Lost Girl: Julie's Story Ch. 02


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I'd thought I was lost and lonely, but what had that hell-bitch put him through? As he rambled I realised one fact; my heart had been broken, but broken hearts mend; what happens when your spirit is so trampled and battered that you can't see a way to put it back together, and give up trying? Mark was here, with me, but his sweet inner self had been so badly mauled that he'd welcomed the thought of taking his own life; his will to live had ebbed so low it had nearly been extinguished. These insights frightened me more than anything else.

One fact was inescapable; my lost boy was still lost, he was fading into the darkness; how was I going to find him again?

I kissed him as lovingly as I knew how, reassuring him, trying to pull him back into the circle of firelight.

"Mark, even when I thought you'd abandoned me, I never stopped loving you, and I never let you go! I hoped every day you'd come back, that what happened was just a nightmare, and it would end one day, and it has! It's all over now, and one day soon, this will all fade, like all nightmares do, I promise. She can't hurt me anymore, she can't hurt you anymore, she doesn't even know us anymore, let her go. Her punishment is already being doled out to her, and when she dies, it will be alone, with no-one to mourn her, and that would be right and fitting. She was evil, but the evil she did has turned back on her. You kept the faith, you kept me safe, you never once gave up and let her have the satisfaction of winning. That has to count as a win, surely? It's the end now, but you have to accept that too!"

He looked at me, suddenly young, and sweet and trusting, that lonely little boy from long ago looking out from inside him.

"You really think it could be that easy, Tinkerbell?" and I nodded and smiled, relieved to hear the name he'd given me so long ago.

"Yes I do, Lost Boy!" I replied, and saw his beautiful, slow, sweet smile, no hint of sadness or weariness in it, just happiness and relief at last. He believed me, he was coming back.

I jumped up and tugged him to his feet. "You look absolutely shattered, come and get some sleep, we have some things to do tomorrow, and I need you bright-eyed and bushy tailed, so go to bed, now!"

He looked uncertain. "I'll be fine on the couch, Tink; really, just get me some blankets...."

I was having none of that. I needed to stay with him, to be there with him and hold him close all night and wake up next to him, something I had never had the chance to do.

He followed me into the bedroom, and began undressing, and I had to bite my lip, he was rail-thin, his ribs visible, his muscles moving just under the skin; the most obvious sign of the strain that woman had put him under.

He stripped down to his shorts and made to climb between the sheets, but I stopped him.

"Everything Mark, come on, get naked!"

He grinned and slid them off, tossing them onto his piled up clothes on the floor. I undressed quickly and slid in next to him, holding him close, shocked at how many bones I could feel, how frail he felt. I needed to feed this boy up mucho pronto, he was just a husk of his former self, and again I found time to curse that crazy bitch for what she'd put him through.

His soft hands slipped over me, caressing me as his lips pressed lightly against mine, but I knew he was in no mood for fun and games, he was truly exhausted, mind-fucked and emotionally wrung out, what he needed was a long sleep, a good breakfast, a huge lunch, and me, in that order. I rubbed my hands over him, lightly massaging him, and in five minutes he was breathing deeply, fast asleep.

As he slept, I looked long and closely at him, absorbing his features all over again, revelling in the sight of him after so long; in sleep, he was a little boy again, no care lines or haunted expression, just the sweet face of the lost boy who told me Peter Pan stories and played Captain Hook when I wanted to fight the pirates.

For the first time ever, at last, I fell asleep with his arm around me.

I woke to the feel of his hand on my hip, his cock fully erect and prodding my bottom, and his deep, even breathing; he was still fast asleep, but his hand held me tight against him, his erection showed no signs of abating any time soon, and his warmth, his hand and especially his hard-on, were making me feel decidedly overheated!

At last, I could take it no more, and reached behind me to scratch lightly at his scrotum, hearing his breathing change; he was waking up. His hand slipped from my hip to my waist, and then up, to cup and gently squeeze my breast, lightly twirling the already erect nipple. I felt his head dip down and his lips brush my ear as he whispered "I think I remember this!" before I squirmed around to face him, to look into those lovely clear, gentle dove-grey eyes I'd missed so much, his thick lock of fair hair flopping down over one eye. I brushed it back, the familiarity of the gesture sending a pang through me as I realised how much I'd missed doing it.

