Master's Pet Ch. 04

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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 01/28/2007
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In the gloom of the club she knelt beside him, leaning into his leg, comforted by his hand playing with the strands of her hair or tracing the curve of her shoulder. Around them music and lights pulsed and moved. People talked, danced, laughed and enjoyed themselves. But she was quiet, still, lost in her own world yet acutely conscious of her Master sitting beside her. Her mouth still echoed with the fierce thrusting of the man's cock, and the salty taste of his seed lingered on her tongue. She had obeyed her Master and he was pleased. In his pleasure, she sat, quietly, and wondered, thinking back to the afternoon a few hours before.

Since arriving the night before, her Master had done so much with her.

From his arrival when he had finally collared her to this just finished flogging session, she had inhabited her submissive place almost continuously. Now, her Master was taking care of her in preparation for the party that evening.

He took her into the bathroom and drew a hot bath using her favorite bubbles. He lit candles and switched off the main light in order to create a romantic atmosphere.

Then, when she rose from the water like a latter day Venus, her carefully dried her off in a warm fluffy towel.

She was puzzled by his behavior, and only her feeling of great tiredness stopped her from complaining, insisting that she was there to serve him. But he knew why she was so tired. After all their play together, her body was going through a reaction, a condition sometimes called sub-drop, and he was giving her the love and support she needed to move through that state of almost emotional decompression..

Later, as she sat the breakfast bar in the kitchen, he explained all this to her. By now, after some juice and salad, she was starting to regain her energy. Yet again she was made aware that for this man, her submission was not a selfish game, but a serious relationship, and yet again she was thankful for his experience.

"Anyway," he said smiling, "I want you to be looking your best tonight. I have a number of online friends who will be there tonight, and they are itching to find out more about my darling submissive."

She felt a swirl of emotions n her stomach.

"Oh my god, what have you told them about me?"

"Just that you are mine, my own special submissive, and that this week we are finally together. I thought it would be much better for them to see how beautiful you are in person. Apart form that, I think an air of mystery is much more appropriate."

She smiled at this. Her outfit didn't leave a lot to the imagination, and she wondered where the mystery was.

For a while afterwards they had sat curled up on the couch together, limbs entwined and just enjoying being with each other. Somehow, she had never imagined that being a submissive would have such a normality about it at times. Obviously the flogging and clamps were unusual, but this was almost like any other relationship. Except that now she felt privileged to be here, sitting so close to her Master. He could have easily required her to kneel on the floor by his side, and she would have happily obeyed. But here, in this way, he was showing his appreciation of her, and she was grateful and delighting in it.

All too soon, however, he sat up.

"Come on my pet, it's time we started to get ready for this evening. But first, I want you to remove your bathrobe and kneel in front of me."

Without hesitation she stood, slipped off the garment and knelt between his legs, her hands behind her.

As always, his heart stopped at her beauty, her openness to him, the curves of her breasts thrust forward by her held back shoulders, the swell of her hips holding the promise of passion and desire.

"My darling pet, tonight we will be celebrating our love in public. I have been looking forward to this evening for months. Are you ready now to obey me in front of other people? Are you ready to trust me and do what I ask without question?"

She heard his questions with a gentle smile. If only he knew how much she loved him, how much she had dreamed to be in just this place with him. She wished he could see into the bright heart of her devotion, because then he would know that these questions were unnecessary. Wasn't her nakedness enough of an answer? Wasn't her naked service that morning a sufficient proof?

But also, she knew that he was asking for both of them, he insisted on making explicit the bond of love and trust between them. He genuinely wanted her hear her affirmation, her assent to his owning of her. For him, just hearing her words was a source of happiness. So, she gave him what he sought, and what she had given totally many months before.

"Yes Master, I am ready. Whatever you ask, I will do. Whatever you desire, I will give."

He cupped her face in his two hands and leaned in to kiss her softly on her lips, turning her face up to meet his.

"Then I know I am in possession of the most wonderful woman in the world."

