Life on the Farm - The Doctor Is In Ch. 06

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Almost time for Clarisse to deliver.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/27/2017
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And here we are at the end of another mini-series. Not quite sure what got into me with this one...take it up with my muse I guess? But I had fun writing it and I hope you had fun reading it.

I still like the hucow idea, so feel free to suggest things to me and I'll see if I can incorporate them into the story.

All comments welcome! Fire away!


Six months. That was the average gestation period of an adult hucow. Clarisse was fifth months and a half along and it showed - her baby bump was approaching epic proportions. Not only did she have the biggest breasts on Brighton Farms, but the largest belly as well. It was getting a little bit hard for her to walk with it, and she had begged off classes and work for a while, citing health reasons. Jack had approved, and so she devoted most of her time to fine-tuning her research proposal and being milked.

The latter was practically a necessity now that she was almost ready to pop. Her milk production had increased (again!) and if she didn't get regular milkings, she would be leaking all over the farm. But thankfully the bulls of Brighton were more than up to the task, and kept the tanks full and her urges sated as the day fast approached.

That is, until one day when an especially large shipment of farm equipment was on its way. All able-bodied bulls were required to assist with the unloading, and as such milking schedules had to be rearranged, leaving Clarisse and a few other hucows high and dry for a while. They were unable to do anything but commiserate and stare enviously at the few hucows who were getting some milking in. Jack was as fair as always - he reassigned the bulls to the hucows who hadn't been milked for the longest. Clarisse couldn't fault him for that, but the pressure in her breasts and heat in her loins felt differently.

Still, it was no use getting upset at circumstances. Sighing, Clarisse bid her fellow hucows goodbye and retired to her room to put the finishing touches on her project. She'd come a long way since the first early stages of the serum - as it stood now, it was almost complete. No more leaking breasts and uncontrolled horniness for the next hucow to use it - she'd made sure of that. All for science!

But science wouldn't calm the raging fire in her snatch or the soreness in her boobs...well actually science had gotten her into that state. Clarisse absently fondled one tit and only stopped herself with a mighty effort of will. Diddling herself wouldn't help any. Maybe she should go take a walk. Or do something else. Or...

The ringing of her phone cut her ruminations short. She picked it up, wondering who it was.

"Clarisse Evans speaking."

"Clarisse?" She recognized that voice. It was Sandra, the receptionist.

"Sandra! What can I do for you?"

"Hiya Clarisse! I'm sorry to be asking you for another favor, but the students from the last field trip are making a trip to the farms again today. They want you to give a talk - it won't be a long one, the university just thought it would be cool if a real live hucow could give a talk about, you know, being a hucow?"

"Oh. Hmmm. Let me check my schedule." In actuality there was no schedule to check at all. She was free for the rest of the day. So why not? It beat sitting at the desk with a hand between her legs, dreaming of milking with only her spreadsheets for company.

"Sure, Sandra. I'll get my things ready. When did you say they were coming?"

"Clarisse, thank you! You always come through for me. In about an hour or so?"

That would be plenty of time. "See you there! Same room, right?"



The class was much as the same as she remembered it. Except that without the boring old lecturer from before, they were free to focus on their attentions on her. She gave a fairly standard lecture, covering all the basic bullet points - what did they on the farm, the life cycle of a hucow, the milking process. She'd given the same lecture about a hundred or so times when she was still teaching at the university - she just updated it with more current facts and figures.

But she and the students both knew that facts about hucows paled in comparison to the hucow actually in front of them. Clarisse started off her talk a little bit embarrassed - these were the same students that she had orgasmed in front of a few months before! - but had decided to brazen it out and just talk normally. The students seemed a lot more interested in her than the subject matter...and she couldn't really blame them. Her bulging tits and tummy - not to mention the rest of her - were easily the centerpiece of the hour or so she spent at the lectern.

When it was over, she made her way to the doctor's office, where she was scheduled to instruct a new intern that had just been assigned to her. It was a duty that she hoped would take her mind off her steadily dampening panties. Clarisse went through the motions - teaching him where to file the papers and put the notes - but her eyes and mind instead lingered on his behind (hmm, not bad, quite firm) and his open, clean-cut features. She typically liked them more buff, but the slim look had its appeal too...what was she thinking! She was supposed to be working!

But try as she might Clarisse could not pull her mind out of the gutter. She ogled Rick's (that was his name) ass shamelessly when his back was turned, and took every opportunity to bump herself against him as they sorted the files together, giggling a little as he blushed each time. She had turned into such a tease she couldn't quite believe it herself.

As dinnertime came around, they were about to wrap up for the day. Clarisse suddenly realized that they were both alone in the office. The other doctors had left early, and she had Rick all to herself! At least, that was what the lust-addled part of her mind thought...but it was steadily winning over any other part.

