Mark and Micki, Julia and Fitz.

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Two couples; teaching, learning, loving.
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Fitz and Michaela.

He took a deep breath and stepped forward,

"H...Hi... I'm Fitz," said the young man to the pretty girl in the pink hoodie he'd hadn't been able to take his eyes off for the last forty-five minutes. She was dark-haired, high cheek bones crowned by the brightest blue eyes and just so amazingly 'pretty' - he was captivated by her, "can I... err... top that up..." He nodded towards her almost empty glass.

"Babe?!" shouted a hot blonde from across the bar, "Come on Hun, you'll need to finish your beer!"

The pretty girl looked at the boy, who despite his stuttered approach and rather nerdy look she actually thought was rather attractive and had noticed him noticing her, his bright blue eyes framed by his black Clark Kent glasses had a spark all their own and he looked actually rather sweet and she started to wish that she'd made more of an effort.

She looked at the glass, pondered and spoke,

"I'm with a group of friends but please..." She handed her glass forward to him.

"Babe!" shouted the hot blonde again, "We're moving on Michaela!" the almost empty glass was snatched from her and handed to him as the girl's arms were grabbed by two of her mates and she was pulled towards the door. She smiled back at him almost apologetically then she was lost to sight behind the huge forms of the two bouncers covering the door.

He was still halfway through his raised-hand 'hold on a second'/goodbye gesture when he was joined by one of his mates.

"Wassup Fitz?" said Dan, one of the four lads stood at the bar waiting for him to get the beers, "You trying to chat up the girly in pink there?"

"Yeah," he said watching the tuft of her ponytail just appearing in the pub window as her group continued their crawl towards at least another four possible hostelries.

"Too slow mate," said Daniel, "you should have gone straight over there and bought her a drink not waited half an hour!"

"Shall we follow..." said Fitz.

"No! Andy's just ordered a few plates of cheesy chips mate."

It was almost as if Fate herself was calling him to follow the girl but a quick look out of the window and she was gone.

"Chips Fitz!" said Andy and a plate was thrust into his chest.

And that was that.


Julia and Fitz.

Julia's husband left her for the bitch, a 29 year old (yeah right!) surgically-enhanced 40-30-36 bottle blonde that would shag him stupid. Their love-life had been pretty good and had taken a step-up once their second child had moved out but not enough for him it seemed.

She had a feeling that once the bitch had used up his energy and more importantly his bank balance she'd dump him as fast as she'd picked him up. When he was packing his clothes and digging out his golf clubs she told him that she knew for a fact that the bitch was only taking him because she'd told a friend of a good friend that she could, bragged about her bank-loan surgery and how she was going to make up the money for her huge bosom and stupid pouty lips from the first couple of blokes she snagged.

His staggering gullibility and his 'it's really not like that Julia' had her fuming and all but kicking him out the door.

He wanted a divorce, initially so he could settle with the bitch but it seemed rather more about hastening the sale of their large town house and she took her half of the money and bought a nice semi out in the sticks with no mortgage. She waited to hear about the ex's new marriage but somehow that never came along.

He new place was small but lovely and had a converted loft room that the estate agent said was used by the last owner as a student rent for extra income and she figured it was just the thing to make life that little bit easier.

It was her neighbour Carol that first introduced her to Fitz, the young post-graduate student studying hard over his doctoral thesis and now homeless thanks to a significant flood that had rendered the big house he'd rented a room in not fit for occupation for the last two months of the term.

His best mate and a previous resident in the house Dan said that his parent's new neighbour had a student loft room and was bound to accept him, and she had. Their discussion and Dan's description of him and his quiet and sensible habits was enough of a recommendation for the last few months of his course. He was bloody gorgeous and turned her head the second her friend brought her prospective lodger into her kitchen.

Tall, dark haired, with a slightly darker skin tone courtesy of second generation North African Mum, while his Dad had given him high cheek bones, strong jaw and eyes that looked electric blue behind his thick framed glasses.

"Julia this is our Daniel's friend Fitz that that I was telling you about; Fitz, this is my neighbour Julia Moore."

