Lawyer Ravished and Enslaved Ch. 06

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Tyranny continues with more enslavement and exploitation.
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Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/27/2019
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Chapter 20 -- Impregnation

Monsieur, that was most delightful. It is a rare customer who wishes to give oral sex. Now, I can continue with my story having rested my own tongue for a while.

Oh yes, finally, we have reached my first impregnation. I will write about the impregnation and about facts I learned during the nine months of my pregnancy, but not about the pregnancy itself or any of the nasty medical details. I know, Monsieur, men are not interested in that. What could be less sexy than dealing with the consequences of your actions?

Alice Wissen ignored me during the months during which the Pleasure Palace let my piercings heal and then worked me as much as any sex worker has ever been worked. She was very much interested in sex but only if it involved the possibility of reproduction. Although she came at it in her own absurd way, Wissen's views were not much different from those of the ancient church. The church believed that contraception is wrong because it violates the design God built into the human race, often referred to as "natural law." The natural-law purpose of sex is procreation. The pleasure that sexual intercourse provides is an additional blessing from God. But sexual pleasure is unnatural if it excludes the basic purpose of sex, which is procreation. Wissen and her friends deified Darwinian processes that led to births to maintain the superior member of the species. In practice it worked out the same for me whether I was getting pregnant for God or to make more Ubermenschen. Well, not quite the same, Wissen and the other Helpers also junked the whole idea that reproduction had to be within marriage.

I had spent the half-year since my kidnapping on birth control. But one day Alice was in my room when I got back from the exercise room to say that I was being shipped off to Dickerson's mansion where I would be having sex with only him until I was pregnant. "I know it will be hard for you to have sex only once or twice a day for a few months after fucking up a storm since you were brought here," she said in a manner that was somewhere between condescending and genuinely sympathetic. She went on to say something like, "I am told, though, that you know how to create a lot of erections and how to make the most of each one, so you won't starve for lack of sexual pleasure." She advised me to get pregnant as soon as possible if I wanted to avoid going crazy alone with Dickinson. To do that, she said to get him to ejaculate when I was on my back, missionary style worked well, but that doggy style gave great penetration. Whatever the position was in which he came, I should lie on my back afterwards and try to take a nap.

A van took me from the Pleasure Palace. It was the first time I'd left the building since I'd been taken there by my kidnappers.

At Dickerson's mansion, I was walked out of the van by Alice and Tucker to Dickerson's back garage and taken down into a basement. I hardly saw the sun for the next two months.

Dickerson's treatment of me suggested he was agitated about something or some things unrelated to getting me pregnant. His demands varied from day to day. Sometimes he was fairly gentle. Sometimes he slammed me on the bed like he thought I might try to get away.

I was appalled by the whole process. I was being forced to participate actively in something I did not want at all but there was nothing to do but to get over with it. The fact that I had become accustomed to a great deal of sex helped a bit. Once I managed to put the facts of what was happening completely out of my mind, no mean trick, I was fairly ravenous for the one cock I was being allowed.

So, yes, Monsieur, I came on to Dickerson like I wanted his sperm intensely. When he was with me, I pretty much focused on getting him into me as often as possible.

At first, I was fairly passive and just focused on opening up to conceive. Of course, there is nothing much I could do except to help him be deep in me when he came. Later, Dickerson got lazy and I had to practically pump him for the seed that would get me on to the next stage of abuse.

Most interesting and most work for me, a few times Dickerson bound me tightly on my back with my arms and legs spread out like an X, pushed his penis up my pussy and refused to move further. He said that he'd heard I had the "world's strongest cunt" and I should use my vaginal muscles to make him come. Surprising myself, moving my hips the tiny amount the bondage would allow and using all the vaginal muscles I'd been forced to develop since I was kidnapped, I was able to get Dickerson to orgasm as well as orgasm myself. It took a while but it was quite intense when it occurred.

For different reasons, the Pleasure Palace and Spencer's Helpers were both eager to get me back to the Pleasure Palace pregnant as soon as possible. As a result of frequent check-ups, my pregnancy was confirmed about as early as a pregnancy can be.

