Laura and Greg Ch. 01

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Wife is surprised after a revenge fuck affair cucking hubby.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/27/2019
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A wife cheats, cuckolds her husband with certain... complications. Neither of them are lawyers. I know... for this page this is shocking in it self. Right?


I have been living in guilt, shame and fear for the last fifteen years of my life and hoped that everything I did was behind me. I prayed that my sin of cheating on my husband was forgiven as I had stopped and asked God for forgiveness. My priest had listened without recrimination and judgment as I told him what I had done and what had led me to do what I did. Not once did I place blame on anyone but myself. Because the blame was mine to take from the start.

My name is Laura Ryan-Hansen and my husband is Greg Hansen. We are both forty seven, and we have been married twenty-five years now. We have a daughter Amber twenty-four and a son Robert twenty-two. I am an accountant for a manufacturing firm while Greg does the same for a large supermarket chain at their headquarters offices.

We met in college, fell in love and got married just after graduation. I was pregnant a few months after. Amber was born around our first anniversary and our son was born two years later. To say we had our hands full with two jobs and two kids would be an understatement. We hardly had time for each other even with my parents being in town and helping out when they could.

Our sex life that had been great at first was now just good. As everyone with young kids knows, they take precedence and the sex becomes less frequent. What kept us from having none at all was my parents taking the kids on weekends so Greg and I could have some time to each other. Yes, we had sex and went to the movies or out with friends, must of the time we just slept to rest from a hectic week.

Seven years later, the kids were in school and things got a little better, but by then the shine was gone from our marriage. Everything became repetitive. From our conversations, to our jokes, to our sex. I still loved him, and he still tried to show me that he loved me, but somehow I felt like there was something missing in my life.

I talked to my mother who told me that this was normal in marriages and that I was lucky to have Greg. He was handsome, caring, a good provider and great father. I knew she was right about all that, but it seemed like it was the canned answer a mother would give, and it made me feel guilty that I didn't appreciate my husband.

I also talked to a friend of mine from work. Angela was a year older than me and married herself with three kids.

"Welcome to the club baby," she told me during lunch at a local restaurant. "Joe and I have been in the same boat as you before. You are not alone."

"What do I do Angela?" I asked.

"That's your problem right there Laura," she replied. "You said I. As in just you. The problem is both yours and your husband's. Have you talked to him about it?"

"I'm afraid to," I replied knowing she was right. "I know I should, but I feel like we have drifted too much."

"So what? Are you going to pack it in and join the ranks of divorce people?"

I think I looked back at her in resignation of what she was saying.

"You're an idiot," she said leaning in to look at me in the eye. "Have you thought what it would do to your children?"

"Kids these days are used to this," I replied in a response tossed out by dissatisfied wives across the world. And got the shock of my life as Angela actually smacked me on top of the head!

"Are you that fucken stupid?" she said with a cold steely voice.

"Angela! What the fu..."

"Shut up!" she said now clearly angry with me.

I started to wonder if she was still my friend and if I had made a mistake talking to her about this. She knew Greg and could tell him what I shared with her.

"I came from a divorce family," Angela said with a slight tremor to her voice. "My parents made a sport out of hurting and cheating on one another. Do you know how much it hurt to watch that train wreck?"

"I'm sorry," I said in a half hearted apology. "I didn't know."

"No, you didn't. I don't advertise it. But the hurt and pain is still there. All the memories of separate lives when I had to live with mom and my brother with dad. I didn't just lose my dad, I lost my brother, my cousins and aunts from dad's family. The holiday get togethers. The visits with grandparents. The family life was all gone. All because my mom had to "find herself" inside the pants of one guy after another. She brought them home to fuck as I lay on my bed hearing them. Do you know what that does to a little girl?"

I was speechless.

"And as I got older and developed what do you think those men did to me right under her nose? Do you?" she snapped before I could say anything. "They molested me. Two of them. The first man in me was my mom's boyfriend."

"Oh my God Angela!" I replied shocked. "How did you get through all that. You seem so together about everything?"

