Lori's Dark Longings

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College prof's evangelical wife goes black.
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A terrible saga that becomes more common every day!

The evangelical wife of a Southern Californian, college professor goes black

I am a college professor in Southern California. I'm in my sixties. Ten years ago I married a woman 20 years younger than me. She was a student in one of my classes, and although she was twenty years younger than me—she looked at least thirty years younger.

Lori was small and gorgeous. She had light brown, almost blonde hair, which was coiffed neatly to her shoulders. Most important, she was an angelic looking girl. She just was too attractive to resist.

I asked her out, and surprisingly she took me up on my offer. Before long we were dating regularly. I couldn't believe my luck. A paunchy old guy like me with this young knockout. When we were together people looked and wondered: Was I her father or her date? Guys were always checking her out, whether they recognized I noticed it or not.

Well, after a year or so of dating, we were married and had a little girl. Everything was heaven except one thing. I wasn't very religious and Lori wasveryreligious. Literally, she was an evangelical Christian, and somewhat narrow-minded. I hate to say it, but she was also slightly bigoted. She had told me on numerous occasions, she could never understand girls that dated black men. She'd always insist she wasn't prejudiced, but would also insist she wouldneverdate a black.

Being pretty liberal, and a long time Democrat, it bugged me. But, for the sake of the marriage, I always just let it go.

Then something weird happened.

We were attending a wild New Years Party at the university I teach at, I'd left the dance floor to go to the john. In the john was Willie Smith one of our janitors. Always a nice guy, Willie was probably around my age...maybe a few years younger. Let's say, late fifties.

"Hey Mr. K...your girl is somethin' nice, man."

I was a little shocked at Willie's frankness.

"Thank you, Willie. I'm sure Lori would thank you, too. I probably don't compliment her enough these days."

"Man, I be doin' more than compliment her. She be hot!!!" he said, laughingly, as he stepped up to the urinal.

With that, Willie whipped out a cock the likes of which I'd never seen before. At least a foot long and thick. I couldn't help but stare at the thing.

He noticed.

As he pee'd, Willie waved and waggled it, splashing a hard line of pee all over the wall of the urinal. It sprayed all over.

He looked at me and smiled while he commandeered the amazing organ in his fist:

"If you ever need any help wit' Lori, 'dere professa', you jus' let ole' Willie know. I get da' job done."

I was outraged at the man's impertinence. Maybe he'd had too much to drink, I thought. Yet, I couldn't take my eyes off his incredible, mammoth-like, black dick. Dark and uncut, it was something, size-wise, I'd never seen before.

I left the john, but couldn't get the image out of my head all night—or all the following week. Next the week turned into a month, then months.

It is hard to say what the excitement was. I'm not gay, or into the cuckold stuff. But I couldn't stop the picture of that old, black janitor, shaking his enormous python of a dick and talking about using it on Lori. Especially with Lori's attitudes about blacks.

This all played in my mind for months. Whenever I saw Willie he'd be polite, but then ask:

"How's Lori doin' professa'?" with a big smile.

"Oh fine, Willie."

"She ask about me yet?" he'd tease.

"No. Not yet," I answered kidding back. But after a while...as if he planted the thought in my head, purposely...I began to have pictures in my head of—Willie and Lori!!!

I would find myself masturbating and picturing my young wife, mother of my daughter, fucking Willie, the university's janitor.

I felt terrible guilt over it. But it began to possess my thoughts. Soon, I found the only way I could get off was picturing Lori and Willie. Even during sex with Lori, I pictured I was Willie fucking her—and I fucked her hard! Harder than I ever had before.

In time, something seemed to take hold in me. It was an idea:

I had to see Lori and Willie together!

It was the strangest compulsion I ever had. It repulsed and attracted me both at the same time. But I couldn't get the vision out of my head.

Did I want Lori to fuck this old, black janitor with the horse-cock? No, no no! It was disgusting to think such a thing.

But...the answer was: Yes...I did.

Yes. Somehow, for some reason—that I couldn't understand—I wanted my wife to submit to being fucked by this old, black guy. To give herself up to him—heart and soul!

I didn't just want it. I needed it. The thought of it gave me the most violent orgasms I'd ever had in my life. Where I used to just dribble out when I came. Now, my ejaculations squirt forth like geysers. Fantasies of Willie and Lori had made me rampant.

Yes, I'd always had a weak sex drive until Willie had planted the thought in my head. Now I was jacking off and fucking Lori like no tomorrow. When Willie would joke about Lori, I found myself playing along much more now.

"How Lori be, Mr. K?"

Seeing no one was around I'd respond:

"She keeps asking about you, Willie," I'd smile back.

