Lured by Younger Guy's Brain

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Mickey is asked to accelerate brother's development.
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For the second time that day, relaxing on a beach under the hot Australian sun, oiled up with minimal sunblock protection, Mickey (Michelle) Armstrong was angered by a guy attempting to engage with her.

Perhaps rather than a date, he was more interested in taking her into the nearest doorway for instant action.

She was in no mood for that, sulking because her last boyfriend had dumped her because she was too intelligent for him, although he'd actually said she talked too much and was too opinionated.

This guy spoke with a heavy foreign accent. Why hadn't he assumed she'd prefer to date Aussie males?

She snapped, "Piss off."

He responded by spitting on her and stood laughing.

Trained in martial arts when she was younger, Mickey (26) propelled herself forward on her butt, slammed her feet against the intruder to snare his legs and turned onto her left hip sharply. The offensive guy hit the sand with force, narrowly missing a supine couple with phone headphones listening to music or whatever.

Guys sitting nearby looked at Mickey impressed while some of the females took up her earlier cry and yelled to the jerk to piss off.

He slunk off and Mickey called, "Thanks ladies" and settled back on to her towel, moping.

An hour later, when many of sunbathers had sloped off as the temperature was cooling, one of the nearby females came over and said to the now sitting Mickey, "Hi, I'm Bess Waters. Could we chat?"

"Sure, providing you're not out to date me."

Bess laughed self-consciously and said no, not exactly.

Intrigued, Mickey invited her to sit and said she was Michelle Armstrong but preferred being called Mickey, the name her father had used for her when she was very young. Eventually he returned to calling her Michelle, much to her regret.

"Your mother probably worked on him, telling him you were becoming too old for that cute name."

"I was about eleven when he dropped my nickname, but you could be right, Bess."

"Mickey, I'm quite good looking, right?"

Mickey grinned and said yes but warned Bess to be careful where she was going with that line.

"It's okay, I'm just being presumptuous."

"My brother Paul is 21 and in his final year doing a 3-year degree in computer-aided outdoor environment design, is much better looking than me, plays classical guitar and is a great tennis player. Unfortunately, he's also a wimp. I believe he needs a professional consultant groom his image and self-confidence, but my parents regard that as ridiculous. Mum says he's like good wine, he'll improve with age."

"I'm sorry but I can't help you, Bess. I believe you might be on the right track if your brother's lack of confidence is as bad as you suggest but I have absolutely no experience in helping slow-developing guys to mature."

"But you stood up to that jerk and dealt with him expertly. The bastard must have wondered what hit him. The point I'm making is you have the potential to lead my brother by example in being an assertive female."

"I'm an assertive female, am I?"

Bess laughed and said that was an intelligent assumption, that she'd simply read the signs and processed them.

"Omigod, what are you, a professor of psychology?"

"That's close, loosely speaking. I complete my master's degree in education, majoring in psychology and now work gaining experience at schools working with children with behaviour problems."


"Thanks, and perhaps you now appreciate the link of what I saw three hours ago, that you wowed me and because of that I clicked on a possible solution for my brother, hence introducing myself to you."

Mickey said she believe Bess was way off beam with her.

"In answer to that, Mickey, may I ask you to state honestly your major objection to decline to engage in what I proposed?"

"That's easy, guys who become involved in any sort of relationship with me simply bail out before too long."

"Oh really, Mickey. And might that be connected to you becoming bored with them rather soon?"

Mickey nodded and said Bess had hit the nail on the head.

"Never fear, you are not alone. Brighter than average females have the same problem. Are you aware of research, loosely paraphrasing it, that research findings show that the female brain begins maturing as early as 10 years old while some men have to wait until 20 before their comparable organisational brain structures more or less catches up with their contemporary females?"

"Yes, I was aware of that."

Smiling, Bess said, "But you did not really think that difference might apply to you?"

"Omigod, no."

"And of course, superior brain power also comes into the picture to further complicate the picture."

Looking at her watch, Bess said unfortunately she must go.

"Um think about what I have proposed to you. Do you also live in this locality?"

