Lawyer Ravished and Enslaved Ch. 09

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Insane hostage taking, many assaults and worse slavery.
9.2k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/27/2019
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The Fallen Part 9

Chapter 25 - A Rash Act

Thank you very much for dinner Monsieur and, of course, for the beautiful lovemaking after we got back to Room 215 at the Pleasure Palace. I can continue with my saga if you wish.

Monsieur, the defiance by Deborah Gene of the Junta was the first open loss it had suffered. More were to follow. The next blow was inflicted by supposedly beaten down and defeated Victoria McMasters.

Even self-absorbed Robert McMasters eventually realized that Victoria suffered from depression. She was just too quiet. He came to fear she might do something foolish.

McMasters decided it would be a good for Victoria to be guarded. Big strong Miles, who had reluctantly had anal sex with a reluctant Victoria on McMasters' orders, had always been a loyal servant. McMasters thought Miles could both serve as a bodyguard and a reminder to Victoria of the pain and humiliation that would follow if she ever again thought to step out of line.

McMasters did not understand Victoria or Miles. Victoria was indeed profoundly depressed, but there was some method in her madness. She was bidding her time.

Miles had been a loyal servant. McMasters had hired him and deliberately paid him and other servants ten percent more than the paltry wage the casinos, hotels, and the brothels paid for most labor. McMasters felt this gave him a right to loyalty. Miles at the beginning of his service agreed.

But Miles following McMasters' order to have anal intercourse with Victoria in front of a jeering audience had changed Miles as much as Victoria. He had felt resentment at Victoria's privileged status as the wife of a very rich man, but after following orders to humiliate a tearful Victoria, Miles felt he'd been used to further oppression. He began to wonder what he could do to make up for what he came to see as a horrible act of complicity.

During her months of her pregnancy, Victoria and Miles began first by exchanging sympathetic glances. Later, they engaged in small talk on such matters as the weather and what the most comfortable shoes were to wear when one was heavier than usual.

Robert McMasters thought it was cute when Miles, Victoria and the children took walks around town. He joked with Miles that if he played his cards right he'd get to fuck Victoria up the ass again the next time she stepped out of line. McMasters hired a wet nurse saying that he wanted his new child to have the benefits of breast feeding but he wanted Victoria ready to conceive again as soon as possible.

A month after the birth of Victoria's child, two weeks after the birth of my fourth child, Miles and Victoria made a bizarre move.

With all the sex tourism in the City of Orange, foreign governments had established local consulates mainly for the purpose of rescuing their nationals who had gotten into trouble in one of Orange's casinos, bars or brothels. Sweden had such a consulate. A result of the Nordic approach to prostitution which punishes johns but does not punish prostitutes, was to cause some Swedish men to go to other countries to buy what they could not safely get at home.

Miles, Victoria, and the wet nurse were walking with the three children of Victoria and McMasters in various baby carriages and child carriers when Miles and Victoria steered toward the building in which the Swedish consulate was located. With no warning, Miles and Victoria started to throw leaflets everywhere before entering the building. The guard, expecting nothing, asked where they were going. Miles grabbed the man and physically forced him to open the elevators for them, taking the guard's gun and giving him a bear hug that could not be challenged. The wet nurse started screaming before Victoria told her that if she did not shut up she would die horribly although Victoria had no weapon with which to hurt the nurse. The wet nurse became quiet.

Once in the consulate, Victoria, frantic to the verge of insanity, began demanding to see the Consul General, insisted there were horrible human rights violations going on in Orange, and chained herself and several of her children to the largest item she could find, which happened to be a long metal bar in front of the counter where Swedish officials generally issued papers for people wanting to get identification papers certified to do business in Sweden. Miles said he and Victoria were wired with explosives and would take out the whole floor of the building if anyone touched them. He was lying, there were no explosives.

The hungover Swedes in the room who had been trying to figure out where they'd left their passports the night before, were scared shitless. A standoff hostage situation soon developed with none of the Swedish authorities willing to call the bluff of Victoria and Miles with so many young children and other innocents around. Victoria told her whole story to numerous consulate personnel who became sympathetic to a pretty, intense and very sincere woman who clearly was acting under great stress.