"Really," he'd ask, half kidding, half quizzically.

"Oh yeah, Willie," I'd continue the joke beyond a husband's normal propriety, "She's always asking about 'How's Willie doing?' Really she asks about you all the time. Did you put some kind of spell on her Willie?"

"Well," he'd beam, "You tell her anytime, anywhere." Then he'd look at me. I could tell, he was checking out my demeanor to see if I was following what his comments were really referring to. It was clear he was hoping beyond hope that I did.

"Don't tease her Willie," I'd continue, making sure no one was around who could over hear this, coming from a tenured professor to the school janitor:

"You'll have her chasing you all over town."

Willie looked at me for a short pause, looked around, then grabbed his huge dick through his pants and shook it:

"I'll give her some 'a' 'dis Dr. K. But only if it be Ok with you 'a' course."

I could see the monstrosity outlined through his pants. I admit, it was exciting. I'm not gay, but this kind of dick would excite anyone, man or woman.

"I don't know if she could handle all that Willie." I tried to say calmly, but my voice was hoarse with excitement.

"Only one way to find out, prof." Willie said, glaring at me and continuing to hold the enormous organ, outlining it against his pants. Willie's seriousness, and confidence was clearly growing—along with his aroused gland.

I was starting to shake with excitement.

"Maybe someday, Willie," I croaked.

"I could tell she be likin' some dark meat first time I saw her, Dr.K," Willie beamed.

I thought, how wrong could a man be...

But then he continued:

"Cause the way she looked at me when we danced last year at the New Years Party."

I was stunned.

"What? Willie that must have been someone else."

"Nope. It was ya' wife all right... I think she was a little sa' prized, but she danced wit' me. Think she felt the bona' I had for her too. We danced tight and close."

"W...w...when was this?"

"You left to take a leak or somethin'. I just went out on da' floor and took her by da' arm. Sure she resisted a little, but 'den she let me hug her and dance her around till da' end a da' song. I tell ya' 'dis Doc, by da' end a da' song she was likin' what she felt down 'dere. I can tell when a woman be likin' it. She sho' wont pullin' way no mo' by da' end a da' song."

"She never mentioned it to me..." I said, not sure whether to believe this strange, inconceivable story or not. Lori, my wife, with this old, black man—grinding hips on the dance floor?

"Well gee, doc. Why ya' think dat' is?" Willie said with a broad, knowing grin.

"I...I...I don't know." I was bewildered at all the strange feelings in side of me. Jealousy...excitement...horniness...anger.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I thought.

"How many of my peers must have seen them?" I wondered.

When I got home that night, I asked Lori about it. She seemed uncomfortable. Then she made as if she remembered it vaguely and tried to brush it off.

I figured, hey, this is what I've been waiting for. Why kill it?

While our daughter was off to stay at her grandparents, I brought home some porn videos. From time to time, I'd done this in the past. Lori didn't like it, but in spite of herself, she'd occasionally watch with me in bed.

Only this time I brought home an interracial video. It was one of a young, blonde bride gangbanged by a group of extremely, well hung blacks. I thought she might throw a fit. I'd never brought home anything like this before, but—it was now or never.

I played the first videos we lay in bed together. As usual, she either made condescending remarks or analyzed its attraction for me, clinically. But then I put on the interracial. I put the lights off. Lori was clearly shocked into silence. Partly the violence of it, maybe. But, without doubt, the black-on-white nature of it, and the size of the black men, stunned her into silence.

As she watched it, I began to cuddle with her from behind. I spooned up to her, hard as a rock, and felt down to her little clit. She resisted my probing hand at first, but then I maneuvered it between her legs.

I could see why she was initially resisting my hand. She didn't want me to know. She was ashamed that she was wet. Very wet!!!

I played slowly with Lori's clit and she quickly began moaning. I had never heard her moan during sex before. Now she was moaning, and loud. Very loud.

Lori came and spasmed under my massaging fingers. She jerked and writhed for what seemed like minutes. Afterward I mounted her. I took her legs under my arms, I bent her back, pinning her knees to her shoulders, like the black men had the blonde in the film, and then fucked her brutally hard.

Lori loved it. She began bucking back up at me. And then she groaned and began to cum again. She actually cried out, and then stared up at me as I continued to pump all my 5" into her like a jackhammer. Lori's eyes were glazed. I came and ground my pelvis to hers. I squirted what felt like half a pint of jism into her.

When I was done we collapsed. During the rest of the film, we had sex 3 more times in similar fashion...violent and wild.

We fell asleep. For the next week we didn't discuss it. As Thursday approached, Lori asked me:

"If I send Ellie over to her Grandma's, could you get some more videos?"