"Mrs Moore!" he said with a deep rumble towering over her by about a foot, "such a pleasure," he took her hand and shook it, "thank you so much for offering me a roof over my head. I'm David Fitzroy, but I generally answer to Fitz!"

The 'Mrs' Moore stuck in her mind as she had spent lots of time, money and heartache on that divorce,

"I haven't been 'Mrs' for a while now," she said with a grin, "Call me Julia."

She blanched, she couldn't believe she had said that! This boy, gorgeous as he was must have been half her age and how must she have sounded to him, some horny old bitch he was just about to move in with.

He bowed slightly, his grin was soooo nice.

"Julia then." He smiled again, "I'll get my bags out of my car."

Stood by the kitchen door, she watched as he opened the boot of his car and leant in for his bags and boxes, and Julia's neighbour Carol spoke what she was thinking.

"Just look at the arse on him Julia," she whispered, as he leaned in to grab an errant book escaped from open box and his khaki cargo trousers pulled tight, "he was on the same degree course as Daniel and they went travelling together after." Carol stepped even closer, "according to drunken hints on Dan's Facebook page he's hung like a HORSE!" Her neighbour giggled, "Danny and his other mate Andy were always quite surprised he never took advantage of that particular talent..." Carol sighed, "virgin," she hissed, "such a shame!"

Julia looked at her neighbour in some shock, and the best she could manage was a rather gasped 'ooh?'

"He's such a shy boy Jules," said Carol, "He probably needs someone to hold his hand for the first few trips up that particular mountain."

"Wh... what?" said Julia, still speechless.

"He's going to be staying in your house until April Darling, why not make use of him," Carol was a good fifteen years younger than her, second wife to hubby and step-mum to Daniel and had often been quite chatty and occasionally a bit cheeky-rude telling her neighbour over coffee what chats she had with her younger friends, what fun they had on girls' nights and hen weekends, something Julia hadn't known since she was young and single and hanging out with her girlfriends. "You could help him relax as he completes his thesis, take his mind off of the timelines, and let's face it - it'll help you sleep all the sweeter as well?" She folded her arms and looked up, "I'm guessing you haven't had... any, since your divorce?"

Even though she was struggling so much with the discussion she still shook her head to confirm the negative.

"Well then, do you both good -- besides," she bent down to Julia's cat and rubbed under its chin, "you'll be training him up for the next girl -- a gift to woman kind! come with me," Carol had often used that definition when she recounted one of her single friends occasional 'one-night relationships' so it was a concept she was aware of. Carol walked down to the car taking Julia's hand. "Anything we can help with Fitz?"

He was already pretty well loaded up,

"Only these few things, the rest is all pretty much sorted."

"Well I'll leave you in Julia's very capable hands then Darling," she turned to her neighbour and winked, moving in to put a hand flat on her friends chest and reaching up to kiss her cheek, "See you soon!" She stepped across to her step-son's friend, "See ya Fitz, behave now!"

He grinned and waved,

"See you Carol!"

Carol walked away with her usual feminine swagger and even though late thirties, church-going, staunch supporter of the Neighbourhood Watch was an extremely happily married woman she wondered if SHE might be thinking about taking advantage of the PhD student.

Julia shook those thoughts out of her head and helped him with his suitcase, bags, boxes of books and bits and pieces, and he was most grateful.

Fitz looked at the attractive older woman as she stepped forward and pushed the front door open, stepping into the hall and up the stairs. Christ, her arse was bloody amazing and loaded with boxes he hoped she wouldn't notice his eyes peaking over the top of them, glued to her perfect bottom with the light brown material of her slacks almost clinging to it as she swayed up each step.

She peaked back over her shoulder at the boy whose eyes went from her arse up to her face and she smiled back at him.

For Fitz he was still too bloody terrified to even consider whether it was a come on. He thought about what his good friend, recently graduated teacher and founder of this particular feast, Daniel would have suggested.

"Always be a GENTLEMAN Fitz," he'd said, "Girls might pretend they like the rough and ready type but that isn't you. Trust me, offer the girl dinner, then offer her your arm."

He thought about it, he was very hungry after all. He closed his bedroom door on the last of his boxes and left his washbag and towel in his bathroom on the first floor. Julia had an ensuite apparently.

