Limo Ride Ch. 02

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Cindi walks the red carpet completely nude!
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/09/2016
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Didn't think there would ever be a sequel to this story, but a reader suggestion lead to a second chapter, and I'm already sorting out the third.

As always, I encourage feedback.


Gary stepped out of the limo to a series of flashes, photographers trying to get a killer photo of a celebrity without waiting to see who the celebrity was. By the time they had realized he wasn't famous at all, he had turned his back to them and was reaching into the limo.

Gary's hand held a beautiful woman's hand, as he helped pop superstar "Cindi!" out of the vehicle. As one of the most popular singers on the planet at the moment, the paparazzi would have swarmed her regardless, but here at the premiere of a major motion picture in which she had a small role they were expecting her to look her best.

And look her best she did, her black high heels matched her long feather boa perfectly, but no one noticed because other then the shoes and the boa, Cindi was completely nude.

She had paid for an elegant evening dress that had been made especially for her, but she refused to wear it because she had discovered the designer, Vincenti, used third world sweatshops to make his clothes. She couldn't abide by that and had decided to make a political statement about it. The plan was to have Gary walk her down the red carpet till they reached the final camera crew, at which point she would explain to the reporter that she would rather be naked than wear Vincenti's clothes.

Gary took her arm under his, and smiled. She smiled too but it was insincere and for benefit of the cameras. The pair talked in whispers through their unmoving lips like ventriloquists without puppets, so they appeared as normal and as happy to be there as everyone else.

"Ready?" Gary asked.

"As I'll ever be." Cindi responded.

The pair took a step, and then another, after the third, Cindi turned to the cameras and struck a pose as was expected of her. She would have made any evening dress look sexy and as it was, with the boa covering one of her breasts while the other was completely exposed, she looked phenomenal. What really made the crowd react however was the pose she was making. Hand in her hip, one leg bent slightly putting her weight on the other, it was a typical red carpet pose. Because she was naked though, it meant her cunnie was on display, which of course shocked everyone. Cindi acted like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. She smiled, waved and then lead Gary a few more steps.

"How are you holding up?" Gary whispered through his smile, having issues with the h's. It sounded more like "ow are you olding up", but she understood what he meant and it kept their conversation as private as was possible in the given circumstances.

"I'm having an unexpected issue." She admitted, "I'm tingling."

"Well I'd have butterflies in my stomach too if I was doing something as brave as what you are doing." He comforted her.

"No, you don't understand," Still arm in arm, she leaned in and whispered into his ear so no one else could possibly hear her. "I'm my pussy. This the hottest thing I've ever done."

"I dunno, that thing you did in the limo was pretty hot." Gary joked. She threw her head back laughing, genuinely amused by his comments but playing up her reaction for the cameras that clicked away.

That thing he was referring to was the handjob she had given him in the limo. It was vital they appear as non sexual as possible, and to get rid of his erection she had pumped him empty, swallowing his load when she realized she hadn't properly prepared for the mess male orgasms make. It had all made sense at the time, but it had left her quite excited.

Cindi being excited was actually the worse thing that could be happening at the moment. Any Indication that this was in any way sexual to her would mean the story that would play out would be about her having some sort of exhibitionist kink, so she needed to be asexual so the focus remained in the plight of the workers. Of course, this worked in theory much better than in practice, as she was discovering she was a bit of an exhibitionist.

"Cindi! Cindi!" A group of photographers called out. She spun her head over her shoulder and posed with her back to them, hand on her hip, looking directly into a lens, smiling. One end of the boa hung down her back and seemed to point to her perfect ass, which was on display for everyone. "Why are you naked?" One of the reporters yelled over the constant click of the cameras.

Without answering she stepped back to Gary, took his arm and walked a few more paces.

"Oh god, I didn't... I didn't think this would be so exciting!" She told him through gritted teeth. "I'm going to ruin this. I'm going to be called a whore and nothing will change with Vincenti."

"First of all, you paid for everything tonight, so if anything, I'm the whore here." Gary joked, which made her smile, for real. "Secondly, your point is going to be made, no one knows how excited you are but me."

