Lisa'a Dilemma

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Lisa & Ken meet, sparks fly, but what happens?
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Good Morning fine readers. This is a story that I wrote a while ago, but didn't know if I should continue it. So, I'm putting it out there for a vote. Is there enough here that you want to see it continue? Let me know yeah or nay. If you say yeah, then also give me some of your ideas on where it should go.

Lisa's Dilemma

What are the odds of something like that happening? She had planned to meet this wonderful man that was saying all the right things in email and she hoped he was the one that could make her feel live again. Then the snowstorm and ice storm of the decade hit and they were trapped in their respective houses with miles and miles of icy roads between them.

Thanksgiving had just passed and Lisa had spent her Thanksgiving with family drinking in the bar, lonely but not alone. She hated her life and living away from everyone out on a ranch. The only bright spot in her life was her daughter and her students she taught at school, but when she was alone, she felt like life was passing her by. Her mind started to wander and for brief moment she thought about writing or texting Ken.

Ken started off being a penpal (or whatever you call an emailing partner), then a confidant, now her cyber lover and he seemed to be intruding in her thoughts all the time. Lisa had been married for 23 years with two kids, but she and her husband had their share of issues. Several times over the years they had come close to divorce, now they slept in separate bedrooms in the same house, but rarely talked and the passion was certainly gone. On a lark she had joined one of those no strings attached websites designed for people looking to have an affair. She didn't really know what she was looking for but she wanted some excitement and passion in her life again. Basically, she wanted to feel alive instead of just existing.

Because she was tiny, slim and beautiful she immediately starts getting proposals from every kind of guy out there and about 99% were out there for one thing. They wanted to get laid, with no repercussions and no strings, in other words ... pure SEX. Unfortunately, Lisa was not that kind of woman, she could only be involved with somebody if they meant something to her. As offers flooded in for illicit sexual meetings she tried at first to politely decline, her mannerly southern upbringing required her to respond politely. That didn't seem to work very well and guys wouldn't take no for an answer. Therefore, she just started deleting emails.

She had met several guys that had seemed interesting and for the most part they were in email. However, each one was interested in sex, but not her. Once they had what they wanted they never cuddled, kissed or even called her. She had hoped for someone that wanted her, someone that made her feel alive, loved, wanted, beautiful and desired. She didn't want to be just a one-night stand and while several men later called her back for additional rendezvous, they were not interested in her, just a steady supply of sex.

Then someone called hopefulromantic99 wrote her a note and automatically she dismissed him, but she kept his email because something about him seemed different from the rest. He responded back to her in a kind of gentlemanly fashion that she had hoped for and she took another look at his profile. All the things he said were in right alignment with what she wanted, he didn't want a one-night stand and wanted somebody long-term to be with, a friend, confidant, someone that he could exchange fantasies with and ultimately a long-term friend and, if things worked out a lover.

From Ken's viewpoint Tara8888 (Lisa's pseudonym) was pretty close to the type of person he was looking for, but she was committed as she responded in her email. However, several things were different about Tara8888, first she responded with a polite ladylike response. No one on this site had done that, in fact, up to this point, everyone he had met was after money in one shape, form or fashion. Second, her written profile actually seemed to be the person who wrote the nice note. Ken was intrigued and after mulling it over he sent her several more notes. She responded and soon they were emailing regularly.

She said she was committed and so he didn't really expect anything to happen, but he enjoyed talking to her and Lisa genuinely seemed like a nice lady, as well as very beautiful. Lisa was not used to someone being nice to her and after seeing his kind emails she once more looked at his profile. She now became a little more interested in this guy. So, one of her first emails to Ken was to tell him her real name.

She wrote back thanking him for the kind emails and Ken responded that he was only writing her for being the only real lady on the site. A few days later Lisa responded tentatively wanting to talk and she gave him her real email account. They began to communicate via email and she liked what she was hearing, but she knew they were just words and she still had her doubts. The first email Lisa sent to his regular email she included her photo and then she sent several more.

In the photos Ken saw a beautiful blonde woman with captivating eyes. She had a very nice figure from what he could see in her winter clothes, but it was her face that captured him. Her face was beautiful with luscious lips and an elegant neck. Her eyes were enchanting, the color of melted chocolate and just like chocolate they beckoned him.

However, there was something else, as beautiful as she was, the fire in her spirit seemed crushed. He knew she was a teacher working on her masters. He knew she had to have a strong personality to do what she did, but something was missing. In the photos she seemed lonely or sad. He couldn't put his finger on it but her spirit seemed dimmed, like no one really appreciated who she really is and she was just existing.

In addition to his job Ken was also a photographer and writer of erotic romances, so he sent her some of his beautiful photos and a couple of his stories. He was Interested in what she thought of his work, but he also thought some beautiful photos and romantic stories would brighten her day.

Her entire life people had tried to take advantage of her kind and trusting nature, so she had built a defensive shell and was very wary of silver tongues. However, with every email he seemed to be saying the right things and there seemed to be sincerity in his words, like he really believed it. She wanted to believe she really did, but history had made her wary, so they started talking, both in email, text and via cell phone.

