Laura Ch. 04

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I feel like a slave on the auction block.
5.7k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/14/2021
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I didn't want to have sex with my sister, but as long as I was incarcerated at the Crestview Center, I was at her mercy. The warden and the prison guards were all on her side and they assisted her in her agenda to turn me into her naked plaything.

Each day, my sister broke my spirit a little bit more. Resistance was futile, although I did try. My sister Lexis was a very attractive woman, but I felt that incest was icky. It was taboo. It was a line that should never be crossed.

Of course, Lexis used all the forces at her command to force me to obey. She had the prison guards cuff my wrists behind me. Then my bound wrists were joined to the back of my collar with a short chain that kept my hands up around the small of my back. This made it much easier for Lexis to run her hands all over my naked bottom or to smack it with a riding crop.

"I think you could do with some exercise," my sister said. "Let's take you for a walk."

She attached a leash to my collar and then led me outside to the grassy field behind the main building. My masochistic tendencies meant that I craved harsh punishments and painful bondage. I needed a dominant female to abuse, humiliate and punish me, but it felt extraordinarily wrong for that dominant woman to be my sister. Lexis knew that, so she was on a mission to break me and turn me into a shameless, lesbian slut who enjoyed being sexually abused by her sister.

Naked, bound and barefoot, my sister led me around the field, where I was ogled by prison guards and well-dressed civilians who were visiting the Crestview Center Prison.

Lexis felt compelled to walk up to a select few civilians, introduce herself and chat with them. I found it to be humiliating as I would have to stand there, indecently exposed while Lexis's new acquaintances would openly stare at my shaved pubes and other intimate parts of my female anatomy. I wasn't allowed to complain or pout. I was under strict orders to quietly stand there as they gawked at my bound nudity.

Inevitably my sister's new acquaintance would comment on my bound nudity and would request permission to examine me more closely. My sister allowed these clothed strangers to play with my nipples, squeeze my buttocks and run their fingertip up and down my pink slit. Of course, I would gasp and squirm as they worked me up into a feverish state of arousal. This almost always led to observations about the wetness of my pussy or the conspicuous erectness of my nipples

The more my sister allowed total strangers to run their hands all over me, the more aroused I became. I desperately wanted some sexual relief; however, my sister had decreed that I was forbidden to have an orgasm unless it was provided by her. And I had to ask her nicely before she'd be willing to help me have an orgasm.

I was unwilling to ask my sister to have sex with me, so she continued to torture me, working my body into a feverish state of sexual arousal. My clit became so hard that it ached, and my nipples throbbed. My pussy became so wet it was leaking, but I held firm and resisted my sister's evil plans to coerce me into an incestuous relationship.

One of the more memorable acquaintances my sister made was an affluent British woman named Nancy Astor. She looked elegant, with professionally styled hair and custom-tailored clothes. I tried not blush as she assessed my naked body with an attitude of aloof judgement. Of course, I failed, and my sister assured me that I was blushing an adorable shade of scarlet.

Nancy noted that Lexis and I were identical in appearance. Lexis explained that she and I were twins. She then added that she was the responsible one, whereas I had a serious problem with authority figures. I didn't like following orders.

"Where are your parents?" Nancy asked. "Shouldn't they be the ones in charge of disciplining her?"

"They're in real estate development," my sister explained. "They're always busy negotiating deals, hiring contractors, overseeing construction. They don't have time to act as Laura's overseers, so they've put me in charge of her."

"Well, they made a sensible decision," the aristocratic woman opined. "You're obviously being strict with her and not giving her a chance to rebel."

"What about you?" my sister asked. "Do you have an unruly relative incarcerated here at Crestview?"

"My daughter," the snobby British woman replied. "She was carrying on with a boy who was clearly not suitable for her. I decided to keep her away from all boys until she can learn to make better choices."

My sister and her new acquaintance bonded over their admiration for the Crestview Center and their strict methods for dealing with insolent, young ladies.

"My younger sister was incarcerated here years ago," Nancy said. "When she returned home, she was much improved. Being a prisoner here cured her of her vanity and her rebelliousness. They'll do the same for your sister."

