Love Vanished Pt. 02 - Dissolution

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Samantha travels down a rough road.
6.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/28/2019
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Sometimes you just can't reconcile things no matter what. So you try to be amicable and move on and try to be the, or a, better person.

All mistakes and errors are mine and mine alone, sorry you will have to deal with that. It is what it is amateur writing for my enjoyment and maybe yours. Hope you enjoy.


Chapter 1

The children and I awoke the next morning to some fierce thunder and rain. There were warnings out in counties all around us. The warnings even mentioned flash flooding in low areas.

I called Dad and Mom after hearing the warnings to check on them. I told Dad I would come over another day when the weather calmed down and the warnings were lifted. I knew it would be maybe next weekend seeing how my work hours wouldn't allow me to visit them any sooner.

Dad asked me what was up, I think he sensed something in my voice. I started to make up a story, but, I then just blurted out what was going on in my life at the moment.

Dad and mom listen to me intently trying to console me as much as they could, but it wasn't really helping, as I sobbed into the phone. I needed mom and dad's cuddles and assurance everything would be alright. Damn this weather.

He finally calmed me down enough for me to quit thinking of myself. I told him what I did to Theodore's car and he laughed at me. He of course had a little saying afterwards, being a deacon in the church, which caused me to giggle.

"Blessed be the Holey Car, my dear." Dad said.

I asked mom how she was doing and I received her pat answer of she is doing fine, she has good days mostly. It had been almost a month since I had visited them. We said our 'Love You's' and Dad told me they would call later on and check on me, and to keep them informed.

Little Samantha, Teddy, and I played our rainy day games and built forts and just generally goofed off the whole day. We had junk food favorites day, thank the lord for my two bundles of joy. They kept my mind and myself busy enough I didn't have time to think about my situation.

Bath and bed time came around and soon after story time I had some quiet time. I tucked my children in my bed and went to the den to listen to some soft music and reflect.

I sat there reflecting on myself and what I could have done to cause this or what I didn't do. I was deep in my thoughts when my phone alerted. It was Theodore, I quickly turned nasty in mood.

"Yes, Theodore, what do you want." I asked him.

"Oh nothing much, bitch, you ruined my fucking car. I just wanted to say, Thank you." He said.

"Oh! You're quite welcome. Anything else I can do for you asshole?" I said, rather sharply.

"How is my cousin's slut wife doing, did she dry out?" I asked in a giggle.

"Fuck you Sam! She is not here." Theodore said, then the phone disconnected.

I don't know whether it was the storm or he just hung up on me. I really didn't care, except for him telling me Carla wasn't with him, I was tempted to call Dale. I started to call Dale but changed my mind and put my phone down.

I sat there for a few more minutes getting emotional again. I should not even care, but damn it, I still do. Ten years is a lot just to throw away. Yes he has hurt me, deeply. If I had only seen this coming. Maybe there is a chance if I know why this happened.

My love for Theodore is still there, shattered but there. My trust in him, not so much, can I even trust him again? Will I always be watching and questioning now? I don't know if I can live a life like that. The children, what about them and their pain if we separate? I did not sleep well that night, my thoughts wouldn't let me. Maybe this was a one time thing.

Chapter 2

The work week was going fairly well until one day Henry asked what was wrong. I asked him what ever did he mean.

"There is a tenseness about you Samantha and you seem, preoccupied at times." Henry said. "If you need some one to talk to, I am a good listener."

"Everything is fine Henry, really." I said to him.

I reddened slightly as I spoke and avoided eye contact.

He grunted slightly and smiled and said to me, alright but if I needed some one to just listen he would be there for me.

I made it a point to avoid Henry the rest of the day. The next day I took him up on his offer and we went to the diner for lunch. I did need someone to talk too.

I explained to him home life wasn't going very well at the moment, with out going into exact details. I just wanted to vent off some emotions and confusion in my head.

I made a mistake while talking with him. I asked if he might know a good attorney, seeing how he went through this type of thing. I told Henry I was hoping I wouldn't need an attorney but I wanted to be prepared.

Henry's face saddened almost has if he lost the will to live.

"I do know someone Samantha, and if needed I will give you a name. Now we should get back to work." Henry said.

