Master of Sins Ch. 03

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The succubus find out a few more secrets about Lewis.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/26/2015
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This is just a forewarning about coming chapters, there will be..."odd" scenes and happenings, nothing illegal or immoral, just...gross. don't get too attached to this story if you dont have an iron stomach or enjoy it as spank material, i swear i said before this is more a light novel that just happens to have sex.


(Yuna Narrates)

Three hours! it's been three freaking hours now! And he's learnt nothing! Is this brat some kind of invalid! He is reading from a toddlers hand book on magic and he still isn't able to manipulate Mana into magic yet!

"Come on now Lewis! it's not that hard, feel the energy inside you, and let it flow through you and out your palm, you don't even have to mold it!." I said again, reworded slightly differently for the umpteenth time.

"Energy is a rather loose term Yuna, comes in all forms, i need to know what exactly I'm feeling here if I'm gonna know if it's flowing through me, like is it that feeling when you enter a warm place from -40 degree weather? or the feeling of a bed after standing for days on end? maybe its that euphoric feeling of a mutual orgasm. Feeling something foreign to the mind is about as good as describing a sweet smell to a guy without a nose."

"Your giving me a lot of attitude for a guy who won't be able to defend himself if i got pissed mister..."

Lewis sighed long and slow, trying to calm himself a little. "Look, I ain't the kind of person who can study something and get it, i need a practical exam, i need to use it to be able to understand it."

"And unfortunately unless you understand it, using Mana is highly dangerous" I sigh, exhausted at having to explain that one more time.

"I can only learn so much from pop up books Yuna." Lewis sighs, pulling on a tab to make the pop up magician throw a fireball at a group of demons. "You really sure i can't just spar and dodge fireballs or something?"

"That form of training is highly improper, dangerous, and completely ineffective for teaching you the restraint needed for your style of magic." I can't help but sigh in exasperation. It's strange enough to be teaching a Null Mage how to use magic as it is, but also completely ass backwards. These people were responsible for countless demon hunts. No matter how i look at this i can't fathom why Mistress Atrixia would have us teach him magical control. It'd be easier to kill him and separate his magic from Noxica's wouldn't it? I can't believe she is thinking about the ethics of the whole just isn't like her.

"Is magic connected to emotions at all?" Lewis' voice broke me out of my train of thought, stupidly all i did was make a squeak of a "huh?" at his question.

"Back in my world, emotions often amped the effectiveness of magic spells. At least in the shows and movies, considering that in this world what i thought was fantasy is real, perhaps we had a clue after all." His logic was extremely flawed, but his point was correct though.

"You are half correct, Emotions don't amp the magic unless one is in control of them. A blind anger may make a fireball bigger and hotter, but then your blind to subtle motions and will most likely miss your target, or be unaware of their counter attack. Adrenaline is more a amplifying source for magic, but it comes in three different and hard to control forms-"

"Anger, Love, and Fear, correct?" I was stunned into silence at his correct answer, i was about to go into the details when he did it for me.

"Anger is the rawest adrenaline one can produce, easily amplifying muscle output and reflexes, at the cost of visual acuity and mental processing. Love is more a reactive force, on one hand, seeing someone you love who never returned the feeling can be devastating. The mixture of not being able to confess, or never knowing if you could scale the seemingly impassable wall could cloud your judgement, if i had to simplify it I'd say the rush from that one is a one shot instant power boost to your next act of desperation. Fear however is the strongest of all three, but is never controllable, fear brings out the most basic instincts and turns anyone into an animal."

I could feel my jaw slack further and further as he explained word for word the defining qualities of the three Adrenaline Charges. Pissed at his ineptitude when it came to controlling magic i slammed my hands on the table and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar. "If you can memorize that then how the fuck can you not handle the simplest amount of magical control!"

"I've always learned by trail and error!" He said with a warble caused by my violent shaking.

I had it, he wanted a duel then fine! With a whoosh of ice cold mist i transported us both back to a special little place in our pocket of Hell.

The Arena was a mimicry of the old roman sculptures of his worlds ancient civilizations. Pillars chiseled to look like muscled demons holding up the arch ways leading from the dressing chambers where numerous demons and gladiators would dress for combat. Two giant stone pillars held up raging blazers that would light the entire arena when the sky would darken. the ground beneath was soft but not like mud or loose dirt. I've practiced here countless times with Noxica.

"Whoa!... now this is more like it! You gonna pit me up against some demons here!?" his face looked like a kid who just learned that there was a place made purely out of sugary sweets, but when he saw the looked of pissed determination on my face it turned into a simpletons look of confusion.

"Lesson one! Self defense!"

