Life on the Farm - The Doctor Is In Ch. 03

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The doctor deals with side effects.
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/27/2017
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Slowly Clarisse settled into a routine. Breakfast in the morning, then lessons in the afternoon, milking later and then early to bed. Repeat the next day, with frequent trips to the doctor's and ample time for writing reports.

She slowly got used to the constant flirting that all bulls and hucows seemed to do. The rules were different here on the farm, with the physical transformations and hormones making what would be overly forward behavior in normal society just commonplace here. The bulls checked out her every chance they got - at breakfast, in the office, when they were walking around, shooting her meaningful looks and winks. She flushed a bit at their attention. They saw big hucow tits every day, but hers were most probably the biggest on the farm - another effect of the serum? She had just assumed all hucows were that big, but Maria was right...hers WERE pretty damn big. She even had to be careful she didn't bang into doors or cupboards with their increased size. It was a little hard to walk around sometimes!

But speaking of breasts...milking became the favorite part of her day. She would wake up each day looking forwards to the afternoon, where a big strong bull would put her teats into the pumps and usually also fuck her brains out. They didn't HAVE to have sex at each session, but more often than not they ended up doing that. As much as she wanted each session to stretch on forever, They couldn't spend too much time either - the had a schedule to keep!

Her research continued apace. She gave herself regular injections of the serum, and also kept close records on what changes they had produced in her body. So far everything was working as intended - her milk production was higher than an average hucow's, and it only looked to get better with time. Were her larger-than-average tits also related to those results? More research was needed. As to the other effect of the serum - easier pregnancies...well, she hadn't gotten to that yet. She still didn't even really want to think about it...

While she wasn't being milked or crunching numbers in her room, she lectured. She had had some experience with this back at the university - they didn't let anyone become a doctor without some practical teaching experience - but she had no idea how the farm folk would take to a very academic slant to what they knew as their daily activities. She knew she looked a bit obscene in the too-small doctor's coat they had provided (wasn't their fault, she was the only doctor-hucow on the farm!) Her breasts threatened to burst the seams on it, so she simply just left the top unbuttoned...the bulls in the audience weren't going to complain, that was for sure!

The staff proved to be eager learners. Hucows and bulls came from all walks of life, all with their own questions and ideas. She taught them all equally, and she learned from them as well - they had far more practical experience than her, for one thing. How and why the pumps worked in the way that they did, hucow physiology, bull and hucow mating cycles...the teaching tested her mentally even as the milking taxed her physically, so it was a very tired (but fulfilled!) Clarisse Evans that staggered back to her room at the end of each day.

A month became two, and then three. Clarisse got to know the other hucows and bulls on the farm - amiable Jason, always ready to help (or fuck...he had a nice curved cock that Clarisse loved to get inside her) brassy Daisy, loud but warm, reliable Kyle and the slightly aloof Li Hua. They were a friendly bunch, not at all intimidated by her academic credentials. She asked them to assist with her research and they had all agreed.

Clarisse couldn't have asked for more. Everything seemed to be going along swimmingly. But there was one thing she hadn't counted on...

Side effects.


IT started simply enough. One day she had awoken to find her pillows damp with milk. Her breasts had started leaking at night. Clarisse frowned as she stripped off the covers and dumped them into the laundry basket. A little light lactation was normal, but this was not.

Maybe she had made the serum too powerful? But the simulations tested out alright...with a slowly growing sense of dread, she made her way to the doctor's office. She'd need a second opinion.

It was the longest fifteen minutes of Clarisse Evans's life as she waited for the results of the tests that they ran on her. Finally, the doctor beckoned her into the office.

"Well, this is an interesting development, Doctor Evans. Turns out your hormone count is on the high side. That's probably what's causing the increased lactation."

"What does that mean?" She didn't mean to sound stupid, but this was an area that was out of her research, and she's wasn't too proud to admit it.

"We'll need to ask our lab techs. Come back in about half a day."

So for the rest of the day Clarisse went about her usual activities, trying (and failing) not to think about the lab results and what they would mean for her and her future. She had some help in the form of the bull who took her from behind roughly during her afternoon milking was hard to think about anything much when a thick cock was inside her. But once that pleasant interlude was done, it was back to the doctor's office for the results of the scan.

"So, Doctor Evans. The bad news is that the serum seems to have combined with your hucow hormones to increase your milk production beyond what you initially anticipated. The good news is...the same."

Clarisse blinked. The good and bad news were...the same thing. It sort of made sense. You could have too much of a good thing, and she definitely didn't want to be leaking milk all over the place. It would have to be controlled somehow.

"But how will that be regulated?" No harm in asking.

"I'm glad you asked." replied the doctor. You'll need another piercing."

"Another?" Clarisse looked down at the bits of metal hanging from her nipples. She didn't have three breasts. Where would the third go?

The doctor looked down at his papers a bit uncomfortably. "Yes. Another. Ummm. Yes. It will have to go...ummm...well...below."

