Lilibeth's Wild Side Ch. 02


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It was right about then that Walter, up north in New York State, checked in on his iPad, his disappointment at seeing the house empty earlier in the evening now jolted as if the world had spun off its axis. "Holy Christ, Nora! I mean...holy Christ! They're having a goddamn party. Half naked already! We're responsible for the place this week, you know."

"I know, Walter. I know. Let's not get too upset about it. I mean, it's a vacation cottage. I'm sure there's been plenty of parties there over the years." Nora glanced at the iPad with more interest this time, wondering what Beth was up to, wondering if those two sexually talented black men were at the cottage again. They didn't seem to be, though with the crowd in the cottage just now, Nora couldn't be sure.

"Are you seeing all the tits?" asked Walter, all stirred up again. "I mean Christ almighty, what's going on there!"

Nora worried that watching Beth's wanton side again would be bad for Walter's heart, but even more so she was worried about Beth and Marty's marriage, and about Beth's mental state, and about Beth's mother Joyce's shock and horror when Nora inevitably tells her at least something about this and about what happened at the cottage with those two men a few nights ago.

Walter's eyes were glued to the small screen. "That woman is still there. The smaller one."

"Yes," Nora said. "You're probably wishing she'd take her top off too. I know you've seen her in a bikini these last few days.

"Jesus, there she goes!" said Walter, watching the unveiling of Kerri's breasts, slightly drooping but lovely ones, crisply set off by stark tan-lines.

"Walter...," Nora said, eyeing him for a quick moment, "...what am I going to do with you. You've lost your mind over this. You've become an old pervert."

"Me? What about them!"

"Well...they...seem to be having fun. In the privacy of a closed house. It's their prerogative. But...if those women knew you were watching..."

"Oh, come on, they're not shy," Walter said.

"Well...I can't argue with that, but..."

"But nothing," said Walter. "Sit here and watch with me. Maybe we can have some fun of our own afterwards."

Nora smiled a little, her feelings conflicted but so much more lively and stimulated than the norm. "Well...we've watched all week, we may as well watch this, too," she said, settling in next to Walter, close up against his side.

"Holy Christ, I lost count," said Walter, his eyes busy on the screen. "There's at least twelve there. More than that, though."

"It's a party," Nora said, her eyes busy, too, noticing the big smiles on the topless women's faces. "I wonder what it's like," she softly said, her voice wistful. "Maybe...Walter...want to pretend we're with them? I could...take off my top."

Walter's eyes left the screen, his head turning. He noticed Nora's bashfully blushing face, something he hadn't seen in many, many years. "Do you mean...have a little party of our own, Junebug? Right here, in the living room?

Nora liked seeing Walter's boyish smile, and she liked the warmth and the bashful excitement she felt from the heat of her blushing face. These were some serious 'young again' feelings she was feeling, and it made her so happy. It made her happy, too, that Walter was watching her unbutton her blouse, rather than watching the naughty party on the iPad.

"You know," she said, as she took off her blouse and her bra, "we've lived here fifty years and I've never...been this the living room before."

"Maybe it's time for a change," Walter said, his kind eyes all crinkly and smiling. "You could leave your clothes upstairs once in a while."

"Oh, look," Nora said, her eyes on the screen again. "The women are all wearing just swimsuit bottoms now. You don't think...oh my gosh, Walter, that horrible bar, they have that ridiculous bikini contest every Friday Night. Do you you think Beth...did that?"

"Seems logical," Walter said. "I mean, it wouldn't surprise me, not after what we've seen her do. So that means they're filling the cottage with bar people. This is even worse than I thought. This could go downhill fast, things getting smashed up. How do we even know what's going on in the other rooms? We don't. Christ, they could burn the place down!"

"They're not fire starting people, Walter. They're having drinks. They're smiling."

"If you walked into that house, would you not think they're all a little bit crazy? That's all I'm saying."

Nora smiled. She couldn't disagree with that last little bit of logic, but her overall feeling about 'the party' was one of envy again. How does Beth do this, she wondered? Topless, in just a little bikini bottom, mingling with recently met folks at a party. Beth, the first one to go topless, encouraging the other women. Beth, smiling, and so obviously happy, loving this. Beth, standing so very close to another man, chatting so casually with him, her big nipples so obviously alive with arousal.

As she watched the small screen, Nora couldn't see Marty, then he was within view again. Nora wondered if he'd turned on some music, because Beth slowly began to dance, her smile beaming as Marty and the man watched her. The other woman nearby put her arm around the man's waist, she and he beginning their own writhing dance moves, their smiles just as big as Beth's.

"Want to put on some music?" asked Nora.

Walter smiled. "Sinatra?"


Walter loaded the CD changer with six Sinatra discs from the collection on the shelf. Standing next to him when he finished, the music pouring forth from the old speakers, Nora took his hand and placed it on her shoulder. Dancing with Walter like this in the living room, without her blouse and her bra on, felt so deliciously sexy she could hardly believe it. Walter smiled, taking the lead, his old-fashioned dance moves becoming fluid and dreamy, just like fifty years ago.

