Make Me Yours

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Vampire take out.
10.9k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 06/22/2023
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This story follows on after "Bite Me" and "Use Me" and concludes the naughty trilogy of Vampire take out. I will stress that this is a fantasy, and in no way an S&M how to guide.

It contains blatant mind control and manipulation and scenes of a non consensual nature.


She offers me her arm and walks me to bed like an invalid. Like the feeble-minded fool I have become. I can feel the daylight weighing on me, pressing me into the mattress even through twelve feet of steel and concrete.

"Don't do anything..." anything stupid. But the lights are already going out.

I startle awake with a hiss, but she isn't in my bed. There's a subtle scent, what is that? Orange juice... peaches... chocolate... and the sound of artificial laughter coming from another room.

I went to sleep naked. I've woken up wearing a flimsy slip of an ivory silk nightgown, and she must have brushed out my hair so it didn't dry into a bird's nest. I mean, it's not what I expected of her at all.

I stand and watch her stare at cable TV. She's half wearing my bathrobe, feet tucked under her as she lounges, happy in her little sitcom bubble without a care in the world. She's sipping vodka and orange with half a can of tinned peaches balanced precariously on the arm of the couch, fork still sticking out of it. I cross between her and the screen on the way through to my office and she gives an adorable little squeak.

The summer nights are short. I check my messages early, there's nothing urgent. I make a couple of calls, set up a meeting in the small hours with my attorney. Have Giuseppe run Abbie's purse down to the attorney's office in advance with instructions to run checks on her finances. I ask him to pick up a pair of ladies flats in a size eight, and a couple of outfits, size ten.

"So umm... outfits. For the bedroom? For the country club? Is she coming to the pledge with you?" he asks.

"Something respectable," I reply neutrally.

"Noted," he says. I imagine him smirking in the short silence before I hang up.

I observe her from the corner of my eye. She mutes the show, but keeps watching, trying not to eavesdrop on me. She's not smiling any more.

But what to do...

A pet? A maid? An amuse bouche? Champagne on ice? I never brought a girl down here before. Don't think too hard about it.

I don't need to feed yet. Abbie will keep the benefits and drawbacks of my gift for at least a month.

There are plenty of other things I have to do, and few of those things easily lend themselves to having a mortal thrall trailing after me.

"Thanks." I gesture at my slip and smile. "It's not a bad way to wake up."

"Thank... you?" Her nervous eyes light on my barely covered tits before settling back on my face.

"Wash your hands and take a look through the closet. Find me something corporate but sexy to change into, hmm?"

She looks relieved, I guess, perhaps a little disappointed, but she obeys.

I work on my hair and makeup, leave the straightening iron running hot in its little rack as I sketch out my face in color. I give her a nod of approval as she lays the outfit neatly on my bed. "Come here. Can't have you slobbing around in rags either."

She sits at my dresser and I stand behind her, running my fingers through her thick black hair. She is staring at my reflection, a little surprised, a little curious.

"You're awfully calm considering what I put you through."

She takes a couple of big breaths and frowns. My command last night still has a hold of her.

"It wasn't a question but please. Speak freely."

"I don't get it," she says.

I raise an eyebrow as I section out her abundant tresses and work in some expensive concoction to protect it from the heat.

"Why'd you take me?"

"Maybe you bear a passing resemblance to someone I once knew."

She frowns so hard that her perfectly manicured brows threaten to connect. "Really?"

"A little."

There's the barest hiss as the iron meets her hair, and a sweet chemical smell. She stares at me in the mirror, an indignant little curl to her lip.

"Oh don't fuss. You barely remind me of her at all," I laugh quietly. "It's not like I got a good look at you before I invited you in, Abbie. That rain did nothing for your hair. I can't say I noticed how beautiful you were until umm... Well. Until you looked at me like that, actually."

Her offended expression softens.

"You think I'm..."

"Your scowl does reminds me of someone I once admired. Very much. And all this hair? There's so damn much of it I'm jealous." My hand comes to rest on her breast where I bit her last night. "I found you because you needed me to, my dear. Nothing more than that."

"So it could have been anybody?"

"I didn't say that. Do you remember the promise you made?"

"The secret vampire promise?" Her face is suddenly so serious.

"The oath of blood." I suppress my amusement. "The words are important. I appreciate that their formality feels unnatural."

