Meet Your Master Ch. 05

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How can he resist the temptation?
3.2k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 05/26/2005
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Jacob barely spoke to Raven for weeks. There no longer were signs of affection from him during the daytime. Raven missed his kisses across her neck while she cooked, and the warm hugs he would give her before leaving for work. Their conversations no longer were light heartened and intimate. Jake usually only asked her questions regarding the pregnancy, such as how far along she thought she was or how she was feeling. When he left her to go to work, he would instruct her only to do simple chores such as mending his clothes or putting together a meal. Once when he arrived home he found her weeding the garden and shouted at her that it was too hot outside and told her that in her condition she should be sitting indoors. He still had Raven sleep in his room at night, but did not have sex with her. Instead, he would hold her close to him. He held onto her like he thought she might run away at any moment.

On one occasion, Raven was aroused from sleep when she felt Jacob rubbing his hand from her upper thigh to her side, directly under her breast. He lay facing her and nuzzled her face with his nose, taking in her scent. Raven lay as still as possible, trying to pretend she was still asleep. Jacob's mouth moved to her ear and he whispered in it with a husky voice, "Baby, I know you're awake. I've been laying here all night thinking about you." He gently began to kiss behind her lobe and down her neck. Between kisses he asked her, "Have you been thinking about me? Do you touch your pretty pussy when you do? Damn, Raven... Do you know what you do to me?" Raven didn't answer but lay back, taking in deep breaths. Jacob took her chin in his hand, bringing her mouth towards his own and began to kiss her deeply, thrusting his tongue in, letting it swirl around hers. He then gently weighed her breasts, and then moved his hands further down to rub her stomach. Raven knew it was too early, but thought that he must be feeling it, expecting a kick at any moment from within. His mouth then eased away from hers and he turned her away from him, then wrapped am arm around her waist. "Go back to sleep, Raven," he said in a regretful tone. "You need your rest." Jacob settled his head against the pillow and didn't say another word. However, Raven could feel his hardness against her backside and knew he wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon.

About a month later after breakfast, Jacob announced to Raven that they would be taking a trip. When Raven asked where they were going, he simply ignored the question and told her to pack everything she owned.

For many days, Jacob and Raven traveled in a wagon led by four of Jacob's horses. They stopped at several locations to sleep for the night. Late one afternoon they stopped in a clearing in the woods to set up camp. As usual, Jacob did not try to make a conversation with her and instead went to work setting out the bedrolls and making a fire to start dinner with. Disgusted with him for constantly ignoring her, Raven set out for a walk, knowing he wouldn't miss her. Walking through the woods, Raven soon heard moving water. Further along, she came to an opening where there was a small waterfall spilling into a shallow, crisp blue pond. Raven had gone days only being able to wash up in a metal basin they had been carrying with them, and it was driving her crazy. She debated with herself whether or not she should take advantage of the water. Finally she decided to do so and quickly stripped of her clothes and let down her hair.

Naked as the day she was born, Raven hesitantly tiptoed towards the water. Testing it with her foot, she was surprised to find it pleasantly warm. Going further in, she discovered the water only came an inch below her belly button. She relaxed, kneeling down and letting her head dunk underneath the surface. She then swam around for a while until it occurred to her that the water coming down from the fall might be quite refreshing. She walked towards it, finding the water became even shallower the closer she got to it. Finally, she stood underneath the fall, the water in the pool only coming up to her knees. She threw her head back, allowing the water to pour down her dark body. Her stomach was becoming more rounded from the baby and it was quiet an adjustment for her to get used to the added weight. However, the sensations of the sun and water rushing upon her were incredible and completely relaxed her. Suddenly, Raven felt her nipples getting harder. She sensed there was a pair of eyes watching her. She quickly glanced towards the edge of the pool to see Jacob beside her pile of clothes. He was standing still, staring at her nakedness, his eye moving from the bottom to the top of her body. Jacob's eyes finally moved upward to come into contact with Raven's.

Ashamed that she had caught him in the act of staring at her, Jacob quickly tried to cover himself up. He cleared his throat and angrily called out to her, "I've been walking all around these woods trying to find you! Put your damn clothes on and meet me back at camp. Dinner's ready." He turned around and trudged back towards the wagon, swearing under his breath. Walking all over the woods trying to find her? Yeah, right. As soon as he saw her walking away he silently followed her to see where she might go. He wanted Raven to have time to herself, yet he did not dare leave her alone. Who knew if there were animals or worse, other men, lurking in these woods? Also she could suddenly fall down and need his help. She was carrying his baby and he had to keep an eye on her to protect them both. When he saw her walk to the pool, he immediately knew she would decide to take a bath. He had been standing behind a bush, watching her, feeling his cock grow bigger by the minute. He was almost hypnotized by her body, and seeing the obvious, that she was pregnant with his child pushed him over the edge. Before he knew it, he was standing at the shore and she had caught him in the act. Why did he act angry with her? He should have smiled at her instead, and told her how sexy she looked. Then he could have taken his clothes off as well and joined her underneath the falls. He would open-mouth kiss her, bend down to lick her wet pussy, and then lift her up, allowing her legs to lock around his waist so they could both leisurely fuck for the rest of the night. He knew it was too late for that though. He could see the hurt look in her eyes when he turned to walk away.

