Mature Woman New Job for Family Ch. 01


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She had expected to be greeted by James at the office, but Emily told her that he was away for the day. Emily spent the day teaching her the filing system and telling her about their important major customers. She even told her how to answer the phone correctly and how to address different customers.

During a coffee break, she turned to Emily, "Can I ask you something personal?"

"Of course Lydia. Ask away."

"How many different outfits do you have for work?"

Emily laughed, "That's not very personal. The best thing to do is get about 3 or 4 skirts and 5 or 6 blouses and then you will have loads of different outfits."

"That sounds like a lot of cost, Emily."

"Doesn't have to be, they don't all have to be expensive. Just make sure you have at least two special outfits for the days important clients come in. James likes to impress them with a more professional set up. If you like, I'll go shopping with you."

"Oh thanks Emily. That would be great."

Emily smiled, "Can I say something personal to you now?"

She saw Lydia nod and carried on, "You really should shave your legs. They look very hairy, even under those tights. I get mine waxed. You should try it. No need for tights then most of the year."

Embarrassed, Lydia looked down, seeing the hair herself, "Thanks."

That night she shaved her legs and found another white blouse in the wardrobe. The following day she was to go shopping with Emily for badly needed clothes. She had enjoyed her first day. All the stuff Emily taught her seemed to be just plain common sense and not too difficult.

James was in the office on the next day and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and a big smile.

"Did Emily tell you about the Tuesday team meetings?"

"Yes. She told me there is a meeting every week."

"The meeting is today. Emily takes the minutes; you should join her."

"Ok James."

"Here, you call me Boss, ok?"

She looked at him strangely, but saw him smiling at her, "OK Boss."

Both ladies went to the team meeting. The management team was made up of James and five other guys, one of who had replaced William until his return.

Lydia looked around the large table, knowing four of the guys. In addition to James, she knew Tony the Finance Manager, John the Operations Manager and Jim the HR Manager. John was in his 40's, the others close to her age. She heard James speak.

"Guys, you all know Emily is leaving us at the end of next week and you also know that poor William is recovering from his accident. I have asked Lydia, his wife, who some of you know, to take over from Emily and I am glad she has accepted. I am sure you will join with me in welcoming her to our small team here. Let me introduce the team to you Lydia. Of course you know Tony, John and Jim" who all nodded at her with a smile, "The others you may not know as they are relatively new. This is Alan, he is our new Marketing Manager and the last guy there is Frank, who has taken over from William until he is back with us."

She looked at the two new guys. Alan, who she put at about late 20's, was very tall and fit looking. Frank was about mid 40's, very overweight and balding. They both stood and shook her hand as did the others. She was told to sit next to James, Emily on his other side.

Lydia sat there, impressed with the management team discussions for the next two hours, only interrupted when the ladies served some coffee and croissants. She watched as Emily took many notes, wondering how she kept up with all that was being said. Many times during the meeting she found James and some of the others looking at her, especially at her breasts, which made her uncomfortable. She also caught James looking down at her legs, her skirt having raised a couple of inches above her knee. She was thankful when the meeting concluded.

As she left the room with Emily, she asked her, "How can you keep track of what everyone is saying?"

"Oh, you just have to catch the important bits. Summarise what's being discussed and make sure you pick up on action points and who to apply them to. Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"I'm not sure. I don't even understand what they are talking about."

"That will come in time. I will take you over the minutes for the last number of weeks and explain how it all works."

"Thanks Emily, you're being very kind."

"Remember I was in your shoes once. I know what it feels like."

She went on to tell her that she only took this Job when her Husband died in his 40's from a heart attack. Like Lydia it was her first job and James' father, Vincent, had offered her the Job as her husband had worked for the company. She had learned on the job and had come to really enjoy serving her Boss for many years. It had given her many new experiences over the years. Now that young James was in charge it was time for her to retire and hand over the reins to another secretary.

