Life on the Farm Pt. 02

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Kyle begins his new life on the farm.
4.3k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/21/2017
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Was on a roll this last week, so I decided to go write more chapter without even waiting for feedback. I'm weird that way.

Have lots of ideas for this series. Anything you want to see? Let me know!

All comments appreciated as always!


Kyle stretched as he woke from a deep sleep, shaking his head to get fully awake before he started his day. It was his second day on the job, and it wouldn't do to keep anyone waiting.

He got up and put on the shirt and shorts the farm had provided, and in doing so got to take a look at the changes in his body.

Besides his penis having doubled in size overnight, he noticed that he was quite a bit more muscular than he was the day before. He wasn't exactly bodybuilding material, but there was corded muscle about his arms, pectorals and legs that wasn't there previously. He flexed a bit, feeling how it felt to actually be a little bit ripped. Mmmm, it felt good! Now if there was just a hucow that he could show off to...thoughts of Sylvie and their enthusiastic lovemaking flooded into his mind, and his little man (ok well, not so little...) stood upright in seconds.

"Down, boy." He told it sternly, but it showed no signs of drooping. He hoped there weren't spy cameras or anything installed in his room. Talking to his penis in the morning - not the best way to start the day.

His stomach grumbled. First things first - food! He opened the door to his room and made his way to the mess hall. It was a beautiful morning, with the sky shining high and bright in the sky, complete with white clouds and blue sky - it looked like the cover of some postcard. Maybe there was something to be said for country living after all.

It was a little late - 10am - or so when he got to breakfast, so there weren't many people around, but Kyle did get to see some of the farm staff. Not everyone was a bull or hucow - there were plenty of others normal humans. Technicians, farmhands (a lot of them...the farm must need more of them than he thought) and general administrative staff as well. It sure took a lot of people to run a farm...not that he knew anything about one.

He helped himself to a mess of scrambled eggs and toast and dug in. Most of the staff members were leaving, but a few waved to him in a friendly manner as they left. He waved back - or at least tried his best to do so and eat at the same time. He got knife, fork and hands tangled together, he did manage to return the waves, prompting a round of good-natured laughter from the staff. Nice people. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad working here after all.

Breakfast done, Kyle moved to the next item on his agenda - reporting to the head office. It was the largest building in the farm, and as such was easy enough to find. He walked in the doors to see a stern-faced man giving instructions to a bunch of uniformed men and women.

"Alright now, Rooms 300 and onwards need to be cleaned. Make sure you pay attention to the tanks! They're new, and..." he broke off when he saw Kyle enter.

"You're late." His furrowed brows told Kyle that this wasn't a man that would accept excuses, and so Kyle apologized immediately. That seemed to mollify him somewhat.

"Well, you just got there, guess we can't expect you to know everything. Kyle Everstrom, right? My name's Jack Bennett. I run this here farm, and I make sure everything gets done. Just about, at least. If you're a hard worker, we'll get along just fine. Slack off, and you'll rue the day you signed up with us." Something in the man's tone told Kyle that he wasn't joking, and so the newly minted bull just nodded.

"Good. Let's see to start you off with someone who knows what they're doing. Go to Room 203 and milk Maria. Just listen to her and do what she says. She's a nice girl, good head on her shoulders. Off with you now." Jack turned the minute he finished speaking and Kyle - knowing a dismissal when he saw one - left the office and made his way to what he assumed were the milking rooms.

The pamphlet he had gotten hadn't mentioned anything about milking, seemingly more interested in selling him on the high pay and having sex part. He had to admit it was effective - I mean, here he was on the second day of the job, having just gotten laid by a gorgeous, dark-skinned hucow with tits the size of cantaloupes. He would call that effective - and truthful - advertising.

He wondered what Sylvie was doing. She was a nurse, so maybe taking care of the other hucows? Or bulls? Or maybe even the normal humans on the farm. Maybe he would check in on her after he was done with his duties for the day. His penis twitched a little at that thought, so he quickly brought his mind back to the task at hand.

Which was the milking station in Room 203. Arriving at his destination, he knocked on the door.

"Come in!" said a sweet voice. This hucow - whoever she was - sounded just like the receptionist at the counter.

He opened the door to see a pair of large silver tanks sitting at the side of the room - the milking station, no doubt. But he was a lot more interested in the naked girl next to them.

