Master of Sins Ch. 02

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A brief history of Hell, and two new Succubus.
2.7k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/26/2015
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A/N: Celebrating a little early but hey I never thought I'd get one like with my talent lol. On with the show!


A gentle warm softness encompassed his body. He was afraid that this was just something the afterlife used to get you to open your eyes, but he wouldn't do it. He just watched the earth get pulled apart at the seams, right as the hottest demon he could imagine tried to bust his nut.

Ok, so that last part seems a little farfetched, but the only explanation available was the one provided. And he had no reason to believe death felt like 10 million thread count silk. He clutched the body in his arms tightly, if the after life wanted him, he wasn't going to let it take him alone.

Several moments passed, and nothing happened. No phantasmal hand jerked him away, no light shone from above, no voice called out to him. He dared to open his eyes...

Around him was an ornately adorned room. A desk, upon which sat vials of bubbling liquids. The corner was home to a large vanity, assorted female products littered it's surface. A large mirror stood beside the bed, large enough to showcase the entire opposite wall in its reflection. And dozens of demon sculptures and lustful imagery providing an enchanting theme to the room.

"Where am i?" He spoke, severely confused as to how he got there. He peered at the woman in his arms, she lay limp, lifeless in his embrace. Panic filled his eyes, he bolted to his feet and carried her bridal style. Kicking open the door to the room he began running down the hall. He didn't have time to notice the level of detail within the halls as he called out for anyone to help him. Most people would of been cautious in new surroundings like this, but the boy was chivalrous if nothing else.

Bounding around a corner he slammed hard into someone. An immediate cold chill went through his body as he rebounded off them. Apologizing profusely, it took him a moment to relies who he bumped into.

"I'm so sorry, I hope i didn't hurt you, i just was trying to find" He locked eyes with the striking blues of his company.

Standing before him was the very Yuki-Onna he drew from days past. Her full figure on even more display now that her Yukata had been abruptly knocked open. He could only choke on his tongue as he couldn't find the power to function properly in front of such perfect beauty.

"Oh? A human? Here?" She blinked a moment before continuing. "Are you a friend of Noxica's?" She smiled warmly as she appraised her friend in the man's arms. That smile quickly faded as she placed a hand on her friend's forehead. She couldn't feel a magical pulse within her, Her Mana had been completely drained and she was dying. Struck with fear she locked eyes with the man and looked deeply into them, seeing just what she had feared to, a faint tinge of a black and neon green swirl was present in his iris'. Thrusting a palm into his torso she locked him in a layer of ice and stole her friend from him, dashing away down the halls.

Bursting through a large ornate door, she quickly called for the attention of the woman inside.

Glossy red skin, Angry, stern, and soul piercing grey eyes, Hair the color of clean burning smoke, and the frame of the stereotypical bombshell. All these features combined showed both the deadly skill of this woman, and show off her intense maturity. Dressed in something one would expect a proud dominatrix to wear to an evening event made her cold charm all the more alluring.

With a long drag of her long slender pipe, the sounds of pained screams could be heard, as if hundreds of people were being roasted alive. She let out a long, slow, lazy breath as the smoke wrapped around her like it was alive, floating like a snake poised to constrict her. As she stood up the smoke dispersed and disappeared from view.

With eyes filled with disdain she approached the panicking girl and inquired about her frantic behavior. "What is it child? You should know better than to burst into my room for anything trivial..."

Holding Noxica's body forward to show the woman, she tripped over trying to get the right words out. "A Null mage ma'am! I-I-I don't know how but they are here! He killed Noxica! He's probably come for us next!"

The woman's eyes widened as she quickly looked over Noxica, Confirming the girls worries. "Lock yourself in here, and stabilize Noxica as quick as you can! I'll deal with the mage, where is he?!"

"I froze him in the corridor just outside my room." The Yuki-Onna replied as she set Noxica on the bed and began mixing herbs up into an ointment.

Back in the corridor, The man was just starting to crack the sheet of ice holding him prisoner.

Managing to get his one arm free and most of his torso, he started punching the stuff layering his face to get some much needed oxygen. He had just managed to get free and a few ragged breaths before he was met with a new demon.