* * *

Later we went down to the cells and visited Nancy's daughter. She was an attractive young lady, eighteen or nineteen years old, with a slender waist, taut abs, a firm, athletic body and smallish boobs. I found myself staring at her reddened buttocks where she had obviously been recently punished.

"Mary, this is Lexis Sterling, and the naked girl on the leash is her sister, Laura."

Having introduced me to her daughter, Nancy asked a prison guard to lock me in the same cage.

"Mary would appreciate having someone to talk to. She's been locked in there all alone since last night. The two of you chat. I have some things to discuss with your sister."

Lexis and Nancy wandered off and left me alone with Mary's daughter.

So, there we were two naked prisoners locked in a cell. For a few seconds were just stared at each other. It was an awkward way to meet someone and there was no dignified, socially acceptable rule for how to proceed from that point.

Mary finally broke the awkward silence by saying, "Hi."

It wasn't a very creative way to begin a conversation, but at least we were talking.

"So, your mother sentenced you to be a naked prisoner at Crestview," I said. It was more of a statement than a question.

"That's mother for you," the girl said softly. "Whenever there's a problem that must be managed, she never manages it herself. She always pays someone else to deal with it."

Mary had an enchanting British accent and a pleasing face. I soon found myself bonding with her, sharing my experiences with her and discovering what we had in common.

"When my mother first sentenced me to be incarcerated here, I was so angry at her." Mary explained. "But that was four weeks ago. Somewhere along the way, I found it all to be terribly exciting. It's quite difficult to explain."

I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"All the forced nudity and the cruel punishments," I said. "There's a dark thrill to it. It gets your heart pounding. It creates a sort of throbbing, feverish heat that takes over. It becomes addictive. I feel more alive in here than I ever felt on the outside."

"Precisely," Mary said excitedly. She seemed so happy when she realized I understood what she was going through. "It's fiercely sensual in a darkly exciting sort of way. I never felt this way before I became incarcerated."

"I think the things they do to us here are too intense for polite society," I explained. "I mean...can you imagine public nudity in the town square? Or a public whipping?"

Mary nodded in agreement with my opinion.

"A month ago I didn't want to be imprisoned here, but now I don't want to leave. I can't tell my mother that I feel this way, but I don't want to be set free. I've been trying to figure out ways to extend my stay here as long as possible."

"I know how you feel," I told Mary. "I need hard punishment. I need direct commands, to know my place without hesitation."

"I've become so well behaved since I came here," Mary said. "There's been talk about me going home. I may have to start being disobedient again, so that I might stay longer. I worship my handler and I want her to approve of me, but if I have to misbehave to stay here longer..."

She left her sentence trail off, but I understood her quandary. I explained about my sister and how she wanted to take over as the woman who punished and humiliated me. Mary didn't have to be told that it was an extremely intimate and sexual thing when a dominant woman ruled over a submissive one. She saw immediately saw the awkward position I was in.

She gave me a sympathetic look and said, "I understand your reluctance to have sex with your sister. The whole incest thing would be a deal breaker for me too...if I were on the outside. But as a naked prisoner here at Crestview, I would just be fighting the inevitable. They would just whip me until I changed my mind."

I had been having similar thoughts, but I hadn't wanted to say any of that out loud. I was fighting a losing battle.

"I suppose it could be worse," I conceded. "At least Lexis and I are the same age. And her face and body are identical to mine. It will almost be like having sex with myself."

"A dominant version of yourself," Mary amended.

Mary could see that the prospect of incest with my sister was troubling me, and she promptly changed the subject.

Mary's handler was named Greta. Greta was a stern, authoritarian overseer and Mary worshipped her. She adored it when Greta used the paddle or the strap on her. She was proud of the pink blush Greta had left on her buttocks. And she displayed her whip marks and welts with pride.

She invited me to examine them closely and even to run my fingertips across them.

"My hands are locked behind my back," I said, stating an obvious fact. There was no way I could run my fingers across her welts.

"Oh, right," she said, laughing at herself for such an oversight. Then, she seemed to decide that she may as well examine the whip marks on my body. Mainly she examined my ass, however, there were visible stripes on my legs and abdomen as well.

