Mark & Demi Join Intimate Club

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Initiation with a forced rollercoaster-ride of orgasms.
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This story could have ended up in more than one categories. For me the main theme here is a forced-upon initiation, hence the category NonConsent/Reluctance. There was another version of this story available. Due to too many mistakes I've replaced it. I apology to any reader for whom this might have been annoying. Anyway, I wish all readers a happy reading!


We arrived at the house at the appointed hour. It was a Friday evening. My wife Demi and I were invited to a special night with our friends Paul and Chantal, at their resident. We would be introduced to a circle of close friends. Being introduced meaning getting acquainted very intimately.

For a long time me and my girl had fantasized together about extra matrimonial activities of the sexual kind. As much as we were dying to explore these forbidden grounds with a couple we felt at ease with, and who were attractive to the both of us on a purely physical level as well, we did not want to jeopardize a good friendship. About a month ago, after thinking this through for the umpteenth time I had hinted to my close friend Paul that we were into something out of the ordinary in our relation.

I could not have come to a better person. Paul convinced me that these thoughts are o so familiar. Both he and Chantal used to have the same problem. Now they had an intimate circle of friends whom got together once a month, to let of some steam so to speak. The monthly meetings were socializing events, but in the end had one exciting goal only: to mingle together and have a plain good-old-time.

Two weeks ago Demi and I had a long cosy evening with Paul and Chantal. After a nice dinner at our place Paul and Chantal finally convinced my wife and me to take the final step. They told us about their secret club of intimate friends. It was a circle of free-thinking people, whom all lived very ordinary lives, right here in our town. We would be amazed how many members we probably already knew... as friends, such as Chantal and Paul, or as neighbourhood acquaintances, as colleagues... maybe even as relatives... Hell, one couple was said to live within a few hundred yards from us!

Once a month they came together and let down their normal occurrence to the outside world, and let the beast get out. It sounded like a free-for-all merry-go-round kind of happening, where you could eat your heart out. A no holes barred kind of touching, feeling up, groping, sucking, blowing 'n fucking happening. Not all evenings were the same, Chantal told us. Some could be simply plain fuck-a-tons, or furious gang-bang nights, but others were more like your old swingers parties, where couples would drift of to separate rooms in groups of 2 to 6 people.

So a plunge into the deep it would be. We were told there are a few rules to the club. We had to abide by them, or otherwise we could not be considered as candidate members. A week ago we met Chantal and Paul again, at their place. First of all this was our chance to back out if we had gotten cold feet. The week before we were given an outline of what to expect from the club, without all the details, and we were given a week respite. But since this opportunity was more like a dream come true for us, or at least that's how it looked to us, there was not a chance we would chicken out. Secondly, last week was our first real test. Although we did not have a full blown swing experience, it sure was one hell of a ride. If that was a taste if things to come, is surely tasted like a lot more.

We didn't go all the way, but things did get heated up for sure. After we finished dinner we made ourselves comfortable near the fireplace. Paul took Demi in his arms, made a full body contact hug, lifted her up, and flowed her on the soft music towards a big recliner. He laid himself down and draped Demi on top of him, embracing her tightly. In the meantime Chantal took charge of me. She told me to lay down on the sofa, on my side. Than she nestled herself against me with her back against my front, and pressed her butt into my groin. My growing bulge became very noticeable in a matter of seconds, at which Chantal sighed with pleasure. She took one of my hands and guided it to her crotch, pressing my fingers against her femininity. I laid my other hand on one of her breasts. Chantal wormed one of her hands between our bodies, and gently rubbed my dick through my pants. What followed was a nice and long petting session. A lot of smoothing went on. I noticed how Paul at one time caressed Demi's butt, and later he rubbed her thoroughly all over, including pleasuring her by kneading her tits and pinching her nipples through her blouse. In the end he had pushed her skirt all the way up and was rubbing her twat right through the gusset of her panties. By the way my Demi squirmed on top of Paul, he surely must have found her clit as well and stimulated her with his finger.

Chantal squirmed in my arms because of my actions, and from her heavy panting I was sure she had a good time. Her kneading of my prick made it impossible for me to keep my composure. Eventually I soaked my briefs completely as my cock spilled out the hot contents of my balls. I became a very sticky mess down there at which Chantal had to laugh. She licked traces of my sperm from her fingers which had leaked through my pants, with a big smile on her face. "Wow, how tasty you are, Mark. That will come to good use..."