"Jesus! Fuck that was cold. Do you people not know about hospitality?" He looked up to meet the eyes of the red skin demon woman, and the intensity of her stare brought a cold shake to his bones. He instinctively knew there was no use talking with this woman, but he had to clear up this misunderstanding, these people must of thought he was some kind of threat.

"Wait, please! You don't understand why I'm here!"

"We know all too well Null mage, I don't know how you survived the slaughter those years ago but your unfortunate to have found your way here now." Pulling on her pipe she filled her lungs with the smoke before blowing it out into the halls and covering everything in thick smoke, effectively blinding the man.

A sharp pain resonated in the man's stomach as something that felt like it was going Mach three rammed into it, and held him off the ground by a few inches as he barfed out the entire contents of his stomach and emptied the air he just finished filling his lungs with. The object retreated and he fell limply to the ground, As his vision pulsed with sparkles and an encompassing blackness the smoke began vacuuming into the woman's pipe, as she stood over him, perplexed.

"Get up! I know you're not that weak!" She kicked him in the face quite hard, tossing him down the hall into a wall, causing it to indent. "You can't have survived the slaughters being so weak! I will not show mercy on you, even if you hide your powers on me!" She bolted forward to charge the man but was forced to stop once she was in striking distance. The man had choked out Noxica's name in a whimper, and begged for her forgiveness. This action puzzled the woman and she opted to hold the mans weakened body up by the scruff of his neck.

"Just why would a power hungry abomination like you want a demons forgiveness!" She spat in his face to show her disgust.

"I-I Don't *cough hack* know what i did to her...she was *hack hack* She was just following her side of the contract i think...and then *cough cough cough* I don't know what happened, i passed out...And i was here, in someone's bed, holding her limp body, I couldn't *cough* feel a pulse...I feared i may of killed her, and i hoped that just maybe, someone here could fix what happened."

The mention of a contract made the woman's body go cold. The entire mess of the Null mage war was started when one made a contract with a demon, and here it was happening all over again. She dropped the man and glared death at him as much as her icy eyes could. "What are the terms of your contract with her?"

After a few sputtering coughs the man replied. "I don't know, I didn't even mean to summon her, I was just fooling around and pretended i had magic and could use a summoning circle, then next thing i know she was standing there."

Now her eyes were wide with fear. "SHE ACCEPTED A BLIND CONTRACT!!" The woman stormed away from the man, back to the room she left the Yuki-Onna and Noxica in.

Kicking the door straight off its hinges she stomped right up to the bed and pushed the Yuki-Onna aside, took a deep drag of her pipe, and locked lips. The magical pulse echoed through the room loudly as life was returned to the young Succubi. Groggily she slowly opened her eyes and saw the red skinned demoness over top her, she was about to speak when that same woman gave her the harshest bitch slap anyone ever received.

"You stupid, arrogant, self centered retard! How many times have i told you to avoid blank contracts! We are trying not to be discovered by the rest of the Hellions!!" She raised her hand to slap the girl again but felt someone close their hand around her wrist. She was about to turn around and backhand the Yuki-Onna, thinking it was her, trying to save her best friend from a beating, but was shocked to find it was the boy.

"What ever she did wrong i will accept the responsibility for. I was the one who summoned her after all, it's all on me."

The red skinned Succubi just gave the boy a harsh heeled kick to his gut and sent him falling to his knees. "Don't act chivalrous boy, you have no idea how dangerous of a thing this girl just did, I'd kill her if i could spare the help..."

"I do not do this out of any act of kindness..." The boy said, trying to stand back onto his feet again, having just received two one move shit kickings. "I just think she suffered enough, whatever i just did to her i almost killed her didn't i?"

"No, you completely killed her." The older Succubi said stone cold. "I just sacrificed 1000 mortal years to convert into life essence to revive her, something that is not done lightly here." She gave Noxica a cold glare as she finished. "You know how that works right? You only get three of those."

"I understand Head Demoness, I will retire to my room and think upon my errors..." Noxica sat up to leave the bed but was pushed back down by her savior.

"You got one more to think about!" She said with embers flaking out of the corners of her mouth as she summoned a piece of paper from thin air with a flare of flames. "Care to explain this contract!?" She tossed the page at the girl, and waited for her to read it.

