Last Minute Substitute Pt. 01

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Her boss cannot attend and sends her instead.
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Post-COVID, the in-person industry networking events have rebounded. I am a part of a network that brings together cybersecurity and cryptography experts. We meet four times a year at various locations across the Sydney CBD.

The last meeting for this year took place at a classy cocktail bar in The Rocks called Frank Mac's. Housed in one of the earliest sandstone buildings in that precinct, the bar sprawled multiple levels with outdoor entertaining, perfect for days when it was not raining.

My prior engagement ran overtime, and I was an hour late. Fittingly for the topics discussed at the networking event, I received a scam call as I walked across the threshold concerning a fictitious Bitcoin purchase.

After registering my attendance, I ordered a glass of generic red wine rather than a cocktail because I was eager to catch the presentations. After adjusting my vision, I descended the stairs into the darkness and took the first available seat just as the first presentation began. I did not have a chance to scan the room, but I knew there were a lot of attendees since the functions were popular.

During the presentations, I became aware of the person beside me who brushed her foot against my leg several times. There was a feminine apology each time, and I thought nothing of it. After the presentations, the lights were switched on, and I took stock of my surroundings. The woman next to me was a petite but exotic beauty.

"What did you think?" I asked her about the presentations.

"Yeah, really good," She smiled, "The last one went over my head."

She referred to the topic of the Advanced Encryption Standard, which involved a lot of high-level algebra and a ton of acronyms, much of which I could not grasp.

"It's an interesting topic," I said, "But not easy to follow."

We ascended the stairs, and the attendees began ripping into the cocktail menu with fury. The subject matter appeared to exhaust the brain's attention to those present. I continued to order wine and began mingling with my peers but kept an eye out for the woman who continually brushed my leg.

Her eye kept tabs on me as the evening progressed. To say the situation was cliched was an understatement, but it happened. She was dressed in a stylish black suit and was maybe five-two out of heels and around 100 pounds with b-cup titties, a straggle of brown curls, fiery eyes, and an aquiline nose. Her heritage was the eastern Mediterranean, either Greek or Lebanese.

As the liquor flowed, so did my determination to re-engage with this petite, exotic beauty. My first opportunity came when I retold the networking event manager about my scam call. We were leaning against the bar when she approached for a fresh cocktail. Sticking around for the punchline, she laughed when I pointed out the irony.

"That's too funny," she said while placing a delicate hand on my arm.

Later, when I was talking to a counterpart at a company that had just experienced a rough PR week because of a national service failure. She approached the bar again and asked us a question, to which I provided a jocular response to much hilarity. She winked at me before rejoining her clique. I noticed that her name badge was handwritten, meaning she was a last-minute addition to the event.

Alas, the complimentary cocktails ended, and those who wanted to stick around had to dig deep into their pocketbooks; the cost was high.

"We should introduce ourselves," The woman said after returning from the bathroom and ordering another cocktail, which was no longer complimentary.

After exchanging names, Eleni handed me her hand, which was stone cold.

"But I have a very warm heart!" Eleni replied to my observation.

"Of that, I have no doubt," I replied before being pulled down for a brief kiss on the lips.

At that moment, I knew action was on the menu. My nerves increased, and my bravado faltered, but I tried to maintain my confidence and plumb the depths of humour to keep the mood lighthearted and free-flowing.

"Did you want to stay here?" I asked after finishing my cocktail, "Or go elsewhere?"

Around us, the event organizer was packing up equipment and banners. The place was emptying, but our little smooch did not go unnoticed by the staff as we leaned against the bar. It was still light outside, so we had to keep it respectable.

"I'm happy to stay here for a bit longer," Eleni replied, "If you are."

"Yeah, it's nice here," I agreed, "Would you like another?"

Eleni took the menu and browsed the offerings.

"What would you choose?" She asked as her eyes settled on a choice.

"I've tried them all," I laughed, "And they are all sensational."

"So have I," Eleni chuckled, "Do you have a favourite?"

She placed the menu flat on the bar so that I could make a selection. The waiter began preparing our cocktails. I reached into my pocket to retrieve my credit card, trying not to wince at the expected hit to my bottom line.

"I'll get these," Eleni smiled, placing a hand on mine and decking my wallet on the bar.