The leaflets Victoria and Miles had scattered outside stated that the City of Orange was controlled by murderers and kidnappers, that hundreds of women were being held as sex slaves in the brothels, and that an insane group of millionaires called Spenser's Helpers were forcing many women to have children without their consent in order to further their plan to force what they considered genetically superior women to have more children.

The news coverage on the tense events in the Swedish consulate was mixed. Some newspaper stories included a summary of the accusations regarding sex slavery. People in the know thought to themselves: tell me something I don't already know. The city's propaganda machine said that Miles and Victoria were obviously crazy terrorists who had placed children and others in great danger; the wild accusations of these dangerous fanatics threatened to undercut the local economy. The television channels loyal to Mayor Kelly said that the tolerance shown to Deborah Gene and the teachers had obviously emboldened all the immoral forces of chaos in Orange, but expressed confidence that Mayor Kelly was a strong man who would soon set things right.

Robert McMasters said publicly they should send in a SWAT team in to liberate his children and shoot Miles and Victoria dead on sight. Particularly, given the harsh dictatorial tone of McMasters' voice, McMasters' statement was felt by many to support the accusations Miles and Victoria had made.

Mayor Kelly told McMasters privately that there was no way he was going to risk a lot of people being killed because McMasters could not control his wife. McMasters' suggestion that the floor on which the Swedish consulate was located be attacked with drones was rejected. Publicly, Mayor Kelly said that Miles and Victoria were obviously mentally ill and the city was working to defuse the situation peacefully.

Miles and Victoria said to numerous witnesses that they wanted to talk to neutral reporters from abroad about their lives and what was going on. This request was granted by the Swedes. Mayor Kelly tried but could not prevent the Swedes from allowing reporters to talk to Miles and Victoria.

The Swedish consul general publicly said that Victoria and Miles seemed sane if very stressed. The news outlets that supported Mayor Kelly correctly noted that Victoria and Miles did not know anything about the brothels and that their story of women being raped was entirely based on conjecture and hearsay except as to the alleged rape in which Miles claimed he had participated. Even that was arguably consensual. After all, Victoria had done what her husband had asked her to do without a struggle. Anyway, how could anyone believe a crazy woman and a man who admitted he was a rapist? The report of numerous women being displayed spread eagle nude and electronically stimulated, as dinner entertainment, while guests ate was just too bizarre to be creditable.

Other news sources, while deploring their methods, suggested that Victoria and Miles might be right about some things given the failed attempt to kidnap Deborah Gene, the numerous disappearances of women that had occurred and the unsavory connections of the brothels with mobsters and of mobsters with Mayor Kelly. Debbie Gene, now head of the teacher's union, said that an investigation should be made of the brothels and the millionaires said to be in Spencer's Helpers before there was any resort to violence against Miles or Victoria. The Federal District Attorney's office refused to comment about ongoing investigations.

Solomon Whyte Jr., while deploring the brothels as an evil to be eradicated in time, said that Mayor Kelly should be supported as he was keeping the city from chaos and promoting prosperity for the faithful. Whyte Jr. claimed that Victoria had obviously been driven crazy by pornography, masturbation or drugs and Miles was a barbaric sub-human criminal. Christians should pray for Victoria to recover her mental health and for Miles to be sent back to the devil.

The stalemate continued. Miles and Victoria and the three children stayed in the consulate with hostages that were rotated every twelve hours. Food and clean clothing were moved in and out. Most of the building was put back into use except for the floor of the occupied Swedish consulate. The wet nurse was released and Victoria nursed the baby alone. Sympathetic and hostile news stories came out frequently for another week before the public lost interest and the whole thing stopped being front-page news.

Chapter 26 - Kidnappings happen

The Junta running the City decided that their firm control of Orange needed to be restored with selective resorts to violence. With Debbie Gene having defied the machine and Victoria McMaster and Miles held up in the Swedish Consulate and telling the world what they thought they knew, it was time to show the friends of the current administration that things were safe and to make clear that defiance of the Junta would not be tolerated.