His kiss and his words made her whimper with hunger, her cunt suddenly aflame with need. She was his slave slut, and his love fed her desire for his mastery.

The party was a Gala night, the opening of a new club, and He was fortunate to obtain two tickets. For the occasion he wore a dinner jacket, the black and white elegance the perfect foil for the display of his submissive. His gold shirt studs were capped with moon stones, and his cuffs were held with links in the form of a padlock and a key.

Her outfit was nothing more than an invitation to openly admire and lust after her body. She wore thin high black heels and elasticated top stockings, her ankles enclosed with leg cuffs. Her cunt was shaved smooth, and again lined with the lipstick. Above the provocative display of her sex there was a lacy black corset shot through with burgundy ribbons, a silk rose nestling in her cleavage. In response to his request, however, she had trimmed of the lace cups, and so her breasts with their pierced nipples were fully on display. Over long lace gloves she wore her leather cuffs, and around her neck the play collar with the restraining rings.

On her face, however, she wore a half mask, her mouth with its bright painted lips still available for any man he desired to give her to. The feathers and colors of the mask gave her a fantasy look, like an airbrushed sex toy. As she looked in the mirror, she felt herself moisten as she imagined the hands that would touch and caress her, and the cocks that would itch to possess her.

Before they left the house he coupled her wrists together in front of her and clipped a silver dog lead to her collar. Over her shoulders he placed a long warm cloak lined with red silk. She was ready now, his pet, his toy, his treasure. It was if everything of the last months had been building up to this, the realization of their dreams and desires.

It was a long taxi ride to the club, and she had rested her head against his shoulders and closed her eyes. The stripes on her bottom still ached, but she felt their scoring with pride, happy to marked in such an obvious way by him.

Inside the club she walked with all the elegance she could muster, her shoulders back and her head held up, though with her eyes downcast. The tugging of the lead on the collar she found intensely arousing, and she was sure that everyone could see her labia swelling with anticipation. Above all, though, she was filled with pride for her Master, that she looked so good for him. From the whispered comments as she went past she knew that he was gaining a large measure of respect by his public ownership of her.

"Ah, Nicholas, It's so good to see you. How have you been? Where is your delightful Sam?"

A rich Southern voice answered back.

"I'm well thank you, and mighty pleased to see you. Unfortunately Sam has been called away -- her mother was taken into hospital last night. I offered to go with her, but she insisted I attended this opening night. However, she also expressed a hope that I would take some time out to play and make her insanely jealous with my stories when she gets back."

Nicholas's voice was rich with good humor as he spoke, and she felt herself drawn to him just by the sound of him.

God, she thought, I am such a slut now that a man's voice is enough to make me want to fuck him. Her Master had trained her well, and he knew that she loved feeling this way.

"But tell me; surely this isn't the delightful slut you have been telling me about? She is far too pretty for you. How's about I trade you Sam for her?"

A mix of emotions tumbled inside her. The blatant admiration thrilled her, but the casual suggestion that she could be traded excited her and filled her with dread. Suddenly, she knew the edge that comes from complete vulnerability. She wondered what the Master had planned for her.

"You smooth dog, Sam is too good for you and you know it. But despite your very generous offer, I must decline. However, Please join us tonight. I am sure that I can find a way for you to have enough fun to tease Sam into scratching your eyes out."

"In that case, I gladly accept. I have a few people I want to talk to immediately, but I will be right over and find you when I'm done."

That night, she discovered that being so sexually available was intensely erotic for her. Many men complimented her and her Master on her appearance. A number had rubbed their fingers across the cane marks slashed across her curves, and she had shivered. Others had stroked her tits, or tweaked the metal piercings in her nipples. A few had even slid questing fingers down to her sex and then made comments about her state of arousal. And she was aroused, deeply so.

When Nicholas returned, her thigh was glistening with the moisture from her cunt. Her sex felt as swollen as a peach, and she was almost begging her Master to take her home and fuck her senseless. But He was happy to stay, content to have her at the end of a leash while other men drive her mad with longing.