Mark pulled me close, his hands reaching for my bum cheeks as I pulled myself up to him, desperate for him to kiss me again, to feel his lips against mine. As he kissed me, his hands roamed over my bottom, squeezing and massaging the cheeks of my bum, before pulling them apart, his fingers exploring my slit and my anus, rubbing a finger around my secret hole as he rubbed and caressed my slit from the rear.

Meanwhile, his tongue was fencing slowly and tentatively with mine, tasting my mouth as I kissed and tasted him, hungry for his lips after being without them for so long. All the while, his cock rubbed between us, thick and long and rigid, waiting for some attention.

I took hold of him and dipped my head down, licking gently around the crown of his big cock, making him sigh as my tongue found a particularly sensitive place, before slipping my lips over the end and sucking him into my mouth. As I sucked him, I gently squeezed and fondled his big soft balls, feeling his thigh muscles tense as I sucked him harder, rubbing my tongue over the sensitive tip. I suckled him as long as I could, easing off when I felt him tensing, wanting to keep eating him for as long as possible, but when I poked my tongue-tip into the furrow in the head of his penis and rubbed rapidly, and gave his balls a good healthy squeeze, he groaned and tensed, his balls tightening and his cockhead swelling as he came in my mouth, long pulsing jets of creamy spunk pooling on my tongue and filling my mouth almost too fast for me to swallow it all. He tasted wonderful, salty-sweet, with a background tangy aftertaste, completely delicious. I had missed that taste, that sensation of thick creamy mouthfuls of his man-fluid, and I knew that I would want this for the rest of my life.

At last, he stopped spurting, and I swallowed the last creamy jets of sperm, licking up the last remnants seeping from his still rigid cock, and polishing his cockhead with my tongue before moving back up to kiss him and wait for whatever he wanted to do next. I wasn't kept in suspense long, as one of his fingers snaked into my anus, probing and stretching me as he sucked and nibbled on my nipples.

Mark pulled me on top of him, his hands pulling my arse cheeks apart as he licked and bit at my nipples, nipping and sucking and making them throb and burn. His hands explored the crack of my arse, one finger worming itself again into my anus and another rubbing and teasing my pussy, making me itch and throb, needing him inside me, anywhere, I didn't care, as long as I got to have him again, at last.

My pussy was burning now, and I could feel his rigid cock prodding at me, heavy and solid, the head glossy with his own lubricant as it seeped from him. He slid both hands into my arse crack and down to my pussy, pulling my labia apart and letting his cockhead lie between them, just far enough inside me to feel my wetness around him, then he slowly and remorselessly slid that big cock of his into me, filling me up again the way I had dreamed and wanted for over two years, pushing himself into me to fill me up and stretching me almost to bursting point with his solid meaty cock. I gasped as he slid into me, pushing back against him, needing to feel all of him inside me.

I sat up on him, getting used to being so full again, and began slowly sliding up and down on him, pulling myself almost off him and then impaling myself again, rising and falling in an increasing tempo, pumping his cock into me as he squeezed and rubbed my nipples, firing jolts of pleasure into me as I rode his lovely big cock. With all the feelings I had for this boy, with the happiness I had to have him back, with his cock inside me, and with his gentle fingers rubbing and stimulating my sensitive nipples, I could feel my orgasm rising, and I knew it was going to be a big one. Mark somehow sensed this, and began rising up as I pumped above him, meeting me as we pounded each other.

When my climax broke, I screamed wildly, my depth of release truly shattering, Mark's orgasm no less so as his swollen cock lurched solidly inside me and exploded in blast after blast of spunk, heating up my insides and prolonging my orgasm, more and bigger waves of pleasure roaring over me as his pumping cock battered my tightly stuffed cunt. I slumped down on him, twitching as waves of pleasure still pounded and ebbed within me, feeling happy and relaxed and safe for the first time in far too long. We had reconnected, and now it was done, he really was back, and the past wouldn't have any power over him ever again.

Eventually I slid off him, to cuddle up next to him and kiss him, feeling his arms around me again.

"Where do we go now, Tink, what's our next move?" he asked me.

I grinned up at him, and chose to deliberately misunderstand him; discussions about our future could come later, right now he needed to relax and continue to re-connect.

"Well, you have two choices, you can have breakfast, or you can fuck hell out of me. I think you should take the breakfast option, you look like five sticks tied together with flesh-coloured panty-hose! How about we compromise, breakfast then big shagging, that's a better plan, you want to try that?"