They danced to four songs before fatigue from advancing age made them take a break, the party at the cottage nearly forgotten, until, that is, they sat on the couch and picked up the iPad.

"Holy God," Walter said, his quiet voice giving away his astonishment. Nora sat silent, watching, speechless and awestruck.

Down in Florida, in the moaning reality of it, things were almost as quiet, the partiers almost as awestruck, as they fucked, sucked and licked each other. It was a smaller group now, just three couples along with Marty, Beth and Kerri, the others having left as soon as the sex had begun. This core group that stayed, these are the adventurous ones, four of the five women fully nude, Kerri being the lone lady with a bikini bottom still on. She's not a shrinking violet though, no, not in the least, not down on her knees like she is, with Marty's wildly hard cock in her mouth.

"Jesus, Kerri," Marty breathlessly said. "That feels fucking awesome."

"Is she a good little cock-sucker?" asked Beth, herself breathless with another man's cock fucking her from behind. "She been making you horny for days, right Marty?"

Marty smiled his answer, Kerri looking up at him, her horny eyes twinkling. "I don't know how this all happened," she said, taking a nice lick of hard cock. "But I like it. It's been such a long time since I've...... I may be all dried up inside."

"Make her all wet with your mouth, Marty," said Beth. "Like you like to do with me."

Those were Beth's last coherent words for the time being, the man who was fucking her wanting her attention on him, his cock and fast thrusting hips now pummeling her.

Listening to Beth's newly wild shrieks, Kerri's eyes were on Marty's. "I think you already made me wet, but...I wouldn't mind having your mouth on me. God, it's been so long."

Marty smiled, glad he was the lucky guy to end Kerri's dry spell. "On the couch, girlfriend," he said. "Do I get to call you that now?"

Kerri smiled. "That's up to your crazy wife, but yeah, I kinda like it."

Standing, tumbling back onto the nearby couch, Kerri whisked off her bikini bottom and reclined way back, spreading her legs for Marty. Quickly on his knees on the floor now, his hands slid up her thighs, his mouth taking firm but tender control of her somewhat hairy pussy.

"Jesus!" Kerri exclaimed, the quick, thrilling remembrance of how this feels sending her spinning thoughts toward the happy heavens. "Oh my God!"

My hubbie's got a great mouth, Beth wanted to say, but instead she looked back over her shoulder at the man who was fucking her, her eyes lusty, her moaning grunts egging him on. The others in the room were all full-on fucking now, one of the couplings a threeway.

Beth and the others hadn't even thought about the living room's wall of glass, big sliding glass doors and windows that give the cottage its wonderful big views of the beach and the ocean. From the inside, where these nine happily sexual partiers were, it was just a wall of black reflection now, but from the outside, from the beach, it was a whole different kettle of fish.

At first it was just two people watching, standing in the darkness on the beach's soft sand. With the bar's back 'terrace' being just a few steps away, others soon noticed the watchers, there in the dim light, and slowly a bit of a crowd developed. A small crowd, some smiling, some tingling with embarrassment. Two young local men were making lewd comments about how, if they were in there, they'd "fuck those women till they can't walk straight." "That one with the big tits wants it bad," one of them said.

Inside, Kerri surprised herself by very nearly having an orgasm, Marty's excited mouth doing things to her pussy and clit that felt extraordinary. She wasn't thinking too clearly, but she did wonder about Marty and Beth, the ease with which they had both partied their way to these astonishing moments, a married couple that seemed strangely comfortable having sex with others. Kerri hadn't sensed an open marriage vibe from them this week, so tonight's hedonism was indeed surprising.

"Kerri, give him your ass," Beth breathlessly said. "He's a tit man, but I'm pretty sure he's been dreaming of that ass of yours."

The man fucking Beth in stand-up position from behind, wanting to better see the tits of the tit man's wife, held Beth's arms at her elbows, turning her toward her reflection in the wall of windows. His hard fucking became re-energized, Beth crying out the ecstasy of it, her big, wobbling tits thrust forth toward the watching people that she couldn't see.

But then her eyes focused somewhat and yes, she could see something, through the reflections on the glass, through the blackness of the nighttime windows. There were people there, out on the beach, and Beth saw their eyes all looking her way, and she let loose a euphoric cry as a wildly powerful orgasm consumed every molecule of her being.

Kerri took Beth's advice, reluctantly pulling away from Marty's happy mouth, getting up and repositioning herself in one nice move, a new pose that was face down, bent over the arm of the couch. Marty didn't waste a second reclaiming her as his plaything, sure another man would move in on such a fine ass in no time. No, Kerri was his, at least for now, and he mouthed her pussy and her asshole before standing and fucking her.

There's people watching you, Beth wanted to say to him, but she didn't say a thing, instead luring her still-hard fuck buddy even closer to the big sliding door, sucking his wonderfully talented cock into her mouth. From the corners of her happy eyes she looked out at the voyeuristic crowd, some with beers in their hands, the gathering growing as more bar patrons wandered over for a look-see.

