Laura Ch. 09

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Errant female students get unconventional punishments.
6.6k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/14/2021
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I was the first student at Ms. Porter's school for girls, but I wasn't the last. A few days after the spectacle on the athletic field, another student showed up for classes. Her name was Kit and Ms. Porter insisted that I show her around.

Kit was about my height, my age, and my build. She was bubbly, enthusiastic, had a contagious smile and an adorable accent. I think it was Romanian, Russian or Ukrainian...something like that.

"I'm so excited to be here," Kit enthused as I gave her a guided tour.

Students weren't allowed in the faculty lounge, but I showed Kit the students dorms, the library and some of the classrooms. Most of the classrooms were empty at that hour but I found Ms. York sitting at her desk, working on a lesson plan and I introduced her to Kit.

Ms. York favored Kit with an inscrutable look and said, "Of all the schools out there to choose from, how did you end up at Ms. Porter's?"

Kit bit her lower lip, rolled her eyes and sighed heavily before replying, "I'm kind of an embarrassment to my family. My aunt enrolled me here to hide me away. She doesn't want me shocking her respectable friends and business associates with my scandalous behavior."

"Scandalous behavior," Ms. York said, suddenly leaning forward, her face bright with interest. "Tell me more."

Kit blushed and our teacher gave her words of encouragement. Eventually she coaxed the story out of her.

"So, I've always loved books," Kit began. "As early as I could remember I enjoyed nothing so much as curling up in a warm place with an enjoyable book and letting my mind wander through the strange and exciting worlds I found there. My best friends were all books. My aunt who raised me often remarked that I'd much rather spend my time with books than people."

"That doesn't sound scandalous," Ms. York opined, and I nodded in agreement.

"True, but the story doesn't end there," Kit explained.

As I got older, I discovered books about girls who got tied up—and involved in wicked, passionate, thrilling sexual adventures. I began to have fantasies about being a damsel in distress, about being an affluent, aristocratic woman captured by pirates, stripped naked and sold into slavery... or a female spy that got captured by evil government agents, strip searched and interrogated, or a young duchess who was stripped naked, abused and humiliated by her wealthy stepsisters when her wicked stepmother becomes queen."

"I'm sensing a theme here," Ms. York said.

"And when I began to act out my fantasies in real life, I wasn't very discreet. I invited friends over to the house to do things to me and... my aunt and her friends found me several times in the back yard, kitchen, the basement or dining room... engaged in extremely improper behavior."

Ms. York considered all of this for a few moments and said, "So, your aunt wants to hide you here at Ms. Porter's school for girls so that you stop embarrassing her with your inappropriate behavior."

"Oh, yes," Kit admitted. "And after she saw the way Jody was whipped with a riding crop, she thought that being enrolled here for a year..."


"Well, my aunt was kind of hoping that I'd get whipped so much, I'd get overwhelmed and lose my taste for being a damsel in distress."

I had my own thoughts on that, but I kept my mouth shut. Ms. York stared at our newest student for a while and said, "Hmmmmm."

She seemed lost in thought for a while and then she finally replied, "I don't think it works like that. Although, I believe we can teach you to be more discrete. If we can do that, I believe your aunt will consider the high price of your tuition money well spent."

Kit was eager to get started, but Ms. York refused to allow a student to dictate the terms of her abuse.

"You'll be punished on the school's schedule," the teacher admonished her student. "Not yours."

"Don't be too eager for punishments," I advised. "Have you read the student handbook? It's filled with strict rules and lists of infractions that can get you punished. Even if you try to be a good girl, the teachers will punish you.

"Also, the headmistress, the librarian and the school nurse. Your cute little bottom will be red and throbbing with stinging handprints and whip marks before you know it. Be patient, little girl."

Kit should have been terrified, but she had a look of eagerness on her face and her breath had become excited. There was a blush in her cheeks and a glint in her eyes. She was hopelessly enamored with the idea of being stripped naked and abused by the school faculty.

In most schools she would have been considered an anomaly, a freak, or a sexual deviant. Of course, I was the only other student at the time, and I felt the same way as she did.