Their conversation was interrupted by another group of photographers. Cindi posed again, this time she faced them, put all her weight on one leg, and bend the other slightly, keeping her knees together. She crossed an arm over her stomach, touching her other arm just below the elbow. It was yet another typical pose for a woman on a red carpet. Since she was nude however, meant her trimmed pubic hair was on full display and as were her firm breasts. She held the pose for a three count and resumed the walk to the theatre entrance, which seemed miles away.

"I'm on fire." She whispered to Gary.

"You're doing fine." He told her, unsure what he could do. The red carpet was a new experience to him, he was just a regular guy with a regular job that has just fallen into this odd situation. He would have been overwhelmed by it even if she had been clothed, as it was he just focused on her and blocked out everything else.

"Gary, I... Oh god, I'm going to orgasm. I really think I might." He could hear panic in her voice. Never mind the political statement she was making, if she orgasmed, naked, so publicly, her reputation and likely career would be ruined.

Gary looked around. They were about a third of the way to the theatre. Their limo had disappeared, replaced by another in a long line of limos so even if he wanted to take her back they way they had came, he couldn't.

Ahead however, he saw it. Midway down the red carpet was three steps up and with them, an opportunity to help her. It wasn't great plan, but it was all he had.

"How close are you?" He asked.

She looked at him, not understanding the question. He rephrased his question.

"How close to cumming are you? Can you hold off for one more pose?"

"I...maybe?" She answered hesitantly.

Gary took that as a yes, he had no other choice. He took her arm in arm once more and lead her to the next throng of cameras.

This time she held onto Gary's arm tightly, she needed the support. The pair posed, Gary made sure to keep his hand in the small of her back, well clear of her bottom so nothing appeared remotely sexual.

The feel of Gary's hand on her lower back, combined with the thrill of showing a half a dozen photographers her nubile body sent a wave of pleasure through her body, and she had to take a deep breath to contain it.

Sensing something was up, Gary ended the pose and lead her further down the runway.

"Everyone is looking at me. At my tits, my ass, my cunnie." She whispered to him as they walked. "Oh god, This is too much. I'm not going to make it!"

"You don't have to. Feel free to cum when I signal you." Cindi looked at him suspiciously

"I can't. I can't just cum in front of all these people!" She told him, knowing her body was going to whether she likes it or not.

"Sure you can, when we get to the steps, think about all the men looking at you, at the pictures that are going to be online, think of the millions of guys that are going to be jerking off to your body tonight." He told her.

Cindi couldn't believe what Gary was saying. He had seemed so nice when she had asked him out, and he had been so cool when she had explained the situation to him in the limo. He had even been a complete gentleman when she sucked his cock in the limo, but apparently he was just another asshole. He knew how orgasming now would ruin her life and here he was egging her on. Making it impossible for her to control herself.

"Gary, why are you..." He cut her off. They paused and he turned and pretended to wave to someone behind them. As he turned, he whispered. "Cindy, I'm going to give you such a deep dicking later, your pussy is going to ache for days."

It was too much, the cameras, her nudity, his bold statement that he was going to ravage her. The tingling in her cunnie exploded. She gasped uncontrollably. In front of dozens of cameras, which meant in front of the entire world, she began to orgasm.

Gary heard her take a deep breath and putting his hand on the small if her back guided her forward once more. Mid orgasm, she tried to take a step but her legs wouldn't move the way she wanted them too. Making matters worse, they were at the stairs. It was only three small steps, but it was an impossible barrier for her right at that moment as waves of pleasure rippled through her body.

"Fall." He told her, and took a step forward, and gave her the barest of nudges with his hand. Her mind barely grasped what was going on. Her foot caught on the step, and she let herself fall down. As she hit the ground, she grunted loudly, in pleasure as her orgasm rocked her body. She shook it passes through her body.

Gary dropped to the ground. Arms on her shoulders, he held her and whispered in her ear, away from the constant flashes of cameras. "Take a breath, let it subside."

She took a deep breath, and realized what he had done. It had felt like eons, but in the span of the last few seconds he had timed her orgasm to match when they arrived at the steps and then covered up her physical reaction to cumming in public with the fall. Looks like he was the nice guy that she had originally thought he was.

