'What's that?' asked Mina.

'I don't know.' said Nami and pulled the bag out of the sand. 'Maybe it's something from when moms or dad arrived here?'

Mina felt the material. 'Maybe.' she said. 'But I don't recognise it. Let's see what's in it.'

Nami found a zipper and opened the bag, pulling out the contents. 'Gloves?'

Mina examined one of two dark grey pairs of gloves. 'Looks like it.' she said and felt the thin material between her fingers. 'I think they stretch.' She tried one glove and it fit snugly.

The girls put on the other gloves and looked at their hands.

'What do you think they're used for?' Nami asked rubbing her fingers together.

'Maybe just to keep hands clean?' said Mina. 'It feels like they're tougher than they look.'

A bird cry overhead startled them. They listened and heard footsteps coming closer.

'Mom.' said Mina and they crawled out of the cave. Tashee appeared and they jumped at her to hug her tight.

'Where's the rest?' Nami asked.

Tashee sighed. 'Things are not good.' she said. 'Your dad and mom are caught by the Eshe. Dad has a wounded leg.'

The girls frowned. 'So what do we do?' Mina asked.

'They might let them go when we release the Eshe we have captured.' Tashee said. 'I'm let go to get them but if I don't return soon they will kill dad. We're going to see Iloma and K'Kess who are guarding the Eshe now.'

The girls nodded and followed Tashee through the jungle.


'Tashee!' said Iloma when they arrived at the group. 'You save kids!'

Tashee nodded. 'But we still have a problem.' she said. 'They now have Naylee and Rafe.'

Tashee brought them up to date on the new situation and the demand from Graga. Iloma and K'Kess saw no way out and they brought their prisoners to the beach.

Graga smirked when he saw the group arrive. 'Release them!' he said while Lorr held a knife at Rafe's neck as he sat on the sand. 'Or the man is dead!'

K'Kess translated for Tashee and Naylee. 'Release Naylee first!' he said.

'Traitor!' said Lorr. 'You can all die!'

Graga shut him up with a gesture. 'You first!' he said. 'Return half of my men and I'll release one!'

Tashee nodded to Iloma and she cut the bonds of five Eshe.

'Are you sure about this?' whispered Kamel who was freed to K'Kess.

'Not much choice.' K'Kess whispered. 'These people here value life more than anything. Probably because they are so powerful.'

'I haven't seen much of that yet.'

'I haven't either, but I can tell their bond is strong and if something happens to any of them they'll stop at nothing to take anything down.' K'Kess said. 'You remember those large beasts that attacked us at the thick forests of Chalindar?'

Kamel nodded. 'How could I forget?' he said. 'We lost so many men that time.'

'They killed one like that right here on this island. Just the three of them.'

Kamel looked at K'Kess with wide eyes.

K'Kess nodded. 'If they want to they can kill the whole troop and I think Graga might just do something to anger them enough to do it. If he does, my advice is to stay down and don't fight.'

Kamel nodded and went with the rest of the freed Eshe to the camp. Graga released Naylee and she hurried to Tashee and the girls.

'Mom!' the girls said and hugged her tight.

'Are you all right?' Naylee asked cupping their cheeks.

They nodded. 'What about dad?'

'He's hurt but he will be okay.' Naylee said and looked at Tashee.

Tashee nodded.

'Now the rest at the same time!' said K'Kess after a nod from Tashee.

Graga smirked. 'I think I'll keep this man!' he said. 'He looks much more valuable when we make him tell us everything he knows!'

'He not give back Rafe!' K'Kess said to Tashee and Naylee.

They bared their fangs at Graga. 'Tell him we'll kill his men!' said Tashee.

K'Kess relayed the message and Graga laughed at it.

'He say few men not important!' K'Kess said squeezing his bow in anger. 'He let them die!'

'I'm not going to let him kill dad!' said Mina and grabbed a small rock near her feet to throw it at Graga. She squeezed it and the sharp crack in her hand startled her. She gazed with open mouth at the rubble in her hand.

'I don't think that's a good idea.' said Kamel to Graga. 'K'Kess tells me these people are very strong and have fought in many battles more fierce than our own. They are capable of killing much larger enemies than us.'

'Hah!' said Graga. 'Then this man will tell us all about it so we become stronger.'

'They will kill our men!' said Kamel.

'Those who get caught are weak!' said Lorr pricking the tip of his knife into Rafe's skin.

Rafe groaned through his teeth and felt drops of blood run down from his neck.

Kamel saw the frustration in the face of several of his comrades. 'They will kill us all if you don't give this man back.' he said again.

'Shut up!' said Ragg. 'You only do as you're told!'

'What did you do!?' said Nami as she looked at Mina's hand.

'I have no idea!' Mina said. 'I just grabbed a rock and then it just crumbled into bits!'

'Hang on.' said Naylee. 'What are these gloves you're wearing? Where did you get these?'