"I ran away and called my dad. He came and got me then we went to the police. He was charged with rape and my mother lost custody of me. Laura, she was in the other room and did nothing when he forced himself on me. She was too drunk to know or care. I hope she rots in hell wherever she is. I have not seen her since. My dad raised me and had to cope with my issues and pay for my therapy. He still blames himself what happened to me. At least he owned up to his fuck ups."

I think I covered my mouth in horror at that point and let her get herself together.

"So, still think you are ready to put your kids through that are you?" Angela said to me as our food was forgotten by us both.

"Does your husband know?" I asked curiously.

"Joe knows," she replied. "I let him know before we got married. I trust him with everything in my life. Past, present and future. And I suggest you do the same with Greg."

"And he is OK knowing?" I asked.

"Well, he knew from the start and still married me. And has been there with me through the ups and downs. Even when he and I were both feeling what you are going through. Do you think you are the first or the last?"

"I guess not," I replied. "What did you do to get over it? Or did you?"

"I would tell you, but I need to talk to my husband first before I share some things with you."

I nodded and tried to go back to soup. It was cold.


But I didn't do as she suggested about talking to Greg. Instead I let things stand and they got worse. It wasn't long before we had sex less and less and our conversations were only about bills, family, the kids and maybe the news once in a while. We even stopped sending the kids over to mom and dad's so we could be alone. I no longer felt connected to Greg. I loved him, but not like before. And I guess he was the same because he never talked to me either. We just lived our zombie lives for another year.

I saw Angela at work, but mostly I avoided her. She knew my family problems and if I talked to her I would have to let her know I never talked to Greg or lie to her. Avoiding her was simpler. I think she knew from the looks she gave me when we crossed paths and she shook her head and kept going. But she knew I was about to self-destruct if I had not done so already.

And one day I did.

It happened when I was at my son's soccer game. One of the parents was this handsome man who I caught looking at me. Yeah, that's how it all started. All it took was one man showing interest in me and my pussy got wet in anticipation.

I could blame it all on Greg and how he had neglected me, but thinking back on it now, I would be lying to you and myself. All I know is that at moment, without saying a word to this man, touching him or letting him touch me, I was down the path of cheating on Greg and ruining my marriage. I would later come to terms that my biggest mistake was not to listen to Angela and talk to Greg about our problems.

Maybe if we had talked, gone to marriage counseling or church or our parents... anything but saying nothing. But I was a coward and didn't want to take the chance of having to admit I was wrong. Take my word for it as I have been there. Cheating and betrayal happens way before the sex with another person happens by an unfaithful spouse. Even if they find an excuse.

And I did find that excuse to make me feel better about crossing the line from good wife to cheater. I went to Greg's job one day to have him sign something from school that needed both our signatures and forgot to call in advance.

I had just parked at his job at noon and reached for my cell to call him to come out when I saw him coming out with a gorgeous young brunette. She was smiling as she talked to him and he was smiling back the way a man does to a woman he is escorting with other interests in mind. His hand touched the small of her back and she let him in that familiar way of people who were both interested in each other.

I watched in shock as Greg escorted the young woman to our sedan he used and opened the door for her. How long had it been since he did that for me? I couldn't even remember. And a fucken brunet! I wanted to kill him.

But I did nothing. I just sat there as they drove off. I should have followed them and ruined their lunch or nooner sex romp. Fuck him! I thought. I hope she laughs at his dick. No, she wouldn't do that because Greg was hung like a horse. She would probably ride him and cum a hundred times telling him how he was great pumping up his ego. And I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself.

Instead I went to work crying on the way back and screaming at him as if he was there calling him every name in the book. Of course, the fact that I had a warning to talk to him and resolve our problems a year ago did not enter my deluded mind. All I did was blame him for everything and felt sorry for myself.

On the lot, I wiped the ruined make up off my face and putting on my sunglasses went past the receptionist to the bathroom of a different company than mine to fix myself up. Once in the ladies room, I stared at myself. I was thirty three, blond and had a great shape. All the weight I gained with the kids was now gone and I was better looking than some years back in my twenties. I think I was at my best back then and feeling like life was passing me by.