I lunged at him, forming a halberd out of solid ice and aiming to pierce him through the gut. His reaction time was excellent, but his grace needed serious work. He blocked the attack with a wall of magic nullifying energy created out of a burst of fear. I flashily twirl towards the small wall and a powerful thrusting heel kick shattered the wall and in turn caused a mental blow to the boy, making him wince and hold his head. With his eyes closed, i closed the gap and spun my weapon to bludgeon him with the back end. The strike landed true, and i heard him exclaim in pain, but as i opened my mouth to offer a lesson i felt a powerful blow to my cheek and was suddenly embedded in the crotch of a pillar meters away from my last known location.

With great effort i tried to remove myself from the statuesque war demon. There was a small fall to the ground but nothing i couldn't manage, or so i thought. It seems my legs took some damage from the impact and as i tried to land on them they shattered. This was extremely painful, but not permanently damaging, as a Yuki-Onna is technically a ghost. Drawing moisture from the air i created new legs for myself and bound them back onto the stumps of my legs. I was about to congratulate him on a lucky blow when i got the shock of a lifetime.

In the center of the arena i could visibly see the aura of his sins. Normally i would have to concentrate on my vision to see his aura but this was unheard of! If his power was this immense i should of been able to see it before. Had i awoke something?

(normal PoV)

In the stands surrounding the arena, Atrixia watched with an amused smile. From the very beginning she knew about this boys strange mixture of sins. He summoned lust demons, meaning he was desperate to get his dick wet more then anything else. But how had he not summoned a demon earlier? His sin of Sloth, the boy was absolutely too lazy to put the effort forward to get laid, or even take a risky shortcut like summoning a demon of lust. And now, she was witnessing his third sin, Anger, Rage, went by many names, but this was pure and untouched. She could see it now, how the boy had gone so long under the radar of every demon in exsistance. His emotions constantly conflicted and created a void in his responses, he separated himself from everything and analyzed the world with a step back. He'd never act out of anger, for fear of closing the door on something he could still achieve, He'd never work for anything he wasn't sure he would get, but he would protect what he had with every once of his strength.

"Most humans can split two sins evenly and maintain sanity in their lives, and even control them enough to partner with two different demons in a contract...This boy had three sins, no matter how you cut it he shouldn't be able to balance three sins...but this is where the void comes in..." She narrowed her eyes and looked deep into the boys growing aura of rage. Deep within, in the spiral of his "SinNA" (a trademark of the demon world) she saw his Void attunement, encasing his sins of Lust and Sloth, while his Rage Aura suffocated them.

"Interesting, His connection to the void protects his core make up, and allows him to give into a pure emotion...lets see how this turns out."

An ear piercing roar echoed around the arena, Lewis tensed his arms in a typical anime style battle cry stance as he raged outwardly. He sluggishly took a step forward, as if he was suddenly under the gravitational weight of Jupiter. Each step was more akin to a stomp, and the dirt several feet away from his feet kicked up in a cloud with each step. He was trudging his way towards Yuna with a sadistic smile on his face.

Yuna, though intimidated by the size of his aura, readied herself for another charge forward. With as much blinding speed as she could summon she bolted forward and tried to cut him with the spear tip of her halberd. But with martial artist like reflexes he backhanded the shaft just under the head of her weapon and shattered the solid ice with the blow, following through with a hard overhead smash to Yuna's skull. She thought quick though, and coated the ground in ice as she made her short way down to the sheet of ice at the speed of an intercontinental missile. Another window of ice appeared behind Lewis, where she came through as if they were portals. Guessing a physical blow was out of the question she surrounded him in chilling mist and blended into it with her incorporeal form. Lewis raged and swung wildly, instinctually knowing the mist wasn't natural. Yuna made her move by condensing the water in the mist and attaching the water droplets onto him and flash freezing them, turning him into a frozen statue. His form held solid for a moment, but crack soon began to appear through out his icy prison.

The prison shattered into pieces and Yuna was helpless before him as his rage nullified her incorporeal presence. She raised her arms to defend herself from the blow to come, but seconds passed and she didn't even hear him screaming in anger. she dared to open her eyes and what she saw made her jaw drop.

Standing above her Lewis had a look of sheer panic and fear, a cold sweat covered him as his arms and legs trembled with each beat of his heart. Behind him, Noxica stood, with her needle tipped tail jammed deep into his neck. Her smug look was well earned as she exploited a childhood fear from her master.

"Lesson 2, limp dick: As your primary contract demon, I'm entitled to all the little secrets you keep in your head, including your fears." she flicked the container part of her syringe and made him gasp for breath as the vibrations traveled through him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" he was like a broken record, only every repeat of the phrase was more and more on the verge of a tear filled breakdown. Noxica only shook her head, further embarrassed that her master was as weak as he was. She pulled the needle out of him and gave him a sharp kick in the ass.