As we entered the room I saw there were some eight couples assembled already. A few of them I recognised from our neighbourhood. That cute little Asian girl form across the street where we live sat on the couch, grinning broadly. Was this hot girl who was beaming at me presumptuously really the same Sheila I boggled my eyes at whenever I got the chance? My heart doubled its pace. Not in my wildest dreams had I really hoped for a chance to become ever more than just friendly with her. This nice girl with the pert ass and that fabulous petite chest, who sported the most exquisite facial features.

As everybody seemed to be present a little bit later after a few more couples had arrived, Chantal asked for silence. Besides Demi and me there was another couple present for the first time. They were being introduced by Ginger and Frank. Ginger was your typical short dressed redhead, who simply oozed sex from all her pores.

"Normally we do have some entertainment for our monthly evenings. But since we have two new couples today, the new girls will be our entertainment, as club-rules indicate. The girls will be subjected to our initiating rite and will be measured up properly. The boys will have to suffer as they will only be able to watch tonight, and cannot participate in the proceedings. Off course they will provide us all with hopefully a generous amount of their precious gift..."

A loud roar went up from the people present as Jim and I were escorted out of the room by Chantal and Ginger.

"Now we will prepare the two of you for a memorable evening", Chantal said. "First we will remove all your bodily hair below the waist. As we say in our club "no hair down there". This is the number one rule: keep yourself smooth at all times. We all are bald as a baby in the groin area, as well as everybody's asses and legs. Violation of this rule results in a penalty: you will be subjected to the treatment of a newbie. This is exactly what you will undergo tonight. Being subjected to this treatment as a full member of the club will be more uncomfortable and humiliating. But for the two of you this is all a new experience to be enjoyed as much as you can, although it can be cumbersome."

Ginger went on: "You can and will not participate in any action tonight. You will have no physical contact with the members, and you will not be able to touch yourself. We will make sure you will get your release; you will be able to climax, but that will be out of your control. You will have to watch your spouse being treated as she will be... We understand that for both of you it will be no problem to witness your wife having sex with someone else. If that bothers you I assure you you have definitely come to the wrong place."

"Now let's get on with you, and get you properly set up for tonight," Chantal went on. "Jim can take a bath now, for we will first start with Mark."

After Jim was left in the bathroom, the ladies stripped my clothes off and washed my vital parts with a warm cloth smelling like eucalyptus. Then they removed every last little hair on my cock and balls until I was a smooth as I had ever been. Chantal got a big blob of some white jelly substance from a jar, heated it between her hands by rubbing them together, and than massaged my cock and balls thoroughly, thus rubbing the cream in.

"This is our magic sperm butter. It's basically the same as cocoa butter, with Brazilian almond oil, but the main ingredient here is the sperm of our circle members. Tonight the two of you will provide us with a new fresh supply... as your entrance fee to our little club we will milk you dry, and in the meantime we will give your spouses a proper measuring. For it is one of our goals to ensure perfect compatibility. First we will provide you with your personal automatic masturbator; we call it our milk machine. Actually it is based on readily obtainable masturbators. Our main modification is that it is now designed to gather your sperm. And some considerable effort was given to more comfort and durability, so the devise can be used for hours at a time. It is also less cumbersome so it can be worn easily underneath not too snug fitting clothes. Ginger, will you please measure Mark's dick now?"

Ginger stepped forward. First she put a surgical steel cock ring around my penis and behind my scrotum. Then she took hold of my member, and placed a measuring ring around its root, measuring the circumference. She attached a ruler to the cock ring and held the ruler alongside my dick. "Measuring starting now," Ginger said, and at that moment I felt something being pushed against my butt hole. I gasped as I understood Chantal was going to arouse my already stiff member by stimulating my anus. As she shoved something into my rectum, I suddenly felt a firm grip around my nuts as they were squeezed tightly from behind. My rod jumped up and lengthened with another inch or so. "Bingo," Ginger screamed and she gave my rod a couple of jerks with her free hand. More blood was pumped into my dick which expanded to a frightening size I was not accustomed to myself. Whatever was put inside my butt was starting to tremble, sending shivers through my bottom. After some adjusting by Chantal the tip of what surely was some kind of plug directed its energy directly to my prostate. My dick began to jerk all by itself now.