Back to the Pleasure Palace, I was happy to see the sun again, even if it was only through windows and when I was allowed on the Pleasure Palace roof.

Men paid to have sex up me up to when Alice Wissen insisted I stop having sex at eight months pregnant to make sure the baby was healthy. I do not know if that was necessary or not.

Chapter 21 -- News of the outside

Tucker let me read the papers again during my final months of labor and the month I had off of sex after the birth of Dickerson's child. I learned other things later.

Mayor Murphy was reelected yet again. The only person who ran against him was a nobody that got 40% of the vote. Summoning my courage, I asked Tucker how Murphy kept getting re-elected. "You mean when he seems to be such an old fool?" Tucker said. After I nodded Tucker said that the economy was doing well based on sex tourism and The Church fervently supported him. Also, most voters either believed that the brothels were all acting on a fair, safe and voluntary basis or chose to look the other way.

Tucker added, "Stacy, if you are wondering, few people care whether women like you have been raped and enslaved or not. Ordinary people have not been directly affected, and many of them resented professional women like you, up on television and billboards and making a lot of money and demands. For those who have guessed what's happened to you, the fact that many other women are being led to focus on the home and raising children by a fear of being kidnapped is a thought be many to be positive. A lot of those voters saw that the birth rate of what they see as people of "their kind" has plummeted to well under the number needed to maintain the population. More simple folks just see that their children have not had any children. They are pleased the political situation in Orange and fear of enslavement has caused their uppity daughter-in-law or lazy son-in-law to settle down and focus on family."

During the last month of this pregnancy, Mayor Murphy greeted me in my room after I got back from a doctor's appointment. It was very strange. Mayor Murphy told me that it was great I had such good medical care and was allowed to have so much fun sex while I was pregnant. He admitted that having a child by a man I did not like was not perfect but it could be a lot worse.

Murphy told me that he had grown up in the City of Orange thinking he was an orphan. Recently he learned that he'd been taken away from his mother shortly after his birth. His mother had been impregnated in County Sligo by a guy who told her that a girl could not get pregnant until she was married. The guy, his father, emigrated to Australia shortly after she began showing.

The Mayor's mother was taken in shame by her parents to a home for wayward women and clothes washing center called a "Magdalena Laundry." The home and washing service was run by nuns where she was worked like a dog and constantly reminded of her sinful state. Days after his birth, he was adopted by a family and taken to this country.

The Mayor said that for a long time, wayward women were expected to work at the laundries after giving birth until they had paid off the room and board they had received during their pregnancy. His mother, however, had been pushed out on the street shortly after giving birth. She did not feel she could go home to Sligo and got jobs as a maid and as a washer woman in another county until she died in her forties. The Mayor had never learned of his parents until long after his mother was dead.

I was moved by the story. I said nothing when the Mayor said that while I probably felt I'd had a hard lot, that I was a lot luckier than his mother. I cannot imagine why he thought that my knowing that I was not the only woman who'd been abused would make me feel better. In fact, I knew well that Mayor Murphy himself had helped numerous women be raped and enslaved in Orange. If there were women in Ireland, Bosnia or Syria who got a worse deal than I had, that did nothing to make Murphy less of a monster.

Anyway, I did my best to seem supportive of whatever the Mayor was trying to tell me. He wished me well with the childbirth, said that he was sure there would be changes in the city soon, and left the room. He did not touch me again which showed a kind of strength. As the writer wrote, "for certain men, not taking what one doesn't desire is the hardest thing in the world."

The most shocking thing that happened during this period was that the bodies of Wayne Dickerson and a body guard were found in an alley in Minsk, Belarus. The papers speculated that he was killed by mobsters there but no one offered a public explanation of why Wayne Dickerson was there. I recognized the bodyguard as Kroesek's bodyguard in my office for my rape and kidnapping. I later learned that Dickerson was told he could find his ex-wife, Theresia, there. Who told him that Theresia was there, whether it was a lie that Theresia was in Minsk and whether Theresia or someone else had him killed, I do not know. I have a theory.

So, my first child was born after the father was dead.