Lydia was a little surprised by some of her terminology but said nothing. After work they went to a local shopping mall. Emily had told her that there were good reasonably priced shops there. They went to a ladies fashion store where Emily was greeted like a good customer of long standing, with a hug and kiss from the store owner.

"Emily, it's great to see you again, it's been a while."

"I know Mags. I'm retiring next week so I've had little need to buy much new stuff."

"Oh, I heard that Vincent has passed the company onto young James. I guessed that you might hang up your boots because of that."

"Well you know how it was. It's the right time to go."

Lydia listened to the exchange between the two women. It was obvious that they knew each other well.

"Mags, this is Lydia who is going to replace me and look after young James."

"Is she indeed," as she smiled at Emily and looked Lydia up and down," Interesting, you are very welcome, Lydia."

Lydia was a little curious about the tone of their conversation, "Thank you."

"Mags, Lydia's Husband had a bad accident and James has offered her the job. We need to get her a work wardrobe."

Looking at Emily, "Sounds like a familiar story. Like father like son, eh. They are good men."

"Indeed they are. I am sure Lydia will get on as well as I have."

"You are difficult boots to fill Emily. I am sure she will get on fine."

It was almost as if Lydia was not there as they discussed her, making her feel uncomfortable.

"Ok Lydia. Let's measure you up," taking a tape measure, "Oh you are a big girl, 34 DD, impressive," making Lydia feel even more self-conscious.

"Ok go in there and strip to your undies. I'll get some outfits."

Lydia went into the dressing area behind a slim curtain. She took off her skirt and blouse and stood there in her plain undies. The curtain was pulled aside which exposed her to the store floor. When she pulled the blouse around her, the women laughed.

"Don't worry Lydia, it's only the three of us here. I have closed the store."

She put down the blouse and was very conscious that the other two women examined her body closely, seeming to take their time in doing so. They especially looked at her plain undies and large breasts.

Mags handed her some blouses which she tried on one a time. The other two women passed comments on the shape and fit of each. Lydia noticed that all were more low-cut that she would ever have bought herself. She also realised that she was left in her panties the entire time. Then they gave her skirts to wear, all the time leaving her in her bra. She found the experience very strange.

The skirts ranged from knee length to mid-thigh, some more formal than others, some tight, some loose. Then she was asked to wear different skirt/blouse combinations before Emily stated that they would take everything.

Lydia looked in panic at her, "Emily I cannot afford all of these."

"Lydia, you don't need to work about that. James is paying for your work wardrobe."

"I can't allow him to do that."

"Lydia, you need to learn that he's the Boss. Now, let's get you some new shoes, handing her a pair of black heels to try."

After choosing five new pair of shoes, all heels, between 2 and 5 inches, different colours including black and red, Mags turned to her.

"Now we need to sort your underwear."

Lydia jumped back, "What do you mean, I can get my own undies."

At this stage she was dressed only in her undies and both ladies looked down at her plain white panties with some disdain. She looked down herself, wondering why her undies were important.

Emily saw the worried look on her face and smiled, "Lydia, a lady should always feel good. You have some lovely clothes now. You should have some nice undies to wear under them, that's all we're saying."

"But James cannot pay for my undies."

"James won't know. I won't be giving him details," both women laughing, "What's the harm in feeling nice."

She looked at the two women, still worried but saw the friendly smiles on their faces, "I guess so."

"Ok, take them off and let's see what suits you."

She stared at them, "Now?"

"Of course, we need to see what looks nice on you, come on, don't be shy, it's only us women here."

Very shyly she took off her bra. Her large breasts fell a few inches. She was stunned when Mags reached out and cupped her hands around them, which made her jump back.

"I'm just trying to see how firm your bra needs to be," as she walked to the lingerie section of the store, "Take off your panties and follow me, Lydia."

Lydia walked out to the floor of the store, naked, and looked around to make sure that no one else could see. Both women looked over her body, seeing a woman who had looked after herself. They thought that she did not look her age at all. Their looks lingered over her breasts and hairy pussy.