He grinned as his hand slid down to my arse again, a finger sliding into my tight hole.

"OK, sounds good, but I get to fuck you in the arse, OK?" he murmured.

I laughed; he was nearly all the way back now! "It's a deal, now get up and have a shower, I know exactly where we're going for breakfast!"


We had a quick shower together, and got dressed, I made a quick call, and we dropped in at the Morrison household, Nia's mum makes the best bread rolls in the world, and she bakes them every morning, so I invited us around for breakfast. Nia was there, so I gave her a quick sketch of what had happened to Mark, and she was intrigued to see him again. I asked her not to tell her mum, I wanted to surprise her.

Nia was shocked when she saw how gaunt and worn Mark looked, her eyes welled-up when she saw him, and her mother's reaction was pretty much the same, alternating between motherly sympathy for him, concern at how thin he'd become, and spitting anger at mum. Nia's dad, in his usual dry, laid back way just smiled at him, looked him up and down and said "Morning Mark, crash diet?" before handing him a plate of sausages and eggs, which was all that was needed to lighten the mood and set me laughing, my first real laugh in two years.

Jamie came in as we were finishing breakfast and so I gave him the story of mum and what she'd done, and once again, for only the second time in my life, I saw real anger on his face as he learned what mum had done to Mark. He also seemed to be trying to place him, like he'd seen him before somewhere, but it was plain from the way he spoke that he'd completely forgotten Mark from all those years ago, when he'd brought me here to keep me safe; like I said, when Nia's around, everyone else fades into the background for Jamie, and that's entirely the way it should be.

As we were leaving, Nia and Jamie walked us out, and, on impulse, I pulled Jamie down and kissed him once on the lips. He looked surprised, and a little flustered that I did that in front of Nia and Mark.

"What...why did you do that, Julie?" he stammered, looking apprehensively at Nia, who looked innocently at him.

I grinned sweetly at him. "I never thanked you properly for taking me to bed, Jamie!"

His eyes opened wide and he reddened. "I didn't...It wasn't...I don't...!" he stammered, while Nia was almost bursting as she tried not to laugh.

"Relax, Jamie, it was a long time ago, a good-looking boy like you, it's understandable, you can't be expected to remember all your conquests...!" I teased him, while he continued to splutter and choke out denials, "and, I was only 13 at the time!"

He looked at me, horror-struck, while Nia was going red with the effort of not laughing. "Oh my God, Oh my God, no, I didn't, it's not true...!" he burbled, panic setting in.

I decided to let him off the hook, poor boy. "Calm down, Jamie, don't you remember carrying me up to Nia's bedroom and putting an ice-pack on my black eye?"

His eyes bugged out. "That was you?" he exclaimed, and I grinned back. "Guilty, and I never thanked you properly, so thank you now, Jamie Morrison, my own Knight Paladin!" and I kissed him again, on his cheek this time.

As soon as we walked in to my place, Mark grabbed me, kissing me as his hands slid up under my skirt and into my panties, squeezing and massaging the cheeks of my arse, pulling them apart and stretching my anus open deliciously. I wanted him any way he liked, however he wanted to fuck me, but I knew where he wanted to go, so I writhed and wriggled against him as he groped and plundered my bum, sliding his fingers any and everywhere, making me hot and ready for his lovely cock. He helped me strip, or rather, he almost tore my clothes off in his haste to get me naked, then hustled me into the bedroom and onto the bed.

Once there, Mark licked and kissed me from my neck to my pussy, pushing my thighs apart to thrust his tongue between my labia, making my pussy wet and sticky with my juices as he heated me up. When he began licking and nibbling my clitoris, I nearly saw stars, it was so amazing. The rush of orgasm was intense, like nothing I'd ever felt before, not as powerful as some, but deeper, more primal, closer to the heart of me, and when he shoved his tongue in my arse and wriggled it, rimming me deeply, I almost fainted with the power of my orgasms as I came in a an endless succession of power-waves breaking through me.

Now it was time for the main course, and he turned me on my tummy, spreading my thighs to slide his cock into me, two fingers pumping inside my anus in time to his pumping cock in my pussy, loosening me and lubricating me for his cock. Mark withdrew from my pussy, and placed his cockhead against my anal opening, pushing gently but inexorably, until he popped in past my ring, making me gasp out loud as he slowly slid the rest of the way in, until he was firmly embedded in my arse.