There were a number of welts on my buttocks and Mary made "Ooh" and "Ah" sounds as she examined them. Her hands massaged my punished bottom as she admired my welts and stripes.

"You've been marked up good," she said as her careful examination continued. I felt strangely proud of how cruelly I'd been punished. My reddened and stinging flesh marked me as someone special. It was hard to put into words, but the fact that I'd enduring such intense pain put me in an exclusive group. I felt as if the painful marks on my skin proved that I'd accomplished something real and noteworthy.

I was filled with a blend of both pride and arousal. Mary's careful examination of my naked body made me feel like a slave on the auction block, and I could feel myself getting damp between my legs. Even though Mary was just another naked prisoner, the way she studied and evaluated the painful marks on my flesh made me feel like I was being examined by a dominant woman and my body responded to that by becoming feverishly hot and tingly. My heart pounded excitedly in my chest and my breathing became noticeably labored.

My chest heaved up and down as my breathing became more intense. I squirmed involuntarily as Mary examined me and my skin became feverishly hot.

"This is really turning you on, isn't it?" Mary asked, her hand on my lower abdomen, just a few inches north of my swollen pubic lips.

"I feel like a slave on the auction block," I replied, my voice heavy with lust. "The way you're examining me, it's almost like you're a prospective buyer."

A delightfully wicked smile spread across Mary's face, and she commented, "I like the sound of that. I could see myself bidding on you if you were for sale. Of course, any discerning coinsurer of slave flesh would want to test your breasts for firmness and resiliency for they placed any bids on you."

I didn't say anything in response to that. I just gave Mary and expectant look and hoped that would follow up her words with brash, prurient action.

Then, just as I had hoped, she cupped my breasts, lifted slightly as if testing their weight, then she gave me a stern look as if she were a mistress instead of a naked prisoner and said, "You have very high breasts, with very pink nipples."

She flicked her thumbs across my nipples several times, causing them to stiffen and become painfully erect. Then she gave me a look and added. "Ooh, they're very responsive too! I think I could enjoy playing with these!"

Rather than recoil from her touch, I arched my back and thrust my breasts out even further, making them a much more inviting target for Mary's hands. Mary noticed the way I was responding to being groped and felt encouraged to take things to the next level.

Her hands became increasingly bold as I stood there without complaint. She pushed my breasts together, lifted them up, squashed them and kneaded them roughly. Her grip on my tender flesh became abusive, but I made no attempt to get away from her strong, demanding hands. Her tight grip inflicted sharp, sudden pain on my sore boobs. The throbbing pain in my boobs was accompanied by a wet throbbing in my sex. I let out a gasp and it sounded more like a gasp of carnal excitement than a gasp of pain.

"That sound is so sexy," Mary commented in response to my girlish gasp. "I want to see how many times I can get you to make that sound."

She continued to knead my breasts like they were pizza dough. Then she stopped and gently smoothed her fingertip across my abused flesh.

"The facial expressions you make when you're in pain are so fetching," Mary commented. "You suffer so beautifully."

She cupped my boobs gently and spoke softly to me for a while. Then she rolled my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, causing me to moan with erotic abandon. My whole body seemed to throb with sexual electricity, and then Mary changed tactics, pinching my nipples and cruelly twisting them.


"I'm sorry, Laura. It's just so much fun to watch you suffer," my tormentress said cheerfully.

My head was reeling. She had gone from gentle to cruel without warning. The pain in my nipples was both terrible and exquisite at the same time. The more pain that shot through my sensitive, swelling nipples, the more my pussy throbbed.

The more Mary abused my nipples, the wider I spread my legs apart. I didn't even think. My legs just seemed to move of their own accord. By the time I realized what I was doing, my legs were spread pornographically far apart, and my swollen pubic lips were indecently exposed.

Mary took that as an invitation to release her grip on my poor nipples and place a hand on my pink slit. She reached between my legs and rubbed her fingertips across the sensitive folds of my pubic lips. My labia were already swollen and glistening with my juices, but as Mary rubbed her fingertips up and down across my pink slit my pubic lips became more engorged with blood and my sex became dripping wet.