It was starting to happen. I could see, in Lori's once narrow and prejudiced mind, she was beginning to associate great sex with black men.

This time I brought back three videos. One of the three was interracial. When we were getting into bed, Lori popped a video in the VCR.

It was the interracial video.

We watched the huge, black actor pumping his 13" dick into a blonde ingénue. I could see Lori staring at the size and power of the black Hercules...and his pistoning organ.

"How come they're all so big?" she whispered.


You know...black guys?"

"Well, honey, we're watching performers specifically selected for their size," I whispered back, even as I diddled away at her sticky, aroused clit.

"But...but...what about..."

"What about what, sweetheart?"

"What about...Willie?"

Finally, I thought—Willie!

"What about Willie?" I played it straight.

"W...When he made me dance with him...he pressed it against me."

"And..." I said, feeling her clit getting harder and wetter as she spoke. I could hear her squishing down there now.

"It was...you know...really big!"

"I know sweetheart, Willie isvery, very big. I've seen him in the Men's Room. My god, it's abnormal."

Lori was grunting with each rub of her clitty. My fingers were covered with her secretions. She was oozing it now. Lying on her side watching the film, she was beginning to lift her leg now, like a dog taking a pee, to open up wider to my fingers.

Lori was close, and I wanted her to cum with Willie's name breathed into her ear.

"Yes...Lori, babe...let go...that's it...yes, Willie is so, so big isn't he...like a big thick hose...Willie is so big...Willie's like a horse, huh babe...and it's all for you..."

"Uggghhhh...." Lori grunted like a beast. She was jerking and grunting, grunting and groaning. She began almost writhing off the bed.

When it was done she buried her head in the pillow...in shame.

Later, while the interracial video still played, I rolled her over and got on top of her, and we fucked like animals. We both came heavily.

We fucked two or three times during the rest of the picture.

Each time I was whispering Willie's name in her ear as we approached—and reached—orgasm.

I noticed avidly that Lori didn't object to Willie's name being whispered into her ear while I fucked her...or as we came.

By the third time she was whispering back at my promptings.

"Willie's got a big dick...doesn't he, babe?"

"Yes..." Lori responded.

"Willie's such a big-dicked guy...isn't he, hon?"


"Willie's pumping that big black horse cock into you now, isn't he?"

"Yesssss......ungggghhhh!!!" Lori grunted cumming for the fourth...or was it the fifth...or was it the sixth, time that night.

I woke up in the middle of the night and found she'd rewound the video and was re-watching the enormously hung, black guy fucking the young blonde all over again.

Her legs splayed widely, Lori was playing with herself while she watched the video. Her fingers were making squishing and loud, wet sloshing sounds between her fat and swollen, vaginal lips.

Lori came, grunting again, animal-like. Her eyes were glazed over. She seemed shocked at her own sex-drive. Maybe she was also shocked at her heated lust for the huge black dick she watched over and over that night sluicing up between the pink, battered, Caucasian labia.

I thought it was time.

Maybe I'd shop for her this week and bring her home a huge, 13" black dildo.

During the week, Lori strangely became even more conservative and pious.

We went to church with little Ellie and lived a very wholesome life outwardly. Little would any of the congregation around us guess that Lori had a big, black, 13" dildo at home in her dresser drawer.

But my wife had exactly that hidden away under her pink and white panties...and, now, the occasional black thong.

The week I bought her the gigantic, black dildo (the largest the Adult Shop had available) she acted strangely. I had just put it in her dresser drawer without mentioning it to her. I knew she'd find it that evening. She did. But she never mentioned it.

However, that first night she came down in her nightie, I noticed she was a little flushed. I also noticed the nightie was one of her rare transparent ones. Lori was only wearing a black thong underneath it.

"My God!" I thought. "What if Ellie sees?"

But our girl was only 3 and wouldn't recognize that her Mom was parading around semi-naked in a very sexy way.

After Ellie was put to bed we went to bed.

I awoke in the middle of the night with Lori beside me, thighs spread wide, using two hands to ram the ebony phallus up her stretched, slobbering channel. She grunted and worked away in the moonlight. She fucked the thing into herself with almost workman like fashion. My young wife wanted to cum—needed to cum—badly!

After several minutes lying beside her as she worked the thick, black object into her pussy, I was rock hard. I began to play with my dick.

I got up and knelt along side her. I was stroking it just over her face.

"That's it Hon," I hissed. "Ram Willie in there!"

I kept stroking furiously, while I whispered to Lori, reminding her it was Willie she was driving into her loosening twat:

"That's it Lori stroke big Willie's fat, black dick up there...you know you want it don't you?"