"Thank God that is all done, I need a drink and a chance to get to know this beautiful woman you mistakenly believe is your submissive."

"Nicholas, you are impossible at time." Her Master laughed" Despite your claims to the contrary, not every woman finds you completely irresistible, and even a mere Brit like me can still win the affections of a woman as beautiful as this."

Eyes still downcast, she blushed with pride at his compliment.

"And, my dear chap, as for the question of whether she is truly my submissive, I am more than happy to prove her devotion to me. In fact, I understand there are some more private rooms on one of the upper floors. Are they available tonight?"

"They damn well ought to be, I am the owner and I did request it. Come with me, and you can show me what you have in mind."

She felt her tummy flutter as she followed these two men up the lush staircase. They had the air of two boys playing a game, comparing the size of their latest toys. Somehow, she knew that she was going to be doing more than just looking pretty.

Nicholas opened a door along one corridor and switched on a light. A green baize table sat in the centre, laid ready for a game of poker.

Nicholas ushered them into the room, and then turned the lock.

"Nicholas, you and I have been friends for many years, and I have appreciated your support a number of times during them. Now I know that this was given freely, and I wouldn't insult you by suggest that I can repay you for your kindness. However, I would consider it an honor if you found some pleasure with my darling slut this evening."

She froze in fear/excitement. They had discussed her servicing other men, but she had never thought he would do so in such a casual way. The thought of pleasing her Master in this way, however, was incredibly erotic, and she wondered how far he would go.

What she didn't know was that her Master and Nicholas had set up this scenario some weeks before working carefully through the details, and agreeing a set of code words to allow them to be establish that everything was fine, but without destroying the impression that she was being offered freely to Nicholas.

"That's a mighty kind suggestion, and you know, I think I'll do just that."

With that, Nicholas lifted her chin and gazed deeply into her eyes.

"Look at me child. Your Master has told me that you are the most incredible submissive slut, and that you love nothing more than pleasing other men at the request of your Master."

She blushed, conscious that the truth of this was lighting a slow fuse in her sex.

Still holding her gaze in his, Nicholas cupped a breast in his other hand and squeezed it, playing with it as casually as she we his own toy. He looked for the first signs of arousal, the dilation of her pupils, the relaxing of her eyes, and he saw them clearly.

"Mmmmm. Quite the slut aren't we?"

His hand slid downwards. Grazing her hips and moving inexorably towards her cunt.

And all this time, her Master held the leash attached to her collar, quietly standing by as another man molested her. She couldn't help a moan escape her lips as the thick fingers moved across the slick entrance to her sex, parting her swollen labia. Her head felt back slightly, baring her vulnerable throat, and her hips rocked gently against him.

She cried out softy as his fingers roughly penetrated her, their path eased by her copious juices. As his thumb brushed against her clit she jerked in shock, and felt a familiar tingle in her gut.

But it was his kiss that finally ripped her open and exposed her slut nature. He kissed her hard, driving his fingers in and out of her cunt, frigging her sensitive bud, and his tongue fucked her mouth.

The pent up arousal of the past hour flooded her and she screamed into his lips, pressing herself against him as he jerked and went weak at the knees. It was his fingers lodged in her wetness that held her up, even as he pulled her closer to him.

She stood still for a moment, dazed and shocked by the intensity of her climax, stunned at the ability of this stranger to reduce her to a wanton mess with just his fingers.

"I'll grant you this, she has a hair trigger on her, and her cunt felt mighty fine squeezing my fingers."

Her Master smiled at him, pleased that Nicholas had been able to coax such pleasure from his slut.

"Right, my little precious, it's time for you to show me what you can. On your knees and suck my cock, and get ready to swallow a gallon when I cum."

Nicholas winked over her head at her Master, knowing that the language he was using would add an extra impetus to her service.

Without a murmur she knelt, and with fumbling hands she drew down the zipper on his pants and reached past the boxers to the impressive cock already hardening under her care. She was lost in the moment, conscious only of the musky scent of this stranger, and the weight of the collar and leash connecting her to the man she served.