I showed Kit around the rest of the school, including the athletic field. At the periphery of the field were three whipping posts and three whipping frames. From a distance they looked like nine upright wooden posts. It wasn't until I allowed Kit to examine them closely that she could see the restraints embedded into the wood.

"If a student is especially bad, she can be bound to one of these things, and whipped while the whole school watches."

"Oh my God, yum!" Kit enthused as she hugged one of the whipping posts.

I gave her a skeptical look and inquired, "Kit, have you ever been whipped before?"

"No," she replied, giving me a buoyant look as she continued to lovingly embrace the whipping post and rub the front of her body against it.

"But I've read about it. It sounds like the ultimate thrill. Just think! To be stripped naked and bound so you can't cover yourself! Your tits and ass are shamelessly on display and then you kick and writhe shamelessly as crowds of people watch. You're deliciously helpless and can't do a thing to protect yourself. My pussy is soaking wet just thinking about it."

I rolled my eyes at her obsessive desire to be whipped. In a way, I understood her craving for punishments and public humiliation. However, I wasn't at all sure she understood how much it would hurt. Yes, there was a definite sexual thrill involved in having your naked skin marked by a cruel, leather whip while you were helplessly bound and crowds of respectfully clothed women openly ogled you, but the pain was intense. The scald of the whip on bare skin was more than some girls could handle.

I tried to explain this to Kit, but she was eager for her first whipping and asked me what sort of offenses might be serious enough to get her sentenced to the whipping post.

"Kit don't do this to yourself," I advised. "You'll get plenty of punishments while you're a student here. There's no need to be deliberately aggravating the teachers."

* * *

Of course, Kit didn't heed my advice. She was childish, impulsive, and reckless. When she got her student handbook, she used it not to determine how to be a model student, but how to rebel against authority and force the teachers into punishing her.

At Ms. Porter's, getting the teachers to punish you wasn't at all difficult.

The student handbook forbade students to have drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, dildos, vibrators and other "forbidden" item in their rooms or on their person. Such items were considered contraband and would be confiscated.

They also earned you demerits. The more demerits you earned, the more severe the punishments. Kit was determined to be sentenced to the most severe punishments possible, so she somehow got one of her friends to smuggle in a remarkable amount of contraband for her.

Contacting her friend was a notable offense in the first place. Students weren't supposed to be communicating with people on the outside. Students were supposed to live an insular existence, communicating only with their teachers, their fellow students, and the school faculty. Students were required to surrender their phones to the headmistress when they enrolled.

"Oh, my God!" I exclaimed when Kit told me what she had done. "You are going to get into so much trouble!"

"That's the point," Kit shot back. "I want to be in trouble! I want to experience what it feels like to be the bad girl, punished for being bad!"

"You don't want this much trouble," I insisted. "You're a beginner at this and you're asking for advanced punishments. You're biting off more than you can chew."

"I can handle it," Kit insisted with youthful overconfidence. "You'll see!"

* * *

It didn't take long for Kit to get caught. There were regular inspections of the dorm rooms to make certain that the students didn't have any contraband hidden away somewhere. Three days later, they searched her room and discovered her hidden stash. She had a vape device, a stash of nicotine juices, a G-spot rabbit vibrator, an electroshock anal plug, an electroshock vaginal plug and a four-ounce bottle of liquid modirall.

By the time Kit's hidden stash was discovered, the school had grown from a mere two students to eight. All eight of us were sitting in Ms. Lopes's biology class, taking notes on the human endocrine system. I was trying to be a serious student, paying attention in class, and doing my best to learn, but then class was interrupted when the headmistress came in, shadowed by Ms. Ross.

Ms. Ross didn't have an official job title. Her main responsibility seemed to be to be large and intimidating and enforce the orders of the headmistress. Their unexpected arrival caused heads to turn, and an uneasy silence settled over the room. All eyes turned to face the steely-eyed headmistress and her large companion.

"Kit Moloko!" Ms. Ross snapped as she glared at the lithesome student. "Stand up!"

Kit stood up and faced Ms. Ross. While the rest of the class had looks of fear or nervous anticipation on their faces, Kit had a smug smile on hers. She was actually enjoying her confrontation with the school's authority figures.