"Ungghhh..." she grunted back at my every insistence that it was Willie banging into her.

"You want that big Willie horse-cock into you don't you, babe?"


"You want it big and black, sweetheart, huh?"


"Beg big Willie for his thick, blackness."


Lori came and spasmed, grinding down violently on the fake black dick.


She said it! Willie's name came through her once proud and haughty, Caucasian lips. Nothing could ever change that. She had clearly cum with images of Willie as her partner.

The thought brought me to climax. I sprayed my jism—in a nice thick jet—right onto her face.

Lori was stunned to receive my thick discharge right square in the face. But she was so taken with her own climax that she just laid there and let me continue to jerk the rest off on her face.

I thought maybe now Willie's spell would be over. Maybe we had exorcised the black, jungle demon within us.

Looking down, I saw the thick dildo sticking 6 or 7 inches out of my wife's stretched vaginal channel. It glistened from her plentiful, feminine juices. She was slaked with sweat, lying there panting, my cum dripping from her face.

Lori looked like a common slut you could catch any day of the week whoring herself on the Internet. She once thought she was so special. She'dnever date a black...well, I wondered what ran through her mind now...with a 13" black dildo hanging out of her well used twat...Willie's name on her lips...and the image of his old, black dick having just used her?

As my dick hardened again, I realized this wasn't the end. It was only the beginning. After all, Lori hadn't even got to slow-dance with Willie more than once. And that wasn't fair to either of them.

Was it?

Please share your impressions at the link below.

I am also interested in corresponding with other men trying to turn their wives to black-on-white sex. Finally, I am interested to hear from very mature and discreet black men.

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tomb72tomb72about 1 year ago

Will we ever get to read part 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great love the thought off old will getting into your wifes panties and giving her a real mans cock be warned once he fucks her there will be no going back and the inevitable will happen as wille gets her off her birth control pill but will keep fucking and filling her married cunt with his enormous fatcock and virile potent spunk until your sexy wife falls pregnant to him only a matter off time till wille puts your wife up the spout

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Real life

This story reminds me of a woman I worked with at the medical school, she was a medical technologist supervisor in the clinical lab. I was a resident in the experimental lab. Janice was unhappily married to one of the richest lawyers in the city who was 15 years older than her. When I first met her, she was a 27 year old gorgeous 5'9" brunette with hair down to the middle of her back, probably weighed 110. Beautiful face with deep green eyes. She had no breasts just nubs and nipples. She often wore thin blouses and never wore a bra! Fabulous long shapely legs and tight butt. One of the vet techs in the animal laboratory, the 30 year old Hank, was physically the opposite of Andrew. Hank was 6'6" and all muscle. He wore size 14 sneakers. He weighed over 300 pounds, wore 3X shirts. His cock was huge, probably 14 or 15 inches and very thick (I had stood at the urinal next to him and had seen his cock myself). Janice and Hank could be heard fucking every week day in her supervisor's office. Janice bragged to Glenda(another coworker of mine ) that thus far in her sexual odyssey there was never a cock she could not take all the way into her pussy. Janice reported that Hank with his 14 inch cock and testicles the size of oranges filled her pussy but she took him in completely. Janice also supervised the phlebotomy lab where hundreds of poor men and women came to have their blood drawn. Janice had her pick of clients of the blood drawing clinic. Janice’s extremely active sex life included thousands of episodes of daily during the work week sexual intercourse with large semen ejaculations by multiple Negro clients over a period of decades. Janice's sordid sex with the sleazy, unkempt, diseased, drug using, whore mongering, often bisexual, frequently criminal Negro men clients fucking her daily convinced me her addiction to black cock was intense. I have subsequently learned that the majority of white women fantasize about having sex with black men and the percentage of white women who have actually fucked a black man may be as high as 1 in 6. I would bet the percentage of white men who fantasize about sex with black women is equally high; my fantasy is Halle Berry! Janice always had sperm in her pussy and womb because since she took birth control pills she fucked all men with bare cocks. Janice had a strict no condom policy as she wanted maximum contact between the nerve endings in the wall of her pussy and her cervix with her partner’s cock in order to maximize the possibility of orgasms. Janice told Gloria she truly enjoyed feeling the cum of the men fucking her explode into her pussy and onto her cervix! Janice was the only medical technologist who risked her job by having sex with clients! I assume Amy and Willie are fictional but I assure you Janice was a very real beauty and died early of hepatitis and childless. Hank fathered 6 children by two women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I hope you write a part 2 or 3.....could be a good one

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Plwease continue.

A very hot story. well written. The quotations make this story an easy and exciting read.

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