Making of a Sex Slave Ch. 04

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My Desire to be a Sex Slave Becomes a Reality.
7.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 04/07/2010
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The next couple of months were the most joyful of my life.

Every Friday Benjamin came over for supper with me and Sal. Occasionally Benjamin would call me on my cell phone earlier in the afternoon and let me know that he would be bringing over with him the drinks along with some fried chicken, Chinese take out, hamburgers and French fries, a couple of pizzas, or whatever he picked up.

Then after we ate, we would all go into the living room where Sal would watch Benjamin fuck me. Sometimes Sal would have me suck him off while Benjamin screwed me and a couple of times he even fucked me while I sucked Benjamin's dick. But most of the time he just masturbated into a handkerchief while Benjamin and I had sex.

More often than not, he had me do a little strip for them before the sex started, just like I did earlier -- although I stopped dressing up for the threesomes. I merely wore the clothes I had on during the day, especially if I worked that day. Several times Sal had me eat in the nude. He would also regularly turn on some ballgame after the three of us did our thing and tell Benjamin and I to go shower together.

Also, Sal would frequently go to Sam's house for an overnight fishing or hunting trip, leaving me and Benjamin with each other Friday night. A number of times he even stayed at Sam's all weekend.

I really looked forward to those occasions I had quality time alone with Benjamin. The sex between the two of us was very rewarding and educational. Sal never talked about sexual things; he just screwed me and then went to sleep. But Benjamin not only helped me learn more about bondage and discipline he also taught me about sexual things that I never knew before.

For example, I never knew that some societies consider homosexual acts to be normal sex. Also, four million years our australopithecine ancestors selected mates based upon physical characteristics that were sexually appealing to them. Those characteristics evolved to what men and women physically look like today. It made me wonder what was on the minds of male and female australopithecines when they chose a mate.

Benjamin also came over every Monday and Thursday evenings on those nights that Sal went with Sam for a couple of beers. Sal knew what I was doing. Once he even asked me how things were progressing between Benjamin and me. He didn't seem to care about what was happening. After a while, I didn't care any more either.

Sal and I were growing further and further apart while Benjamin and I were drawn closer together. I was also drawn deeper and deeper into bondage and discipline. Almost every time Benjamin and I were alone together he would chastise my flesh in some fashion or another. Although I looked forward to the vanilla sex we had when we were alone, it got so that whenever we were alone I expected him to torture me sexually. Indeed, I wanted him to make me suffer, to punish me. I turned into a real pain slut.

I never did find out why Sal originally invited Benjamin over to fuck me or why he allowed our sexual encounters to continue. Every time I approached the subject he just said it was to bring more adventure into our sex life. But I knew it was more than just that.

For a while I thought it was because he wanted to end the marriage. But when I asked him about it he said that he was content with the way the marriage was going. Eventually I stopped asking questions all together and accepted things the way they were.

Then one day it hit me: Sal was a voyeur. My husband got his jollies off just watching me walk around the house naked and watching Benjamin screw me every now and then. Wow! When I came to that realization, you could have knocked me over with a feather. That had to be it. Why else would a man invite his neighbor over to fuck his wife and then just watch the two of them do it? Eventually I just accepted that too.

Benjamin was also somewhat secretive. Every time I asked him where his own house was he would answer me, 'you'll find out soon enough.' He answered every one of my questions except that one. He gave me his cell phone number and his e-mail address -- both of which I frequently used. But he refused to give me the address of his own house or his business phone number.

I want to point out that when Benjamin gave me his cell phone number and his e-mail address he cautioned me about sending sexually explicit information over the airways and the Internet. He said that everything I say over a cell phone can be picked up by anyone with the proper equipment and anything I send to him in an e-mail is stored in the memory of the server. There it is accessible to anyone with the knowhow to retrieve it.

So, I have been very careful about what I say to Benjamin when we are talking on the phone and what I e-mail to him. I never talk about sexual things and I never send him nude pictures of myself or sexually explicit information.

Getting back to Benjamin's address, once when he was using the toilet I tried to sneak a peak in his wallet. It was a Thursday. We had just finished having sex and were lying together in the bed relaxing and talking. He got up and went into the bathroom. His clothes were lying next to his gym bag where he usually put them.