He looked around once more and as he stepped down the first landing. He continued his walk downstairs thinking about Julia, the lady that 'seemed' to have given him a few looks and a bit of a come on since he arrived and walked into the kitchen seeing her looking in the fridge. His heart pounding he stepped forward.

"So Julia, I can't thank you enough for all of this; look, I haven't eaten since breakfast, could I... that is... would you like to go out to..." he didn't think he could pull off Dan's suggestions not for a minute, The lady smiled sweetly and folded her arms drawing even more attention to the great cleavage she was showing. Temporarily thrown, he eased back a bit, "...for a meal?" She looked a little shocked but not outrageously so, "I know there's a very nice pub restaurant a short walk from here, my treat."

"Why Fitz," she said with a grin, "that would be lovely!"

They walked down to pub, his car safely parked on her drive next to hers,

"Two pints of the Hooky please!" he said to the waitress who'd shown them to their table for two. She returned with the beers and two menus.

"This all looks lovely Fitz," said Julia, running a finger down the list and settling on the beefsteak.

Yeah, a rare ribeye with all of the usual, she could really do justice to that.

"I'll have the ribeye, medium rare please!" she said to the waitress, "with a small salad."

"I'll have the same!" said Fitz, "but with chips."

They made small talk about themselves. The boy explained that after training to be a teacher initially, he was now working on educational psychology. He'd shared a house with Dan from his first week at Uni and they were old friends.

She spoke about her moving to the smaller house after her divorce, the beer helping her to unload to this boy she hardly knew more than she ever had to anyone else, how the Ex had been the love of her life and hurt she had felt at his cheating and his abandonment of their life together. The sun started to settle and he ordered another two pints.

The food arrived and was delicious. The beer was equally good and was the just the best sideshow to the whole meal and Julia felt it hit the spot, no question.

Sat at the table while Fitz was deciding on whether to have a sweet course, Julia looked around the room and out of the patio doors saw a Friday afternoon couple lying down on the grass that led down to the stream in the beer garden, hugging and smooching and the man was getting very handsy with his very pretty girlfriend. She was wearing a skirt that even when she was stood up straight would have barely covered her bottom, the fact the man was stroking her thigh and her curvy arse made it ride up so the thin lacy nylon panties showed the bulge of her mound and a hint of camel toe.

The Hook Norton Brewery special she'd just cleared two pints of was a strong one and whether it was responsible, the couple making out by the stream or Carol's suggestion she 'help the boy out' Julia was feeling majorly horny and yes, she wanted the boy that had just bought her the tastiest steak she'd eaten in years; when he'd raised his eyebrows when she pointed out that she was single, when he'd struggled to ask her out for dinner -- all of that had been sooo cute.

They decided against the sweet course and finished their beers.

Once outside Julia realised quite how strong the beer had been when the fresh air hit her.

"Oh I say, I may need to take your arm Fitz! I have the wrong shoes for being this tipsy!"

He stepped across and offered his arm.

So close up he could smell her light and delicate perfume and she pushed close up against him he was sure he could feel her breast flesh pushing against his elbow, almost as if... she was grinding it against the tip?

They were back to the house quite quickly and she fumbled with her door keys. She dropped them, backing up into the light to get them and pushing her arse right into his groin.


She retrieved them, opened the door and stepped aside to let him in, closing and locking the door and stepping into the hallway and turning on the light. She leaned forward to remove her shoes and noticed that Fitz was looking down the front of her blouse, and when she stood up she could quite see why. Two buttons that would have kept the cotton favourite safely closed at her clavicles were undone and there was cleavage and the hint of the lace of her white bra exposed.

How the fuck had that happened?

For the last two hours she had been showing her cleavage and part of her bra to this very nice young boy! She thought back - Carol had put a hand on her chest when she kissed her cheek, the minx must have done it then!

She put a hand to her chest and saw an amount of what just had to be lust in her new lodger's eyes and rather than cover the line of flesh that indicated where he boobs pushed together, she instead forced her hand to the gold 'horn of plenty' pendant she was wearing from the chain around her neck and fiddled with it.