She pulled out a platinum American Express corporate card. I glanced at her handwritten name badge and saw that she was employed by one of Australia's largest fund managers, who probably gave out perks like Tic Tacs.

"Cheers," Eleni smiled as we clinked glasses.

"Mm, that's smooth," After the numerous flavour notes tickled my taste buds.

"Yeah, mine's awesome," Eleni flashed me a radiant smile as her eyes blazed with fiery passion.

"What do you do that grants you platinum status?"

Eleni laughed and explained that she was a senior executive in charge of data security and compliance. Her boss was unable to attend the event on the day, and Eleni had been deputized at the last minute. That explained the handwritten name tag.

"What do you do?" She asked, inching closer as people shuffled by.

"Something similar," I replied, "I manage the firm's certification suite, the regulators and industry relationships."

"I've not heard of your company."

Keep the professional stuff as brief as possible and finish by summarizing our firm's activities as operating in the shadows or behind the scenes.

"Shadows?" Eleni giggled, "I like people who operate in the shadows."

"Why is that?" I smiled.

"There something about operating secretively that is quite the turn-on."

I glanced at Eleni's left hand, but there was no wedding band or tan line. I guessed Eleni was single and placed her age close to mine. The wrinkles around the eyes confirmed that she laughed often and fully.

"And what secrets do you have?" I asked, wondering where this conversation might go.

"Oh, I keep my secrets close to my chest," Eleni pushed towards me before laughing again.

"That's a good place to keep them," I chuckled.

The cocktail bar began filling with new patrons now that the networking event had ended. The staff turned down the ambient light, which made the narrow confines of the place much more intimate. Eleni registered the change in mood and inched closer to me so that her fingers danced over my hand resting on the bar.

We spent some time establishing some boundaries. Both single. Both are the same age. Both are similarly educated. Both operate in complementary industries. Both were equally driven. And both were attracted to the other.

I suspected a substantial salary gap between us, and Eleni worked considerably harder than I did. Long hours, after hours and weekends.

"That's why I like to party hard whenever I get the chance," She grinned.

"I don't get to as many industry events as I should," I said, explaining that my office is not located in the central business district and the fact that I live two hours in the opposite direction, making networking difficult.

"What made you attend this one?" Eleni asked, continuing to brush my hand with her nails.

"I had three other meetings in the city before this one, so it worked out."

"I'm glad it did," Eleni gushed, "Otherwise, we won't have met."

"And that would have been disappointing."

"Indeed," Eleni intertwined her fingers with mine and sipped from her glass, "We wouldn't have met."

"Life's full of surprises!"

"And the giver of indulgent opportunities."

"So. what indulgences do you like to partake in?" I asked.

"Oh," Eleni pursed her lips, inhaling a deep breath before replying cryptically, "Depends on my mood."

"Based on your mood right now?" I asked, pressing her for an answer.

"Right now?" She replied, "Right now, I feel like being really fucking dirty!"

"Wow," I said, impressed by her directness, "You don't pull any punches."

"The person in front of me is a filthy bastard," She chuckled, "Of that, I am certain."

"When did you figure that out?"

"The moment you sat next to me," She said, "And the way you looked at me tonight."

"Well, you're very striking," I replied before adding, "I'm impressed with brains and a large drinking habit."

"That's not the only large 'habit' I have," Eleni laughed, gripping my hand tightly in hers, "And I expect it's the same for you."

Eleni's response was more a statement of fact than a question. She had taken my measure and rightly assumed that I possessed a high sex drive, a dirty mind, and a willingness to employ both for mutual pleasure.

"I'm as red-blooded as the next man," I agreed, "But there's more to me than just the physical."

"Oh, do please enlighten me."

I rattled off a grab bag of non-bedroom interests I was passionate about. I did my best to inject humour and charm into what may have been dry subjects for her. Eleni listened with raptured attention, peppering my narrative with considered questions between chuckles and smiles.

"That's my 30,000 ft overview of life," I said after concluding, "What about yours?"

"I'm positively shallow compared to you," Eleni laughed, "I like swimming, shopping, hanging out with family and friends, good food, wine and coffee."

"Nothing superficial about those interests," I smiled.

"I don't get enough time to indulge," Eleni said, "But what time I do have, I would like to enjoy with someone special."

"And what would you want to do with the special someone?"

"More adventure both in and out of the bedroom," Eleni replied with a cheeky grin.