The door to the bathroom was closed. I tiptoed over to where his clothes were lying and took his wallet out of the pants pocket. He caught me just as I pulled his wallet out of his pants.

Surprised, I jumped up and put my hands behind my back, vainly hoping that he didn't see the wallet.

"What are you doing?" he sternly asked.

I lowered my head. I was embarrassed. I didn't answer him; I just showed him the wallet.

He took the wallet out of my hands and put it into his gym bag.

"You were trying to find out my home address, weren't you?" he continued, still rather harshly.

"Yes Sir," Is all I said.

"Didn't I tell you that you would find out soon enough? Don't you trust me?"

"Yes Sir. I'm sorry Sir. It won't happen again."

"I'm sure it won't. Now kneel on the bed and put your naked ass in the air."

He then beat my ass with the belt from his pants. I don't know how many times he smacked my butt -- maybe a dozen or so times -- but the hits were hard and they hurt. The spanking left me crying uncontrollably. I felt like a little girl who was punished for disobeying her parents.

Nor was the spanking intended to arouse me sexually as his spankings usually did.

When he finally stopped beating me, he barked, "Do you still wish to be my sex slave when I come over here?"

"Yes Sir," I said through my tears.

"Then you must learn to trust me. You do trust me, don't you?"

"Yes Sir, I would trust you with my life."

Before that moment I never fully realized just how much I trusted Benjamin. Many times he had me alone in the house. I let him tie me up, blindfold me and then do whatever he wanted to me. He was never brutal or anything -- except for this particular spanking. But still, with my hands tied behind my back, he could have really hurt me if he had a mind to and there was nothing that I could have done to stop him.

Even when he ordered me to kneel on the bed and put my naked ass in the air a few moments earlier, I knew what he was going to do to me. I knew that I was going to get the ass beating of my life. But I didn't hesitate to follow his command.

That's because somewhere deep inside of me I also knew that, no matter how severe the beating I was about to get would be, I knew that I deserved it. I also knew that he would not beat me so severely that it would do permanent damage to my body.

After he finished spanking my naked ass, he put his clothes back on. I just sat on the bed and watched him get dressed, sniffling the whole time. He picked up his gym bag and curtly said, "Your insolence has caused me to wonder whether or not you really trust me and want to be my sex slave. Tell Sal that I won't be over tomorrow evening. I have some work to do."

Then he went home. It was almost nine o'clock; I wasn't expecting Sal home until after ten. I fell into my pillow and cried. I cried, not because my butt hurt from the spanking, but from a broken heart. I suddenly realized that I had hurt the man I loved.

At that moment the only thing that I wanted was to have him back in my arms. To touch him, to hear his voice, to see his smile is all that I cared about. I didn't believe that my disrespect had caused him to leave me and never come back again. At least, I prayed that it did not. But I still felt alone and unloved at his absence.

After several minutes I sat up and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked around the bedroom. It was empty. I don't mean empty because there was no one there. It was without him, his spirit -- a far greater emptiness.

I said that the spanking was not intended to arouse me sexually. But that is exactly what it did. I was hotter than I have ever been. I longed to kiss Benjamin and suck his tongue deep into my mouth, to embrace him and to feel his dick deep inside of my pussy.

I lay back in my bed and masturbated. But the orgasm did not give me the relief that I sought. To begin with, it was a very mild climax. But more than that, I gave it to myself without Benjamin there. It left me feeling empty.

I decided to take a shower and go to bed.

I still had the chain around my waist. Benjamin had forgotten to remove it. I toyed with the idea of leaving it on while taking a shower. I decided to take it off and put it in the drawer in the nightstand on my side of the bed. I could put it back on the next time he came over.

After the shower I crawled into bed. I started to masturbate again, but I stopped before I reached an orgasm. I was too broken hearted to finish. I cried myself to sleep.

That weekend I was a total wreck. Everything I did seemed to be a complete failure. I burned Friday evening's dinner. Barbara and I were supposed to go shopping Saturday but I forgot all about it. When she called and asked me why I hadn't met her, I lied and told her I had a headache. Well, it wasn't a real lie; I was still hurting from having insulted Benjamin.