She was a cute little thing, nearly a foot shorter than he was. This girl was fairer by far, her skin a light milk to Sylvie's dark chocolate. He had seen that color of skin seemed Maria was a Spanish hucow. A pair of horns curved outwards from her head, but unlike Sylvie's they were just small nubs poking out from her short black hair. She had soft black eyes, with long lashes that would have been the envy of any model, and an oval shaped face with a button nose that Kyle found very attractive.

Making his way down her body, he noticed the feature that all hucows had...large breasts. Very large ones. This girl was almost as big as Sylvie - or maybe she was bigger? It was hard to tell with the differencein heights, but her bust was definitely nothing to scoff at. Two mountains of flesh hung from her chest, capped with dark brown nipples with silver piercings. Unlike Sylvie, this hucow had very large aurolae, almost the size of tea saucers. Kyle wondered idly why they pierced the hucows' tits...was it something to do with milk? It wasn't like he was complaining...

But the biggest difference between the two hucows was her located a little below her stupendous bust. Maria the hucow possessed a very large and very round belly, which Kyle couldn't quite stop staring at it. It bulged out from her from her small form, even bigger than her breasts and head. The hucow was pregnant...very pregnant. Kyle was no obsetreician, but from the looks of it she was at least six to seven months along. He gazed at her stomach in fascination. Her skin was stretched smooth and tight over her baby bump, and it almost seemed to shimmer in the light of the room. Kyle would never have pegged himself as having a thing for pregnant chicks, but there was something about the hucow with her enormous breasts and belly, like some medieval fertility goddess made flesh...

He was only brought out of his reverie by the hucow's voice.

"Stop staring! You're making me blush."

Kyle put a hand to the back of his head in consternation. "I'm sorry. It's just my second day here, and..."

"Oh, you've never seen a pregnant hucow before?" she inquired.

"No." replied Kyle.

"Gee, I guess I'm your first then! I'm Maria." The hucow stuck out her hand and he shook it. Jack was right - she was a nice girl (nice hucow?) She didn't seem at all insulted by his

stare despite her admonishment. She gave him a friendly smile and he returned it. She acted so normally that Kyle could almost forget that he was talking to a naked, busty, pregnant, half-cow half woman.

But his penis - now fully erect - reminded him of that fact quite forcibly. It had erected the moment he had laid eyes on Maria, and now that he was in closer promixty to her, it was

making its presence felt most directly.

Maria noticed. Her eyes shot down to the bulge in his shorts and she giggled a little when Kyle saw where she was looking at. "It's ok, don't be shy! I've seen more than one of those before. Where do you think I got this from?" she said, gesturing to her large belly. The lady had a point.

She batted her eyelashes at him a bit as she made her way over to the tanks. Was she flirting with him? What did they mean by milking anyway? His attention was momentarily distracted by the sway of her hips and round behind as she waddled - couldn't quite walk with a belly like that - to the milking station. Her ass wasn't as full as Sylvie, but it was nicely formed all the same.

"Alright then. I'm due for my morning milking, so you'll need to attach these" - Maria pointed to two clamps at the side of the milk tanks - "to these" here she pointed at her breasts.

Kyle tried not to stare. Damn they were big. They had to be at least a G cup, maybe even...

"Ahem." Maria coughed a little and Kyle turned shamefacedly to face her. She gave him a good-natured wink, and he smiled sheepishly. The hucow obviously appreciated how difficult it was for him to concentrate on what she was saying with her naked bust in full view.

"Now that I have your attention..." The hucow went through the rest of the instructions, and Kyle listened patiently. Attach the clamps, support the hucow through the milking process, collect the milk, record how much was in the tanks in a logbook, make sure the hucow was ok, and leave. It sounded simple enough.

"We'll do this slowly, ok?" Maria pointed to the clamps, which he tried to attach at her direction. It wasn't as simple as it looked - according to Maria they had be fastened very securely indeed, which meant that he had to hold one giant tit in each hand as the other hand made sure that the clamps stayed on. He appreciated how milking was a two-person show - there was no Maria could have milked herself, not with her breasts and belly as big as they were.