"I can keep it all secret, I swear."

"That's acceptable. Do you remember what else I told you?" I run my fingers through the perfectly straight, glossy crown and she shivers.

"I guess." Her reflection stares back at me, intense, but calm. "It's changed me. I don't feel bad like I thought I would, nothing's hurting anymore and I'm more angry than scared tonight." Who's she kidding? "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

I shrug. I mustn't look away, however on the mark that irritating question was. "I didn't ask how you felt. I know damn well how you feel, that's the point of all this."

"I don't mean all that kinky stuff, I get that, it's all good. I'm talking about... other stuff. How you made yourself sick."

"Don't go there, Abbie."

"Right." She blushes, the color creeps up her slender neck before it brightens her cheeks. "You're the boss. I'm just the pineapple pizza."

"I told you it would make me sick but you still wanted me to do it."

She looks downcast. "I did. It felt beautiful, I knew it would."

I lift her chin to one side and stroke down the line of her jugular vein "Silly girl." I savor the youthful perfection of her skin.

"Why did it make you..."

"Shh, Abbie, it doesn't matter."


"It isn't psychological, it isn't some hang up, and there's nothing wrong with either of us. Why, there are several leeches I know who could happily fulfill your fantasy. One of them even wears a cape when the mood takes him. Very few of us must eat as selectively as I do."

"Bullshit! You didn't bite me because I wanted it, you did it to hurt yourself!"

"What an adorably insightful observation." I tighten my grip on her jaw just a fraction and she tenses up. When her hands grip my wrist I neither increase nor release the pressure. "Go and clear away the things you've used. Tie off the trash bag and wait by the stairs with it."

"Yes ma'am," she says calmly, although her eyes tell a different story. So what.

The naughty thing can be obedient when she wants to. While she tidies away her mess I make plans to entertain her through what would otherwise be at tedious evening for her. I write brief instructions for Meredith's servants and seal the note in a little envelope. Hurt myself indeed. The cheek of her makes me smile.

Giuseppe has her new things ready upstairs. I have her change into the outfit in the common room while he looks the other way. It's humid tonight. He's chosen a button down coral colored dress with a subtle floral print and coordinating linen jacket. The underwear is a virgin white bralette and matching panties that does nothing to contain her assets. She folds her arms across her chest. The lace is already irritating her lovely nipples.

He hands me her phone, still switched off, fully charged, screen obliterated by hairline cracks. I drop it into her purse with her makeup.

"Leave it turned off for now. I'm sure Meredith will have something you can use right out of the box."

"You're not... you're not planning any more..."

"Not tonight. Tonight I pay you for services rendered."

"This is so fucking messed up."

Giuseppe opens the door, my driver is already waiting for us.

It's perfectly air conditioned, state of the art secure of course. A marvel of understated wealth. Still I know there are always eyes upon me, within the hour tongues will be wagging. Let them talk.

"Did you sleep at all?"

"No ma'am," she says, suppressing a little yawn.

"Lie down."

"I thought you said..."

"Rest, damn it. You want me to force you?"

"No. But like, what if something happens?"

I take it for granted she will obey in spite of her reservations. Sure enough she curls up on her side, head on my lap, eyes half mast, but sleep doesn't come easy.

It's a good hour's drive up to Meredith's place, a creepy old Georgian mansion near Portsmouth. It was her sire's haven once, she is the rightful custodian whilst he remains incapacitated. He's been inactive for so long that I'm not the only one wondering if he'll ever wake.

Meredith has played the scholar and the diplomat for decades, always with the spiritual health of the city in mind. Tonight mages, kindred, garou and kinfolk will put their differences aside, break bread together. If she pulls it off, it will be a monumental achievement.

Meredith has worked hard for this, both for the good of Boston, and for me. I am awed by the dedication of mundane kindred and mortals in the face of infernal threats. Each individual has little power but together they form a formidable network of knowledge and resources unmatched in modern times.

Abbie is trying to rest but her mind won't let her. She wants to ask where we're going, but she's afraid I'll silence her if she speaks. She watched me sleep before. Stared for hours as I lay unmoving.

I reach between the buttons and under the white lace to cup her breast. Her breath catches but she keeps pretending to be half asleep.