Then Saturday night I forgot to record a program on the Discover channel that I wanted to see. Luckily the program came on again at three in the morning; I programmed my box to record it then.

Sunday morning I dropped a glass and broke it. Then I cut my finger while picking up the pieces. It wasn't a bad cut; I put a bandage on it. But I was annoyed over the fact that something else had gone wrong.

About noon Sunday I called Benjamin on his cell phone but he didn't answer. I left a message telling him that I was sorry and asked him to call me back. He didn't. I started to send him a note in an e-mail telling him that I was sorry but then thought better of it. I didn't want to give him the impression that I was groveling. I canceled the e-mail before I was finished writing it.

Late Sunday afternoon I joined Sal in the living room. He was watching a ballgame on television. I wasn't interested in it; I have never been interested in sports. But I figured that by sitting there with him it might take my mind off my loneliness.

But sitting there watching Sal watch the ballgame only made me realize that I was in love with Benjamin. I wanted Benjamin in my life, not Sal. I knew then that it was only a matter of time before we got divorced and that Benjamin and I would be together.

Benjamin was everything I wanted in a husband. He was kind and considerate, secure and stable, loving and compassionate, fun to be with. But most of all, he put me first in everything. He put my needs, wants and desires ahead of his own.

But suddenly a thought hit me, what did Benjamin think of our relationship? Did he love me or was he just interested in the sex? Was he really committed to a long range relationship with me or was I just another fuck to him? Is that why he never gave me his home address? When his six month lease is up he is going to leave and then . . . My own thoughts devastated me.

Having only his cell phone number and his e-mail address, there was no way I could find him after he leaves. Was he just using me as his own fuck toy until his lease is up?

I immediately felt sick. I went to the bedroom, lay down on top of the spread and cried myself to sleep. But I wasn't asleep very long, maybe a half an hour.

"Deidra, wake up." It was Sal waking me from a beautiful dream where Benjamin and I were horseback riding at the beach.

I sat up.

"It's Benjamin on the phone. He wants to know if he can take you out to dinner." He handed me my cell phone and returned to his ballgame.

"Hello," I said into the phone. My heart was pounding.

"Yeah, I want to take you and Sal out to dinner, my treat. That is, if you don't have any other plans," Benjamin said.

"No, no we don't. I would be glad to go eat with you," I answered him. "Let me see if Sal wants to go." I went into the living room.

Then to Sal, "Benjamin wants to take us out to eat. I think that's a nice gesture."

"You go with him," Sal answered me. "I want to see how this ballgame comes out."

"Then you don't mind if Benjamin and I go out?"

"Do what you want," Sal answered me. Then he raised the volume on the television. He was more interested in his ballgame than he was with the fact that his wife was going out with another man.

"Sal wants to watch the end of his ballgame," I said to Benjamin. "But he said that it was OK if you and I went out."

"Great, meet me in the driveway in about five minutes," Benjamin replied and then he hung up before I could answer him.

I ran to the bathroom to check my hair and put on some lipstick. I opened the closet door and looked over the clothes hanging there. I wanted to wear something provocative. I quickly put on a straw yellow knit pullover blouse with green fringe that accentuated my 38 C breasts. My jeans were OK. I had bought them just three weeks earlier and they still had the new look. They were tight and showed off my round ass. Then I put on some low heel calf-length boots.

I felt like a teenybopper going out on her first date.

Benjamin was waiting for me in his driveway -- our driveways are next to each other. "You look lovely," he said with a smile. Then more sarcastically, "It's not often I get to see you with your clothes on."

I blushed.

"Come on, there's a great Italian restaurant I've been dying to take you to. You do eat Italian food don't you?"

"Yes," I answered him. "I love Italian food."

If you asked me what we ate, I couldn't tell you. Some kind of spaghetti with tomato sauce, cheese and I don't know what else. Benjamin ordered it along with the wine. But then I wasn't concentrating on the meal. I was on cloud nine and just happy to be there with him.

After we finished eating, standing in the parking lot next to his sport utility van, he held in me in his arms. I pressed my body against him. We kissed. It was a long, passionate kiss, our tongues danced together.