"Yes," Mickey said, sounding as if she were hooked

"Then what say we meet at The Galleon restaurant tomorrow at 6 pm, presuming at present you don't have a boyfriend. I suspect that because you're been on the beach in this glorious day by yourself."

"My god Bess, I can see you having trouble with young guys with your brain power."

"Correct, and that's why I'd dated fellow university girls," Bess laughed. "But I have the occasional fling with guys who are older than me and will probably gravitate in that direction permanently in due course."

Mickey adjusted her sunglasses and said, "I find you compellingly interesting Bess. I'd love to have dinner with you tomorrow and include your brother's problem in our discussion, but please understand it won't be a romantic date."

"No, of course no and I must say that I'm in a stable relationship with a male at present."

Bess waved as she walked off with her friends and Mickey waved back, her mind practically reeling with the information she'd learned on the beach concerning Bess's outrageous proposal, even if it didn't go as far as evolving into sex with her brother. She found the whole thing fascinating as apart from assisting with chores, practically no one had ever asked her for help.

* * *

Two weeks later, Mickey parked on the drive of the Waters' impressive home where she was to have Saturday dinner with the family.

Bess came rushing out to meet her and kissed her warmly.

"Oh, I'm so glad you've arrived. I had this fear you might chicken out."

Eyeing Bess' beautiful white cocktail dress and glad she'd decided to wear a dress instead of jeans, Mickey said stoutly, "Mickey Armstrong never chickens out. She would have called to explain her position in intending a now-show."

Back-pedalling, Bess apologize and said she had not attended any offence.

"No offence taken. Nice pad you folk live in."

"Dad and mum are both lawyers, working for different firms, and can afford the luxuries of life now that they are well-established as corporate lawyers."

"Is your brother home for dinner?"

"Yes, I didn't have to ask him to stay. I just mentioned a new friend was coming for dinner and she has a degree in computer science."

"How did you know that?"

"I searched the web and found you were in the computer maintenance team at Carter, Miller and Young, International. He was most impressed."

"God, you and your hyper-active brain. Does you mother believe we are lovers."

"No mention was made of that. I just explained I'd met you a couple of times, including once for dinner, and we soon knew we should be friends."


"Think nothing of it."

The parents were waiting in the lounge to welcome the guest.

After the introductions, Dale asked, "By any chance, is the marine insurance assessor Bryce Armstrong related to you?"

"He's my dad."

Bess's mother said that reminded her that she'd met Michelle's mother at least once socially with Bryce.

"Mum, I introduced Mickey as Mickey as she prefers it to Michelle. Anyway, how did you guess confidently her real name is Michelle?"

"After you told me you'd like to invited your new friend Michael Armstrong to dinner, I also snooped and found her listed as employed by Carter, Miller, Young, which means she must be highly regarded in her field."


"It's all right Mrs Waters, good sleuthing"

"Thank you dear, please call me Liz, that's short for the mouthful Elizabeth."

A great-looking young guy entered the room dressed in blue dress jeans, a navy reefer racket and lurid bow tie.

"My word Paul, it's nice to see you coming to dinner dressed up. This is Mickey Armstrong, your sister's new friend."

Bess said cuttingly," He's only dressed up mother because I told him Mickey has an honours master's degree in computer science."

Paul turned red and hung his head but lifted it and smiled when Mickey said, "Hi Paul."

"Hi Mickey. How did you and my sister meet?"

Bess said they'd met twice at the beach, sitting closely and just began chatting and got along famously.

Mickey was relieved Bess had not described the full details about how they came to meet.

The evening went well and as Mickey reached her car after saying goodbye to the family in the hallway, Paul came up to her and said politely to hold on.

"I'd like to talk to you sometime about how you gained experience in working with computers. Um, could you return here again one weekend afternoon?"

"I'd welcome that but as an alternative, what about meeting at a burger bar one early evening just after 5pm."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course. Um, what about Wednesday?"

"Splendid. Give me your phone number and I'll text you a reminder on Tuesday and name the burger bar."

Mickey called Bess that evening to thank her for the hospitality.

"Mum couldn't get over you, saying you are the most intelligent and glamorous of any friend that I've brought home. I think she must have a crush on you."