Obviously, those in charge could not shoot their way into the consulate when the Swedish consul had proven herself sympathetic to Miles and Victoria. Mayor Kelly, Nitto, Xi Tong and Satyriano did joke publicly about a new kind of Stockholm Syndrome. Privately, they resolved to grab a few women in a manner that would send a message that resistance was still dangerous yet be deniable and maybe kidnap or kill a few men semi-quietly to instill respect into the resisters.

According to plan, Hanna Kathy, a punk musician who expressed support for Victoria and Miles during a concert in a basement bar, was grabbed by Jimmy and a few other men, raped and taken to the Pleasure Palace. That this had happened was not publicly reported, but instead a day or so after the kidnapping, old pictures of her wearing scanty clothing and a lot of suggestive tattoos were leaked. A show was aired on Channel 67 suggesting that many female rock musicians were exhibitionists and sexually loose. No one was surprised when she appeared on Channel 67 a week later as available for rough sex at the Pleasure Palace.

After Hanna went through the horrible solitary confinement training and Fuck University, I saw her nude in the Pleasure Palace lobby. I thought the tattoos were nice although not my style.

A year earlier, the kidnapping of Hanna Kathy would have had the intended effect of frightening people into cooperation with the mobsters and others running the city. Coming when it did after the failed kidnapping of Deborah Gene and the Swedish consulate standoff, this kidnapping scared people, but also led more people to think that the political situation in the City of Orange was intolerable. Cautious dissent became more open.

Around the same time as the Hanna Kathy kidnapping, a reporter who had spoken up in favor of Ms. Gene at a teacher's union meeting mysteriously died on the way home from work. The doctors did not say it was murder but they somehow were not sure how he'd died. News of this further unsettled the city.

Elizabeth Stewart, Martha Smith, as well as the members of Spencer's Helpers, had been named in the leaflets tossed out by Miles and Victoria as witnesses to the alleged rapes and other sexual misconduct that Victoria and Miles claimed had happened in the McMasters Mansion. Some of Nitto's men were dispatched to go to visit both women. They quickly persuaded Martha to say that Victoria was not in her right mind and must have read too many dirty stories. The very idea that Martha had performed fellatio on one of McMasters' servants was utterly repulsive.

On the other hand, Elizabeth Stewart made a run for the border in her expensive designer clothing and German luxury car, leaving her two children. Unfortunately, she was already under close surveillance and did not make it more than a few miles out of town before her car was pulled over by a police car driven by Jimmy and another thug. After she realized she was being taken away, she begged to be let go and promised to talk to no one on the other side of the border.

She was handcuffed in the back seat and driven to a wood where there were four other men including two cameramen. She was asked to slowly strip for the camera and beg to be chastised and fucked by all the men. Less resigned to reality that I was when I was raped in my office years before, Elizabeth started screaming "no, no, no." No one heard her except the six rapists.

We know from numerous witnesses who testified under oath that the men got out a large number of electrical torture devices and also burned Elizabeth in several discrete locations. One might wish that she could have kept up her heroism and maybe even died for the cause. Under the circumstances, Elizabeth's murder would certainly have put more pressure on the Junta. But Elizabeth was not a martyr. Monsieur, I certainly am in no position to criticize her for that.

Elizabeth had to smile and strip four times for the camera before the men decided that she had looked wanton and willing enough on the video. Either she had more integrity or less acting ability than I had had. Eventually, though, a movie was made of her smiling as she carefully unbuttoned her elegant blouse, removed her beautifully laced brazier and gently shook her full naked breasts for the camera. The Noman Lakus slacks bought on Fifth Avenue were lowered down ever so slowly to reveal bright lace knickers. After those were lowered, Mrs. Stewart repeated what she had been told to say in the most seductive manner she could. "I've been a very bad girl, I should be punished, fucked and taken to where I won't be bad anymore."

A few days later, Elizabeth appeared on Channel 67 displaying her C cup breasts, flat tummy and slender thighs. Nothing was shown below the waist but it was obvious that she was being penetrated doggy-style. Apparently, she was in ecstasy as she had, or convincingly faked, an orgasm. A few seconds later in the ad she was shown being spanked and screaming. One could read that Elizabeth Stewart would soon be available at the Pleasure Palace.