"Rick?" she cooed. God, she was cooing. She'd never cooed before.

"Yes, Doctor Evans?"

"I wonder if you could help me with something?"

"Ummm, sure?" He looked confused at her question - hadn't he been doing that all afternoon? - but this was something different entirely.

"I'm...kind of horny. Actually, I'm really horny. Could we fuck a little? Please? I need it so bad! It's this's making my hormones go haywire. I won't tell anyone, I promise!" There. She said it. She threw all caution to the wind and just decided to come right out and say it.

As expected, Rick's eyes bugged out in surprise. It wasn't everyday busty pregnant hucows threw themselves at him - and it was only his first day on the job! But all he did was gulp, stare at her mountainous cleavage (she had unbuttoned herself a little - it was hot!) and nod slowly. Clarisse gave him a winning smile. Smart boy! He knew what was good for him.

She fell to her knees. Just a little, to tide her over. She wasn't going to hurt him! And he was no bull, but boy was he was cute! She had his dick out in seconds, and she started sucking on him in a frenzy of passion, one hand sneaking down her legs to help herself along. Rick looked surprised at her enthusiasm, but altogether happy. After about half a minute he had spurted into her mouth, and Clarisse gulped it down with glee. Human semen was a lot less thick than a bull's, but it tasted about the same.

Alright, the overture was done - now on to the main act. She stripped herself bare and placed herself at the desk, beckoning for Rick to come over. He slammed into her in seconds and she moaned at his entry. He was no bull...but it still felt great! Any port in a storm. Truth be told, even if his dick wasn't as big as a bull's, it still felt fantastic as he pounded her. Size wasn't everything.

But she, she needed more! A horny hucow was also a demanding hucow. One human male couldn't even begin to satisfy the raging lust within her. Besides, Rick was tiring - after about five loads he had collapsed in a heap on the ground. And here she was just getting started.

A sudden brainwave hit her. The students! If they were still around, this might just be the time for a little hands-on instruction. She leapt up and grabbed her phone. With any luck Sandra would still be around...

"Hello? Brighton Farms!"

"Yes, Clarisse here. Are the students still here by any chance?"

"Actually, yes! They wanted to take another short tour of the facilities, and we didn't see why we should stop them. Clarisse right? Is anything the matter?"

"No, well...that is, I had another presentation that I wanted to give them before they went back." Yes, presentation. That was the right word. "Could you ask them to come to the doctor's office?"

"Sure! I'll let them know." Alrighty then. Now she had to do was wait.

It didn't take long. In about five minutes the doors to the clinic opened and the students filed in. Then stood there, slack-jawed and staring, at the sight that awaited them. Whatever it was they had expected to see, it wasn't a sleeping intern and a stark naked hucow, that was for sure. Clarisse smiled a predatory smile and beckoned them closer.

"Hello all. I know your classes are over, but now it's time for extra credit! A hands-on demonstration of what it's like to have sex with a real live hucow. Come on over here!"

The students were just what the doctor ordered. One intern couldn't possibly fill in for a bull, but fifteen or so did a pretty good job of doing so. Clarisse starting off by blowing them one by one, and when they tired of that, she stretched out on the infirmary bed and took each in her sopping pussy. They took great delight in nursing on her bursting boobs, and were especially fascinated with her three piercings. Clarisse was a little surprised - I mean, these were college kids, hadn't they seen piercings before? - but she relished in the attention, letting them play with them as much as they desired.

As for Clarisse herself, she got what she wanted and more. She lay back on the bed and let each student fuck her as roughly as they wanted - no matter how hard they tried they couldn't match the sheer strength and power of a bull. But what they lacked in quality they made up for in quantity, and the doctor-hucow had no complaints as each randy student emptied his load into her. After about seven or do bouts in missionary, she got off the bed and placed her hands on the table. It was time to show them all what fucking like an animal really looked like.

The students were quick learners. They listened to her instructions about where to place their hands ("grab the hips firmly! yes, just like that! and don't forget to touch my tits now and then!) and how to use their cocks ("smooth, deep strokes. oh! ahhhhhh, that's do that ten more times!") avidly and well. They were enthusiastic, too - no sooner had one of them come in her then another was quick to take his place. At the end of the hour a very satisfied Clarisse was surrounded by a heap of sleeping students. Cum was dribbling down her snatch and drying on her body - at the end of the orgy she had allowed them to cum on her as well - and the entire room reeked of sex.

Belatedly she also realized that they had been due back at the university about an hour ago. Oh well. Jack was going to chew her out for sure, but it had been worth it.


