M Club Ch. 06


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"No," she said. "But I've been meaning to give it a try. Heard that new place on Skyway is pretty good."

Andy's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah. Maybe we should try it sometime."

Lisa realized she'd just served up an easy softball and Andy had swung for the fences. For her to turn him down would seem awkward now. She had already convinced herself that a date probably wouldn't be so bad, after all.

"Yeah," she said, almost adding a qualifier or hedge, but instead left it at that.

"Cool," he said. He, too, seemed to be unwilling to act too over-eager or specific, perhaps for fear of scaring her off. Was dating always this awkward?

Lisa realized both Sean and Denby were looking at her. What was that -- gloating? Relief? Joy? Expectation? She didn't feel like dealing any of those expectations right now.

"I should be getting home," she said, turning back to Andy. "Mind giving me a lift?"

"Sure. Happy to."

Andy didn't even waste a moment, sliding out of the booth to make way for her. Lisa quickly followed and noted that Sean and Denby were staying behind. She was happy both for them getting a little extra private time as well as not having to face those expectant looks any longer.

"Chat later?" Denby asked.

"Sure," Lisa said, giving her friend a quick smile. The grilling was inevitable.

"Catch you guys later," Sean said. "It was fun."

Lisa and Andy both agreed and gave their farewells before heading back out into the torrential rain. Andy offered to bring his car around for her, but this time Lisa just ran with him through the parking lot. By the time they got inside, her shoes were soaked through and the rest of her clothes were nearly as bad.

"Blah," Andy said, wiping the rain from his face with the hem of his shirt. "Sorry, but I don't think I have a towel or anything else in here."

"It's okay," Lisa said. "I was just ready to get away."


"Definitely third-wheeling."

Andy opened his mouth as if to say something and then closed it. He looked deep in thought and then must have made up his mind. "Look, that sushi thing...if you didn't want to go out with me, that's cool. I know it was our code word, which worked great, but I just kinda..."

Lisa was surprised to hear the uncertainty in his voice. He'd always seemed confident, almost cocky, in their previous interactions. Now she was seeing in him just a bit of how she often felt. It was endearing.

"It's fine," she said. "I meant it. Yes, I'd like to go try that restaurant with you sometime. Or anywhere else if you're not into sushi."

Andy's entire body relaxed in relief. "Sushi sounds fine. Never had it, but we can pop our sushi cherry together."

Lisa giggled. "Works for me. We can figure out a time later."

"Deal. Now, let's get you home before you freeze to death."

Lisa got Andy headed in the right direction and settled back, reflecting upon all that had happened in the last two hours. It was hard to decide which was the bigger deal -- masturbating in a public place with friends, or accepting a date. What did that say about her?

"What's on your mind?" Andy must have had enough of their awkward silence.

"Oh, sorry," she said. "Just thinking about earlier. Back in the golf course. Crazy."

"Yeah, that was pretty nuts. But awesome."

Lisa nodded. "It was. Just a shame I couldn't finish. Got so freaking turned on."

"You looked like it." Andy glanced her way, as if trying to judge how she would take his observation.

"You too," she said.

"I was. Easy when I have such inspiration."

Lisa felt herself blush, knowing full well he'd only been checking her out when they had been playing. She remembered clearly the look in his eye, the thrusting of his hips. The image in her mind sent a tingle back down between her legs.

"I don't know what it is," she said, her voice low, "but there's just something about doing it in front of other people."

"Uh huh."

Lisa saw the turn to her street coming up, but a moment of hesitation resulted in Andy driving right past it. She didn't realize exactly why until they reached the next block and the entrance to Walters Park.

"Turn in here," she said, suppressing a shiver more from nerves than the chill that had overcome her.

Andy obediently turned his car and followed the narrow, twisty road that cut through old growth trees and dense undergrowth. At the end of the drive was a small parking lot that was, to her relief, empty.

"You don't live in the park, I trust," Andy said. Lisa detected a hint of nerves in his voice that echoed her own.

"No," she said, barely trusting her own voice. Was she really doing this? "Just park over there."

Andy pulled into the far corner spot where half the car would be obscured by trees and the rest by the heavy rain. Their windows were also sufficiently fogged to provide plenty of privacy. He turned off the engine and looked at her, uncertain but eager.

Lisa took a deep breath. "I was hoping, maybe, you wouldn't mind if we finished what we started earlier."

Andy smiled, looking instantly more at ease. "I'd love to."

"Club rules, still," Lisa added. She'd agreed to go on a date with him, but she didn't want him to make any other assumptions. Of course, how crazy was it that she was going to expose herself to and masturbate with a boy, in his car, but not allow him to touch or kiss her?

"Of course," he said, nodding.

Lisa reached down to unzip her shorts and Andy wasted no time in following her lead. By the time she was able to wiggle out of the damp clothing and slide her shorts and panties down to her knees, Andy had already fished his cock out of his fly. He had to have already been hard, she realized -- probably as soon as she'd mentioned their club activity.

"No fair," she said, teasing. "You don't have to pull your shorts all the way down."

"I can if you'd like," he said. His gaze fell to her crotch and she let her legs slip a little wider.