Just before I had the baby, another shoe dropped. Kroesek announced that he had had enough of the hotel and entertainment business and was retiring and moving to Guatemala. I wondered if his retirement could possibly have had anything to do with the fact that 5 of the 12 men present at my kidnapping were now dead, leaving Kroesek, Mayor Murphy, Sturmer and four guys who I was pretty sure worked for Sturmer, as the only ones left alive.

After the taking of Maggie, the kidnappings were suspended until several months after the Mayor's reelection. After Kroesek retired, the kidnappings picked up sharply.

Also, despite his recent re-election, the Mayor was spending less and less time working and more and more time in Ireland. It was said he'd bought a house near Knocknahur and was letting Deputy Mayor Kelly do almost all the heavy lifting. There was talk relayed by Jimmy and others that Kroesek and Mayor Murphy had grown soft and had decided that it was best if they let younger more vigorous men take over.

Two more high profile enslavements occurred at this time. One was of a woman who failed to satisfy her husband's unconventional tastes, the other of a woman who tried to satisfy herself with a lover.

Herbert and Priscilla Robson presented the image of the overly perfect, overly wealthy, overly patrician couple. Both born to wealth, in their early 30s, with no children but with a big house, they had married apparently because they were too perfect and boring for anyone else to marry them except for someone who wanted them for their money. They were smart enough to avoid that. They had five servants taking care of the house, four African-Americans, including a very pretty 20-year-old maid, Jayla, building manager Mike Gibbs, a gardener, and a maintenance man, plus a Filipino woman who helped Ms. Robson with her hair and clothing.

Mrs. Robson was attractive enough, a slim graceful woman with blonde hair and a good figure, but not much interested in sex. She thought sex was just too messy. Mrs. Robson's big things were the Garden Club and work in a society for placement of stray dogs. For these charities, Priscilla Robson held large formal and very boring events at her house. Mr. Robson, on the other hand, was a preppy guy who liked investment banking, tennis and golf. He had some sort of Mandingo fetish also but that was not public.

One day after dinner at their home as the table was being cleared, four men hired by Xi Tong came into the room along with Mr. Gibbs and the gardener and the maintenance man. The Tong men pushed Jayla and into the room. The Filipino woman fortunately had the night off.

Mr. Robson coolly announced that Mrs. Robson and Jayla were going to become sex slaves. First, he was going to fuck Jayla after watching the three servants rape his wife. In the future, he would enjoy Jayla's body at the Playroom where both Priscilla and Jayla would spend perhaps the rest of their lives. He added that one of the employees of the Playroom would be filming the whole thing for his pleasure but that they would also be filmed in a week by Channel 67 to assist the Playroom to market their bodies. First, Mrs. Robson was to disrobe and lie back on the dining room table.

I know that Priscilla Robson, who I have come to know very intimately, did not intend to do a sexy striptease movie, but that is how it came out. As shown by the movie that we saw later, her eyes opened like silver dollars after Robson's announcement. In something that I learned later but did not appear in the movie, Priscilla began to protest but one of the Playroom men put his hands around her throat while another pulled out a switchblade.

Priscilla realized that resistance was futile and sensibly cooperated. It seemed afterward that her main concern was to avoid harming her expensive clothing or messing up her hair, not thinking of the fact that her clothing and hair were soon to be totally out of her control. She also seemed to be very concerned that she not appear to have lost her composure in the movie, as though that could possibly matter.

So, the first thing Priscilla did after the thug took his hands off her throat was to rearrange her hair neatly. The film, as shown, started with her re-arranging her hair.

Next, Priscilla carefully took each item off looking into the camera as though she was doing a presentation on new types of orchids at the garden club. When she was down to her bra and panties, she made a little embarrassed smile as she reached behind her to open the catch and release her C-cup breasts. Her dark nipples contrasted very beautifully against her pale white skin. All the men in the room cheered except Mr. Robson who was bored of that sight.

Priscilla took off her bikini panties in as dignified a manner as one can do before a crowd of men about to rape you. As one would expect, her blonde pubic hairs were trimmed very neatly. Without saying a word, she laid back on the table. She was immediately entered by Mr. Gibbs.