We had still had fifteen minutes left of the lunch time, Henry stood up suddenly and we left the diner. Henry didn't speak on the way back, but other wise was very courteous and gentlemanly. Now I was afraid I might have lost a friend.

We returned to work and as we passed my desk Henry spoke again softly, catching me off guard.

"Please cover for me Samantha, if anyone asks where I am. I won't be long." Henry asked me.

"Sure Henry." I said.

Henry left the building. He returned after twenty minutes and asked if anyone had asked about him and I told him no one had. Then he spoke softly again to me.

"Let me give you something to make your afternoon go better." Henry said.

Henry took my left hand like one would kiss a woman's hand. He stroked my hand with is fingers from his other hand for a moment. He turned my hand over and stroked my wrist and palm, tracing lines. Henry looked into my eyes and face, he brushed is finger tip across my forehead like moving strayed hair. Then he smiled and told me he would see me tomorrow. He didn't give me anything, other than a smile, I thought how strange.

What was it about Henry? He could calm me when I was feeling upset or moody, and brighten my day. Just being close to him I would feel different and my thoughts seemed more clear. I knew where to find answers to my questions, whether I received the truth would be a different story.

The afternoon did go better, strangest thing was I found myself aroused, sexually, as the work day ended. I hadn't had time to think about anything or anyone, I had been so busy. I wondered where that feeling came from, just out of the no where.

I picked up the children and listened to them chatter about their school day. Then we sang songs from the radio as we rode home. I got us fed and played awhile before getting them settle down in bed. Now it was mommy time.

I had started reading that book, Fifty Shades, and had become interested in it. First, I needed my shower before settling in for the night to read.

I went through my routine of removing make up and setting the shower temperature. I slid out of my clothes, pulled up my hair and stepped in the shower.

When I first stepped in the shower spray, it seemed to dance across my nipples. That caused them to stiffen quickly, and my arousal to heighten. I thought I would orgasm right then as I shuddered. I was surprised how quickly that came on and thought how strange.

I turned and began washing my breasts and shoulders with body wash, enjoying the shower. I washed across my tummy and butt cheeks enjoying the extra warm shower. I was feeling the soapy streams run through my legs and butt. My body felt over sensitive to things in the solitude of the shower.

I bent over to wash my legs when a stream of water danced through my butt cheeks, I began to shake in an orgasm. I don't know what came over me right at that moment.

I quickly straightened up and grabbed that shower head. I turned to a pulse mode as I played it across my breasts and nipples. I was on the verge of another orgasm.

My other hand found it's way to my lightly hair covered mound before dipping through my cleft. Then my fingers stroked across my clitoris. I was on fire as the pulsing shower head found its mark in my cleft and my legs trapped it.

I clamped my hand over my mouth as screamed into it and moaned. My legs gave away as I sank to the floor, the shower head swinging free, the water pulses striking my body where ever it pleased. That pulsing water causing my body to twitch in spasms.

I was seeing stars as wave after wave of an orgasm ran through my body. I was incoherent for a few minutes riding my blissfulness. Finally I turned the shower off and struggled to my feet.

I shakily and cautiously turned the shower back on in a gentle stream, enough to rinse off quickly. Another small orgasm came over me, I was still shaking as I stepped from the shower and wrapped in a towel. I was breathing heavy, like a runner, as I sat down the toilet lid.

I had never had an orgasm like that or that quickly before with the shower head, it always took awhile. I was surprised, shocked, and amazed at what just happened.

I needed to dry my hair, that I hadn't planned on getting soaking wet. I was too exhausted to do that now, other than wrap my hair in a towel.

I was struggling to move, I found my way back to my bed and set my alarms. I turned the lights out and dropped the towel to the floor and literally fell in the bed. I was asleep before I could cover up.

Chapter 3

The alarm went off and I looked over at it. It was the back up alarm and I had slept almost ten hours. I jumped up and grabbed my robe to start getting the children ready, finding they had started with out me.

I quickly started pulling myself together getting myself ready and their breakfast in them. I managed to get us ready and out the door right on time, with my little darlings help.