Below? What did he mean...oh. There.

"We'll do it immediately, so you don't have to worry about too much leakage. It'll be fine, just like your other two. Don't worry." The doctor didn't sound very convincing, but Clarisse wasn't in the mood to argue. She was more worried about what was going to happen.

Clarisse tried not to think about it too much as she made her way to the infirmary. It was one thing to have nipple piercings but one in her hoo-hoo was another matter entirely. For one thing there were a lot more nerve endings down below than up top. But if it would stop her from having to change sheets every night, she guessed it was a necessary evil. Another more randy part of her mind also wondered how a thick cock rubbing up against a ring in her labia would feel.

Before long, Clarisse was inside the infirmary. She waited with bated breath as the nurses fussed about her - apparently this was a relatively new operation, so they were spending a little extra time making sure nothing went wrong. The hucow nurse from before - Sylvie, she thought her name was - came over to sit with her.

"So you're Doctor Evans, right? Hope you don't mind being a guinea pig for the labial piercing."

"Well, it's not that I have any choice in the matter, right?" she hoped she didn't sound too acerbic, but her anxiety was putting her a little on edge. She was already volunteering as a guinea pig for her own research, another one couldn't hurt...or at least she hoped it wouldn't.

"It'll be fine, really. Leaking is the worst, isn't it? I once had swollen tits after my third kid. Didn't let up for a week, I drenched my pillows too." The nurse was a lot friendlier than her reputation warranted - Clarisse had heard the rumors about the nurse whose sworn mission in life seemed to be to deflower each and every new bull the farm got. But here she was trying to make feel at ease. The doctor/hucow spent some time chatting with Sylvie until it was time for the operation to take place. This time she would need a little local anesthetic as it was a little more delicate than her previous ones.

She put her head on the operating table and was out like a light. The last thing she saw was Sylvie smiling at her reassuringly. "Night night, Doctor Evans. Be done in a jiffy."


She awoke with only a slight headache. Say what you want about Brighton Farms - everyone there was professional and did good work. A drink of water and a slight rest later and she finally could whip off her dressing gown to see what she looked like down there.

A single golden ring twinkled from her pussy. She reached down and touched it, fascinated. It hadn't hurt at all - well, even if it had, she had been asleep. As to why it had to be down there, it was something to do with the regulatory mechanism of the piercing needing to be in contact with the area of enhanced hormone production...namely, her vagina. It was a completely unforeseen circumstance, but something that she would have to take note of if her serum research was to continue going forwards. Oh well, she couldn't hope to win the Phillips Prize without a few bumps in the road.

Her new labial piercing made her quite the talk of the farm. No other hucow had one. She blushed at the admiring oohs and aaahs of her fellow hucows, and she flushed even harder when the bulls came over to take a look. Though she had become accustomed to the laxer standards of sexual conduct among bull and hucow, it was still a little strange to have a bunch of tall, strong handsome men peer at her privates...though she wasn't exactly complaining.

Her third piercing had its intended effect. Her increased milk production stopped almost immediately. It also had undeniably pleasant side-effects...for instance, the feeling as a bull's cock would rub up against it as it penetrated her, or how it felt when her lovers would reach down and give a gentle tug during coitus. Or the sensation of it against a table leg as she was pinned against the milking tanks - it made milking even more fun!

But it wasn't ALL fun and games. The mere fact she needed to have the piercing fitted showed that her initial calculations were off. The serum was supposed to provide increased milk production, but in a controllable environment. No one wanted a horde of hucows leaking milk everywhere. So it was back to her desk for more rounds of computations and research. If she wanted the Phillips Prize, she'd have to work for it. There were definitely still improvements to be made to the initial formula.


The third piercing wasn't the only curveball that life on the farm threw at her. About a month or so after getting it, Clarisse awoke to a surging heat between her legs. She was at this point used to being horny - increased libido was par for the course for hucows, the attention paid to her by the bulls would obviously engender some reaction.

But this...this was different. If normal desire was an open flame, this was a raging inferno. It was all she could do to get out of bed and head to the doctor's office, instead of marching off to find the nearest bull to quell the ache in her loins. If this was what she thought it was...

And it was. A routine checkup at the doctor's confirmed her suspicious. It was here. Her heat.

She had been expecting this development for some time. Heat cycles differed from hucow to hucow, but it had been more than three months since her transformation, and so it was most definitely due. The scientist part of her was even a little excited - now she would get to see what the effect of the serum was like on a hucow's estrus. The hucow part of her just wanted to get fucked, and soon.

It was like a fire had lit inside of her. She had gotten used to the almost constantly flirting between bull and hucow, but now she unconsciously stepped it up a notch, making innuendos and double entendres at every opportunity. She would have been embarrassed at herself if she had not been so in need of sex. Her nipples had become almost painfully erect, and her crotch was wet with her desires.