"Nah, it's fine," she said, letting her fingers tease along her inner thighs. "I can see the goods."

Andy peered around the parking lot one last time and then reclined his seat just a bit. Lisa looked around as well, but their windows were already so fogged that it would be almost impossible to see anyone in the lot unless they were right next to the car. With the rain coming down as hard as it was now, she couldn't imagine anyone out there sneaking a peek. And even if someone did...

"You wanna see my tits?" Lisa couldn't believe how easily the suggestion came out of her mouth. Back at the golf course, though, she'd wanted to show them. Here she had the opportunity.

"You honestly think I'd ever turn down an offer like that?"

Lisa smiled. She pulled her sweatshirt over her head and tossed in on top of her backpack by her feet. For a moment she considered just stripping down all the way, but decided that might be going just a bit too far on the very off-chance someone did come by. Instead, she pulled down the scoop neck of her stretchy t-shirt until it was hooked underneath one bra cup. It probably wouldn't accommodate both breasts, so she just left it at the one and worked the cup down as well until her breast popped free.

Andy licked his lips. "If you don't mind my saying, you have really nice tits."

"Say it all you like." Lisa liked the compliment, even if she felt a little self-conscious about it. She soaked up his attention, just as she had when it was both him and Sean, and even Denby. But being just the two of them, it somehow felt a bit more intimate, more suggestive. It made her nervous and excited all at once.

"I'd love to touch," he said, stroking his cock with a long, slow pace. "But I know the rules."

"Yup. Not this time." Lisa lifted the breast suggestively and then pinched the nipple.

"Next time, then?"

Lisa shrugged coyly. Had she not declared this "club rules," she might have just let him go at her right now, with as aroused as she was getting. She distinctly remembered the feel of Denby's hand and then lips on her breast. It would be nice, very nice, to experience those sensations again. Maybe she really meant it.

While Andy's eyes explored her body, Lisa's attention rested largely on his cock. This close, it appeared even thicker and angrier. The head was swollen like a sausage set to burst and large veins bulged from the shaft.

"I like your..." What word did she mean to use? Penis? Nah -- too clinical. Dick? Maybe, but it almost sounded to small and weak compared with the specimen he was stroking. Cock? A good, strong word. Maybe a bit dirty, but she had her legs spread before him so that was hardly a fair knock. She certainly couldn't go with something like pee-pee. "Cock."

Andy seemed to swell with pride. "Thanks. Not as big as Sean, of course, but..."

"Not as long, but definitely bigger around."

He just nodded. "Gets the job done."

Lisa wondered if there was any innuendo in that aside from the obvious. She had no doubt that he was more than adequately well-endowed to please a woman. If anything, she wondered if he might not be a bit too thick. Her own two fingers seemed more than adequate to fill herself up when she masturbated, and those two fingers were nowhere near as thick as his cock.

Feeling a bit constrained in the shotgun seat, Lisa reached down and slipped her shoes off and then fully removed her bottoms. Freed of the fabric, she shifted slightly and angled toward Andy. She bent her left leg until her knee rested on the emergency brake lever and then raised her right leg and placed her foot on the dash.

Judging by Andy's wide eyes, she was extremely exposed to him in this new position. Lisa knew this was way over the line of decency, yet the excitement overrode her embarrassment and she wanted him to look. Had he ever seen a girl like this before? She thought he'd dated in the past -- maybe Carrie Hamilton, last year? -- but she otherwise had no clue as to how experienced he might be.

Rather than worry about it, Lisa settled back and focused on getting herself off. Her fingers danced around the folds of her labia, spreading her slick moisture around liberally. On a wild hair, she used her fingers to spread her smooth pussy lips wide. Judging by the frantic increase in Andy's stroke pace, that clearly had given him the intended privileged glimpse of her depths.

"Fuck," Andy grumbled under his breath. "I'd have never guessed what kind of girl you are."

Lisa knew she could have taken offense at his words, but chose to embrace them as a badge of honor. "Just because a girl is sweet and quiet on the outside doesn't mean she can't have some dirty thoughts on the inside."

"I'm seeing that. Very clearly."

Lisa returned her focus to her clit, rubbing around and across the sensitive nub. She was so aroused, it wouldn't take much to push her over the top. Content to wait, she sought the edge and held on just a notch beneath it while waiting for Andy to get closer.

"Now, boys," she said, smiling. "Boys, we all know what dirty minds you have. Always checking out girls' tits, dreaming about undressing them and licking them and sucking them. Maybe even fucking them."

Lisa had never talked dirty like that before. She would never have believed she could say such words without dying of embarrassment. In the heat of the moment, though, they just came tumbling out. The impact they had on Andy was intoxicating, as he looked consumed with lust and his stroking became a blur.

"Guilty. As. Charged." He could barely get the words out.

Lisa could tell he was on the brink, so she upped her own pace and slid two fingers inside to curl up against her g-spot. Between that and the steady flutter across her clit, her orgasm came in mere moments, a wave of heat and joy expanding out through every inch of her body. So powerful was it that Lisa felt her vision fade for several seconds, returning only just in time to see Andy's cock erupt with a thick rope of gooey cum.