He looked really nervous now,

"Thanks for coming out Julia," he said with a hint of a stutter and the most gorgeous flush of embarrassment to his cheeks, "I'll go..." he gulped, "I'll head up to my room and start to unpack, I have to run a couple of the new paragraphs past my tutor on Monday morning!"

Julia felt a relaxation come over her as the pressure was lifted and beamed a smile at him.

He saw it and figured she was either being nice or was glad he was leaving.

He left.

Had he been lusting after her? How could he -- he was twenty four or twenty five with a dazzling look and a body she was lusting after. He MUST have a girlfriend at his age surely, must have been shagging lots of women with that big cock of his that Carol had hinted at.

She went up to her bedroom with some confusion, for something to do more than anything, and stood in front of the tall wardrobe door mirrors checking herself out, especially the cleavage he'd been looking at.

It wasn't bad, even she had to admit that, pretty bloody good for a late forties bird and just to confirm unfastened the few remaining buttons before slipping the blouse from her shoulders.

It was one of her better bra's she was pleased to note, one that she'd bought in the good times, during that great rediscovery of sex, their sexual renaissance; femininely lacy, still very white and holding her big boobs in the very best way. She looked at the tops of her slacks that although tight around her waist weren't digging in or giving her a belly bulge above or below.

She unbuttoned the slacks and pushed them down, stepping out of the hoops on the floor and hands on hips, twisted and turned checking out her waist line and belly, still good and relatively flat considering the two children she'd had.

With her back to the mirror she checked out her bottom; everyone had said, ex-husband, old boyfriends, girls from work, all had complimented her on her arse and the great shape it still had. She turned side on and thought about the tiny panties both of her daughters wore now they were both grown up, graduated, at work and pretty much moved out now. She wondered if she could get away with the tiny stringy bikini things they wore, the lacy shorts that rode high up on their cute bottoms, just as shapely as hers had been at that age.

She reached back and pulled the sides of her white panties in to ride high over her bottom like the girls had, turning and looking and smiling. Hell yeah, she could definitely get away with a few of those.

She turned to face the mirror, still with her hands holding the stretchy cotton high and lightly caressing buttocks that hadn't had that kind of attention since that bastard had left. She smiled at her reflection, then up and into the shocked face of Fitz.


Fitz had unpacked his books and emptied his suitcases into the chests of drawers and wardrobes.

Despite it being at least half an hour since he'd finished his beer he still felt a bit of the impact on a system that still wasn't fully used to being back on the beer again after graduating his first degree so long back and only seeing his few remaining mates on the occasional weekends these days.

He looked at his mug from before lunch and figured he'd take it down to the kitchen and bung it in the dishwasher. He was a really tidy person and couldn't stand mess, something he'd learned from his Dad and his lovely late Mum who'd died not two years before, killed by the leukaemia two weeks to the day after she'd come to his Masters' degree graduation not sixty miles away in the nearby city.

He stepped out and down the stairs stopping to stroke the cat purring at him for attention and as he looked at the humming feline he could see through a marginally open door on the next landing, the reflection of his landlady posing in the mirror then taking off her blouse. As he looked closer it was to see her stroking her breasts and turning to admire them.

He just had to get closer and see what was going on, thank heavens none of the stair treads or the floorboards of the landing squeaked to announce his presence.

Finally, as he stepped to the top of the next flight of stairs he could see her pushing down her trousers and step out of them, again twisting and turning to appreciate what he was appreciating, she had a great body and he could now see all of it!

Just as he thought it couldn't get better, she was pulling the material of the bikini panties high up into the crease of her fantastic arse giving him an even better view. He felt his erection strain against the elastane of his boxers.

Just when he decided he couldn't watch anymore and he really should be less pervy and put his mug in the kitchen, her heard a meowing and the cat pushed the door further open and he was no longer admiring a reflection but looking directly at the perfect arse of his landlady and at her pretty face staring back at him with a mouth as wide open as his.

"Hi... Julia," he said dumbstruck.

She turned a hand on her chest and the other on the front of her panties.

"Fitz, I..." the discussion with her neighbour that afternoon came into her head and she decided to brave it out and the first excuse rolled out, "sorry Darling, we... we tend to be rather relaxed about clothing here, always have."