"A routine inspection of your dorm room turned up a treasure trove of contraband," Ms. Ross announced. "We found sex toys, bottles of nicotine juice and street drugs. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Modirall isn't a street drug," she said defiantly. "It's a prescription drug. Maybe I have a doctor's prescription."

"The pill form is a prescription drug," countered the headmistress. "The liquid form is manufactured by unlicensed amateurs, without supervision or governmental approval and is considered a Class-A substance under California law."

The smug smile disappeared from Kit's face, and she went suddenly pale.

"If I were to report you to the police, you could get up to a year in prison," the headmistress informed the student coldly.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop ten degrees, and I found myself shivering. I wasn't the only one. Several of the students visibly flinched and hugged themselves for comfort. Even Kit finally looked nervous. A year in prison was no joke.

"I, however, prefer to deal with this infraction in house," Ms. Porter announced. "I won't be involving the police at this time."

Eight female students breathed an audible sigh of relief. Kit was the only student in trouble, but we girls all lived together, studied together and we all felt the crushing weight of the school's strict authoritarian rulers. We had built up feelings of solidarity and sisterhood. We cared about each other and experienced a certain amount of empathy when one of our sisters was in trouble.

"Thank you, Headmistress," Kit said nervously as she squirmed and fidgeted. Dealing with the police and the criminal justice system would have been more trouble than she wanted. She was visibly grateful that the ultimate school authority figure had decided to leave the police out of it.

"The illegal drugs you brought into my school just cost you 250 demerits," the headmistress announced darkly. "Your vape device, nicotine and sex toys cost you another 150 demerits. That brings your total to 400."

That many demerits meant Kit would end up suffering some extraordinarily harsh punishments before she was back on the headmistress's good side. For starters, she was ordered to strip naked in front of the entire class.

At first, Kit just stood there with her mouth open. After all the time and effort she had put into her plan to push the school into punishing her, she seemed to be in shock to see it actually happening. She stood frozen in place for the space of several heartbeats and then Ms. Porter said, "Ms. Moloko, I gave you an order. You've just earned an additional ten demerits for stubbornly standing there, when you should have been getting undressed."

That spurred the hapless young student into action. Kit instantly reached for the front of her shirt and began to undo the buttons.

Stripping naked in front of a crowd of clothed people is a daunting, humiliating, and exciting experience. I'd done it before multiple times and experienced a heady cocktail of emotions each time. I imagined that Kit was feeling a potent mix of emotions as well as she stripped naked in front of her classmates, her teacher, and her headmistress.

She looked suitably embarrassed as she hastily disrobed. There was an intense blush on her face as we all watched her get naked. It was a bit much for her and when she was down to just her panties, she hesitated.

"Another ten demerits for stalling," the headmistress said sternly.

Kit groaned, hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and pulled them down. Fully naked, she faced the school's headmistress, the headmistress's enforcer, her biology teacher and seven of her fellow students.

The headmistress ordered Kit to pick her clothes up off the floor and hand them over. Then she said, "You'll get your clothes back when you've finished working off your demerits. Until then, you'll attend all of your classes naked."

Kit's jaw dropped and it looked as if she was going to express her defiance or outrage at Ms. Porter, but then she wisely closed her mouth and said nothing.

"Now, go to your teacher, tell her that you were a naughty girl, that bringing drugs into the school was wrong and that she should throw you over her knee and spank you in hopes that it will teach you to behave."

"What?" Kit said tremulously.

The headmistress was clearly annoyed with Kit. She told her once again what Kit was supposed to do and added another ten demerits because Kit forced her to repeat herself.

The more Kit hesitated or questioned orders, the more demerits it cost her. I soon lost count of how many demerits she had, but I knew it was a lot.

After many false starts, Kit eventually asked our teacher for a spanking and Ms. Lopes sat down in an armless wooden chair. She patted her lap and invited Kit to climb across it so she could be punished in front of the entire class.

Kit earned another ten demerits when she hesitated. I felt some sympathy for her, but it was tempered by my remembrance of how she ignored my warning and foolishly brought all of these demerits and punishments down upon herself. If she had listened to me none of this would have happened to her.