"Thank you" she replied as he shifted to her feet. He removed a shoe, and she stood back up, he used their bodies to hide his hands from the cameras. Unseen, he snapped the heel off the shoe

She stood, lopsided with one shoe on, forcing one leg to be slightly bent and spreading her legs just enough to give onlookers a decent view of her pussy. Gary bent down on a knee and removed her remaining shoe, and as he stood back up held the broken shoe up for people to see.

Cindi smiled, took his arm one more time and leaned her head against his shoulder. "My hero."

Gary laughed, "Just don't expect me to pay for this shoe, okay?"

The pair walked the rest of the way to the final camera crew without stopping to pose for any other photos. As they approached and the entertainment reported leaned forward, Gary slowed down,

"Ready to speak to the public?" He asked.

"I'm...about to give an interview completely nude." The realization hit her. "I don't think..."

"Yes, you can. Just remember why you are doing this in the first place." Gary told her in no uncertain terms as he stopped, letting Cindi go ahead of him.

"Cindi?! What, I mean..?", The reporter from Entertainment Tv was at a loss for words.

"Hi Chuck." Cindi said, her voice full confidence. "I suppose you wondering why I'm nude."

"Well, our viewers are certainly want to know. Did you lose a bet?" Chuck asked.

"I was supposed to wear a Vincenti gown this evening Chuck, but it's come to my attention that he uses third world sweatshops to make his clothes." She told him. "And as... embarrassing as walking down the red carpet completely nude is, and believe me this is embarrassing for me, I'd rather be naked than wear anything by Vincenti!"

"Powerful words Cindi, I see you have a date who came fully clothed." Chuck noted.

Cindi had to stifle a laugh, Chuck's assessment was more accurate than he knew. Back in the limo, Gary had indeed been fully clothed when he came.

"Gary is just a supportive friend, who believes in paying people a living wage, just like I do."

"Now you had a nasty fall a moment ago, how are you feeling?" Chuck asked.

Cindi's pussy began to tingle at the memory, she had orgasmed in front of dozens of people and apparently no one was the wiser! Where had this exhibitionist side of her come from, she wondered.

Seeing Cindi standing there lost in thought, and completely nude, Gary jumped into the interview. "She's fine, but..." Gary held up the broken shoe, "she's gonna make sure the next time she buys clothes or shoes, they are better quality and built here in the USA!"

The crowd cheered! And with that, Gary lead Cindi away from the reporters and the red carpet and into the theatre. Once inside, Gary took off his tux jacket and put it over Cindi's shoulders. The pair then bolted down an employees only corridor and out a side door.

"God, my pussy is on fire. That was the hottest thing I've ever done." Cindi told him. She reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out his cell phone and called her driver.

"I hope what said was okay." Gary asked as they waited in the alley for her limo to pick them up.

"Gary, you're a natural. Between my body and your line, we're going to be the headlines." She assured him. "Fuck. I'm on such an adrenaline high right now. This is better than performing at Madison Square Gardens!"

"Yeah, that was pretty exciting."

"Exciting? Gary, I fucking came in front of almost every news outlet in the country. God, I want to, to, I dunno. Part of me wants to run back into that theatre and make myself cum again in front of everyone."

"I'm not sure that would help the point you were making." He laughed.

"I know, I know it's just..." Cindi was extremely fidgety, pacing back and forth and moving her arms a lot as she spoke. "God, I feel so good."

Gary smiled, he assumed she would settle down in a few minutes, but was enjoying the sight of the sexy pop star in nothing but his jacket. It was a lot like when women wore a men's dress shirt and nothing else, as she waved her arms it lifted the bottom giving him glimpses of her pussy.

"God, I could fuck you right now." She told him.

Gary wasn't sure how to respond to that, though he knew he couldn't possibly take advantage of her. Even if she didn't regret it later, it was entirely possible for someone to see them in the alley, and that would ruin the whole point of what she had done.

He turned his head, thinking he heard the limo turning down the alley, but it was just a passing car.

"The limo will be back in a..." He stopped mid sentence, as he turned back to her. She was standing with the jacket open and was rubbing her clit unabashedly.

"Oh god. I can't get over how good I feel." She told him.

Gary took a step toward her, and gently but firmly took hold of her arms, pulling her hands away from her pussy so she couldn't play with herself.