I was sitting at my desk trying to work, but kept noticing I was getting looks from my co-workers even giggles from some of the single girls. Henry walked by then stopped short and stepped backwards.

"Rough night, Samantha?" He asked, smiling.

I turned red and said I didn't sleep well. Then I swear he smirked, like he knew something.

"Ah..Sleep of 'La petite mort', is paradise for mind and body." Henry said.

What Henry said confused me completely right then as he walked away. I went to the ladies room and looked at myself. Jeez, I looked like, well, freshly shagged.

My hair was messy, not the usual look for me. I had managed to smear my lipstick in my rush and my make-up wasn't quite right. My blouse, I had skipped a button and I left the top button undone exposing a good amount of cleavage. I took care of the lipstick and strayed buttons and finished the Friday.

I had to research what Henry said, then I got embarrassed. The 'little death' it had a sexual meaning to it, how would he know about my night, was it that obvious.

I called Theodore on his second phone that evening. I figured my ID would not show up on that phone. I was correct and hung up before it went to voice mail. I waited over a half hour to see if he would call that number back, he didn't.

I called his primary phone and after a few rings he answered.

"Hello, Samantha. How are you?" Theodore asked.

"I'm doing, okay, Theodore." I replied. "How are you doing?

"I am doing, Sam, I'm doing." He said.

He sounded almost remorseful with is reply. I asked him if he wanted to talk about our situation, that I needed some answers. I heard him sigh through the phone before speaking.

"Samantha, this is all on me, not you. You're a good woman, excellent mother, and.. a loving wife." Theodore said.

Hearing that I was starting to get emotional again. I asked him in a bit of a shaky voice.

"Then why Ted, why?" I said pausing.

"It is like you ran a knife through my heart." I said.

I was almost ready to tear up and cry on the phone.

"I don't love like you do Samantha. I beginning to think I am incapable of that kind love to be honest." Theodore said.

I whimpered softly into the phone not being able to control my voice.

"Ted, did you ever, really, love me?" I asked.

I was afraid of his answer. Would my world end, could I go on with out his love, for me and the children?

"I don't know Sam, I just don't know. I think..." Theodore said, then paused.

I waited through the silence for a minute and then disconnected as my emotions overwhelmed me and I fell to my side on the bed weeping. I curled up into a ball as small has I could get, I felt like my world was falling apart around me. I wanted to be little Samantha again, safe and protected.

I had cried my self to sleep and woke up before the alarms.

Chapter 4

It seems Carla and Ted, had, been together only one night a year or so back. Dale had been gone for one his competitions when it happened.

Carla said she had been out with some friends and had gotten pretty drunk and Theodore was at the same place. Theodore took Carla home, then took advantage of the situation. That caused a rift between her and Dale for awhile. Dale swore her to secrecy unless I came asking.

I found out those selfie pictures weren't Carla, she stripped naked and proved it. The panties weren't hers either. The text messages, she was toying with Theodore, her little revenge for taking advantage. She had been doing that for a long time, teasing Theodore. Sometimes Theodore would get angry with her for that. I think those were the times I received his anger at her.

Dale and Carla both told me to do what makes me feel happy inside and good about life. Carla told me not to wait my whole life away, wanting love that might not be there or may may never have been there. That gave me some reflection on my marriage to think about now.

But now I was still searching to find out who that mystery woman was and if there might be others.

One Friday after work, before Ted came back home, I picked the children up from school. I decided we would eat out and went to a favorite pizza place where the children liked to eat. We were playing arcade games in a little alcove when I scanned the restaurant, while waiting on our pizza.

I saw Sandy, my best friend, I had got to know her through the children. We met at the park near our homes, she actually lived close to me on another street.

I saw she was with two men, one was her husband. I had seen Dave once or twice briefly but had never really conversed with him. The other man's back was turned towards me, I started to go say 'HI' when they rose to leave.

They were smiling and laughing when that man turned and my world crumbled again. They had to pass by the alcove to exit. They stopped briefly before going out.

I heard Sandy say something about getting drinks and wine before playtime, as I hovered over the children. We weren't noticed so I stepped to the door and watched as they walked away. Sandy was between the two men with her arms in theirs as they moved across the lot.