The more they talked and revealed each other's desires, joy and pain more both of them were convinced that something special might be happening. Both the only hoped for something that would make them happy, fill the dull void inside and make life worth living again. Instead they were both feeling something a lot deeper and they were becoming very intimate in their conversations. Both had good experiences in meeting someone online, only to be disappointed once you meet them in person and both Lisa and Ken were hoping this time that wouldn't happen.

Ken fully expected that after she heard he was at the end of his third failed marriage she would end it right there. In Ken's world, any sign of weakness or failure is automatic rejection and general hostility. He had said things knowing that this would mostly likely kill their budding relationship, but she needed to know who she was dealing with. Ken was a hard core romantic and a very trusting person, but he had been lied to all his life and never mastered creating the shell around his heart. Heartache seemed to be a constant in his life, but all he wanted was someone that he could give his heart to. He wanted someone that would know what a special gift it was and take care of it.

Lisa surprised him with a soft loving email that hinted at her own pain, she continued to text and email Ken. He knew now he had someone very special, someone with a heart as big as Texas and his interest in this woman escalated to new heights. Every one of her texts and emails to Ken only convinced him further what an incredible woman he had found. However, he wondered how somebody could trample such a beautiful spirit and where her pain came from.

Lisa found herself thinking the same thing. Ken made her feel sexy and beautiful, wanted and desired, and it's what she wanted more than anything, to feel alive again and Ken brought her that. He was a very special man for her, he was a giving, loving wonderful man and she really did want him in her life. She had dreams of what it would be like to fall asleep in his arms every night and wake with his arms around her in the morning. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible with the harsh winter ice storms, but hopefully they could find some way to have some uninterrupted time together.

Chapter 2 -- Making Love

Lisa's day was usually controlled or uncontrolled chaos, but at quiet times like sitting at home ice bound she found her mind wandering and thinking about Ken. Both found they were becoming very close friends, but distance, family, ice and jobs kept them from talking as much as they would like.

On Wednesday Ken proposed that they meet the following Friday for lunch and if they meshed, they could spend the night at a motel finally giving in to their desires. The anticipation built all week and a couple of times Lisa almost called to back out. This was a huge step for her and she had been burned several times by smooth talking guys and she wondered if she could really go through with it again. She desperately wanted this, but still a huge leap of faith.

Then yet another ice storm hit and made their decision for them. They talked and thought that the following Monday would be long enough for the ice to melt and the roads to be passable. Sunday night they talked and looking at the Department of Transportation's WEB site they knew that Monday wouldn't happen either. They moved their meeting to Tuesday and this time Ken was determined to drive there no matter what the condition of the roads. Lisa felt the same way and as an incentive, or maybe just a preview sent Ken the picture of her breasts encased in a very sexy bra. Ken happened to be working at the time and needless to say was very distracted until the end of the shift.

Ken could tell, even in email that Lisa wanted to meet and wanted to do this, but she was still nervous. At this point he didn't know why, but he could guess that it was either fear of getting caught, bad experiences or just fear of putting yourself out there for possible rejection.

Ken knew how she felt and did his best to be understanding and supportive, but he that knew at some point they needed to make this step, so he persisted. He booked motel room in a little town about an hour's drive away. It was far enough away so it was unlikely anyone she knew would be around. On the appointed day Ken arrived about a half hour earlier than the meeting time. He checked in to the room and unloaded all of his clothes, food and drink, then left for the restaurant to meet Lisa.

Ken wanted to give Lisa and afternoon of unrivaled pleasure, something he didn't know she had ever had, but certainly not a long time. He knew the most difficult part would be for Lisa to relax enough to really let go and feel. So just in case he had bought two bondage cuffs for restraining her hands. He was thinking this might be the way to free her from her control and allow her to accept his gift of pleasure, allowing her to let go and feel.

Ken got to the restaurant at the appointed time and waited. A few minutes later Lisa texted him saying she had run into some ice and would be few minutes late. Ken waited nervously in and outside of his car, but then a big SUV turned the corner and entered the parking lot. Behind the steering wheel is the face of the blonde goddess and all his nervousness went away.

Lisa saw him standing there as she slowly drove towards him. She had worried about him being twelve years older, but the man she saw in front of her trim, handsome and actually had some hair. He looked her age or even younger and she found herself liking what she saw. He was wearing stylish black sweater and with his black pants he looked very debonair. Lisa parked her SUV next to his and Ken was immediately there opening her door.

With her door open, Ken saw very beautiful, but very nervous lady. She had on a black dress with black stockings all covered some kind of very furry vest. She looked very stylish in a sexy yet sophisticated way, but it was her face that captivated him. Beautiful chocolate brown eyes drew him in, like they were begging to be loved. Her lips were not the full puffy lips that are in fashion these days, but they were soft sensuous and smiled easily. Her whole face was framed by a mane golden hair that made her look eminently kissable.

Lisa's eyes darted around nervously searching the parking lot for anyone who might potentially know her. She didn't see anyone but that didn't abate her nervousness and then she glanced at Ken and he was even more handsome than his pictures. She glanced nervously away, but then Ken's hands touched her, easing her out of the SUV into his arms and her eyes locked onto his.