What was a hucow in heat to do? Why, talk to her friends of course. Maria was quick to advise her as to her next course of action. She took one look at Clarisse at lunch and got her to sit down right away.

"Alright, Clarisse. None of this manners and etiquette now. You're in heat, right?"

The doctor/hucow gave a hangdog nod. Was it so obvious? As if answering her unspoken question, Maria just smiled.

"Yes, I can tell. It's a hucow thing. Alright, we need to get you a bull, and soon. If not you're going to be miserable. Have you met Jason yet?"

"Yes...he milked me a while ago."

"Great! He'll take good care of you. He really knows how to use that tool of his! He's knocked me up twice already." Maria got a little starry-eyed at this point, doubtless remembering past breeding sessions. "Whoops! Got lost there for a moment. I'll call him over and you two can go over to Room 303. It's open now I think."

"But what about my schedule?" She DID have work to do today...

Maria tut-tutted at her. "You're in no shape to do any work and you know it. Mr. Bennett will understand, your first heat and all. Now get yourself over to the room pronto." Clarisse did as her friend told her to do. For a small hucow she sure packed a lot of fire into her frame - it was hard to refuse her anything.

Jason was waiting in Room 303. "Howdy, Doctor Evans. Maria tells me you're in heat, right? Let me help you with that." If she thought her nipples were hard before, they became almost diamond-like upon her setting eyes on the burly bull. God, she was so horny...

It took her less than five seconds to strip herself completely bare, and then she all but pounced on Jason, who scooped her up and brought her to the room's only bed with a smile. He had obviously dealt with hucows in heat before, because he seemed to know exactly what to do, stroking and touching her until she was in a frenzy of arousal. Then when she was good and ready, he slipped his hard dick into her and began to fuck her in earnest.

Clarisse groaned as the erect organ entered her molten depths. She felt herself go limp, utterly at the mercy of the bull and his rigid penis. She lay on the bed like a ragdoll as Jason fucked her good and proper, powerless to resist her heat and the strong arms of her lover. They started off in missionary, the bull spreading her legs wide apart and pumping her as she moaned and squealed in rapture. Orgasm after orgasm ripped through her body as Jason's indefatigable cock plundered her mercilessly.

After her fifth orgasm, though, she decided to turn the tables. The edge had been taken off her lust, and now that she had more control she wanted to try something different.

"Jason? Could we do cowgirl?"

"Sure, Doctor Evans! Front or back?"

"Let's start with the front." She usually let the bulls have their way with her - it just felt so good to lay back and be ravaged in their big, strong arms by their long, hard cocks. But the heat coursing through her body had different ideas. Besides, it was like Maria said - she was a proper hucow now! She should act the part! And what better way for a hucow to fuck than cowgirl?

So she straddled Jason and began to rock above him, pausing at regular intervals to feed him her tits. She loved the sensation of his smooth tongue on the rough metal on her nipples, and how being on top allowed his cock to enter her in all sorts of new, interesting and delicious ways. Cowgirl was good for another three or so orgasm - she was losing count! - and Jason himself came more than once, his spending painting her insides white and dribbling out onto the bedsheets. It was good that the farm employed so many cleaners...she didn't relish the task of cleaning up after themselves.

Next was sideways. Clarisse was amazingly still randy - a hucow's heat was a powerful thing. Jason showed no signs of stopping either, and he pulled one leg over his own as he fucked her as they spooned. The doctor/hucow discovered that this position allowed them to kiss as they made love, and she made the most of it, sucking face as the bull's rod brought her to off a few more times.

After about an hour or so she was almost back to normal. The bed was drenched from their combined fluids, but she no longer felt like she was going to burn up from the inside out. She luxuriated in the afterglow and the feeling of Jason's arms around her as they cuddled, almost purring in satisfaction. Life on the farm as a hucow was good.

There was just one little thing though.


"Yes, Doctor Evans? Don't tell me you want more?"

"No, but thank you, dear. I think you wore me out! But..."

"But what, Doctor Evans?"

"How are we going to avoid the wet spot? The bed's soaked."

His laughter was long and loud.


Aha, I didn't end the chapter with anyone going to sleep! I still have some more ideas for Clarisse, don't you worry. Time will tell if she actually wins the Prize or not...but one thing is for certain. There's definitely going to be a lot more sex before that point. :)

Keep your comments and mails coming! I love you all!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good Story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great Story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

The doctor needs to take a normal human during her heat in order to test her theory about birthing hucows with a human donor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You have got me Interested.

Didn't read much of the first 2 Chapters.

This one prick my interest.

Look forward to seeing where the New Serum leads and any changes that take place.

Will read all of the rest

5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
This is wild.

Lovin it. Thanks for a good read. I think the leaking returns, thus requiring a matching labia piercing and a clitoral hood barbell. I especially like the idea of her breasts expressing milk quire forcefully and copiously every time she comes. I'd be obliged if you'd consider adding these side dishes to your next chapter or two. 5 stars.

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