When I reapplied my makeup, I went all out and dolled up. I was in a green tight dress with three inch heals that made my legs look tighter and shapelier under the dress that was just over my knees. I pulled it up under my belt so more of my legs showed and nodded to myself. I looked stunning. Better than the fucken brunette tart. Greg didn't deserve me, and I was going to have my fun if he was.

The question now was with whom? The company had a non-fraternization rule when I got there, but after the CEO and his "assistant" hooked up, that rule went out the window. Every man there was a potential lover just then. I think I gave myself a smirk on the mirror and thought 'game on motherfuckers!'

I walked around the rest of the day like I owned the place. I smiled at men I found attractive and ignored those I didn't. There was snap to my walk as my ass flirted with men behind me. I bet women noticed the difference. But I sure didn't care. All I wanted was the attention. And attention I got.

Before the day was over, the head of marketing, a man in his early forties approached my office and knocked on the door frame.

"Hi Laura," he said. But he meant, "I want to fuck you."

"Hi Steve," I replied with a sexy voice looking up at him. "What can I do for you?"

Yes, Steve was one of the men I had smiled at just a while before. It hadn't taken him long to approach me. I knew he was married with kids, but I just didn't give a shit. Marriage meant nothing to me just then. It was all a sham.

I had seen Steve in shorts at the company get together at the zoo and had stared and then some. He was muscular, and handsome in his dark hair and piercing eyes.

"You are looking great today," he said as he came in and I motioned to him to close the door.

"So are you Steve," I replied.

"The question is," he said as he sat across me. "When are you and I going to collaborate?"

From his insinuating gaze, I knew what he meant, and I didn't mind at all.

"Are you free starting now?" I asked as I turned Outlook on my PC and started an email to Greg.

"I sure am," Steve replied with a smile that said he understood and couldn't believe his luck.

"Give me a minute," I replied, and he nodded waving me on to do as I asked.

Greg didn't look at texts on his phone at work. He was more likely to be reached by email than text. I told him that I was going out with the girls for drinks and would be home when I was done. No, I love you or anything polite. Nothing other than telling him not to expect me.

He would have to get the kids from the latchkey program at school. It wasn't the first time that had happened. So, I didn't feel bad about it at all.

"I'm all yours," I said smiling at Steve and locking up my computer. As I followed him out with my purse, I locked my office door and took a step in to the next chapter of my life.

"Let me lock my office and tell my assistant I am out for the rest of the day," he said. "Meet you at the lobby?"

I nodded and went downstairs to wait for him, both exited and anxious. The thought of an upcoming tryst by a man who found me attractive was intoxicating. When the elevator opened and he smiled at me, I smiled back and followed him out.

"My car," I said wanting to be the in control woman to impress him. He gave me a polite smile and raised his hand toward the doors.

He let me pick a hotel not far from where we worked and paid for the room. As we rode the elevator up, he reached over and leaned in to kiss me. And just like that, I kissed the first man other than my husband since I was married. He also became the first man other than Greg to grope my ass, maul my breast and let me feel his cock other than Greg and we hadn't gotten out of the elevator yet. DING!

We found our room and I let him slide the card into the door lock. The irony of it escaped me then, but not now. He let me go in first and groped my ass again as he followed me in. The sound of the door closing behind us is seared into my brain to this day.

I wish I could tell you that Steve's dick was bigger than Greg's or thicker, but it wasn't. Or that he was a much better fuck or that he rocked my world? No, Steve by himself was not those things. What he was... well, he was the one there. The one new. The one paying me attention. The one making feel wanted and special after so many years of mundane sameness.

When we did what we did, the situation rocked my world. Not Steve. He was just the guy with the dick. I didn't want him to myself other than for the fuck I would get out of him. I wanted the fuck and for him to go back to his wife.

I sucked his cock with abandon and enthusiasm because it was new as well. I held it in my hands as it hardened and leaked precum. I licked it from bottom to top tasting his salty discharge reveling in the act; the forbidden act of infidelity I had craved for now for some time.