As she remained naked on the lower half of her body, she tried on different bras, most of which pushed her breasts higher than normal, making them appear firmer, but still very large. She was then asked to wear different panties, some tighter than she would normally wear, one a thong that she would never have worn before. The women chose a mix of underwear. To Lydia, some looked very lacy or skimpy, but she said nothing. She had not felt good in them. In fact, if anything, she felt cheap and slutty, but again she said nothing.

"Ok, let's see your important client outfit," giving her a skirt, blouse, undies and heels.

Lydia dressed in the outfit. It was a low-cut black blouse, mid-thigh length white skirt, red high heels and matching black lacy undies and bra. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw a reflection of a very sexy woman, breasts oozing out of her blouse, legs looking very well. Not in a million years would she ever have bought any part of the outfit herself.

"Lydia, you look great, very professional."

She looked again and did not agree, but once again, she said nothing, as she saw the women looking very pleased.

"What will William say, how can I tell him James paid for all my clothes?"

Emily smiled, "Oh Lydia, he's not going to see it all at once, is he? Us ladies have always been good at convincing our men that things can be bought in sales and for bargain prices."

"And remember William has seen me in such outfits for years at the office. He will know what is expected."

As she Listened to Emily, Lydia thought that maybe William would not be as surprised as she feared. Maybe he would even be pleased that she was making such an effort to support the family. She looked again in the mirror. Maybe, she thought, it might create more interest from him in her as a woman and might even improve their sex life. Unknowing to her she smiled to herself at these thoughts. The other women noticed and they winked at each other.

While Lydia dressed again, Mags bagged all the purchases at the till and handed them to Emily, "I think we have chosen well. I know James was always a Tits man. He has a handful there. Does she know what she's signing up for?"

Emily Looked over to make sure Lydia was out of earshot, "No, she has no idea but then again neither did I."

"Forgive me for saying this but your Husband was dead. Her husband is still alive. Does he not know what your role was?"

"No, Vincent kept me for himself. I think Tony, John and Jim may have suspected but they never said anything to me."

"Well, you did well out of it. I assume he's still looking after you."

"Yes, he was very kind. He set up a fund for me."

Mags was totally aware of what Emily had done for her boss, "Well, you were very good for him too. He was very fond of you and your services."

Emily laughed, "Shut up, will you. She'll hear us."

Just then Lydia appeared and took some of the bags from Emily. She thanked Mags and they left the store with Emily. After some coffee, Lydia drove them home. There wasn't much chat. She was deep in thought about the shopping trip, the comments passed, still embarrassed at the length of time she was undressed and naked in front of the two women. She remembered how they have examined her body so clearly and openly. She dropped off Emily at her apartment and thanked her for her help. She then drove home and left all the bags in the car until she was sure she would not be seen bringing them to her bedroom.

After her long day she was too tired to visit the hospital, so she spoke with William on the phone, telling him about her day. She did tell him that she had gone shopping with Emily but only that she had only bought a small number of work clothes items. He told her that he was pleased she was getting some clothes for herself, given the number of years her shopping would only have been for him and the children. Feeling guilty that she had lied to him, she pleaded tiredness and cut the call short. She worried that, after only two days working, she was lying to him. She worried that she felt a need to lie to him, but not understanding why.

The next day she chose the least revealing outfit that they had bought but still wore her own plain undies. Emily told her she looked nice even though she could see the old bra. For that day and the remainder of the first week she rarely saw James as he was out of the office a lot. She learned a lot from Emily that week, including how to deal with long periods where nothing happened and how to pretend to look busy. She was glad when the first week was over. She had not realised how tired she would be from working each day while still doing the housework and looking after the kids at home. She had stopped visiting William on a daily basis and looked forward to seeing more of him at the weekend.