As his arms slid beneath her coat pulling her tightly into his arms, their lips touched for their first tentative kiss. Ken felt the softest, most sensuous lips he'd ever kissed and his hunger for this beautiful woman aggressively deepened their kiss. His mouth and tongue began to explore the passion hidden behind her sensuous lips.

For Lisa that first kiss was maddening. She felt the sensual softness when his lips first touched hers, sparks flew in her head and for a moment she dreamed of more. Then he aggressively took her mouth in a passionate, punishing kiss that stole her breath away and gave her everything she was dreaming about. For a few moments she allowed herself the luxury of being lost in this first kiss and then she realized they were in the middle of a parking lot and anyone can see them.

Lisa almost panicked and only Ken's arms wrapped tightly around her kept her from hiding. Her nervousness returned along with her urgent need for a bathroom, she pulled her lips from Ken's and hid her face in his chest. She held on to him for a second and then nervously stepped back saying they needed to go to the restaurant.

Ken didn't want to go to the restaurant; instead he wanted to continue to feel Lisa pressed tightly in his arms. However, he could see her nervousness as her eyes kept darting around the parking lot. They were in her territory and its possible that someone she knew could be close by, so they can take it slow for now. Ken gave her a little bit of space but never completely let go of her. Lisa quickly closed the car door and strode quickly across the parking lot towards the restaurant.

They got to the restaurant Ken opened the doors for her and while they waited for the hostess his arms came back around her. Lisa didn't know what to do, this felt so good and she wanted this, but she was not used to anyone paying attention to her and this was a public place. She didn't know what to do, this felt good having someone pay attention to her like this, but at the same time it scared her. Fortunately, the hostess saved her and arrived escorting them to their table.

Lisa quickly said she was going to the restroom and scurried away. While she really did have to go to the restroom this would also give first time to get herself back on track. Ken was everything he said in his emails, and more. He was handsome, attentive, affectionate and from his kisses and touches she knew he wanted her. She looked into the mirror bathroom she realized this was exactly what she wanted when she joined the website. Someone that would pay attention to her and make her feel alive again.

He was offering all that to her. In just the few minutes she had known him, he had shown her more affection and desire than her husband or the other guys she met. So why was she scared, this was what she wanted. As she looked in the mirror, she knew she wanted this, she wanted to give herself to him. Lisa pulled her shoulders back, thrust her breasts out, sucked in her tummy and stood regally to her full 5'2" height.

She took one more look in the mirror and she saw a woman needing to feel the desire that Ken was offering her. She said a silent prayer hoping that this would be more just a quick fuck. She hoped that after they made love, he would spend time holding and kissing her, that they could become truly intimate. She really hoped he could become good friends in and outside of bed. She opened the door and walked quickly to their table.

Ken was standing holding her chair out for when she got there is little gesture showed that at the very least, he was a true gentleman. As she started to settle into her chair Ken's fingers gently caressed her cheek pushing her silky hair behind her ear. She glanced into his eyes but quickly turned away, because she saw intense desire lurking in his eyes. She knew if she gave him a chance, he would kiss her right here in the restaurant.

Lisa felt a quivering her belly and nervousness back as he gently caressed her face with one hand and caressed her leg with the other. Her eyes darted around the restaurant making sure no one was watching. To Ken there was no one else in the room and Lisa occupied his entire sight. Lisa was not used this at all and Ken's complete focus on her scared her, but at the same time exhilarated her. Just thought of this kind of attention while they made love had Lisa's panties soaked in anticipation.

Lisa was spared additional nervousness as the waiter finally came to their table and she quickly ordered a margarita to help calm her nerves. Lisa ordered a simple cheese quesadilla while Ken ordered an appetizer, a bowl of chili and a margarita. Lisa did notice that Ken had a bad back or neck and had to turn his whole body to look at her and look he did. She didn't think his eyes ever left her face, nor his hands ever stop caressing some portion of her. She was certainly not used to this kind of attention and as nervous as it made her, she felt more alive than she had in a long time. When he looked at her, he made her feel beautiful, desired and wanted.

It had been a long time since somebody made her feel beautiful and wanted. Her husband hadn't paid attention to her in a very long time and all the other guys she met online made her feel desired, much like someone desires a big juicy steak. She had never felt respect or affection from her online dalliances, only a hunger and a need for pure sex.

Ken was different from anyone else she had met online and she was only just now realizing how different. He was handsome, gentlemanly, intelligent and genuinely seemed interested in her as a person as well as a lover. They talked about how good or bad the roads were coming here and Ken expressed worry about her ice drive. Family seemed to be the only people ever cared about her, but now this person she just met also seemed to care. They talked little bit about family and then lunch came.

From the moment Ken saw her in the SUV he was captivated and the more he stared into those chocolate eyes, the more he knew he wanted her. Not just sex, he wanted to get close to her and feel the passion she kept locked away. He could tell she was very nervous, but the more time they spent together the more she would look back into his eyes. Maybe it was the margarita but he felt some of her nervousness beginning to slip away and passionate desires take its place.