"It will seem frivolous to you, girl, but we're heading to a house party for a couple of hours. We can deal with mundane rubbish later. On our way home."

"Are you always in my head?" Still she keeps her eyes shut.

I feign a little pout but she isn't looking. "Only since we met. Are you tired of it already?" Her breasts are sensitive. l unbutton the dress a little, shift the bralette just enough to expose her teat. I take care to make my touch just firm enough to please her, circle her firm nipple with the tip on my finger like I did with the oil yesterday night.

Her eyes flutter open, "You said tonight was..."

I stroke my thumb gently up the peak. "After the party I'll take you up to Laura Scott's office. She's my trusted attorney for all things real estate and I pay her with money and dividends, not sexual favors. She'll make short work of the mess you're in with bad old uncle Henry."

"What kind of party?" Cute little wobble in her voice. I don't need to be a mind reader to see she's far too nervous to sleep.

"Semi-formal. Intimate at times perhaps, and there will be other guests like yourself, servants of my kind. Usually they're entertained separately to avoid unpleasantness, but knowing Meredith the unpleasantness will be kept to a bare minimum anyway, she's an impeccable host. Conversation is an art during gatherings like this. No-one talks of vampires or of ghouls or mages in mixed company. We all keep our secrets."

"Does that mean I can't talk to other people about you?"

"You must listen more than you talk, my lamb. Speak when you're spoken to. There's a pecking order after all, and you've been a ghoul what? Eighteen hours if that?" I laugh.

She's excited now as well as fearful, a lovely flush to her cheeks.

"You are mine, Abbie. That will draw questions and stares from almost everything and everyone, because I am not in the habit of adopting strays or getting distracted this way."

"A proper party then? Not..."

"Mmm, I'm not promising anything. If Benoit is there I may offer you to him. We call people who become accustomed to the kiss blood dolls. Dolls have lower status than ghouled servants, practically disposable if I'm honest, and I wouldn't want to make it a regular thing. You deserve an indulgence tonight though, since you've been such a good girl for me."

"But I don't want anyone else."

"Shh..." I stroke a finger down the bridge of her nose and tease her half open lips. "Are you arguing with me again? Do I need to be firm with you?"

She shakes her head, "No ma'am."

"One mouth is much like another, dearest. You'll close your eyes and think of my kiss, it will help, but don't lie. I can see right into your heart. I know what you desire Abigail."

"Then you know it's true. I'm not lying."

"You wish to please me, that's your heart's desire. Can you guess what my pleasure will be?"

She can't answer back again with my fingers in her mouth, teasing her tongue, caressing her sensitive lips. She begins to suckle as I massage her breast a little more firmly.

"Benoit owes me a life debt, it always pleases me to have him take care of little things now and then, but that's not it. Do you know?"

She shakes her head barely as she fellates my fingers with her soft tongue.

I pinch her teat, only a little but she gives a little moan of appreciation. "Your breasts are enough to tempt me to distraction."

I free her mouth, still circling her lips with damp fingers. She is a delight. Her full lips rosy with desire, her knees drifting apart, unconsciously inviting me between them.

"Your pussy needs a rest," I smirk. "And your adorable ass too."

She giggles nervously.

"Mmm. But I will do wicked things to your tits."

She shivers in my arms. I slide a finger back into her mouth, press gently onto her submissive tongue.

"I will do wicked things and you will come to crave them, Abbie."

Her breathing quickens as I pinch just a little more firmly.

"Keep your mouth open, little temptress, just as you are."

I have not forced her this time. She doesn't even think about closing her mouth though her lip trembles.

"A little more tongue?"

She gives a little sigh as she obeys, tension leaves her neck and shoulders.

"If you can keep still while I feed you, I'll take it that you have the self control to stay by my side. Otherwise? It's going to be organized fun and chaperones in the back room my dear."

I taste my own bittersweet vitae as I nip my thumb. It's not a fair test, obviously. Her pupils double in size just at the sight of the drop hanging from my tiny wound.

"Oops." I let it fall onto the tip of her tongue.

Abbie mewls in frustration as it melts into her but she doesn't flinch.

I lean down and kiss her brow, "Good girl."

This time I stroke my thumb against her tongue, her little gasp is panicked. She doesn't move but the tension strains her neck and shoulders, holding back.

"You feel it?" I whisper, lips against her skin, "it would take all, leave us both with nothing."