The second week was busier as James was in the office for most of the week. Emily was very pleased when she noticed that for the Tuesday meeting, Lydia has chosen to wear slightly more revealing outfit including a new bra, higher heels and no tights. Lydia did notice that she got more looks from the team during the meeting and she was confused with her thoughts. She felt embarrassed while at the same time beginning to enjoy the little bit of attention. This did not go unnoticed by James or Emily. Emily had Lydia take the minutes of the meeting and was pleased at her efforts.

During the week both ladies spent a lot of time in James' office, answering customer queries, dealing with quotes for new customers. They also prepared a presentation for one of the company's largest clients, which was to take place the following week. Lydia noticed the number of times that James looked over at her, again confusing her thoughts.

On the Wednesday afternoon James called Lydia into his office. This was the first time that they were alone and for some unknown reason she was nervous in his company. James asked her to arrange some drinks and a cake for Emily's last day on the Friday. He said that his father would be coming in to do a special presentation for her at which all the company staff would be present. He wanted it to be a special day for her after all her services to his father.

Lydia was surprised that he had said his father rather than the company. They agreed what was required and she undertook to arrange it.

As she turned to leave his office, he came around his desk, "Well did you enjoy your shopping trip?"

Embarrassed, she looked up at him, "Yes thank you. There was no need for you to pay for so much."

"Not at all, you are the first face many clients see. You must be looking your best."

"Thank you, but I could have got my own stuff."

"Will you stop Lydia. It's just part of the role to look good,"

As she opened the door to leave, she looked back at him, "Thanks Boss."

This made him smile, "Oh, and by the way Lydia."

She looked at him again, halfway out the door, enquiring look on her face.

"You do look good," as he turned his back to her and returned to his desk. She remained transfixed to the ground for a moment, before blushing and returning to her own desk. Thankfully Emily was not there to see her red face, her confused thoughts growing in her mind. Why would he say that?

On the Friday she arrived at the office early to ensure that all was in place for Emily's retirement party. She had again picked a revealing top and skirt and a bra that pushed her breasts out even more. As she walked around the room checking everything, she saw James enter the room.

"Hi Lydia, it's all looking good."

"Thanks Boss," but she saw him looking more at her than at the room.

He walked over and stood next to her on the small stage. He looked down at the room, "Next week it's just you and me, no Emily to mind you."

She looked up at his smiling face, "I just hope that I can remember all that Emily has taught me in the last two weeks," ignoring the thoughts in her head about what he said about the two of them being alone.

He touched her arm, "I'm sure we'll get on fine without her," his gentle touch sending electric feelings down her arm. He left the room.

During the rest of the day, many customers called with gifts for Emily. Many staff members dropped by her desk and many others phoned to wish her well. In mid-afternoon James, dad, Vincent arrived. Although he was not particularly well, he had insisted on coming to the office that day. Lydia noticed Emily's face light up when he entered as he immediately went to her desk and hug her. Lydia thought that the hug lasted a bit longer than necessary but then remembered the many years they had worked closely together, so maybe that was natural.

Emily then introduced him to Lydia who he hugged gently and quickly.

"Welcome Lydia, you have a big Job here to replace Emily but I'm sure you'll fit right in. How is William?"

She was conscious that the older man stared at her breasts, "He is slowly getting better. Thanks for asking."

"That's Good. Please tell him I was asking after him."

"Thank you, I will."

Lydia watched Vincent and Emily go into his old office, now his son's office. She assumed that they were discussing old times and that he was thanking her for her many years of service. They were in there together for over almost an hour before she came out. Lydia noticed tears in her eyes. When she asked the other woman if she was ok, Emily assured her that she was. She told Lydia that it was hard to leave a job after so many years.

The presentation to Emily went very well. So many people spoke well of her. Vincent, though speaking weakly, expressed his appreciation for her service. He also spoke of his happiness that they had worked so closely together for so long.

It struck Lydia that he spoke lovingly about her. They had obviously been very close friends as well as employer/employee. After being presented with many gifts, Emily spoke about her years in the company, how much she had loved working with everyone, how friendly everyone had always been to her. She thanked especially her boss, Vincent and wished James and the team well in the future.