"I, Noxica Syrine, pledge to..." She stopped as the first half of the contract was blank, and skipped down till she saw more words. "In exchange, I will take Lewis Alexander's soul in a fit of sexual conduct..." She looked up at the steely eyed angry demoness with watery eyes of worry.

"That's fucking right! Do you have any idea what you have just done! He could ask for anything from you! And with your powers now gone he could ask to kill you!"

"I'll return them..." Lewis interjected. Surprising every one of the demons.

"You'll what?" The elder one softly spoke.

"I promise to return her powers...That will be my half of the contract." He said, trying to look stern and determined, but ended up just looking foolish.

"Do you even know how to?!" She boomed at the man before the contract began to glow and in writing, his exact words printed upon it.

"I, Noxica Syrine, pledge to assist Lewis Alexander in restoring my power...In exchange, I will take his soul in a fit of sexual conduct..." Noxica gave the page a raised eyebrow. "That doesn't even make sense!"

The glossy red demon sighed long and hard, smoke billowing out of her mouth as she did so. "It's in's official now." She rubbed her temples as a a migraine began to form. "Null mages...of all the things...I need to take a nap...Yuna!" She pointed to the icy demoness.

"You're on guard duty, if he uses any null powers you turn him into the iceberg that sank the titanic got it!" Without waiting for a response she left the room and returned to her own down the hall.

The three left in the room all slowly exchanged glances as silence filled the air. Lewis was the first one to break the silence with a cough.

" Mages? There is something going on here and i ain't got the first clue as to what." He looked towards Noxica who looked away in disgust, The Yuki-Onna, Yuna as he had learnt, gave him a slightly sympathetic smile.

"Come to my room, I suppose i can tell you about the history all of us have..."


(Yuna narrates)

Misfit Demons, a term only recently coined by the demonic counsel. It means demon of mixed sins. Our world is but one "probability" of many, meaning that this isn't the only Hell in exsistance, Just as your "earth" isn't the only one.

Each "dimension" is enveloped in what is best described as an Amoeba, it absorbs used Mana energies and restores it's power into another dimension, as do all the others. So each world is "exhaling and inhaling" Mana allowing magic to be used.

However in some cases, the amount is severely restricted, in the case of your earth you had little to no usable mana flowing inside of it, cause your Amoeba was exhaling too much and not receiving enough. Combine this with the awakening of your null powers and you rushed your world end to a hasty conclusion.

Null mages draw on the Amoeba for their powers, Just by existing they steal over 1000 fireball spells worth of Mana with each breath, then they add more when ever they cast spells. Engaging in battle with one is as destructive as it is stupid, you're killing the very place your trying to save.

Your being here is going to put us under the microscope, Mana will slowly be fading away from Hell and Lord Lucifer will soon begin to search out why. I don't know how much time we will have but until then we are going to have to train you how to use your powers and afterwards restore Noxica's, then prepare for the battle of our lives...


Lewis stood with his mouth agape, trying to wrap his head around the brief history lesson. He thought he had it memorized when something the Red woman from before stuck came back to him.

"That red girl, said something about a slaughter, how i couldn't exist or something."

"Atrixia, and yes, some years ago she was part of a charge of demons who fought, do or die, against all the null mages, and killed every last matter how young..." Yuna looked sad at that last little addition, it seemed odd for a demon to even have to fight tears for what sounded like a cold blooded slaughter of new born human life.

"How did i escape it then? I'm only 22, if our worlds interpretations of demons is even half correct you guys live longer than our millennia!"

"We do indeed." Yuna smiled a little. "As for your first question i can't give a complete answer. Maybe you evolved to hide your magical signature, maybe cause you never used Mana before your powers were dormant and undetectable. But what's done is done now, you've awakened, if only slightly to your powers, and now must learn to harness them or risk destroying yourself and everything around you...So, ready for school?" She said with a cryptic smile as she opened a gate to another dimension.

Displayed within was a large stone building, adorned upon it were the words "Wargsnouts College for Warlocks"



A special thanks to ManyeyedHydra for letting me use his universe in this series, I will have to point out though that mine are non canon and purely for fun.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

A great read I can only ask for lots more please as soon as possible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Excited to see where the story goes from here! I loved the first two chapters.

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