"Oh no," Mickey said in panic.

"Just joking, she genuinely just likes you."

"Thank god. She's a great cook. As I told her that meal was delightful."

"That would be appreciated."

"Thanks, oh Paul and I are meeting at a hamburger bar early evening midweek."

"How the hell did you manage that without me noticing?"

"Easy, Paul came out to the car as I was leaving and suggested we meet at your home one weekend afternoon and chat. I make the alternative suggestion and with some hesitancy he accepted."

"Oh, good girl with imagination. He would have shied off a restaurant date, not knowing whether you have a boyfriend. I take it you are committing to my project."

"Yes, but without fanfare. It needs to be subtle."

"I agree."

* * *

Mickey found Paul waiting for her outside the burger bar. His hair looked a mess and he wore jeans and a T-shirt, whereas her hair was brushed, and she wore a T-shirt, also white. Well that was the unwritten dress code for burger bars, wasn't it? But she sighed when reading the printing on Paul's T-shirt, Professional Shagger's Society.

"Like it? I had it over-printed to order."

"I guess you won't mind the criticism but the message, in my opinion, will be viewed by many people as either the T-shirt of a teenager with raging hormones, or worn proudly by an unemployable adult moron whose brain had slipped permanently to relocate just above his groin."

Appearing somewhat taken aback, Paul said, "Is that all?"

"No, probably half the female adults in Australia have at least once dreamed about coming into intimate contact with an infamous shagger, and those with half a brain would recognize the apostrophe should have come after the 's' otherwise it would mean the society has a membership of only one professional shagger."


"Goodbye Paul. If you want to meet me again, my terms are you phone me if you wish to meet me at a modest restaurant and secondly, you must assure me that you'll wear reasonable clothing and look tidy, perhaps having your mother or sister check you out before you leave. Just say that the bitch you are eating out with demands that you look sharp if you wish to associate with her."

He said angrily, "Have you told other guys to look sharp when they date you?"

"No, never. They just seem to know how to impress a reasonably undemanding female. Here's a question Paul, does you mother know you possess this T-shirt?"

"Christ no, I'd never hear the end of it."

"Think on that, Paul. Bye."

He watched her walk away, speechless and furious.

* * *

Mickey returned to the computer maintenance company where she managed the team allocated to small businesses of 200 or under employees and was the team's chief trouble-shooter.

After dealing with her phone texts and emails, Mickey thought Paul was a guy really unsure of himself and would now be totally pissed off with her. However, if he called back within the next 10 days to apologize and invited her to accompany him to a restaurant, she'd take up the challenge to coax him to rise above being a wimp and gain a better perspective of himself and the world in which he circulated. Yes, to bring him closer to being 'normal' in his development as an adult.

Her theory was if he called back, that would indicate he was trainable. If he took longer than 10 days, which was being an overly generous timeline to respond to her bait, her reply would be, 'Get fucked'. No, she'd be totally tough on him and tell him to 'Go fuck yourself'.

"Wow," she giggled.

Paul called her that evening, shortly after 9.00.



Paul said carefully, "I bet you never expected to hear from me again?"

Mickey lied, "I was hoping you'd call tonight."

That floored him.


"Because you know you need help, and having sampled the bitch in me, you've concluded I just might be the person to assist you to slide into maturity."

"What? Oh yeah, I had similar thoughts, sort of."

"Tell me accurately what you thought."

"What, you really mean exactly what I thought once I stopped raging?"

"Yes Paul, warts and all. It's vital feedback for me if I'm to assist you."

"Ah, is that's why Bess brought you to our home?"

"Yes, like your parents, Bess is anxious about you. I have no problem with that because I believe your brain has been a little slower to develop than perhaps many of your former male classmates. Now, knowing the situation a little better, I'm determined to help pull you over the bar."

"Did Bess tell you she still occasionally has sex with me?"

Mickey almost dropped her phone in shock.

"No, did she think that might be useful therapy for you?"

"She never said that, but I had wondered if she was attempting to influence my behaviour."

"Paul, listen carefully. Discontinue having sex with your sister forthwith as potentially no good will come of it because of the danger of social ramifications if you two are caught out. Find a good female who'll be kind and a great friend."