It took him more than a few tries to get the clamps on, most of which were spent hefting and touching each mountainous breast as he struggled to get them into place. Maria tried and failed to stifle a few moans as he finally managed to attach the clamps to her erect nipples. Her skin was flushed, and a light sheen of sweat had formed on it. She was obviously getting turned on - VERY turned on - by his hands exploring. He was trying to be as professional as he could be, but her breasts were just so large that he couldn't help but fondle them as he tried to do his duty.

As he bent down to make sure the second clamp was on, Maria grabbed his head and pulled him in for a very steamy, sloppy and passionate kiss. They sucked face for about two seconds until Maria pulled away in contrition.

"Look at me, getting carried away! And I'm supposed to teach you. I'm sorry. Ok, let's make sure they are securely attached now."

Kyle gave them a firm tug - which prompted another moan from Maria and a reciprocal twitch from his engorged penis - and verified that they were. Maria pointed to a large red button, which he flicked at her behest. The machine came to life with a hum, and the hucow groaned a little as milk was pulled from her engorged teats into the tanks at the side.

"Ok, we're all set up now. You don't need to do anything except keep me steady and make sure the clamps don't fall off. And watch my tummy, it's kind of big."

Big was an understatement. He maneouvered Maria gently into position behind the steadily filling tanks, making sure her bulging belly didn't bump anything.

Minutes passed as the milking station did its work. For lack of anything better to do, Kyle watched the process. The hucow's eyes were closed as the pumps drew more and more milk from her bounteous breasts. She hissed, gasped and moaned as she was pumped, and Kyle started forwards, initially thinking she was in pain...but it was far from that. When he looked down to the bush between her legs, matted with juices, he found his answer...she was horny. Very horny.

It sort of made sense - the pressure being exerted on her teats must be teasing her something fierce. Were all milking sessions like this? In which case, the bulls being here weren't just to make sure the clamps got on, but to...service the cows when they needed it. Even through her arousal, Maria's answering smile told him he was probably on the right track with his reasoning. She was shivering in need, thighs quivering with a clear trickle of fluid making its way down her legs.

"You want the secret to the best, most creamiest milk you can think of? I'll tell you. It's produced when a bull fucks a hucow when she's being milked. Something to do with the hormones and glands and whatnot...a scientist explained it to me once, but I can't remember what she said. You don't need to know, anything, you just need to come over here and give me that big, hard dick of yours!"

Kyle blinked. Whatever had happened to the sweet young thing from before? Apparently being milked flicked a switch that turned her into a dirty-talking slut. He couldn't quite blame her, though...if the wild look in her eyes was any indication, she must be suffering from a powerful lust indeed. He walked over to her and slipped a finger into her snatch...yes, she was flowing like a fountain.

At this point she didn't exactly need more foreplay, but Kyle gave her a last kiss and palmed her gargantuan breasts once more for good measure. Maria moaned at his attentions and thrust out her behind, spreading her legs as wide as they would go.

"Don't tease know I want it! Give it to me!"

Raw, animal lust surged through Kyle's mind. He felt full of male power and virility, a conqueror surveying the hucow before him. She was his - ready and waiting, begging for his attentions. It felt good. It felt more than good - he felt supreme, mighty even. He decided to drag the moment out for as long as possible, deigning to stick his engorged penis in despite how hard it was. Instead, he stuck a finger into Maria's dripping snatch instead, flicking her swollen clitoris for good measure. The Spanish hucow moaned anew at his actions.

"Ohhh, you tease! I know you just want to make me say it...alright, ok, you win! Fuck me! Please fuck me, now, please!"

The animal within Kyle had been sated. He felt every inch the bull at having the hucow - HIS hucow submit to his will. With an inchoate cry he hilted himself into Maria in a single strong thrust. Both of them gasped as his entry.

He lost himself in every inch of her curvy young body, giving in completely to his animal nature. The pumps worked in tandem with his thrusts, and he could see the tanks in front of him filling up with milk as he thrust into Maria. He pumped into the sexy young hucow with all the passion he could muster. Maria looked to be in the seventh heaven - with the dual sensations of his rod filling her up and the pumps sucking out her milk, she couldn't do anything but moan in pleasure. Her knees began to give way, but Kyle adjusted his position so as to support her with his weight.