"OK, we must not overdue this now. Let's fit him with his milk machine before he starts spilling himself all over the floor," Ginger said. "Let's see, that will be about 8 by 2.5 inch, with a scrotum size ... make that a ..."

From a cupboard Chantal took a contraption which was basically a tube. At the end was a nipple at which she put a valve with a hose and a ball attached to it. As she put some more sperm butter at the entrance she shoved the tube around my now fully erect penis. Than as she squeezed the ball I felt my dick being sucked gently inside the tube. After I was rooted inside, she pushed a button on a remote control and with a click the tube locked itself against the steel cock ring. Then Ginger put a glove like thing around my balls. It seemed to fit nicely all around my nuts. With another click on the remote and some more squeezes at the ball the glove sealed itself onto the cock ring and the tube, thus encasing my package completely. I felt how the contraption started to snug-fit itself around my prick and nuts perfectly.

"OK, that looks to me like a perfect fit," Ginger grinned admiringly. "The only way to operate or remove the milk machine is with the remote control. And since we will be holding the remote outside your reach tonight, you will be left at our mercy. Once you are through this night we will hand over the remote and show exactly how to fit and remove this, as well as give some practical advice for its use."

Chantal went on: "The prostate massager we have fitted you with is also a modification of a more ordinary butt plug. It can be operated with the remote as well. We leave you now for a while as we will prepare Jim in the same way. I will set the massager on low, just to keep you warm and occupied."

I was left alone in the room. The apparatus made a soft humming sound, and kept vibrating slowly. I felt a strange kneading and sucking sensation in my dick, and an urging sensation started to grow slowly deep within. I presumed this was the result of the butt plug, which I didn't feel at all at some times, but started to irritate at other moments. The slowly increasing state of arousal I experienced was not an unpleasant feeling, and it spread out from my crotch throughout my entire body. After examining the machine more closely I understood there was no way I was going to get the device off my package. Not that I wanted to, or at least not at that moment. It would have been physical impossible. The clicks with which the machine had closed itself must have been small but powerful electromagnets. For now they kept my pride securely locked inside.

After some time Jim came into the room, apparently fitted with the same equipment I was put into. We were brought back to the living room, where we were greeted with cheers and smiles. Even my girl beamed with delight. The participants had mingled and were scattered around the room, drinking their cocktails and chatting like this was your ordinary cocktail party. As soon as we were back, this all chanced rapidly. The host of tonight clapped his hands upon which everybody fell silent.


"OK, now we will prepare our ladies of the night. To make the boys feel a little bit less embarrassed, since they are already naked and equipped with the milk machines, the dress code from now on will be our customary lingerie only. May I invite the new couples to come here in the middle. Mark and Jim, you get yourselves on the chairs right here. You will witness the entire procedure and not leave your seats. Paul and Frank will help Laura and Demi get ready for what is to come. But first we have to blindfold the ladies."

After Jim and I sat down on the appointed chairs, our ankles and wrists were secured to the legs and arms of the chairs. Our dongs were put out of our reach already, and now we were made to stay where we were. There was no way we were going to interfere with whatever was going to happen right in front of our eyes.

The chattering continued during which everybody started to get rid of their clothes. Most people wore nice silk knickers, but quite a few stepped right out of those as well. In no time a number of semi-erections came into view, swaying to and fro. I even spotted two men with the same apparatus attached to their dicks as Jim and I were been provided with. I assumed theirs were set to low as well, just to keep them warmed and ready until they should be used. Most women wore nice sexy bras or bustiers, which hugged their breasts like a second skin. But before long even those were gone, and the most beautiful tits came on display. This was a pure delight to the eye. As some of the panties got out of the way as well it became clear Chantal had spoken the truth. No single hair obstructed my view of the delicious cunnies which paraded the room. Everybody was as bald as a baby, front and backsides. All cocks appeared to be as smooth as they could possibly be. Even without the ongoing stimulation from my milk machine I surely would have developed a considerable hard-on by now. The machine provided my cock and balls with a nice warm and tingling feeling, which spread out slowly throughout my entire body. The slow prostate stimulation made sure I was kept on a high level of arousal at all times.