She stares up at me, trying to guess if I mean her to succeed or fail. I can't say I mind either way. Her desperation is enough for me.

Her tongue rests patiently on her lower lip. She could be waiting for the sacrament with her reverent restraint. Her hands stay right by her sides, fists clenched tight. The blood demands touch, demands lust, but she contains it.

"I'm impressed, little one. I know ghouls with fifty years on you that couldn't do this."

How easy she is to please. Her eyes are bright with moisture as they find mine. For a few precious seconds the next drop hangs there ignored. Then she pounces on it. Hands clamped on my wrist, sucking hard, willing the vitae to flow faster.

"Oh Abbie," I chide her gently. She's coming, the little harlot! I laugh down at her as her eyes roll back, as her hips thrust at nothing. "What is that? Is that tongue wired to your clit? Honestly. You were doing so well."

"I can't... can't help it..." she squirms, little rivulets of vitae escape her mouth, run into her hair. "I tried!"

"I expect you did."


Abbie sees the vampire's lips moving, feels her body shift as her mistress laughs, but all she can hear is her pulse bounding. This is worse than yesterday. The wound closes, the vitae disappears into the parched tissue of her mouth like the last drop of water in the desert. It hurts her soul.

"Oh god..." she whines, "please don't take it away!"

"Don't be a baby," the vampire says, "you can have more later. If you're good."

Later at the party? Later at home? Tomorrow even?

"I'll leave you with the clan ghouls I guess. Let them get to know you better. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you start complaining I only feed you once a fucking day."

"I'm sorry."

"You think?"

Abbie watches the vampire's eyes narrow. Wishes she could see what her mistress is planning as easily as...

"Now. Where would be the fun in that?"

The sensation of the vitae dispersing into her bloodstream is electric, like the fading sparks of an orgasm so powerful it would have knocked her off her feet.

"Vitae will heal wounds, you felt it instinctually last night. I will never demand more than you can give, Abbie. You should know, I wouldn't waste vitae on you if I didn't plan for you to use it."

The ghoul's heart does a little somersault in her chest at the implications.

"The clan in Boston consists of myself and Meredith, we have close ties with kin in Chelsea too. As a rule if someone drops my name or hers you should assist them, but be sure to inform us after the fact."

"Assist them like..."

"You know. With shelter, money, food and blood, but I realize it seems stupid now because you have nothing. I'm just teaching how the shadows work. If you plan to keep your oath, this is important stuff."

"It is! It is important to me."

"For shelter, you'll make part of your home lightproof. It doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to be thoroughly blacked out. Money? I'll have Ms Scott provide you with a card. Food... I'm talking about putting people up in your home that might have issues. Issues that mean they need to stay low."

"And should I f... feed them more than food? Would you trust them not to..."

"Rarely offer your own. The clan ghouls will give you the boring details, but essentially we need access to a variety of sources for visiting kindred. Specific tastes to suit the connoisseurs of my kind, and a broader variety of flavors to draw on too. Youth to age, different genders, hair color, eye color, ethnicity; you get the picture."

"I'm starting to get the picture I guess," Abbie says. She bites her lip as ice fingers toy with her sensitive nipples.

"That's what I like about you Abigail. You're a very quick study."

"I promised. I wish you could just keep using me for fun. I'd like that."

"Meredith knows what I like. I'm pretty sure there will be a quiet little spot where horny ghouls and blood dolls enjoy some heavy petting. That's where I'll be parking your soft little ass for tonight while I do business."

The part of Abbie that wants to protest is gone. The idea of telling her mistress that she doesn't fuck strangers is absurd. Still, the truth is horrifying; it's going to hurt and it's supposed to hurt. That's what Elizabeth wants to feel.

"Shh, don't do that. Don't start blaming yourself, I need this. It grounds me. I can't be all up in my own head, worrying about every detail of this forsaken domain of mine, a good fuck and a feed and I'm right as rain."

"That's cold."

"It is, isn't it?" Elizabeth smiles. "I'm going to be extremely polite and welcoming to a whole host of two faced people tonight. The only reason they are even contemplating working together is fear. Existential dread. Not of me or mine, no, despite what some narcissistic vampires believe we are no threat to mages and wolves. They are all afraid of demonkind. The end of everything. This..."