I went to the counter and told them box the pizza to go. The children didn't understand why we were leaving. They started to complain, I just told them mommy wasn't feeling good.

I detoured a little going home, that took me past Sandy and Dave's house. I saw an extra car parked at their house.

I called Sandy the next morning around 11:30 am. I figure she would be up with her children like I was with mine.

She answered her phone in a gravely, sleepy voice.

"This is Samantha, did I wake you up?" I said.

"Kind of." Sandy said giggling. "What's up?"

I heard a voice in the background.

"Come on, get your hot ass up. We made breakfast." The voice said.

"Just a minute... Damn." Sandy said.

Then she moaned into the phone. Then the voice said something else.

"Maybe I'll start breakfast here."

I got embarrassed when I heard all this, and more moaning, when another voice spoke.

"Okay you two, knock it off for awhile. Will, we can get back to that later, let Sandy rest and get something to eat."

I heard chuckling then an 'Oh shit' as I hung up the phone and turned it off.

Chapter 5

Sandy called me about 9:30 pm, after I turned my phone back on. I saw one missed call from Sandy in the morning and a couple of robo-calls.

"Hi Sammie. Sorry we got disconnected I tried to call back. What's up?" Sandy said.

She sounded all cheery and happy, I guess she would be.

"Oh.. I just needed to talk to someone." I replied.

Sandy asked what about and I told her nothing really, that we hadn't spoke to each other for over week. Then I told her I saw her at the restaurant with her husband and another man.

She a gave one of those woman giggles like she had been up to mischief.

"Ya, That was Will, a friend of ours, well actually Dave's friend."Sandy said. "You should have come over and said 'Hi'.

I told her I started too, but the three of them were leaving. But, I did say I over heard something about drinks and playtime. That sounded like fun.

She stuttered a moment and giggled before telling me they get together every so often and play games and hang out. That Will is a single man and Dave and Will golf together.

Then I bombed her with my next question, before I lost my nerve and hung up.

"Have you ever met Theodore my husband?" I asked her.

"Hmm... No I haven't, to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen him. You met Dave before right.?" Sandy said.

I told her yes only in passing once or twice but never talked.

"Strange isn't it? all these years and we have never really met each other's husbands." Sandy said.

"Theodore must be a troll or an Adonis. Must be an Adonis and you keep him locked up and hidden away." Sandy said.

She began laughing in the phone. She got me laughing too just then. I was relieved she didn't know Theodore, I didn't want to maybe loose my best friend. I told I had to go suddenly, one of the kids, I would call her back in few minutes.

She was wrong about him being an Adonis. I needed time to process this new information. I called Sandy back twenty minutes later.

"So what kind of games did you three play last night?" I asked.

Sandy just skated around saying they played some cards and hung out laughing and joking. They quit playing around 10 or 11:00 pm.

"Right, like I believe that! You're my best friend and have to tell me everything, or we won't be friends anymore. Besides I heard you on your phone, breakfast must have been really good." I said.

I used the old teenage girl trick to get the gossipy details, It worked. Sandy went silent.

"San.dy" I said, like a warning.

"Okay, Okay, give me a minute." Sandy said.

I heard her giggle and move around some, then a door close.

"I had to check on Dave." Sandy said.

She was giggling in the phone like a school girl, then she told me everything. I threw in my 'No way-s and 'Really-s' and giggled with her. Then she dumbfounded me telling my they both did her at the same time. Dave in her pussy and Will in her ass. I gasped through the phone.

I found myself getting aroused picturing all this in my mind, even if it was Will. Well, Theodore William Smith to be exact.

We finally disconnected and I began to burn, in anger now, with some hurt mixed in it. Sandy was absolutely clueless.

Chapter 6

It was two weeks later since he ran in fear before he felt safe enough from Dale to come home. I told Theodore he was safe from him.

The children were happy to see their daddy, me, not so much. He might be safe from Dale and Carla.

Theodore was moved to the other bedroom completely, that was the way we lived for now.

It seemed to be working, although tensely at times. I made him live like a single man taking care of his own things. We separated financial accounts and he paid his share of expenses as a single father would have to do. I tried to make his life miserable.