Her hands cupped the silky skin of his sex and she lapped at its length, drawing her tongue up the shaft like a cat licking its paws. After some gentle lapping, she pulled down the length to her mouth and pushed her lips over the purple swollen head. Using her tongue to caress the frenum, she eased his length into her mouth, lodging him at the back of her throat with one smooth movement. She was rewarded with a hiss of pleasure from Nicholas.

"Fuck. She's good, she's fucking good."

"Just a suggestion," her Master spoke as if giving advice on a choice of wine for a meal

"but you might like to grab her hair and hold her head steady. I find that way I can get a better depth and set my own rhythm".

She felt her sex spasm again at the way he was offering her to this man, advising him on how to maximize his own pleasure with no concern for her. His effortless mastery threatened to overwhelm her.

"Why thank you kindly for that suggestion, I might just do that."

And so he did. He sank his fingers into her hair and used the purchase to lever himself more into her wet mouth. She was no longer giving him a blow job, he was fucking her face with every intention of filling her throat with his cum.

His breath came shorter as she opened herself to him, tilting her head back to allow him deeper into her. Her submissive aiding of his use of her made the sensations even hotter, and the sight of his friend holding this beautiful young woman's lead as he filled her was too much.

With a groan he pushed hard and paused, letting the muscles at the base of his cock propel his thick juices into her in urgent pulses.

He grunted at the sensation, still gripping her hair as he finished.

"Holy Shit, man, that was fucking awesome. I have to hand it to you, you sure have a n amazing young lady here."

He bent down and lifted her up.

"And I hope, my dear, that you enjoyed yourself too. Your Master and I have had a whole lot of fun planning this little scene as he figured you would find your own pleasure in it."

She stared at him in puzzlement, and then she understood. Her Master had heard her mixed feelings about being offered to other men, and so he had constructed a scene where she could live the experience, but safely.

Shyly, she hugged Nicholas and smiled at him.

"I hope that I gave you complete satisfaction on my Master's behalf. It was my pleasure to serve you."

And then she hugged her Master and whispered in his ear.

"And thank you, sir, for that wonderful present. If she may say this without being rude, you are far too kind to your submissive, though she isn't complaining."

So, in the main room again, she relaxed, resting against him, waiting for the return home. She longed now, more than anything, to have her master fuck her completely in every way he wished.

And that evening, after he had gently undressed her, he did just that.

He made her kneel to him as she had done to Nicholas. He gripped her hair as Nicholas had done, and he had thrust hard into her as Nicholas had done. But he thrust harder, pushing deep into her, and she thrilled at his intensity. There was a danger in his passion, a fire which threatened to engulf him and strip him of all self control. As his movements stretched her throat, she hummed in anticipation, delighted to be the focus of such barely controlled lust.

But he didn't cum, not at that point.

He dragged her into the bedroom and made her stand at the foot of the bed, bent over, her arse bent to him. Roughly he grabbed her hips and pushed into her cunt in one fierce movement. She cried out at his entry, her body twitching at the friction of him. She felt herself a rag doll in his hands, he was enjoying her body for his pleasure alone, and she succumbed to his needs.

As he hammered her, she felt her body shudder repeatedly at the way his cock spread her insides. Her head shook from side to side and she was barely able to hold onto the bed.

At one point he moistened a finger in his mouth, and then twisted it into her anus, penetrating her with casual ease. The thought that finally he was going to fuck her virgin arse almost made her crumble at his feet.

But he still didn't cum, not at that point.

It was later, with her lying on her back, that he finally released his load into her waiting body. Her legs were up in the air, and he was thrusting hard and fast, deep into the anal ring he had fingered earlier. In this position she could se the savage joy on his face as he fucked her tight forbidden hole, and he could see her look of slack lust as she finger fucked her empty wet cunt, holding herself ready to explode when he finally ejaculated.

She had never felt this full before, or been so lost in the pleasure of being taken. Her Master's cock in her arse was a revelation to her, and she was grateful that he was the first to take her there, making her feel like the special slut she was.