I remember that he was circumcised, and his balls and pubic hair was trimmed; not shaved. And I remember his smell. A combination of soap and man smell. A "new man in my life" smell. One that I embraced not out of love or even overt attraction. It was the smell of different. Of promise of things to come.

When my mouth engulfed him, and my lips locked around his shaft he shuttered. I smiled inwardly at what I was making him do. Me... I... my mouth, my tongue licking under his head, my lips wrapped tight on him and pulling up before slithering down on a cock not my husbands'. Yes! That was the thrill. The newness and eroticism of someone new and the fact I was doing it behind Greg's back.

'Teach him to fuck some young brunette,' I thought. But at the same time as I was angry with my husband, I was grateful for what he had done for me. Because in the moment I saw his hand on the back of that hot brunette slut of his, he had opened the door for me to be free to venture out and taste another.

'Thank you Greg,' I laughed as I sucked Steve's dick and felt his hands on top of my head pushing me down further. It did not bother or scare me one bit. My mouth opened wider for him and took him deeper without a bit of remorse. Of I did gag a bit not having taken Greg's dick in my throat since... never!

But I did take Steve in my throat and let him face fuck me all he wanted. He was decent enough to pull out on each stroke so I could breathe; what a guy eh?

"Laura, you are so good at this. It feels so fucken good," I heard him say and would have smiled proudly if a cock was not embedded in my mouth and throat. But I did smile inside from satisfaction that someone appreciated it and it was someone other than my husband. Oh yes. That was the thrill. The fuel to this fire in me.

But like all good things, it had to have an ending. Not our time together. But that blowjob. Steve eventually was overcome by the excitement of a new mouth and throat to fuck.

"I'm going to cum!" he announced and for a second I felt him trying to pull back. But I stopped that cold by grasping his thighs and forcefully pulling him toward me while my mouth locked on his cock. And cum he did! Loads of it.

Having pulled out of my throat, he exploded in my mouth filling it with warm cum that tasted... different than Greg's! Not better or worse. Just different and new. Excited by that, I began swallowing. Another thing I had never done for Greg.

With my husband I usually let the cum drip out of my mouth to fall on my 36B firm titties. But not with Steve. His I swallowed and savored in my mouth as more and more of it squirted on to the roof of my closed mouth.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed as I held on to his balls with one hand and his ass with another milking him until he was done. Oh yes. New man, new dick, new cum. And I enjoyed it until he gasped and relaxed in my hands. Like putty.

With my mouth empty again, I looked up at him and licked my lips. His glazed eyes stared down at me in disbelief. And I was so proud of myself. After years of mundane sexual sameness and mediocrity, I was an exiting woman again. Fuck all those years of diapers, baby bottles, rushing to work, paying bills and boring family evenings. Laura the woman, the vamp was finally out. Watch out world!

"My turn," I said to Steve who merely nodded and offered me a hand to help me off my knees. Even the discomfort of my knees on the carpet seemed exiting and new. I had not gotten on my knees for a man in a long time. Even the stingy feeling on my knee flesh as I stood felt great!

Steve did as he was supposed to do just then and undressed me. I looked at my dress and noticed a stray drop of cum on it. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked with a puzzled look.

"The green stained dress," I replied with a smirk. He laughed with me.

"Should I call you Monica?" he asked in jest.

"Yes," I replied with a smile. "It sounds fun and exciting. Why should Bill and that brunette slut of his have all the fun?"

"Why indeed," he replied as he pulled my unzipped dress off my shoulders letting it fall.

"Oh my!" he said looking at my tits in the thin see through bra I wore that day. I hadn't planned it, but it sure made quite an impression. I found myself feeling proud that even with out intention to do so, I had worn something erotic for the moment.

"It's a front loader," I said to save him wasting his time reaching behind me.

"I know," he replied as he undid my front clasp. He was married of course he would know. And at his age, he was no man child confused by bra types.

It snapped away from my breasts revealing them and my bronze colored nipples to him. Yes, my thick nipples that I was so proud of, had hardened to points that he stared at like had never seen tits before in his life. The more he stared, the more it excited me.