My hips trembled, and my breath faltered as Mary pushed two fingers into my dripping vagina. Her fingers were exquisite, finding all the most sensitive nerve endings and making me moan in a shameful, wanton manner. Two fingers became three, and I clamped down tight with my vaginal muscles, enjoying the feeling of being filled and impaled. I rode Mary' strong, probing fingers and her hand rubbed up against my swollen clitoris as her fingers were thrust in and out of me.

I was being carried away on a wave of erotic delirium as Mary probed my moist interior. My blood surged hot in my veins, and I gulped air into my lungs in huge, lusty gasps. My whole body writhed in libidinous furor. I was well on the way to an explosive climax when an angry voice broke me out of my reverie.

"Well, what do we have here?" my sister's voice demanded.

I turned and saw Lexis giving me a stern look. By her side was Mrs. Astor. She was glaring at her daughter, her gaze harsh and unforgiving.

"I leave you two alone for twenty minutes," my sister accused, "and when I come back, you're swaying your hips around like a shameless slut while you spread your legs for this teenage girl to impale you."

"Um, Lexis, um," I stammered, attempting to think of something I could say to explain the compromising position that I'd been found in, but she just cut me off.

"You know that you're forbidden to have an orgasm unless I provide it," my sister snapped at me. "And, yet here I find you spreading your legs for Nancy's daughter! If I had been a few seconds slower in returning, you would have cum all over her fingers!"

* * *

Mary had been told not to have sex with the other prisoners. When her mother caught her having sex with me, she was sentenced to another four weeks of imprisonment at Crestview.

Mary had told me she didn't want to be set free. I wonder if she had sex with me because she was hoping to get caught and be sentenced to additional time and punishments.

My sister turned me over to one of the prison guards. She said that she'd deal with me later. By "deal with" I assumed that she meant "punish her horribly".

* * *

I was taken from the prison cell and escorted down the hall to a room that was sterile in its cleanliness. The main feature of the room was a medical examination table. I was told to go stand next to it and stick out my foot.

Naked, barefoot and frightened, I did as I was told, and the prison guard produced a stainless-steel shackle, seemingly from out of thin air and locked it snugly around my ankle. A stainless-steel ring was embedded in the floor and a sixty-inch-long chain connected the two.

"Your sister will be in to see you soon," the prison guard informed me. "You already disappointed her once today. Try not to do it again."

The thought of my sister storming in there to punish me triggered visceral feelings of anxiety. I hated the thought of Lexis being angry at me. She was my identical twin, so we were closer than most sisters. Being punished for her entertainment didn't bother me anywhere near as much as being punished because she was cross with me.

Is it any wonder I have a psychiatrist I see on a regular basis?

The security guard stepped out of the room and locked me inside. I could hear the metallic sound of the lock engaging and felt it was highly unnecessary. My arms were bound behind my back and chain and stainless steel locked around my ankle kept me from walking more than a few feet in any direction. What did she think she was accomplishing by locking me in?

I stood there, naked and apprehensive, wondering what would happen when my sister entered the room. I probably stood there waiting for about twenty minutes, but it felt like hours. My chest was tight, my mouth was dry, and my pulse was racing.

I tried to breathe very slowly and deeply, and not to worry about what was to come, but that was easier said than done.

Finally, I heard a sound at the door, Lexis marched into the room and her gaze swept across my naked body.

She had changed her clothes and she allowed me to get a good look at her attire before she began to abuse me. She was wearing stylish, black leather jackboots, tight, black pants and a black, custom-tailored, long-sleeved black ladies' Gothic jacket, with a button-down front and geometric gothic line details gave it a sort of military look.

In contrast, I was naked, chained and my pubic lips were shamefully swollen and glistening with my juices. The high and mighty look she gave me told me that she had made a conscious effort to highlight the stark difference between her status and mine.

"Well, naked girl, look at you," my sister said, her tone mocking. "Mary tells me you've got some sort of fetish, that you like being examined like you're a slave on the auction block."