It seemed to be forever before Jacob heard Raven exiting the woods and entering the clearing where he sat. She avoided looking at him as he sat in front of a small fire where the food had been cooked. Without stopping she walked past him and went directly to one of the bedrolls that was lying out on the ground. She then slipped in to it and closed her eyes with a grim look on her face.

"Raven, what are you doing?" Jacob asked. He watched her but she did not answer his question. "Raven…Raven!" He stood up and marched over to where she lay. "What are you doing?"

"I am trying to sleep," she answered through grit teeth, her eyes still closed.

"It's not even dark yet. Besides that, you haven't even eaten since lunch, and as it is, you only had an apple which I wouldn't say is enough to get you through the rest of the day."

"I'm not hungry."

"Raven, stop being so difficult. Now get up and come over to the fire with me so we can get some food into you. You need to eat while you're in this condition."

Raven snapped her eyes open, sat up and glared at Jacob. "Really, like you care! You always refer to it as a 'condition'. You've been angry with me ever since I told you I was pregnant. If I lost this baby you could care less. You can't even bear to think of it as our child!" Tears filled her eyes as she continued. "I saw the way you looked at me when I was out in the water. You were disgusted. I've become so undesirable to you since I'm carrying this baby whom you could never love." With tears gushing out faster, in embarrassment she hid her face in her hands.

Shocked by her outburst, Jacob's jaw had dropped open. He couldn't believe she actually thought those things. Immediately his arms wrapped around her. "Honey…baby…don't think those things." He began stroking her hair as he continued to speak. "I'm not mad at you for getting pregnant. I'm angry with myself. You're this perfect woman who deserves much more than what I've given you. I don't want you to lose this baby. I want both you and the baby to be happy and healthy. And for you being undesirable, that is not true."

Raven noticed his voice change become huskier. His hand moved down from her head to stroke her shoulder and arm. "When I was watching you out in the water, I was thinking how you had become even more beautiful since I had last seen you naked. I wanted to rush out there and grab you, but instead I just acted stupid and decided to pretend I was angry with you." His hand moved further down to her thighs. Jacob clutched at her dress, and slowly dragged it upward to that it came to her waist. "I was actually angry with myself. I was so turned on seeing you pregnant and knowing that I had done that to you. You'd think that would have stopped me and had me learn my lesson, but I wanted to take you again." Raven shivered, feeling a breeze across her bare legs. Jacob's fingers crept to the top of her drawers and slipped underneath. Raven could feel her face get warm. She was embarrassed because she knew she was already getting wet. Jacob's fingers swiftly moved downward to begin stroking her clit. "Let me apologize," he said as he continued his masterful strokes. "Let me give you everything tonight but take nothing. I want to lick this lovely pussy till you scream. Then we'll both sit by the fire to have dinner and go to bed. Understood?" Hypnotized by his words, Raven nodded her head. Moments later her head was thrown back in ecstasy, her screams of desire echoing throughout the woods.

As promised, Jacob ate her pussy that night without attempting to have sex with her. He licked it in small circles, sucked the bud, and lapped at the juices, taking his sweet time.

"Oh Raven, you don't even know," he groaned while licking her slit. "This black's, it''s amazing. You're always wet for your man and I love that about you."

Raven watched as two of his thick fingers easily entered her pussy. She shook at the feeling of his tongue and fingers touching her simutaneously. He tapped her g-spot giving her no mercy. Sitting up and watching his white fingers enter this black woman's pussy lips was an erotic site that was more than he could handle. Creamy thick white cum escaped Raven's pink center past Jacob's fingers. She spread her legs wide but at the same time begged him to stop, telling him she couldn't handle anymore. "Baby, don't lie," Jacob said with a smile. "You know you're my little slut who loves to have her pussy licked. Don't you, baby?"

Raven groaned, trying to spread her legs even further apart.

"Raven, I asked you a question. My woman needs to answer me when I speak to her. Do you like to have your black pussy licked?"

"Yes! Yes, I love to have my pussy licked."

"Who owns this pussy?"

"You, Jacob. Only you."

"Damn right." Jacob continued between licks. "You are mine and will always be mine." He brought his other hand between her legs and leisurely lubed a finger with her cum. Slowly he traced it to her puckered ass, circling it like a bird of prey, and then attempted to slip it into her tight entrance.