The cliché about black men having big penises is probably a myth as a general rule, but it was true as to Mr. Gibbs. Priscilla did her best to keep her patrician composure and initially her face looked like she was receiving a flu shot. That composure did not last long as Mr. Gibbs showed he was not going to stand for it. He said, "Bitch, I have been wanting to do this for years and you aren't going to get my spunk until you've earned it. I got all day."

Herbert Robson loved it as Pricilla had no choice but to do her best to act like sex was a good thing. It took a while of her meeting every one of Gibb's thrusts and moving her hips like a wanton before she either had or very convincingly faked an orgasm. Mr. Robson should have been ashamed that he needed another man to turn on his wife, but he did not think of that. He also enjoyed watching the gardener and the maintenance man vigorously screwing Priscilla. By the end, Priscilla proved that she had somewhere learned how to enjoy sex with a man even if Mr. Robson had never made the effort to help her.

After the third man, Pricilla did not look like a socialite leader of the garden club. She lay on the table breathing heavily and looked like she'd been ridden hard. She oozed sperm and was covered in sweat. Jayla looked at her in a state of shock knowing what would happen next.

Herbert Robson pointed at Jayla and just shouted, "strip." She inhaled but did not put up a fight. She'd just seen how much mercy she'd receive. She took off her clothing like she was preparing for bed. Her coffee with cream colored skin was flawless, her large breasts had lovely dark circular nipples that stood out with little center points, her hips were broad but not at all fat, and her legs were as shapely down to slender feet with toes that did not show any of the contortions or distortions of age.

Mr. Robson was much more enthusiastic screwing Jayla than he had ever been with Mrs. Robson, but still a lousy lover. Two of the men from the Playroom, however, were much more effective having practiced non-consensual sex many times for many years.

I am told, Monsieur that the estimates of the times women have orgasms during rape are wildly inconsistent. Figures are given between 5% and 50%. But whatever the correct number for the usual rape, it would not be relevant as to men who had much practice and all the time in the world to make a good movie. Jayla's closed eyes, open mouth and even the way she curled her toes and nibbled her upper lip made clear each of the times she reached orgasm with the Playroom men and then with Mr. Gibbs, the gardener and the maintenance man who also used Jayla. The double penetration scene made for wonderful pornography if you go for that sort of thing.

Although she had nothing to be thankful for at the time, the fact that Jayla made such a beautiful rape victim worked in her favor. Jayla was shown on Channel 67 at length and treated as a celebrity sex slave. This protected her from some of the violence and risks that normal women grabbed off the streets suffered. Still, both Priscilla and Jayla went through the solitary confinement indoctrination process that I endured and both found themselves producing babies to improve the genetic pool of the human species.

The circumstances leading to the enslavement of Ginny Jameson would have been funny if it had not had such serious consequences for Ginny and her boyfriend Chad. Ginny was officially the fiance of Tony Satryioni, mobster and majority owner of Dick's Delight Bordello although Ginny was 28 and Satryioni was 52. Ginny worked at Channel 67, in which Tony Satryioni had a major interest. She worked pretty much as a bimbo who advertised tacky products, made in sweat shops overseas. She gave a spiel late night in tight dresses that showed a lot of cleavage and shapely bottom.

Tony Satryioni, of course, thought Ginny was enthralled with him because of his genius, power and lovemaking skills. Ginny was covertly banging with Chad at Channel 67 where Chad worked as a studio technician.

Who knows why they did it, but Ginny and Chad decided to make a movie of them having sex in the Channel 67 Studio. I'd say it was unbelievably stupid but what is unbelievable these days? Why do so many celebrities around the world participate in movies of them having sex? Why do they post nude pictures of themselves into the cloud? Isn't the Internet full of such movies and pictures that somehow became public?

Anyway, Monsieur, a copy of the movie Chad and Ginny made was in a computer at Channel 67. The night that Priscilla Robson was supposed to appear for the first time on Channel 67 as available for sex as a new volunteer at the Playroom, Chad had taken off to meet Ginny in a motel near the studio. The Ginny-Chad movie was confused by another technician with the Priscilla Robson Playroom advertisement. Much of the movie was shown on air before the mistake was discovered. This led to a public uproar as, unlike the Robson advertisement that could have been rated 'R', the Ginny-Chad movie was definitely XXX.