"What about you?"

Mickey sighed and thought rapidly.

"It could happen, Paul. Keep condoms in your pocket and when I feel you and I have got you over the bar, you could get lucky with me."

"You sly bitch, you're using that as an incentive to get me to accelerate what you call my progress in brain development."

"Wow, I didn't expect you to consider me as a possible sexual conquest."

Paul laughed and said she was crazy to expect him to believe that.

"You're right Paul," Mickey smiled, hoping he could pick that up on the phone by the lilt in her voice. "You haven't answered my question about exactly what did you think when I confronted you outside that burger bar."

"I felt humiliated and ready to kick you in the slats and then something hit me, and that was your comment about what my mother would think about my uncouth T-shirt and my appearance generally. Why shouldn't you think like my mother and sister who also call me out for being a rebel without cause. I thought you fucking bitch, if you can practically king hit me when we scarcely know one another, and if you're on the right track with me, then you could be the right person to associate with."

"I thought I should call you and apologize. And then I thought, no, don't be a wimp. Don't apologize and that will indicate to her that I can display some backbone."

"Excellent Paul, that comment tells me were heading in the right direction with you, 'we' meaning you and me. What you think and do over this will be the corner stone to our efforts to obtain success."

"Ah, and that's when I get to fuck you?"

"Yes Paul, it was an offer made in good faith if you get over the bar."

He said excitedly, "I bet you can hardly wait?"

"Yes Paul, something like that," she sighed.

He said they should date on Saturday night and he'd call after he'd arranged something.

Chapter 2

For the next seven months, Mickey backed-up and extended Paul's mother's attempts to have him dress better, improve his general speech and manners, upgrade his approach to personal hygiene by becoming more consistent with showering, shaving and having his haircut.

She remained close friends with his sister Bess, because she felt it was worth it and also it allowed Mickey to maintain close tabs on Paul.

One evening when walking away from rock concert in a stadium, Beth dropped a really loaded question on her friend.

"I have to ask this: mum and I wonder if you are allowing Paul to dick you?"

"He knows I won't allow him to touch me."

"But mum and I are aware you spend several hours a week in very close contract with him, and we both know why. At the same time, you spent time intimately with him at restaurants which suggests it could become tempting to you both to have it off?"

"Dining at restaurants allows Paul to observe how young mature couples interact in public."


"Darling, is you don't believe Paul is under instructions not to touch me, then ask Paul about whether he and I have sex."

"He'd only lie to me if it were happening and I asked him to admit it."

"Answer this carefully Bess, do you think I would lie to you about Paul and me?"

"No, absolutely not."

"While we are on the subject of sex, it's almost three months since you and I were in bed together. How about licking one another this Friday night?"

"Oh, great timing, Mickey. Mike is away all week and gets back Saturday. I'll book a room for Friday night at the same hotel where we have such a messy and exciting time when were last bonded intimately. Um, have you ever thought about mum in that way?"

"Good heavens no and why should I?"

"Think about it, Mickey. I know she really has the hots for you."

"I-I sort of gained that impression."

"Then go for it babe, either one-or-one or a three-some that includes me if she will wear that. She's admitted to me being into groupies with some of her friends occasionally. That usually occurs when dad is going through a period of being a workaholic."

"Thanks for the suggestions, Bess. I'll think about it."

Over the weeks, Bess, Mickey and Bess' parents noticed change taking place in Paul, perhaps occurring faster than expected normal change would have taken place.

He was becoming less sloppy in speech and in personal appearance, his attitudes appeared more mature and he was exercising better control of his occasional flare-ups. Proof of this advancement came when he reported continuing improvements in his grade results of university studies. He'd also bec0me vice-captain of his soccer team and for a period was second highest goal-scorer for the team.

In the third term of the year at university, Paul announced excitedly that he'd been interviewed by scouts acting for the IT department of Sydney companies and had received three job offers, to be finalised when final grades were announced.

"Are these honest successes or are some exaggerated claims, Paul?" Mickey asked when they were alone and she was testing him on aspects of computer science covered in recent lectures, which was the reason why he requested such assistance when they first met.