"Out of the bedroom," I asked, "What's on your bucket list?"

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked as she tilted her head and stared off into the distance.

"I can't think of anything other than wanting to kiss you!" Eleni smiled as her eyes burned into mine.

"Like before?"

"No, not like before," She scolded me, "Proper passionate kissing, the kind that cannot be done here."

"That big burly fellow over there would throw our arses out on the street," I joked, nodding towards the bouncer.

"And I don't want that," Eleni giggled, "Not when I'm enjoying my evening."

"How do you intend to steal that kiss?" I asked.

Eleni looked around, her gaze settling on something across my shoulder.

"Out there?"

I pivoted on my bar stool and saw that she headed towards the outdoor entertaining area. The wine bar was becoming stuffy due to the crush of bodies, so a chance for some fresh air was welcome.

"Sure, let's go."

No sooner had we vacated our stools than the locusts had zeroed in!

With semi-full cocktails, Eleni and I stepped onto the wooden deck. The rain continued to fall with waxing and waning strength. It was comfortable, and we grabbed the only table with an open umbrella that protected us from the constant downpour.

Within seconds of my placing the glass on the table, Eleni pounced! Her lips assaulted mine with furious abandon. Her hands were all over me, except my crotch. I was taken aback but soon found my rhythm meeting her gyrating lips and dancing tongue. Time meant nothing, as our passionate embrace was boundless.

Suddenly, Eleni broke our lip lock and breathlessly told me how wet she was. Taking hold of my hand, she urged me to feel it, pulling it up her thigh and underneath the hem of her skirt while spreading her legs, forgetting where she was.

"Erm, Eleni," I whispered, pulling my hand back, "Do you see that?"

I pointed towards a small, rounded dome attached to the top of the door. Eleni squinted, trying to focus on where my finger was outstretched.


"Bingo," I confirmed, "Probably recording in real-time."

"Shall I flash my tits?" Eleni asked while undoing the top button on her shirt.

"No, no, no," I chuckled while slapping her hand away, "This whole precinct is under constant surveillance."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I used to work for the government department that manages The Rocks," I said, "There is not a square millimetre here that cannot be tracked."

"So, where are we going to go?" Eleni asked in a tone that mixed urgency with disappointment.

"Go where?"

"A place where we can play."

"What, outdoors?"

"Sure," Eleni said nervously, twitching and squirming on the bench beside me, "It's a school night, remember."

"We could wait till the weekend," I offered as an alternative, "Indoors, and we can take our time."

"I can't wait," Eleni said, "I need a taste tonight."

I guessed that I charmed myself into her pants but, while a victory did not solve the immediate problem of where to play in an area swamped by CCTV and on a night beset by intermittent showers.

After draining her glass, Eleni begged for my fingers inside her. I desperately wanted to oblige but was equally vehement that I did not wish to have an indecency charge levelled at me.

We descended the rear stair, and I popped my pocket umbrella, which gave us scant protection from the elements as we strolled down Mill Lane towards Argyle Street. While the evening darkened, the rain was unrelenting, not heavy but persistent.

Eleni held me close while the umbrella protected her more than me. As we strolled, she kept fondling my crotch when people weren't looking, but the precinct was heaving with people. I was doubtful of finding any place to play safely in public. I wanted to; Eleni wanted to, but I would prefer an indoor location.

I also noticed that the cocktails had had an appreciable impairing impact on our respective judgements. However, I was very much still operating on the side of caution. We crossed the road and entered the Nurses Walk. There were several promising alcoves and darkened areas, but then there was the ubiquitous presence of CCTV. We stopped several times for some furious and passionate kissing. Again, Eleni begged to be fingered, but I resisted for fear of being caught.

Finding no sanctuary, we left The Rocks. We walked up Pitt Street toward Martin Place, where I was going to see Eleni safely on her train home when she suddenly started pulling me into a darkened laneway where the buildings on either side were under various stages of construction. The workers and machinery had long departed the scene, and several nooks provided partial cover from the teeming rain.

The small umbrella I carried only partially covered Eleni, and my shirt was soaked, but the early evening humidity kept me warm. The shoulders of Eleni's suit jacket were damp, but otherwise, she presented the outward appearance of being dry.