Than my cock jumped up and twitched as I saw what was being done to my Demi, and to the other girl. Paul and Frank had attached two swings right next to us. The swings were suspended with ropes from the ceiling. After being blindfolded, Demi was being put into her swing first. Chantal had taken her clothes off completely. To my great surprise Demi's pussy was shaved clean as well. There was no landing strip or any other pattern of pubic hair above her slit. Her labia were very visible, and even her clit peaked out from between her folds. Chantal must clearly have instructed Demi beforehand. Stark naked Demi was put onto display, with her legs spread wide in a missionary position. Her head hang down backwards. Than Laura was treated equally. She had a very smooth and bald delta as well. The two girls ended up hanging spread-eagled in mid air, presenting two very beautiful flowers ready to be collected. I definitely could smell cunt.

"Now the measuring procedures will commence. We have measured Mark as a much sought after 8 to 2.5 cock (a loud roar from the crowd), and Jim as a little bit larger 8.5 to 2.4. As not too many people realize these are pretty good and much needed sizes. Because Mark is the slightly smaller, Demi probably will turn out to be a little bit more tight-fitting as well, so she we will start measuring her. After cock number one has finished with her, he can go on with Laura."

A pretty small man came forward, got his dick out of his briefs and started jerking himself. His cock was rather small, somewhere between 3 and 4 inches. I assumed this being 'cock number one', and I was right. After Paul had put on some soft sultry music, cock number one stepped right between the legs of Demi, and shoved his tool with one push all the way into my wife's pussy. Without any problem what so ever he rooted her completely. He pushed his hips in and out for about five minutes until Demi began to tremble a little bit. He withdrew himself and stepped over to Laura. Laura received the same treatment. At the same time cock number two stepped forward. He patted Demi on her tight tummy, and rubbed his tool between her legs. After slithering his dick through her slit up and down a few times, he positioned the tip at the entrance of Demi's love box, got hold of her hips, and trust himself forward slowly until he bottomed out as well. Cock number three was just a little bit bigger in length as well as around than number two, and its owner did have no problem at all to get his tool all wrapped up with my girl's cunt. The same was the case with number four and five.

Than number six came forward. It was Stan, who lived with his cute Asian Sheila across the street from our place. His tool was still trapped inside his milk machine. Sheila came forward as well, pushing a button on a small remote control. She then took the milk machine from her hubby, whose prick oozed some nice blobs of precum.

"Ginger, can you hand me Marks remote please?" Sheila asked with her child-like voice. Once she got hold of it, her intentions became clear to me immediately. The stimulation of my prostate increased considerably, and the sucking and kneading motions on my dick and balls went from moderate to quite vigorously.

"Well Mark, now I will let you come hard without even touching you at all. You will like that, won't you? I simply have to do this ..." she said to me with a wicked smile. As I witnessed how Stan first fingered Demi's tushy, then started to penetrate her swollen mound and finally started pumping into her in earnest, Sheila must have put up the stimulator step by step along the way. My cock began to jerk up and down, slowly at first. But as Stan was fucking my wife more vigorously, the stimulation of my prick finally became unbearable. Sheila definitely had put me over the brink. With an electric jolt hauling through my body, my orgasm hit me forcing a loud moan from my lips, and my sperm started to gush out in thick ropes. For some minutes my cock wouldn't stop spasming. The tugging motions of the milk machine effectively drained my balls till their last precious drop of fluid. As the intense feeling finally drained off I felt my machine still turned on, but now at a far more modest pace. The measuring procedure of Demi and Laura was actually orchestrated along straight and simple lines. The girls were introduced to all cocks present, except mine and Jim's that is. The fucking went on in order of increasing cock-size. The uneven cocks first took a turn with Demi, the even ones with Laura. Then they switched pussy and pounded away until they got to the point where they had to spill out their load of hot seed. At that point they would pull out of the oozing twats of the girls and spit out their ropes of cum. For this purpose there was a glass vessel at hand standing on a pedestal between the two girls. Once in a while the swings were adjusted to the height of the next member.