Andy's groans merged with her own, which only made her aware of just how loud she'd been. There was no sense in being embarrassed, though, since they were equally lost in the moment. His ejaculate, both the first and subsequent shots, coated the head of his beet-red cock, ran over his clenched fist, and dribbled down the front of his shorts. His body trembled and his chest rose and fell in deep, ragged breaths.

If she didn't know before, Lisa was now certain she was hooked -- both on watching and performing. Knowing she had that sort of effect on a boy, a man, was exhilarating. And if she enjoyed it, and he enjoyed it, what was the point of trying to find ways to pretend otherwise? She didn't think of herself as slutty or perverse, though, since this was still only something she would do with very select company.

"Damn, this is fun," Andy said, slumping back in his seat. "I could get used to this."

"Preaching to the choir." Lisa watched in fascination as his cock visibly deflated in his hand. "Looks like you made a bit of a mess, there."

"All for you," he said, then looked a bit embarrassed that he might have offended her.

"How sweet," she said, making sure he knew she wasn't bothered.

Lisa's fingers were still lightly playing over her pussy. She was still so turned on that going another round was high on her mind. Andy wouldn't likely be able to join her, though, and she really did need to be getting home for dinner.

"Probably a good thing it's raining," he said, looking at the mess spread across his hand and lap. "If my clothes are wet enough, maybe I can get through the house without drawing too much attention to it."

Lisa chuckled. "Lucky indeed. Maybe you should keep an emergency pair of shorts in your car."

"Good idea. For now, I think there might be some tissues in the glove compartment, if you don't mind."

Lisa brought her leg down from the dash and opened the glove compartment. There was half of a travel pack of tissues in there, as well as the usual car manual, receipts, and spare sunglasses. Her eyes glanced over all of that, however, and settled on the open box of condoms. Her heart rate hadn't even had time to settle back down after her orgasm, yet it still bumped up a couple notches. So he was sexually active, or had been. Was it with Carrie? Someone else? Was he still seeing someone she just hadn't heard about? A flood of emotions cascaded through her, not the least of which was jealousy, which made no sense to her since she was the one who'd rebuffed numerous prior attempts by Denby to hook her up with him.

She must have paused just a beat too long, because Andy leaned over and groaned. "Sorry, forgot about that."

Lisa blushed and could tell from the tone of his voice that he was similarly embarrassed. How was it they could just have so completely exposed themselves to one another mere moments ago and then be so uncomfortable by the sight of a box of condoms?

She quickly grabbed the tissues and closed the glove compartment. Handing the package to Andy, she said, "Someone paid attention during health class."

Andy took the tissues and nodded clumsily. "Safety first, right?"


While Andy began to wipe himself clean, Lisa worked to pull her wet panties and shorts back up, wiping her own residual juices off on the fabric. She'd have to change at home anyway, so there didn't seem to be much point in wasting any more of Andy's few remaining tissues. They both cleaned up as an awkward silence overpowered the steady patter of rain.


Lisa nodded. "Sadly, yeah. Dinner, homework."


The short drive to Lisa's house was mostly quiet, aside from her giving him directions. When they pulled up, Lisa felt she needed to say something. Andy beat her to the punch, though.

"We're good?"

"Of course." She appreciated his concern. And, in truth, she was good with what they'd done. It was everything else about him that she still needed time to figure out. "I had fun."

"Good. Me too. I just don't want things to get, you know, weird. I like you and I do want to take you out. No expectations, just because we did...this."

Lisa nodded. "A regular first date."

Andy cocked his head to the side and gave her a smile. "As regular as we can manage, yeah."

"Deal," Lisa said and reached for the door handle. "Shoot me a text tonight and we can figure out a day and time."

"Sounds good."

Lisa hesitated and found herself looking at Andy, looking into his eyes, and seeing him in a new way. There was far more depth than she'd appreciated before. She still didn't know if he was the one, or a one, for her, but she was eager to find out. She leaned forward on impulse and kissed him on the lips. He was clearly caught off-guard, yet recovered quickly enough to press back for a moment before she broke it off.

"Bye." She said, giving him a big smile before dashing out into the rain.

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SweboSwebo7 months ago

I'm really enjoying the character development in this. Plus, I couldn't contain my chuckle when Lisa and Andy kissed, twisted turning sweet. Nice work.

intim8intim8over 1 year ago

I see a lot of comments about not getting to the point, or wishing for certain types of action. I appreciate that there's a story behind it, one that unfolds gradually and isn't just my personal fantasies one after the other. Some people seem to forget the first part of the name of the site.

blackknight314blackknight314almost 4 years ago

I love this story! I know that there are folks out there who can't focus on something longer than 1 - 3 pages, but... why do you need 20 of those for this story, when you could have one 20 or 2 ten page chapters?

Thanks for sharing.

aherbaherbalmost 7 years ago

Ooh, mutual masturbation in the car in the rain - that is seriously hot!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Another awesome story!

I'm hoping for more Denby-Lisa alone time rather than Lisa-Andy, but I trust where the author is taking us!

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