"The car will be here in just a moment, you need to hold on till at least then." He told her softly.

"You're right, you're right." She relented.

Gary debated if she could trusted enough to let got of her arms. He had decided no when the limo pulled into the alley. Cindi opened the door first and crawled in, giving him a great close up look at her ass as he followed her.

She buzzed the intercom to the driver, "The hole, but take your time getting there."

"Do you want a drink?" Gary asked as he opened the minibar.

"Fuck no, I want another orgasm." Her face was dead serious for a moment before a smile creeped across her face.

"Do you need some time alone for that?" Gary smiled back.

Cindi laughed, and then opened her legs slightly. Her hand slowly reached between her legs and between her lips. The pair held eye contact as she slowly slid a finger inside her cunnie and back out. She whispered, "No."

Gary's eyes dropped to her hand, he watched as she dipped her finger back inside. Her other hand found her clit and she began to rub it slowly, breathing deeply she played with herself.

The limo pulled into traffic, and down the street away from the theatre. Cindi turned to look out the window, and saw the controls for the sun roof.

"Up." She told Gary, as she held the button and the sunroof opened. Not knowing what she meant, he shifted forward and waited. Cindi slide to the floor under the sunroof and buttoned up the tux jacket she was still wearing. It covered her breasts completely as she stood up so her top half was outside of the vehicle. She planted her feet wide, so she was stable and then looked back down at Gary. She raises her arms so the jacket rose too, exposing her cunt to him. "Well? I believe you have a favour to return?"

Gary looked up at her, laughing. He knelt at her feet, ran his hands up the back of her legs and took hold of her ass. He gave it a playful squeeze and then leaned in and began licking her pussy.

"Oh god, yes." She cried out.

People on the street turned to look and she began waving to them. The thrill of being secretly eaten out in public scratched the exhibitionist itch she had suddenly developed.

Gary licked up and down her slit, his hands still firmly grabbing her butt cheeks as he did so. He enjoyed the taste of her as he worked his tongue deep inside for a moment, before returning to her clit.

Cindi's eyes were closed as the limo stopped at a red light, focused on enjoying Gary's attentions when she heard someone yell, "Are you really Cindi?"

She opened her eyes to see a couple in their early twenties standing on the corner. "Yes." She said back, waving at them.

"He said you weren't Cindi." The woman told her, pointing to the guy she was with.

"Ohhhh." Cindi cried involuntarily as Gary buried a finger deep inside of her while still licking away at her clit.

"I'm, definitely, Cindi." She told them, trying to manage a conversation as her second orgasm began to build.

"Ain't you naked at some premiere or something, why ain't you there?" The guy asked, holding up his cell phone.

"I was. I had to, to cum, had to come..." She was having trouble focusing as Gary fingered her pussy inside the limo. "I mean, I got called to come home."

"Why was you naked?" The women asked.

"Vincenti. Oh god." She stifled a groan. "I'd rather be naked than wear Vincenti clothing."

"Hey, if you was just naked, can you show me some titties?" The guy asked. The girl immediately turned to him and hit him. "What's wrong with you? Asking a lady to show you her titties."

It was a ridiculous thing for anyone to ask, and any other time Cindi would have ignored it, but overcome with lust as she was, she actually undid the the buttons on the jacket she was wearing and pulled it open, flashing her breasts to the young man.

The light changed colour and as the limo pulled away she could her the guy thanking Jesus as the woman spun back around in disbelief.

Cindi slid down into the limo and laid back on the long seat, the jacket wide open. Gary could see her entire body. She spread her legs open wide and he obligated by resuming licking and fingering her sweet pussy.

Cindi reached down and ran her fingers through his hair roughly, grabbing it and pulling his face tight against her cunnie. Gary continued to lick and suck as she moaned louder and louder.

"Fuck that's it, lick that fucking pussy!" She screamed as she came, holding head tightly as she bucked her hips.

As her orgasm faded, Cindi let go of Gary's hair. He sat up, laughing. "So... What's the plan now?"

"Any interest in going back to my hotel and fucking the woman that, what was it you said earlier, millions of men will be jerking off to tonight?"

"I think I could be persuaded." He told her.