"You're a porn star now," she said, her mischievous eyes looking up at her man when she saw that he'd seen the watchers. "Wanna fuck me right here?"

The man grabbed her by the upper arm, forcibly pulling her to her feet, turning her, mashing her and her big, sweaty tits against the glass. His strong hands grasped her hips and Beth made herself fuckable again, and it was happening, so quick and decisive, her open-mouthed astonishment at this wild, deep-fucking exhibitionism making her swoon right into spastic orgasm.

"Fuck yeah!" the man roared. "Fuck yeah!"

Marty, also in the throes of ecstasy, had his hands on Kerri's ass as he fucked her. He was mid-tempo, about to ramp up the proceedings when another man put his hand on Marty's shoulder, very much like a gentleman 'cutting in' at a formal dance. The surprise of it caught Marty off guard, and before he knew it he was out and the other man was in, fucking Kerri, Marty watching Kerri's astonishment at this new escalation. Her hand reached for him, so Marty gave her what she wished, climbing onto the couch on his knees, letting her suck his pussy-flavored cock so tightly into her moaning mouth.

Beth's man left her, no doubt wishing to sample some more pussy at this decadent little party, but another man was soon with her, and another, and another, their hard cocks all vying for time in her hungry mouth. But how can this be, she wondered, and then she saw other new faces, a man and a woman this time, wandering in fully clothed from the front hall.

"Jesus!" she mumbled, too far gone into the slut show of her gluttonous blowjobs to care about much of anything else. She knew the front door was open, and she glanced out the back glass again at the watchers on the beach, seeing two more of them heading for the side of the house, toward the front and an easy entry to this increasingly wild party.

It was men, mostly, twenty three of them, and seven women; that's what the official headcount was when the police got there. The orgiastic gangbanging was in full swing, the wild fuckers not even realizing the police were there until uniformed officers' hands were on them. Walter had made the call, dialing 911 up in Upstate New York, telling the emergency operator that his cottage in Florida was in danger. She'd relayed the call to the Panama City police, and just minutes later the two officers walked in through the wide open front door.

No one was arrested. The party was broken up, everyone dressing quickly. It was Kerri who was most embarrassed. In all the excitement she'd rather happily let herself be fucked by more men than she could count, and sucked the cocks of at least that many, the unbelievably wild thrill of it all taking her to a place so dreamlike that she was sure she'd temporarily lost her mind.


The next morning, Kerri readied her van for travel, then she sheepishly joined Beth and Marty for a final breakfast of pancakes.

"Next time I meet a Syracuse alum I'm going to do a background check," she said, smirking embarrassedly as she entered the kitchen. "Maybe it was all that Hungry Chuck's beer we drank up there. Maybe we have brain damage we never knew about."

Beth giggled. "Hi Girlfriend. Or are you saving that nickname for Marty to use. You two want to roll around a little before we all head home?"

"No!" said Kerri, blushing. "I mean...I didn't mean it like that. Morning, Marty," she said, smiling sweetly, hugging him in a friendly way. "God, what you must think of me."

"What I think is that I'm glad my wife has such a sexy friend. Did you sleep okay? The bar was noisy till like 4am."

"Yeah, I slept some."

"I wish you'd stayed in here with us," Beth said. "It's a plenty big bed."

Still blushing, Kerri shook her head in wonder. "Have you always been this way? Why didn't I know? Am I blind when it comes to sexy things?"

"Marty and I, we're...sort of new at it, believe it or not. Being this far from home, I guess we sort of...took advantage. It'll be strange to go home again and be normal. I think I like this life."

"Yeah, well...I didn't hate it," said Kerri, smirking. "I guess I'm happy you cracked my shell. I've been hiding in there for too many years."

"Nice!" said Beth. "So that means I definitely want a 'yes' to this next question. Can we meet up again, somewhere? I'd hate to lose you. We'd hate to lose you."

"How can I say no?" said Kerri. "I haven't had this much fun in...I've never had this much fun. You two are somethin' else. Marty, will you AirDrop that contest video onto my phone? My friend is going to be so proud of me. She'll shit her pants when she sees I took everything off."

"And that wasn't even the best part!" said Beth, smiling. "Jeepers, what a night."

Beth let her thoughts roll back over everything that had happened all week —her first time being with handsome black men, her first anal sex, her first double penetration with Press so deep in her pussy and King fucking the shit out of her ass, and that was all the first night! Yikes, what a vacation, she thought, this magical little cottage a place where dreams come true. She needed to get a nice gift for Walter and Nora, something an older couple might like. Maybe some tickets to a performance at the local Summer Stock theater back home. A musical that's not to risqué. Certainly not Hair, or Cabaret, or anything like that. The King and I! Yes, that's perfect, Beth thought, smiling at the naughty coincidence of it. What a vacation. The King and I, and so many more men. And Kerri. And the sunsets. Oh, yes, the sunsets.

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