When we broke the kiss, I whispered into his ear, "I love you Benjamin. I want to be with you."

"I love you too Deidra. I don't want you to worry; in time we will be together. But there are a few things I have to do first."

"Oh Benjamin, how long . . ."

He put his finger on my lips, silencing me. "Trust me Deidra. For now just trust me. That's all I ask of you right now."

"OK Benjamin. I trust you. I love you."

We kissed again. After we broke the kiss we just stood embracing each other. I closed my eyes and let my emotions fill my thoughts. If he had asked me to strip naked and do a dance for him or to suck him off right there in the parking lot, I would not have hesitated to do it. I trusted him that much.

It was still early, just after eight o'clock.

"I don't want to go home right now Benjamin," I said to him. "Take me somewhere. I don't care where as long as we're together."

He drove to the lake. We got out, took off our shoes and walked in the sand along the beach. We talked about our future. I told him that I wanted to go see a divorce lawyer and that I wanted to be with him, not Sal. But he asked me to stay with Sal for a little while longer. He said that he had plans that needed tweaking and then we would be together.

I wanted to make love with him there on the beach under the stars and the light of the full moon -- it was a cloudless night -- but there was another couple a short distance away. We decided to return to his house.

Neither of us wanted Sal to know that we were back from dinner. So Benjamin didn't pull into his driveway as he normally does. Instead, as he pulled up in front of his house, he turned off the engine and the headlights and let the car roll to a stop. Then we tiptoed to his front door.

Once inside, he kept the lights off. But he gave me a "grand tour" of his home. Even in the darkness I could see that his house was almost void of furniture. It was a typical "bachelor" pad.

He had only a recliner chair, a floor lamp and a small flat-screen television in the living room; it was on the floor. The dinning room held a folding table and two folding chairs. His laptop and briefcase were on the table. The kitchen had only one of those office mini refrigerators and a microwave oven. The master bedroom consisted of a queen size mattress thrown on the floor with a mattress cover, a sheet, a blanket and a couple of pillows; it was unmade. There was also a small lamp and clock radio on the floor next to the mattress.

I didn't get to see the other two bedrooms but Benjamin told me they were empty, as was the utility room.

Benjamin explained that the reason he didn't fill the house up with furniture was because he knew he was only going to live here six months and then he was going back to his own home. He didn't want the expense and botheration of moving all kinds of furniture.

I asked him how he cooked his meals and washed his clothes. He told me that he made frequent, sometimes daily, trips to his own home.

We were standing in his bedroom. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I pressed my pussy against his groin. I could feel that he was erect. We kissed openmouthed; our tongues did a tango. He cupped my right breast with his left hand. He slid his right hand down my back and grabbed my left ass cheek. I moaned.

After we broke the kiss he asked, "Do you want to play or would you prefer some vanilla sex tonight?" Then he looked over toward his closet.

"I don't care," I responded weakly, "just as long as we make love."

He continued, "I would like to spank that ass of yours again. But I don't know if you're up to it after the beating I gave you the other night."

I looked up into his eyes. "I'm Ok . . . Sir. Whatever you want to do is alright with me."

"Do you want me to spank you like I did the other night? Did it make you hot?"

"Yes Sir it did." I paused. I knew what he was asking me. He wanted to really beat my ass hard. I looked over toward the closet. I assumed his gym bag of sex toys was in there. I looked back into his eyes. Then, "Yes Sir, I want you to spank me hard like you did Friday evening."

"OK, take off all your clothes slave, your blouse first."

"Yes Sir," I answered him softly and pulled my blouse over my head.

"Now your brassier."

I did as he instructed, letting the bra fall to the floor.

Benjamin reached out and caressed both of my breasts and nipples. Then he kissed each nipple while massaging my breasts. I let him do as he pleased. I was too filled with joy just standing there with him to do anything else.

Next he ordered me to finish stripping, one article of clothing at a time. As soon as I was completely naked he ordered me to take off his shirt. Then he pinched both of my nipples between his thumbs and first fingers. He squeezed them hard and pulled me toward himself. Without letting go of my nipples, he kissed me on my mouth, pushing his tongue deep into my orifice. I sucked him eagerly.