Maybe it was due to her condition, or just her hucow nature but Maria was incredibly sensitive, coming again and again as he thrust in and out of her. Every time her pussy quaked around his rod, it took every once of self-control he had not to shoot his load into her. He had a job to do! He held off until every last bit of milk was squeezed out of her bounteous tits, and then with a loud grunt emptied himself inside of her. What felt like torrents of semen rushed out of his cock, filling up every last nook and cranny of the hucow's pussy and dripping onto the floor.

Maria seems to be in worse shape than him. She was almost swooning in the throes of the afterglow, barely even conscious. This looked like a job for the bull, and so he managed to carry the almost-sleeping hucow to the nearby bed. There, he collapsed onto it with Maria. She rallied somewhat after a bit of rest, cooing and and stroking his hair as they both enjoyed the afterglow. He sighed in exhaustation...he had no idea milking was such tiring work! But it felt great. It was good to know that he was benefitting hungry children AND having great sex into the bargain.

Maria was effusive in her praise. "You did great, Kyle! I'm so proud of you. You really know how to make a girl feel good. I'm so glad you came to this farm."

Kyle blushed, basking in the hucow's affection. It was so rare that anyone told him that he had done well, let alone a sexy girl that he had just fucked six ways from Sunday. Something told him that he was really going to like living on Brighton Farms.

But duty called. "You need to get back to work now." Maria informed him. "The milk volume has to be recorded. And you have other chores to do as well. But ummm...if you're free later, maybe we could..." she let her voice trail off, looking at expectantly.

Now that he wasn't fucking her, she had gone back to being the sweet and slightly shy hucow he knew from before. He nodded empahtically and was gratified to see Maria smile.

"Great! I'll be waiting in Room 201. Now you go and finish up. I'll just be sleeping here. Hucows only get milked once a day when they are pregnant."

He went about the rest of the day in expectant anticipation. His work besides milking consisted of just helping out around the farm - moving containers, lugging stuff around, spending some time in the kitchen and the like. It was sort of like being hired on as a farmhand actually, just with...other duties. But his heart wasn't quite in his work, because he couldn't stop thinking about the pretty young thing that awaited him at the day's end.

After dinner (hash browns and sausages...they sure fed him well at Brighton Farms!) he made his way to Room 201 - which turned out to be located just a ways from the milking chamber. Maria was waiting there for him, looking at bright and cheerful as ever. Now that she wasn't being milked, she was dressed in a simple cotton shift. Which was probably a smart move - didn't want the staff getting all horny as she wandered about.

"Glad you could make it. Now, let's have a little private time, shall we?"

Private? Where they going to...Maria cast her eyes down at the unspoken question in his eyes, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. Once again Kyle was struck by how different the two hucows he knew where. Unlike Sylvie was more demure and retiring...but both were quite the wildcats in bed. Was it a hucow thing? The injections did affect one's libido, as well as physical makeup - he felt as horny and as healthy as a horse. He only knew two, so he probably shouldn't generalize...

"Kyle! Don't make me say it. Let's go in."

She opened the door to the room, which had a large bed in it...a very large bed. And little else. Was this room for...recreational activity? There were still so many things that he

didn't know about the farm. Maria plumped herself down on it and motioned for Kyle to join her, which he did.

"Sylvie probably rode you, right?" She giggled a little as he nodded mutely. "That's her favorite position. It's good for newbies like you. You probably don't know your own strength yet! You're going to find that you're a lot stronger now, so when careful, ok."

"Is Sylvie always that...aggressive?" Kyle let a little of his curiosity show.

"Oh yes. She always gets the new ones." Maria pouted a little, a gesture that Kyle found undescribably cute. Where Sylvie was sultry, Maria was adorable. But both of them had the same incredible figure and huge boobs that it seemed every hucow had. He sort of looking forwards to meeting the others he knew were on the farm.

"Alright Kyle, you're going to have to be a bit careful because of..." she gestured to her bulging belly and Kyle nodded, getting the picture.

The hucow disrobed and lay down upon the bed. She spread her legs, smiling up at him. Kyle took a second to drink in the sight of his lover - her light brown skin, cute face, inky black hair and of course - colossal tits. Sylvie's had more of a downward angle, but Maria's were perky, firm and upright, almost gravity-defying in their heft and size. If anything they seemed even bigger than the nurse's, which was saying something. It was probably due to her pregnancy? He had read somewhere that pregnant women tended to have their breasts grow...was it the same for hucows?