When I'd got my breath back, he began to withdraw, the friction as he pulled back out of me delighting me, and when he pumped back in again, I began to see those stars again as little points of light danced in my peripheral vision, the cocking he was giving me awakening deep and wonderful sensations from way down inside me. As he sped up and pumped harder, I began to push back against him, the friction in my anus utterly delightful as he pummeled and pumped me full of his cock, reaming me out properly, his cock feeling like a jack-hammer, solid, rigid and heavy as it pounded into my arse.

I could only take so much of this, and I could feel my orgasm building, until, in a huge wave of pleasure, it broke over me, convulsing me, making me scream in release as my arse clamped down around his pounding cock, my pussy tingling and fluttering as my orgasm raced around inside me, electric jolts shooting from every nerve ending. Mark groaned, and his cock, already tightly clasped in my anus, swelled to what felt like gigantic proportions, jamming tight inside me as great spurts of spunk shot into me, bathing my insides with his body heat, jet after jet as he emptied himself into my body.

I slumped down utterly exhausted, my whole abdomen aching from the intensity of my orgasm, my muscles twitching and shuddering as aftershocks rippled through me. Mark pulled back and withdrew from me, and dropped to the bed beside me, a satisfied smile on his face.

He reached for me and slid me closer to him, holding me close as the tremors and twitches of adrenaline overload died away, spooning me against him with his arm around me, the only thing I had ever really wanted for the last two years.

"I love you, Tink!" he breathed in my ear, gently rubbing my belly, a tender, soothing action that drifted me off to sleep.

I woke an hour or so later, Mark already awake by the sound of his breathing, and the feel of his lips against my hair. I turned round to face him, and grinned up at him.

"Penny for your thoughts, Lost Boy!" I said, and he smiled back at me.

"Later today, I need to call my office, request my transfer back here, once that's agreed, I have to get my stuff from the flat in Bristol, arrange for transfer of all my client files from the Bristol office back to here, then get down to the business of living with you, at last. It may take a couple of weeks, but hey, we've got the rest of our lives now, and family is all that matters now, you, me, Jamie and Nia, Shelagh, and not forgetting any little additions to our family in the near future!"

My heart leapt. "Mark, are you saying...!"

He grinned that lovely, slow, sweet smile of his. "Tinkerbell, after what we nearly lost, I don't want to wait any longer. I want to marry you someday, somehow, and I want to have some little golden-haired Tinkerbell's of our own -- I think we'd make great parents, after all, we know what not to do!"

Now, at last, Peter Pan really had come for me, and he was taking me with him, second star to the right, and straight-on 'til morning!


Extract from South London Press Birth Announcements March 20th 2012

To Mark and Julie Jameson, a daughter

Markie Shelagh Jameson

Born March 19, 2012

Croydon University Hospital


London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Register of Deaths in Care

Name: Sandra Lois Jameson

Date of Birth: October 24, 1963

Age at Death: 48

Date of Death: March 22, 2012

Interment: Mortlake Crematorium

Burial Type: Communal

Date: April 16, 2012

Next of Kin: None Recorded

The story of how Julie and Mark reconnect with their family, especially with their cousin Darryl and his wife Lena, is told in 'Lost Girl: Julie's Story Ch. 3 parts 1 & 2. That portion of the story is also a coda for the 'Big Girls Don't Cry' story series.

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kaotic2kaotic25 months ago

This was a beautiful story, BB. Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The only thing i can see in this story is the nearly one page long sex scene with David. She was cheating in my eyes.

JacktacularJacktacularover 3 years ago
Your world

Gotta say I'm loving the ‘story verse' you’ve created and how they all tie in. Would love to see them all ordered into a book series, like we say down south "so good makes ya wanna slap somebody" lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

A lot of your characters end up with their sibling and are obsessed with buts. Lol but so many characters interacting with each other that are in some form of relationship with their sibling kind of pushing the realm of possibility a bit that being said it was a great story and I enjoyed it.

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
another 5 star performance

you're a brilliant story-teller and writer. everytime i read one of your stories it becomes my new fav. this one is no different! (although Lori is always my all-time fav). i hope you're planning on adding more stories - new or add-ons - doesn't matter - because i'm running out of stories of yours to read!!!

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