Jack did chew her out, and then some. A doctor like you should know better, he said. What were you thinking, having an after hours orgy in the infirmary? Just because you're pregnant doesn't give you the license to fuck as you please! We run a tight ship here at Brighton Farms, you know! You should be thankful we didn't inform the university. I don't need ANOTHER Sylvie having sex on duty!

Clarisse had simply hung her head and let Jack carry on. She agreed with everything he said, had just felt so good! What was a horny, pregnant hucow to do when her hormones started yelling? Her conduct HAD been unprofessional...but it had been worth every second. And the sly wink Sylvie had given her when she finally exited the head office did help assuage her wounded ego a bit.

After all the hullabaloo, it was back to normal hours for her on the farm for the next week. And before she knew it, it was time. One moment she was giving a lecture, the next moment she had gone into labor and within an hour she had been whisked away to the operating table. The delivery went without issue and half an hour later she was carrying a little bundle of joy in her arms. It all happened so fast she was kind of bewildered. She had expected it to be more painful and take longer, but it seems that Maria was right - hucows WERE genetically modified to both be easily impregnated and give birth, and so it was really a breeze for them. She hadn't even needed an epidural.

It was a boy - a big, strong healthy boy! Clarisse stared at her son as she rocked him clumsily. It was still kind of difficult to think of herself as a mother. No matter that the baby would be placed in a crèche at the end of the week, where more experienced handlers would see to his rearing. It was just as well - Clarisse didn't know the first thing about childcare. Still, she felt a little pang of regret as she chucked his chin and cooed to him softly. She hoped he would grow up into a big strong bull and make her mother (and her research!) proud.

The week passed without incident. Baby had been taken out of her hands, and Clarisse was left to wait another week until the doctors said she was recovered enough to be milked again. It was only seven days, but it was the longest seven days in her life...her breasts and pussy ached for attention, and she had to bury herself in her research to counteract her body's urges.

It was one day, going through some old notes, that Clarisse realized that it had been more than a year since she had come to Brighton Farms. Well. What do you know. On a whim, she stood and walked to the mirror in her room.

She recalled the first time she had done this, on her first day at the farm. Back then she had been surprised enough at the difference between her human self and her hucow one. But the one year at the farm - and everything that had happened in the interim - had changed her even more.

Her tail, horns and spots hadn't changed a bit (well, except for the two extra spots on her behind that just appeared one day) But her boobs had swelled during her pregnancy till each was larger than her head. Her muscle tone had improved (probably from all that fucking she was doing) and her being in the family way had added an little more padding to her ass and hips - not the bad kind, either. All in all she was even curvier and healthier than when she first came to the farm.

She was definitely a proper hucow now. And just in time, too. Because just the day before she had received a letter in the mail stating that she was on the shortlist for the Phillips Prize.

Finally, all her hard work had paid off. All the notes, and the research, and the thinking, and testing...she didn't want to go through all of that again. But it hadn't been all bad. She had enjoyed her time at Brighton Farms, chatting with her fellow hucows and having sex with handsome bulls. She blushed a bit when she thought of all her...escapades. That hadn't really even been work.

But the Phillips Prize...was it really in sight now? It certainly seemed like it. She was a far sight from the mousy researcher who had first submitted her application in what seemed like a lifetime ago. She giggled as she thought about how she would stride into the test room, huge boobs jiggling and ass bouncing, ready to wow them all with both her findings AND her body. The judges would be so focused on her killer curves that they wouldn't be able to hear a word she said.

She couldn't wait.

Was it worth it? She could never go back - she knew that from the moment that she first thought of this entire scheme. It was boom or bust (and what a bust she had gotten...) sink or swim, hucow or nothing. She'd gotten the results, that was for sure. It had been a fruitful year, and she had refined her serum to new limits. Not to mention having a lot of great sex into the bargain.

She thought of all the people she'd met, experiences she'd had, and things she'd seen...had it really been a year?

A fullness in her breasts and a burning in her pussy pulled her out of memory and told her that she needed to be milked. Smiling at her reflection, she got ready to head to Room 202.

She'd do it all over again, prize or no prize. For a hucow, a life on the farm was just great.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, I enjoyed the mix of the kind and professional bulls with animalistic passionate sex. Was also fun to see the doctor grow to be confident in her sexuality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An excellent story although I think the only thing to make it better would have been a reveal at the end if she won the prize or not. I thought that the way you showed her basically grow up into a self assured hucow that managed to never lose her direction (for long) that she was doing this for science and to help the world as well as win the prize. This was some seriously great writing and wasn’t just a rehash of the same hucow story that has been written multiple times. Your original thoughts and goals for your main character were spot on and stayed that way. Thanks for posting it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story let’s continue with more of it."

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Continue with thi story"

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great Story

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