With Kit finally draped across the teacher's lap, Ms. Lopes grabbed one of Kit's buttocks, squeezed it and said, "You truly deserve this, Kit. I hope this serves as a wakeup call and motivates you to become a good girl."

Kit began to blurt out an apology, but Ms. Lopes's hand came down hard on her ass and her words of regret were rapidly turned into girlish yelps of pain. Her bare feet kicked, her hips bounced up and down and she squirmed across the teacher's lap as red handprints accumulated on her bare backside.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Kit cried out as her cute bottom was spanked. Her ass was facing towards me, and I couldn't help but admire the curves of her perfectly shaped buttocks. And I found the way that she squirmed and twisted as she reacted to the pain to be sexy and enticing. It was something of a betrayal, but I was enjoying Kit's suffering.

Ms. Lopes didn't stop until Kit was sobbing, and her high, firm buttocks were covered with dozens of overlapping red handprints.

"Ohhhhh!" Kit whimpered. And when she was ordered to stand up and face the class, she had tears welling up in her eyes.

Kit had always been attractive, but when she stood before the class, rubbing her wounded bottom, a look of suffering on her face, she looked absolutely fetching. Her face was tear-streaked, she had an adorable pouting look on her face and her naked boobs were thrust forward as she rubbed her sore buttocks. I'd never seen her look sexier.

"You may now sit down," the headmistress said to the whimpering student. "I expect you to pay attention in class and take notes. Just because your bottom is smarting is no reason for you to slack off from your schoolwork."

Kit's pout deepened at this announcement and then the headmistress added, "And tomorrow morning before classes, you'll be whipped in front of the entire school. A public whipping will wipe 45 demerits from your current total. I'm sure you'll be grateful for that."

For a girl that had been so eager to be whipped, Kit looked miserable. Either she was a superb actress, or she had made a horrible error in judgment. Either way, she was going to be whipped in the morning, and I'd be there to see it... along with the rest of the school.

* * *

After classes, I met up with Siri and Taylor. They got excellent grades and were probably the two smartest girls in the school. I got along well with both, and I enjoyed our little chats.

"Can you believe she smuggled drugs into the school?" Siri asked

"Modirall? What even is that?" I asked. "I've never heard of it before."

Siri and Taylor, both gave me looks. They seemed to think that I was joking at first. But when I failed to deliver a punchline, they realized that I was seriously asking.

"It's only the most powerful aphrodisiac on the planet!" Siri proudly proclaimed.

"The liquid form is even more powerful than the pill form," Taylor added. "You rub the liquid into your nipples, or your labia and it stimulates your nerve endings like crazy! It's so potent you don't even need to finger yourself to reach climax. My brother's girlfriend got her hands on some. She smeared some across her pubic lips before she went jogging. She had three orgasms by the time she got home."

"Without touching herself?"

"Without touching herself! The stuff is that good!"

Once Tayor had told me that, I fixated on the idea of smearing modirall into my own pink slit.

Masturbation was against the school rules, and I'd been a good girl, but I was getting more and more sexually frustrated. And watching Kit strip naked in front of the whole class for her spanking had been a huge jolt to my libido. My pussy had been throbbing wetly ever since.

The liquid modirall they confiscated would be in the headmistress's office. I figured it wouldn't be too difficult to steal a small amount, put the bottle back where I got it and make my way back to my dorm room without anyone even knowing that a theft had occurred.

My plan was filled with flaws and questionable assumptions. Had I been thinking clearly, I would never have attempted such a daring caper, but there was an intense craving between my legs and that affected my ability to think logically.

I waited until after midnight and snuck out of my dorm room. I went barefoot so as to move with more stealth. The hallways were empty and the whole school was eerily quiet as I made my way to the headmistress's office.

All the lights in the classrooms and corridors were off, so I was creeping through the school in almost absolute darkness, but I had excellent night vision, so I had no problem navigating through the halls to my destination.

The door to the headmistress's office had a cheap looking pin cylinder lock. My sister had taught me how to pick that sort of lock years ago and I was confident that I could pick it with little time or effort.