Her fuzzbox, on the other hand, was anything but. As soon as we found a suitable alcove, Eleni hitched up her skirt, leaned back against the wall and begged me to touch her. We kissed furiously, and Eleni roughly grabbed my hand and thrust it down her silky underwear.

Eleni was freshly shaven, and the gusset of her panties was positively dripping as my fingers probed her swollen lips before parting them and inserting two fingers in that sticky morass.

"Oh, fuck!" She gasped as I exercised my fingers.

Eleni unbuttoned her suit jacket and began undoing her blouse. She reached around and undid the clasp of her bra, freeing her b-cups.

"Will you suck on my boobs?" She panted.

I did not have to be asked twice. Eleni's nipples were pointy, taut, and sensitive to my tongue and lips.

"That's it," She encouraged, "Just like that, yeah."

In between digitally finger fucking Eleni's flooding hole, I tickled her clit, which sent her into paroxysms of pleasure, and I knew that she was close to coming. Without letting up, I continued stimulating Eleni's erogenous zones while acutely aware that my cock was pressing solidly against my trousers.

"Don't stop," She hissed as her body tensed, "Nearly there!"

Eleni threw her head back, her ringlets spilling over her neck, eyes lost in the back of her head. Suddenly, she let out a crescendo of groans as her body spasmed madly. I felt her cunt tighten around my sodden fingers, and her knees shudder.

Then she started laughing uncontrollably as I eased up. I looked at my fingers in the little light that remained. Eleni's pussy cream glistening and sparkled. I inserted them in my mouth and sucked them dry. Eleni tasted as sweet as honey as I drank down that nectar.

"Fuck, that was good!" After regaining some measure of composure, Eleni chuckled, "It's been a while."

"How long?"

"Too long," Eleni smiled, "Selfies don't count."

"No, that gets boring pretty quickly," I observed, wondering what the next move might be.

"I wouldn't mind feeling your tongue down there," Eleni said provocatively, "Would you mind?"

"Not at all," I replied before leaning in for another passionate kiss.

Eleni pulled down her panties and stuffed them and her bra into her bag. With her skirt hitched up and the blouse hanging loosely about her shoulders, Eleni was practically naked, her slender body resembling Venus.

Eleni spun around, bent forward and thrust her hips towards me as I sunk to my knees. Rivers of cream had dried on the inside of both thighs as I took in the musky aroma emanating from her funky box.

"Oh, yeah!" Eleni sighed as my tongue entered her pussy.

"Fuck, you taste amazing," I mumbled as the juice ran copiously down both sides of my face.

My tongue roamed freely all over Eleni's crotch, occasionally stabbing her sensitive pucker, much to her delight. I figured she would have an open mind regarding anal play, which would open lots of future possibilities.

As I continued applying my oral skills, Eleni's breathing deepened, and her sleek frame shook and shuddered. I loved probing the inside of both holes; Eleni did, too, given her exhortations and encouragement.

"Can I sit on your face?" Eleni asked, "Queening really gets me off."

"Sure," I replied, "I'd love that."

"Mm, I taste good, don't I?" Eleni smiled as she leaned down, kissed me, and licked my face.

I sat down in the alcove, resigned to the damage being done to my trousers. Arching my back and flicking my head back, Eleni straddled me and lowered her holes onto my waiting mouth. She rocked back and forth so that I tongued her clit, cunt and arsehole successively.

"I'm going to come soon," Eleni panted, "It might get wet."

"If you want to squirt," I panted, "Be my guest."

With that, I furiously unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it aside.


"Go for it," I encouraged, "Unleashed it on me."

For several minutes, Eleni continued rocking on my face while her orgasm built. When it hit, it hit like a shockwave. She shuddered above me and unleashed a torrent of sweet-tasting fluid over my chest, across my face and in my mouth. I attempted to swallow as much as possible, but I was overwhelmed. Eleni swore like a trooper as her body violently jerked. Her flow was as sudden as it was excessive. IT quickly subsided, and I was able to breathe again.

"Fuck, girl!" I laughed as Eleni stepped over me and slumped against the wall, "That was amazing!"

I stood up and took stock. My chest was drenched, and there were very obvious stains on my trousers that made it look like I had pissed myself. When buttoned up, my shirt absorbed Eleni's squirt, but I looked like I had jumped into the water at Circular Quay. Anyone who saw me would be in no doubt what had just taken place.