"No!" Raven cried, trying to pull back.

"Baby, relax. You know I won't hurt you. Let me touch you and please your body." Jacob proceeded to let his finger enter her until it was up to his first knuckle. Then he leaned back down and began sucking on her clit, enjoying the cries of passion from the black woman thrashing on the ground before him. With two of Jacob's fingers deep in her cunt, another slowly moving within her ass and his tongue on her clit, Raven came hard. White cum spread across her pussy lips and onto her master's tongue. After her climax, Jacob was more than tempted to fuck, but kept his word. He held her in his arms for a few moments, kissing her on top of the head and then to the disappointment of them both, reluctantly walked towards the fire to prepare dinner.

After the day was over, things were back to how they had been and neither talked with the other beyond what was necessary. Days passed by and though Raven did not ask Jacob the destination, it soon occurred to her where they were going. He was taking her home.

She beamed when they entered her town and she saw all the familiar landmarks. Going past houses and shops she began to see people she recognized. They cried out when they saw her, running after the wagon. Jacob ignored them and kept the horses at a steady trot. Soon they pulled into the front yard of her sister's house. Raven jumped out from the wagon and ran towards the door. Her sister threw it open, her husband behind her. They hugged and screamed cries of joy. Raven still could not believe that Jacob had brought her home. Together, Jacob, Raven, her sister and her husband carried all of Raven's belongings into the house. When the last of Raven's things had been brought indoors, it suddenly hit her what else was happening. This would be the last time she saw Jacob. Raven excused herself from her family and walked with Jacob back outdoors.

Standing in front of the wagon, they looked at each other for several moments before speaking. "Thank you," Raven said in barely a whisper.

Jacob swallowed, looking down at the ground. "When I found out you were pregnant I wrote to your sister and we decided that it would be best for you to come back here. It's just not safe for you and the baby back home and I didn't want you staying by yourself up here." Jacob looked back up at her, taking her chin in his hands, "I want you to know this is really hard for me. You've really grown on me in more ways then you know."

Raven nodded. "I feel the same way."

Jacob pulled her to him, lifting her face so she was looking up at him. He lowered his head and gently gave her a kiss on the lips. Not prolonging it though, he quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry I had to do this," he said and walked back to the wagon, pulling himself up into the seat. Turning, he waved to her, and then was off, probably out of her life forever.

Raven watched the wagon until it disappeared, tears falling down her face. Wiping them away, she turned back towards the cabin forcing a smile. She would get over him; she was home now.

* * *

Raven was in her eighth month of pregnancy. She tried to convince herself that everything in life was going fine. She was healthy, she had her family and friends, she had the opportunity to work at the school again (until she went on leave the month before to rest) and she had more freedom. Still, she could not shake the feeling of loneliness within her. Although she hated admitting it to herself, she missed Jacob immensely. She tried to tell herself that he was just a scheming white man who wanted a slave to do his work for him, and if he could get free sex on the side, even better. He had just thrown her away when she had become a burden to him. But then again, he could have sold her to another person or made her get rid of the baby. But instead, he had taken the time to travel hundreds of miles and bring her back home where he knew she would be safe. By now, he probably had another slave he was using to his liking or was married.

Raven was walking up the path to the library steps. She often came to the library, reading through books to find interesting names for a baby. Technically, blacks were not allowed in the building, but the librarian was friendly and allowed people of all colors to come in. As she walked up the steps, Raven turned around when she heard the whinny of a horse behind her. The animal was rather far away, but atop him appeared to be a man dressed as a sheriff. She had heard several rumors from people around the town the their former one, the kindly Sheriff Brown was retiring because he was getting too old and had too many health problems to continue the job. Raven turned back around, stepping through the doors, hoping the new one wouldn't give the blacks in the town more problems then they already had.

"Good morning Mrs. Drury," Raven said to the librarian behind the desk.

A bespectacled white woman with graying hair piled up as a bun on top of her head smiled back. "Getting more research for a name done are you? Best of luck to you. Looks like you're running out of time," she chuckled pointing towards her protruding stomach.

"Yes, I guess I am. See you in a bit." Raven continued into the next room, scanning her eyes over shelves for novels to browse through for a name. With five books in hand, Raven waddled towards a table to sit down to.

Five minutes later, Mrs. Drury came into the room, seeming upset. "Raven, the new sheriff is here. I'm sorry, but I think he saw you come in here and has decided to uphold the law of no blacks in the library. He says he would like to see you immediately. I apologize. You know I don't mind you being in here…but…well, both of us could get in more trouble then we would like."

Raven nodded her head, understanding the dilemma. She followed the librarian into the main room, and then froze upon seeing the sheriff. She clutched the stomach holding her child, emotions running over her.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Hard to believe I'm the first to comment on this chapter.

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