'We found them in the cave where mom put us.' Mina said. 'They were in a bag buried in the sand.'

Naylee took Mina's hand and examined it. 'Let me try.' she said and Mina took off the glove.

She tried it on and it fitted perfectly. She flexed her fingers, took a small rock from the ground and squeezed it. 'Nothing.' she said. She gave it to Mina in her other gloved hand. 'You try it now.' Mina squeezed and the rock cracked into pieces.

'Graga!' shouted K'Kess when he, Tashee and Mina came closer. 'Last chance to return Rafe! Otherwise they will use their force!'

Graga let out a laugh. 'What force!?'

'Watch this!' K'Kess said and Mina picked up a rock from the beach, threw it down hard onto the sand, picked it up again and squeezed it in her hands. The crack could be heard loud and clear and they saw rubble and dust fall down from Mina's hands.

'How did it do that!?' said Graga.

Ragg watched Mina closer. 'It's wearing something on her hands.' he said. 'That must be a weapon.'

Graga hummed in thought. 'I want it.' he said. 'Everyone grab your weapons. We attack them and take it.'

'We can't!' said Ormek. 'They'll kill us all!'

Graga bared his teeth and pushed his knife to Ormek's throat. 'Take your weapon!' he said. 'You die there or you die here! You have your orders! I want that weapon!' He glared at the other men. 'Your lives are mine to use for the greater good of our kingdom! So you will do as I tell you!'

The next thing coming out of his mouth was a gasp. He looked down at his chest and saw the tip of a sword sticking out. As he turned and fell he saw Kamel stood behind him. 'For the greater good of my comrades.' Kamel said.

Mek'mel and Gema put their knives to Ragg's and Lorr's throats. 'Put down your weapons.' Kamel said to Ragg and Lorr. 'We will let the man go and end this without getting ourselves killed.'

They dropped their weapons and Ormek helped Rafe up on his feet. Rafe leaned on Ormek as they walked over to Tashee, Mina and K'Kess. They hurried closer and Ormek handed Rafe over to Tashee who hugged him tight with Mina.

'Graga is dead.' said K'Kess. 'Kamel say they give up.'

'Looks like you'll be able to go back too then.' Rafe said to K'Kess.

K'Kess nodded. 'This island nice, but could not live here until old.' he said with a slight grin.

Kamel walked up to them just as the rest of the captured Eshe came closer with Naylee, Nami, and Iloma.

'Kamel wants to make peace.' K'Kess said. 'He tired of fighting for long time but no better life for him or family.'

Rafe held out his hand. 'Tell him this is something most warriors find out, no matter what species we are.'

Kamel took Rafe's hand and shook it with a smile.


Tashee, Rafe, and the girls had experimented with the gloves and found out they only worked for Mina and Nami. The gloves somehow gave great strength or did something to any material it touched so the wearer could break or mould it. The only conclusion they came up with was that it had to be part of the technology from the builders of the bunker. They would see if they could come up with a plan to search for more items left behind by the mysterious inhabitants after the Eshe had left.

'And what's going to happen now?' asked Naylee as she watched the Eshe pack up at dawn and prepare the boat to sail.

'They go home.' K'Kess said. 'Most want go back to family.'

'And the others?' asked Rafe while Tashee and K'Kol checked his leg wound. 'Those that wanted to fight? They might want revenge.'

'They live and grow old on other island we take them, or they left on rock island to starve.' said K'Kess. 'They not go home, to make others safe.'

Rafe nodded.

'And you two?' asked Naylee.

'I go back home.' said Iloma. 'K'Kess go back with me.'

Naylee raised her eyebrows. 'Really?'

They nodded. 'Safer together on long walk through land.' Iloma said. 'We make new home, show we live in peace and not need fighting.'

'Then we wish you good luck.' said Naylee and smiled.

Tashee, Naylee, Mina, Nami, and Rafe waved at the boat as it set sail to go back home with Iloma, K'Kess, and Kamel waving back.

'Where's Wendy?' asked Nami after a few moments.


'Wendy!?' the girls called out as soon as they got home at the bunker. They heard noises and something falling and rolling on the floor and hurried to the living room.

'Wendy?' they said again when they found her holding one pup by the scruff of its neck in her mouth as it tried to reach the floor, another pup sticking its head and tongue out from under the pile of floor pillows, a third pup looking innocently from behind a large clay vase on its side, and every other item that wasn't attached to the walls or ceiling no longer in its original place.

Wendy looked back with big eyes and whined softly for help.


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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Great story, great sequel. I'd like to see more stories in this world and perhaps see what's been happening in space, too.

DeeFisher123DeeFisher123about 2 months ago

I want MORE! Seriously though, great story.

SatyrDickSatyrDick10 months ago


A Brill continuation!


UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

Great story, thank you

raven_nomadraven_nomadalmost 3 years ago

Another great story. Keep up the great storytelling.

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