On the Internet, one could see Elizabeth force a smile as she laid face down over a park bench, be paddled many times, and apparently experience one orgasm after another as she was taken doggy style both anally and vaginally, then flipped over and vaginally penetrated many times with her back to the bench.

The kidnappers made mistakes. The place she had been raped in the woods was readily identifiable because the video showed a sign that showed the distance to walk to various sites. Also, no one thought to remove Elizabeth's diamond engagement ring. When an inquisitive reporter who had seen the Channel 67 ad and the Internet video of the gangbang, went to the site, he found the ring at the base of the bench. Scratched on the bench were words that none of the rapists had apparently noticed, "I said No."

While Elizabeth was getting the solitary confinement torture treatment in the basement of the Pleasure Palace, there was much discussion in Orange of what had happened with Elizabeth and how this related to Mile and Victoria's story. Some said that Elizabeth had obviously been kidnapped to conceal the truth and the writing on the bench proved she'd been raped.

After I met Elizabeth, I learned she had been worked over in the Pleasure Palace training rooms even worse than the rest of us. First, they were mad about the bench writing. More importantly, realizing that the story of Elizabeth suddenly deciding that what she wanted to do was become a sex worker needed help, Mayor Kelly, Nitto, Sklaver, and Spencer's Helpers, including Mr. Stewart, decided they had been present more evidence.

So, after being tortured in every way that would not show physically, going through the soul breaking solitary confinement treatment, and being given several drugs designed to induce short-term euphoria, the mobsters presented Elizabeth to the camera in the lobby of the Pleasure Palace. She looked as happy as can be. She smiled for the cameras when asked about her decision to become a sex worker. She said that, while she missed her children, she was very thankful that the Pleasure Palace had agreed to take her despite the usual restrictions on accepting volunteers who had young children. She was very pleased that Alice Wissen had generously agreed to care for her children until her husband, soon to be ex-husband, had made other arrangements.

The press sympathetic to Mayor Kelly said that Martha's statement that no one was raped and Elizabeth's decision to become a sex worker proved that Victoria and Miles and Debbie Gene and all the other opponents of the government were just wanton sluts or insane. The writing on the bench was said to show nothing. But only the fully brainwashed accepted that story. Fortunately for the Mayor and the mobsters, much of the city was fully brainwashed or did not care.

But, among the rest of the population, the fear of letting the Junta continue to operate as it had was growing stronger than the fear of becoming a victim by working against the Junta. For the first time in years, protests occurred. A few brave city council members called for investigators. Debbie Gene said there should be a general strike if there was not an investigation of the charges made by Miles and Victoria and the circumstances of Ms. Stewart's entry into the Pleasure Palace.

Chapter 27 - The Wages of Sin or Cooperation (if there is a difference)

Now Monsieur, we come back to me.

A few days after Elizabeth Stewart's press appearance, almost five years after I was seized in my office, raped and enslaved, Tucker told me that we were going to see a customer outside the Pleasure Palace. I was given some warm clothing, a jacket and an additional bra. I was nursing all sorts of children at the time, just not mine, and preparing for another six months of sex before my next impregnation.

I had not been outside for weeks. It was nice to get out. The long drive into the country confused me. I asked Tucker if the customer was a farmer or a lumberjack. He said the customer was an old friend before driving into a wood, driving about a mile on a dirt road, and stopping in front of a small but comfortable looking cabin.

Tucker took me inside. Sitting on a chair by the fire was Bert Sturmer. He stood like a gentleman as I came to the fire and said, "Hello, Stacy, it is wonderful to see you again." I did not know what to think. I returned the greeting, saying, "Hello, Mr. Sturmer, to what do I owe this lovely outing into the forest."

Sturmer said that he now again went by the name he had used during law school, Alan Storm, "regrettably close to Bert Sturmer, but I have made a lot of mistakes over the last six years. Too bad my real name isn't Bert LaPeste." He added that he had a lot of business with me that afternoon.