"Seriously! How did i ever get bested by this poor excuse for a warlock. We are seriously gonna have to teach him all the rules and responsibilities of owning a demon aren't we..."

Yuna stood up and addressed her friend with a genuine smile. "I don't think its so bad, better an idiot then someone who thinks he is entitled to your bits whenever he wants, right?"

"Urgh, he can still become that idiot." She threatened him with her tail millimeters from his eye socket. "Don't you ever think you deserve to fuck my pussy got it?"

"Nnnnygh!" came his reply, not willing to risk a silent nod for fear of losing his eye.

Noxica looked back at Yuna and gave her a slightly inquisitive look. "So what the hell were you two doing? And what the hell happened to Lewy over here?" She said nonchalantly giving her master a silly little pet name, not that he was in a position to protest.

"He said he couldn't understand the fundamentals of magic without a physical application of them. I warned him that not all things can simply be learnt by doing, but he was insistent..."

She raised an eyebrow at he master and gave him a naughty smile. "tsk tsk master, we play on a whole 'nother level then you. But maybe i can see if i can't slow things down for you. First, as your kind call them, Caltrips. Simple magic often used for flare."

Noxica extended her hand and held it palm up. "Close your fingers tips over your palm, and feel the heat generated in the pocket between your fingers and palm, then, Release." Opening her palm a small puff of blackish purple smoke plumed out then quickly dissipated. "For you, you might want to use a verbal incantation at first to get the idea on how to concentrate on it, but this spell can be quite handy for a dogging opponent."

Lewis slowly stood up, his fears still fresh in his mind. with a few calming breathes he held out his palm, repeated Noxica's instructions and with the incantation of the word "poof" he succeeded, creating a small puff of poisonous gas.

Yuna was surprised he managed to get it on the first try. "How was he able to do that? My studies said that Null Mages can't easily form spells of elemental natures."

"You obviously haven't studied Demonology basics. Warlocks and other demon summoning practitioners get a small attunement affinity with their partners. Lewy can use Poison element magics a little easier while i can use his Null magic to a limited extent, though i should wait until he can control them better before i try..."

Noxica then held out her hand and formed it into a "pistol" using her index and middle fingers to form the "barrel" of the weapon. "This one is called "dart" much as the gesture insinuates its a ranged attack." moving her thumb like it was the "gun's hammer" a green needle shaped object shot out of the tip of her fingers just like a bullet. Changing her hands position to a forward facing flat palm she demonstrated a variation of the spell, making it shoot out a spray of needles in a short range. "With practice this spell can fill in many roles as needed."

As expected, Lewis followed her instructions and learnt the spells in record time, even learning to double up on the pistol version.

"My my, your almost beginning to impress me. But here is the challenge for tonight, a spell i call "Bile" this one will be tricky for you since your not a natural poison user."

Noxica took a deep breath, puffing our her chest for maximum effect, and with an audible exhale began spewing out a waterfall of deep purple poison gas from her mouth, creating a highly acidic cloud knee deep around her. "You shouldn't try to create this much on your first try, use a simple breath for the first one."

Lewis took a deep breath at first, but simply released it, calming his nerves. Taking another breath not as deep he tried to mimic the spell, but the smell of the toxic breath made him lose his concentration and he inhaled mid-spell, taking a heavy dose of poison gas.

"Shit! This isn't good! I don't have an air based antidote ready!" Noxica panicked. "Where is Atrixia!"

"Up here darlings..." Atrixia waved lazily from the stands of the Arena. "I'll be right down..." With a snap of her fingers and an exasperated sigh she poofed into a cloud of smoke, reappearing in a similar fashion beside the coughing boy, leaning over him and hovering a loose fingered palm over his face. "This will burn child, try not to scream..." Wiggling her fingers over his mouth smoke fell from her finger tips and entered his mouth, his coughing got worse as the acrid smoke filled his lungs. Tears were forming in his eyes after a few seconds, with a snap of her fingers the smoke she put down his throat burst into embers.

Instantly he sat up and hacked and coughed, more embers shooting out of his mouth as he raggedly tried to curse at the woman.

"What the *cough* did you just *cough*ing try to do to me?!"

"Noxica's poisons are primarily volatile, easily combustible. I simply lit them up before your lungs had filtered them."

"You...*cough*ing...Bit-" Lewis seemed to run out of steam mid sentence, and collapsed face first into the dirt. Breathing slow and steady.

"The boy seems to have warn himself out...We should prepare him a room if he is going to be staying with us as long as he is..."


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Now we need plot and character development in that order

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Hope you continue this story it's getting more and more interesting.

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